Shining Armor

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Shining Armor Page 14

by Halle Dean

  "This doesn't make sense." His voice was a low grumble. "Silence... That is not true." No one said or did anything but watch Warner as he spoke—presumably to himself. "I am not… I don't care… Five feet away and I can't—Dammit!" Everyone jumped in surprise as Warner shouted and kicked George. "This isn't fair… I hope you die fighting Barry."

  Warner's expression shifted from one of anger to one of immense relief. Before anyone else could move, he had stepped over George's body and approached Sophie. She yelped and struggled against her bonds, but he didn't back off. Lane and Melody leapt into action, dropping down into the hole. All Warner did was open the shackles and pull Sophie out of the chair. Lane had his sword pointed at Warner, but he faltered when Warner hugged Sophie tightly.

  "Warner?" Sophie gasped. "What are you doing?"

  "I can't take this anymore," he said. "You've nearly died twice and it's not yet midday."

  "You're back to normal Warner then?" Melody asked cautiously. Warner looked over at her, but didn't relinquish his hold on Sophie. He nodded. "How did you take over again? How did he take control in the first place?"

  Warner looked down at Sophie, who still seemed wary of him. He released her and stepped back, scratching the back of his head.

  "It wasn't purposeful," he said, seeming embarrassed. "Something made it too easy for him to take control. As for him relinquishing control, he gave in on his own. It's hard to explain."

  "What made it too easy for him to take control in the first place?" Lane asked. "Is it likely to happen again?"

  Warner looked down. "I'm not quite sure, as I wasn't expecting it," he said. "I believe it happened because his feelings matched up with mine at that moment. We both wished to get to George before he could kill Sophie. The fact that he cared that much caught me by surprise and he was able to take over."

  "He didn't wish for my death?" Sophie asked.

  "He didn't," Warner confirmed. "Now, of course, he insists that he didn't want George to kill you because he wished to do it himself. I don't think even he believes that." He looked at the ground. "He couldn't kill you a moment ago, despite being in control."

  "That happened before though," she said. "In the forest, he was in control, but he couldn't kill me."

  "That was different," said Warner. "He was only mostly in control. It's similar to a door. The time before, I had my foot in the door. This time, the door was closed. It's much harder to take control that way."

  "Did you have your foot in the door five years ago?" Melody asked. "Is that how you were able to keep from killing her then?"

  Warner shook his head. "No, the door was shut tight then," he said. "I was fighting very hard against it. It was a miracle I got through at all."

  "And this time?" Lane asked.

  Warner looked over at him. "This time, he opened the door for me," he said. "He is confused and doesn't know why he did so. But I know it's because he loves Sophie... Yes, it is..." he murmured to himself.

  Sophie was blushing and staring at her feet. "What shall we do now?" she asked.

  "We must think of a new plan," Lane said, sheathing his sword. "Wasn't George the one who could answer your questions?"

  "Barry can answer them as well," Warner said. "I must somehow capture him..."

  "At least we learned that Sophie's magic isn't causing problems," Melody said. "Because she passed the trial?"

  Warner nodded and looked down at Sophie again. "Are you all right?" he asked her. "He wasn't able to begin the final trial, was he?"

  Sophie shrugged and looked up. "I don't believe so," she said. "He promised that he would first allow me to say goodbye to you."

  "What exactly is the final trial?" Melody asked. "He simply kills her? How is that a trial?"

  "He said she may be disrupting the flow of magic," Warner said. "But all I know is that the final trial is used only when no other trials have shown what they want. If whatever was disrupting magic stopped when she died, they would know it was her."

  "What if it didn't stop and they had killed her for no reason?" Lane asked.

  "They don't care," Warner growled. "They don't value life the way they should. Their minds are more of a mess than mine is." He nudged George with his foot. George remained dead. "Well, Barry's is. George's isn't anything now."

