THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

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THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2) Page 4

by John Price

  “Some will object to our resignation, though it’s obviously our personal right to decide how long we will serve, how long we will continue to fight. Staying on and continuing to fight the battle to maintain what’s left of the American system of checks and balances has only an extremely limited appeal, for the reasons we’ve just stated. Further, for those who would urge us to stay on and fight the culture war, we would conclude that the culture war is over. The recent election confirmed the end of that war, and by this we don’t mean only the re-election of the nation’s historically most politically extreme President. American voters also, by the hundreds of thousands, cast their votes for same sex marriage, as I warned several years ago would occur, voted for the use of previously illegal drugs and in one of the nation’s largest states refused to bar the use of public funds for abortions. It’s over, our fellow Americans. Forty years of aborted Americans, over fifty-seven million of them, is stark proof that the nation will not and never will change this cruel and unusual punishment of the unborn. Again, the American culture war has been lost, and a majority of Americans have made the decision as to the winning side.”

  The assembled media, most of whom were themselves liberal and who favored abortion, same sex marriage and the legalization of drugs, were clearly not sympathetic to the words they were hearing. However, it was just as obvious from the spreading smiles across the mass of reporters that they were slowly realizing the enormity of what was just said. Their side had, in fact, won. Finally, the white flag of surrender had been waved by none other than two of the nation’s leading right wing jurists. What a day, what a story to report, many concluded.

  The next day the New York Times published an editorial urging the President to nominate self-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender lawyers to all three vacancies on the Court, as a “sure sign that this White House will do whatever it takes to make up for years of bigoted discrimination against our LGBT brothers and sisters.” The Majority Leader of the U. S. Senate responded to the editorial suggestion by promising to “swiftly confirm whomever the President deems fit to serve on the Supreme Court, particularly if the three nominees are all LGBT. It’s time.”


  Dallas, Texas

  Jack Madison’s church followed the southern tradition of a Wednesday night meal and church service. A few years back Jack had suggested that the Wednesday night service be divided between the men and women, with a Bible study course for each, to encourage attendance. His suggestion worked as double the number of Wednesday night attendees showed up for food and scripture. Jack liked to teach the men, when he was in town, and Debbie normally led the women’s study. Tonight’s meal was chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and brownie alamode, routinely the most popular meal.

  After dinner, Jack went to the men’s half of the sanctuary that was walled off with movable partitions. As he picked up his Bible and his notes he realized that there was the distinct possibility that this men’s Bible study could be his last for some time, particularly if the courts treat him the same way the feds abused his dad, keeping him in prison, without the benefit of habeas corpus or bail. He planned to teach tonight on facing the Goliaths of life, as it fit well into their study of the life of David. He had written at the end of his notes that he would tell the men that he and Chuck Webster, his lawyer, would be appearing in federal court the next morning and ask for their prayers. He never got a chance to do so.

  As Jack approached the small lectern used for the men’s study he looked up with surprise to see the back doors of the room fly open. Several persons wearing vests with large yellow letters proclaiming Federal Marshal burst into the room, walking quickly, almost at a trot, to get to the front of the room, where Jack stood. None of what Jack was seeing made any sense to him, in light of what he’d been told Monday morning by visiting federal agents. What were these people doing in his church? More than that, why were they armed? Why show their weapons in this peaceful setting?

  Before Jack could say or do anything he was surrounded by the Marshals, two of whom grabbed his arms, turning them behind his back, then they flexi-cuffed him. The Marshal who appeared to be in charge began to re-read Jack his Miranda rights, which also happened on Monday morning. Jack swallowed, gained his voice and said, “Wait, I’ve already been Mirandized….and….we had an understanding that I would show up tomorrow morning….at the federal court house. What’s this all about? Can’t the government keep its word?” Several of the men, the ones seated closest to the front of the room, stood and walked towards their Pastor, with obvious concern on their faces for his well-being.

  The Marshals, upon seeing the men approaching, stepped in front of Jack, holding up their hands and forcefully saying, “Stop….right there….stop….this is none of your business.”

  The largest man in the room, a former NFL player who had been saved in Jack’s church, didn’t heed the Marshal’s warnings, pushing himself up against the lead Marshal who had Mirandized his pastor. He looked down on the Marshal and said, “I want to know what you think you’re doing in our church to our pastor?”

  The outsized Marshal, intimidated by the bulk of the man pressing on his officially vested chest, tried to level the field by pulling a revolver from his hip holster and sticking it up in the former football player’s face, saying, “Get back….get back now….or I WILL have to shoot you….you are interfering with official U.S. Marshal government business.”

  Jack quickly shouted to his defender, “Mike, stand back, I’m fine….don’t get yourself shot….this will all work out….please sit down, before you get yourself in trouble….please.”