  "You insolent brat!" Barry's voice yelled from above them. Everyone looked up to see Barry looking furious. "You will not get away with this!"

  Before anyone could make a move, the floor beneath them vanished. Melody expected to fall into another dark room, but was surprised to find herself outside. The others falling around her seemed just as shocked. A large building was above them, floating in the air and getting further away by the second. She looked down to see the ground far below them. Time seemed to slow as she came to the realization that they were all plummeting to their deaths.

  Twenty Three

  Layla and Petunia's

  James, you son of a bitch, Warner thought as he fell through the air. You had better have thought this through very well.

  Does he ever? other Warner asked.

  "Dammit," Warner groaned, looking around.

  He was trying to decide on the best plan to get out of the situation. All of a sudden, something large swooped underneath them and they all landed roughly on top of it. Warner skidded along the surface of the object and nearly flew right off the edge. A hand caught his wrist before he could fall again.

  "Sorry about that." James pulled him to his feet. "It was hard to catch all of you at once, so I aimed to get these three thinking you'd have an easier time surviving the fall."

  "I would not survive that," Warner said, irritated. "Why did you drop us out? And what is this thing we're standing on?"

  "I built it with magic!" James said proudly, spreading his arms out wide. "Isn't it amazing?"

  Warner examined the object, which was a large circle made of hammered metal. He was relieved to see Sophie, Melody, and Mason were sitting in the center of it. James was standing near the edge, next to a tall lever that he used to change directions. They were still soaring through the air, leaving the Magic Society's house behind. Warner glared at James, who still looked pleased with himself.

  It is fairly amazing, other Warner begrudgingly agreed. Managing human flight...

  "Take me back," Warner ordered. "Barry hasn't answered my questions."

  "He's not in a question-answering state of mind at the moment," James pointed out, fiddling with the lever. "I have some answers for you though. Which is why I thought it better to get you out of there. We must get to safety before I can tell you anything though. I must concentrate to keep us in the air."

  "Where are you taking us?" Warner asked.

  "Layla's Tavern, of course!" James grinned and Warner rolled his eyes.

  Oh, please no, other Warner begged.

  "Are you still tormenting her?" Warner asked.

  James put a hand over his heart, looking over-dramatically offended. "Tormenting?" he repeated. "I am simply wooing her."

  "You are simply strange," Warner mumbled.

  Sophie giggled a little and he couldn't help but relax at the sound. He smiled over at her. She looked nervous about being so high up and she was shivering at the cold wind, so he sat down next to her. He was tired of not being with her, so, as long as she wasn't objecting, he was going to be as close to her as he wished. She smiled up at him as he put his arm around her to shield her from the cold.

  "Soooooo," James said after a moment, looking down at Warner and Sophie. "I suppose you forgave him for… all that?"

  Warner removed his arm from around Sophie and looked down. Why did James have to open his mouth?

  We should kill him, other Warner sighed.

  Stop saying that, Warner inwardly grumbled.

  "I… yes," Sophie said slowly.

  "Yes?" Warner repeated, looking up in surprise.

  "I…" Sophie paused for a moment. "Yes." Warner looked up in surprise but she shrugged. "Well, I don't
know for sure," she continued. "I'm very confused about you, but I cannot blame you for what happened. I don't care if you think that other Warner is you. I don't think he is. Perhaps I don't forgive him for what he did, but I still lov—"

  She stopped short, her face turning a brilliant shade of red. She glanced up at Warner, but quickly looked away. His heart was beating very fast and he was frozen to the spot.

  That's not fair... other Warner complained.

  "Sophie," Warner said, keeping his voice low. She glanced up at him again. "You don't have to say it if you don't wish to. But, if it's true, I'm glad to know it."

  It's not true, other Warner insisted. It cannot be true. She should be afraid. She cannot want to be with you. That isn't fair. What about me? Isn't she still scared?

  Quiet! Warner demanded. This is not your moment. It's mine.

  "I…" Sophie looked down as everyone watched her. "I feel… strange." Warner was confused by her choice of words, until she slumped over. "Can't move," she mumbled, eyes fluttering shut.

  "Sophie!" Warner lifted her limp form and shook her gently. "What's wrong? Sophie? Are you all right? Soph, please." She didn't respond, so Warner looked to James. "Are we nearly there?"

  "I've already begun our descent."

  "Do you know what's wrong with her?" Mason asked.

  James nodded, but didn't speak.

  "Will she be all right?" Warner asked. James hesitated. "James!"

  "I don't know!" he responded. "I'm sorry, but I don't know."

  "What do you know?" Warner demanded.

  James sighed. "The trial George did takes a sample of magic energy, but she had none left. He had to draw it out, which used up her life force. I'm honestly surprised she didn't collapse earlier."

  Warner looked down at Sophie and held her closer. She was breathing and her heart was still beating, albeit faintly, but her skin was ice cold.

  "How much of her life did it use?" Mason asked. "Does this mean she won't live as long as she would have?"

  "No," Warner answered. "It doesn't take years away from her lifetime. It takes her physical energy—what keeps her alive."

  "How does she get it back?" Melody asked. "Will rest help?"

  James shook his head. "Sleeping uses less energy, but it isn't going to bring her life force back."

  "How does she get it back?" Melody asked again.

  James shrugged helplessly. "There may not be a way. It was used up in the trial. It no longer exists."

  Use ours, other Warner suggested

  You mean mine? Warner scoffed. That way you can take over when I'm dead?

  I didn't say to use all of it, other Warner huffed. She doesn't need much to function properly again. Then we can find someone else's life force to give to her. James, for example.

  We will not kill James, Warner said. Other Warner grumbled, but Warner ignored him and continued to think. Perhaps when we find Barry again... "She will live," Warner said aloud. "Hurry to Layla's and I can fix this."

  "Warner," Melody said. "What are you planning?"

  "If I tell you, you may try to stop me," he said. "Trust me. It will be all right."

  * * *

  Layla seemed less surprised than Warner thought she would be when they landed in front of her tavern. He wondered how often James had come to visit her since the last time he had been in town. He didn't have time to think about that though. He was preoccupied with saving Sophie. Layla held the door open so Warner could carry Sophie inside.

  "Is this Sophie Cameron?" Layla asked, a mix of shock, awe, and giddiness in her voice.

  "Yes," Warner said. "May we use a room? I need to lay her down."

  Layla gestured to the door that led to Petunia's Inn, which was connected to the tavern. Warner hurried through, ignoring the stares of the other customers. He burst into the first unlocked room he found. Layla, Mason, and Melody tried to follow him, but James halted them at the door. Warner realized that James must know what he was planning.

  "What is going on?" Layla asked.

  "Nothing much, beautiful," James said. "Only saving the princess' life."

  "What is he doing?" Melody asked. "Why did he say that I'd try to stop him?"

  "Because he may die." James shrugged. "But it will be all right. I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

  Warner shot James a reproachful look before glancing at Melody. She glared at him and tried to step past James. He blocked her path and she turned her anger on him.

  "Who do you think you are?"

  "James Paisley." He waved his hand and Melody was held back by a trap spell. "Personal guard for Warner at this moment in time." He looked over his shoulder at Warner. "But most likely never again—just to be clear."

  "Thank you." Warner kicked the door closed, ignoring Melody's shouts after him. He laid Sophie on the bed and brushed her hair out of her face. "Sophie, do me a favor and survive."

  Or don't, other Warner added. Either works.

  "I can feel what you feel," Warner mumbled. "Don't act as though you aren't worried."

  You're imposing your own feelings on me.

  "Be quiet and allow me to focus."

  I hope you overdo it.