  Mike hesitated, realized that he was in over his head, stepped back and started to return to his seat. As he did, the lead Marshal motioned to two of his men to cuff him also. The Marshal decided he wasn’t about to be intimidated and that he would swear out a warrant against Jack’s unrequested defender for interfering with a lawful arrest. The Marshals then quickly walked both out of the sanctuary, through the front entry vestibule and out into the main parking lot, where they were met by five television crews, newspaper photographers and radio reporters. Jack Madison’s perp walk had begun.


  Offices of Congressman Adam Nation

  “Sheila, you can send in our next visitor. What’s his name again?....G….A….Anonymous? What? Who is this person? Why am I scheduled for….Oh….Congressman Billington sent him to see me? Okay. Bring him in.”

  The tall, lanky visitor to Congressman Nation’s office strode in, his hand thrust forward to shake the Congressman’s hand. “Thank you, Congressman for seeing me. I know it’s a bit unusual to withhold one’s name….security being what it is around here.”

  “Sir, except for your being vouched for by my fellow Tea Party colleague, Congressman Billington, you wouldn’t be here. You’re right about security in this building. So why, may I ask, won’t you use your name for this visit?”

  “Congressman, I’ve grown accustomed to living. I’d like to continue doing so. If I told you or anyone in government my real name, then sir I would be inviting either a dropped-in drone, or alternatively, a free pass to a FEMA camp.”

  “Now come on, Mr. Anonymous, I guess I will call you, don’t be so melodramatic. Those things are internet legends. Things aren’t as bad, yet, as you’re implying.”

  “Really? Can you tell me, Congressman, why the Department of Homeland Security has ordered over a billion, six hundred million rounds of ammunition? Hollow point? Not the Pentagon, but the DHS. Why? And for what purpose?”

  “Look, I can’t explain that, I’ve spoken on the subject, as you probably know, but you didn’t ask to see me to talk about bullets. What can I do for you, sir?”

  “Congressman. I used to work for the CIA. I’m here because I’ve written a document that you will soon be hearing a lot about, and I wanted to let you know about the document before it goes public. You’re a hero to those of us who still value the Constitution and who
want to see the country saved from destruction. This is a heads up meeting.”

  “A document? What kind of document?”

  “Instead of trying to explain it, sir, I’ve brought you a copy. I thought as a leader of the Tea Party in Congress you should read this before it goes viral across the country, with all of the fallout that will happen after that.”

  “This sounds ominous, sir. Can you just let me see it?”

  “Yes, Congressman, here’s your copy. As you can see, the title is AMERICA’S COMMUNIST TAKEOVER.”

  “Sir, it’s only about, let’s see, it’s only about six pages. Do you mind if I take a minute and read it now?”

  “Certainly, Congressman. Please do so.”

  Congressman Nation leaned back in his leather chair and began to read.


  How a Handful of Marxists

  Grabbed America’s Government

  And How We’re Going to Take it Back

  By G. A. Anonymous

  “The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident

  which everybody has decided not to see.” (Ayn Rand)

  I know this would have sounded totally bizarre a few a years ago. But, here we are. You can’t deny the facts. You can hide the facts, which is what the mainstream media has done for the last several years, but eventually, as the Bible says, “all secrets will be revealed”. This is a brief disclosure of what really happened, and more importantly, what we’re going to do about it. You may have noticed that there’s no name of an author anywhere on this document. That’s for the obvious reason that I prefer to keep on living for a while, that is, as long as I am able.

  1. How They Did It – America’s Educational Establishment

  I was recruited by the CIA in the early 60’s. I was approached because of my campus activities. I sponsored a speech at our college by William Buckley. Plus, I had a hot typewriter churning out articles attacking the Marxist professors on our campus. I knew something about Marxism. The CIA put me on retainer on the agreement that I would change my name and background upon my graduation and become an associate professor at a university on the opposite side of the country, where I wasn’t known. My job was to appear to be a Communist in my classes and among the faculty. I was supposed to just follow the party line and produce regular reports on which professors were Marxists and what they were saying on campus. When the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union disintegrated my job was terminated by the CIA geniuses at Langley. I moved on and became an author and publisher. My superiors foolishly thought, like most Americans, that Marxism was finished. Communism was so yesterday. Well, as it turns out, we were wrong

  The Marxists carefully and cleverly took over America’s universities. Here’s how they did it. In the 1920’s America’s liberal intellectuals spent most of their time debating socialism and various cultural issues. But when America’s banks were closed on March 4, 1933, they turned from what they hoped would be gradual socialization of the country. Instead, under the leadership of Edmund Wilson and The New Republic, they were moved to become a militant minority. Many decided to “take Communism from the Communists”. Leading liberal writers wrote admiringly of “the Russian experiment”, being persuaded that the Soviets had created a viable economic model leading to equal distribution of financial assets among the people. Thus, American intellectuals in the 30’s decided to bypass Norman Thomas and his American socialist movement and go directly to Karl Marx. They began to spread their views among their peers, many of whom were professors at America’s colleges and universities. In the 50’s Harvard University became known as “The Little Red School House on the Charles River”.