  Warner had never performed the life force transferring spell before. He had read about how it was done, but that had been years ago. He held his hands out over Sophie and prayed he wouldn't fail. He hoped he wasn't forgetting anything important in his haste. Taking a deep breath, he concentrated on finding the place his life force was stored.

  Finding his was easy, but Sophie's was very faint. It took much longer to find than he would have preferred. Her breathing and heart rate were growing weaker by the moment. Time was running out. He noticed his hands trembling.

  Stop panicking! other Warner scolded. The calmer you are, the better this will work.

  "Oh, are you being helpful now?" Warner said icily. "That's out of character."

  I'm simply telling you that you're being an idiot. Is that helpful?

  "Yes, actually," Warner said, willing his hands to stop shaking.

  Then I'll stop.

  "Oh, how I'll miss the sound of your voice."

  Shut your mouth and perform the spell. Finally he fell silent.

  Once Warner had a firm hold on both Sophie's life force and his own, the next step was to connect them. He had read that it was the hardest part of the process, but it seemed almost automatic. He wondered if he was doing it wrong, but could feel her heartbeat mingling with his own. At once, his life force flowed freely to her, as if connecting the two had released a dam between them.

  He fell to his knees at the sudden loss of energy, but managed to remain upright and—more importantly—conscious. He cut the connection between them and doubled over to catch his breath. He took several deep breaths and tried to assess the situation. He thought he'd probably given up about a third of what he had. Losing much more would have caused problems, but he wasn't sure if it had been enough to help Sophie.

  Wonderful, other Warner's cynical voice came. You almost killed yourself.

  I appreciate your concern, Warner thought.

  Maybe next time.

  Warner ignored the comment and asked, "How long do you think it will be before she wakes up?"

  Do you think I care? other Warner asked.

  Yes, Warner thought. I know you do.

  Well… other Warner mumbled, caught off guard. She should come around soon... I doubt she needed much to stabilize her, and you gave her quite a lot.

  As if on cue, Sophie began to stir. She groaned, a look of discomfort scrunching up her features. Warner was so relieved he almost felt like he could cry, but he was too focused on making sure Sophie was all right. She opened her eyes, squinting at the faint light in the room.

  "Where am I?"

  "Safe," Warner breathed, placing his hand on her cheek. She felt much warmer than before and she looked less pale. She leaned her face into his hand and sighed. "I need you to do me a favor and stop nearly dying," he said,
tucking her hair behind her ear.

  That would make your life easier, other Warner agreed.

  "What happened?" she asked. "Where are we?"

  "We're at an inn owned by a friend of mine," he told her. "You collapsed on James' flying thing and we brought you here so I could restore some of your life force."

  "Life force?" she repeated.

  Warner nodded and helped her as she tried to sit up. "George stole your life force during the trial and I had to give you some of mine."

  She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "You used your life force up?"

  "Of course," he said, not understanding her expression. "You should be all—" He was cut off by her palm hitting his cheek with a loud 'smack'. He stared at her in shock. "What—"

  "How dare you!"

  That was unexpected. Other Warner was amused.

  "Out of all the things I've ever done, I didn't think saving your life would be what caused you to strike me." Warner grumbled and rubbed his cheek.

  "You are hereby forbidden from using up any more of your life force," she said, crossing her arms.

  Other Warner scoffed as Warner raised his eyebrows. "You can't forbid me—"

  "I can and will," she interrupted, using both hands to shove him backward. "What should I have done if I woke up to find you dead?"

  Warner got to his feet. "I… but… Sophie—"

  "Don't 'Sophie' me!" she said, pounding her fists against his chest.

  "I couldn't let you die!" he said.

  "Next time, you will," she said, hitting him again. "I don't care how badly I need more life force; you will not give me yours."

  "Oh, yes, I will," he argued, grabbing her wrists so she couldn't attack him anymore. "And you can't stop me."

  "I'll stop you then!" Melody exclaimed, bursting through the door. "What makes you think you can do something so stupid?"


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