  Thus the foundation was laid for America’s radical 60’s. Anti-Vietnam War protestors wrecked the 1968 Democrat Convention in Chicago and filled the streets with students opposed to the war. We now know that the Soviets funded a KGB Colonel to foment these protestors and pay for their anti-war efforts. No one, outside of Moscow that is, knew about this at the time. Because America had a compulsory draft the students who didn’t want to be drafted (“Hell No, We Won’t Go”) soon learned that the best way to avoid the draft was to either enroll in college or stay in school, and especially to get good enough grades to be in the upper half of students. Draft-dodging students soon learned which classes and which professors were best for high grades. As Dr. Edward Glick of Temple University has written, Marxist professors lost no time in making sure that like-minded students were awarded high grades, ensuring they wouldn’t go to war for their country. The high grades also led to many of these students going on for advanced degrees, and ultimately, for many, to instructor and professorship positions in America’s universities. Dr. Fred Schwartz observed that “America’s colleges and universities are the nurseries of Communism”.

  In the decades of the 70s, the 80s, the 90’s and into this century, America’s institutions of higher learning have churned out millions of graduates exposed to Marxist doctrine in their classrooms. US News and World Report at the turn of this century found that “up to 90% of professors in some Midwestern universities are Marxists”, concluding that “strides made by Marxism at American universities in the last two decades is breath-taking”, counting over 10,000 self-avowed Marxist professors across the nation. In 1987 Duke University, for example, conducted a Marxist Scholars Conference and went out of its way to pay high salaries to Marxist scholars to come teach at Duke.

  Does that mean that every graduate of our colleges and universities is a Marxist? Of course not. Many students vocally opposed Marxist indoctrination, as did I, though in most cases they were rewarded with lower grades, as was I. What did happen, though, is that millions of Americans were carefully taught anti-American and anti-capitalist doctrine. The polling and voting results of the elections in the last 30 years confirms how the thinking of Americans has shifted, increasingly more to the left than to the right.

  If you are a conservative, or a Republican, or a Christian, the dawning realization that your country has been taken over at the top by Commie Hippies and their Marxist pals should cause you to get really angry, maybe even depressed. For decades we all worked to help elect solid people to public office, like Ronald Reagan, and it occasionally worked. But, now, we have demonstrable evidence that the country has fallen into the hands of conspirators who planned the takeover and then made it happen. The Communists who hid behind the Berlin Wall may be gone, but our colleges and universities have insured that Communists are in control of the power centers of America. Read on.

  2. How They Did It – America’s Media/Entertainment Establishment

  Once students who were obviously pro-Marxist in their views were identified, their Marxist professors guided them into their future careers. Some for public service in elected and appointed offices, some for theological training in liberal seminaries, some to companies that would be friendly to promoting them into corporate leadership, some for journalism jobs reporting the news to the nation, others to Broadway and Hollywood. How many Hollywood movie stars are blatantly, unabashedly left of center or even declared Marxists? Did that just happen, or was it the result of other Marxists insuring that young actors would only be hired and star in movies if they had the “correct” Marxist beliefs? The goal of America’s university Marxists was to move Marxist students into careers where they could shape America’s future in the centers of power. If 80-90% of America’s media and entertainment reporters/stars belonged to say, the Mormon Church, or were members of the same fraternity or sorority, the world would ask how that could possibly happen, unless it were orchestrated to happen by others? Marxists have done a masterful, well-organized job of recruiting and promoting their fellow Marxists. Why? For the purpose of a takeover of America from the inside.

  America’s journalism schools were stocked with Marxist instructors and professors who carefully guided their students to be “change agents” for America. They were instructed that if they wanted to have a ‘positive effect’ o
n their nation, they should report and shape the news in their future journalistic careers to move the nation towards liberal (“Marxist”) goals. How else can the fawning liberal mainstream media establishment be explained? There is no way that so many in the nation’s centers of media could think alike and report alike except that they were trained and educated alike. The Media Research Center found that 81 percent of America’s journalists voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election between 1964 and 1976. In 1972, 81% voted for liberal George McGovern. In 1976, 81% voted for liberal Jimmy Carter. Rothman and Lichter asked journalists to say if the other journalists they worked with were right of center, only 8% were said to be in that category, a margin of twelve to one. Similar voting studies showed heavy media voting margins for former Presidents Clinton and Obama.

  The fact that America’s mainstream media is liberal will come as no surprise to anyone paying attention. What has been truly amazing, though, has been the almost total lack of background investigation and reporting into the prior life of the current President. It’s a Takeover. There has been a conspiracy to takeover America. If the President was a Republican, a conservative or an evangelical, does any person think we would not know about his birth, his upbringing, his grades in school, his prior writings, his links to political radicals and who mentored him to believe what he believes today? What we know about the occupant of the Oval Office is almost nothing. Nada. Zilch. How could that happen unless Marxists in the media worked together to protect the candidate seeking election as President, who was also a Marxist? How else can it be explained? But, how do we know that the President is a Marxist?


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