THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

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THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2) Page 12

by John Price

  Director Mortman’s secretary received one such call from Vivian Higgins while her boss was in a staff meeting. She quickly entered his office, without knocking, walked to his side and whispered that the White House was on line one. Director Mortman abruptly excused his staff, his secretary shooing the employees out of his office.

  Once he was alone, Director Mortman picked up his phone sayin, “Yes, Vivian, what can I do for you, my dear?”

  “Morty, we got a problem. The Man wants us to be fully staffed up, armed and ready by next week. The dollar will be devalued soon. I’m not at liberty to give you the date, but believe me it’s soon. Everyone expects that the crazies, the ‘rads’, the ‘wingers’, will all be out in the streets within a very short time after that. I know your guys are armed….well-armed….with all the ammo DHS bought. The Man just wants to be sure that you’re all set when the stuff hits the fan.”

  “I get it, Vivian, we’re totally ready. But, you started this conversation by saying that we had a problem. What’s the problem? We’re finally going to be able to do what we were established to do – clean up the trash - remove the haters – the anti-government hotheads and fundamentally transform America, as promised.”

  “Look, Morty, I know I can share with you what’s going on here. That’s why I called. Without getting into too much detail….come to think of it….you’ve probably already heard up there at the DHS offices about the….well….you know….the….uh….future unpleasantness. As our mutual friend stated it at a late night meeting here recently, it takes two to have a gunfight. There’s no problem if you’re ready.”

  “Believe me, Vivian, we’ve never been so ready. Just remember the magic number….one point six billion….that’s all you need to know.”


  The Government

  Of the

  United States

  Goes to War

  Against Americans


  Dunwoody, Georgia

  Jim Farley couldn’t believe his own eyes. The Honda Civic that he had driven for the last two plus years was missing. It was there last night when he drove it home from work. He always parked it in the same spot in the driveway of the Farleys’ home in Dunwoody, a suburb of Atlanta. Jim really liked his Civic, washing it himself almost every week. He had not just one, but two Christian fish decals, on both sides of the car’s license plate. Jim was happy to proclaim to the world that he was a Christian. He was well aware that how he drove his car reflected on his faith proclaimed on the tail end of his Honda.

  As an elder of his evangelical church Jim’s next thought was that he needed to calm down, pray and turn the missing car problem over to the Lord. As soon as he did, he immediately felt that everything would be okay. His car would either be recovered from whoever stole it from his driveway or, at the least; he would recover most of its value from his insurance company. He knew he would need to report its loss to his insurance company and then call their family attorney, who was also an elder at their church in Dunwoody. He’d heard that an owner could take a bath on the market value of a car if it was totaled or stolen. He concluded that he could lose a grand or two replacing his little Civic. But, it’ll work out, the Lord knew this would happen, and He’s not worried about, so I won’t either he thought as he pulled out his cell phone to start making calls about his missing Civic.

  What Jim Farley did not know, nor could he, since there is no national database of stolen vehicles updated daily, was that his stolen Civic was one of six motor vehicles stolen across the country, all on the same night. Each was stolen from the suburbs of a major American city. Five cars were owned by evangelical Christians, active in their local Christian church. The sixth belonged to a Tea Party activist. Each was taken to either a facility of the federal government or a front company which was owned by an agency of the federal government.

  Each motor vehicle was outfitted with a bomb. Four were made of C-4 plastic explosive, used by terrorists on the USS Cole. The C-4 used was made by different manufacturers. Two were provided with bundles of dynamite with simple timers. Two were minivans, with the seats removed in each. In both vans drums of fertilizer and kerosene were installed. Like the C-4 bombs the vans were hooked to a cell phone ignition device. Within two days the installation of the bombs in the motor vehicles owned by a Tea Party leader and five active evangelical Christians had been accomplished. Encrypted messages were sent to a designated e-file at the DHS headquarters in DC, accessible only by Carl Goren. Upon receipt of the sixth notification Goren cryptically e-mailed the Secretary of DHS that “the winds are blowing”.


  Faith and Freedom Christian School

  Joplin, Missouri

  Faith and Freedom Christian School was founded thirty years ago by Christian parents who wanted to provide a faith based education for their children. It started in the basement of a church in Joplin with twelve students of varying ages. Today the school has a five building campus and an enrollment in excess of twelve hundred, in kindergarten through high school. Solo Biblica is the phrase on the school crest and is the guiding principle of its staff.

  Thus, it was a difficult day when the CCC Conservator in charge of the State of Missouri appeared at the school with a written demand. The school’s headmaster, Adam Weaver, was himself a graduate of Faith and Freedom, having been one of the schools’ first twelve students. When Headmaster Weaver was told that a CCC official was in the reception area he had a bad feeling that this was not a friendly visit.

  The CCC State Director was ushered into the Headmaster’s office. After an initial handshake the Headmaster asked the Director, “What can I do for you, sir?”

  “Well, let’s start with this. You can bring your school into compliance with the laws of the United States.”

  “Excuse me….We comply with all laws, of the United States, the State of Missouri, the City of Joplin, all those thousands of laws. We believe in obeying the law, and that’s what we do. What specific laws are you….”

  “Let’s not play games, shall we? You know very well that three weeks ago this school denied an application for admission for a fifth grader whose parents are Steve and Frank Schiller. Your only basis for the denial of the application is that the parents are a gay married couple. Now do you know which law I’m talking about?”

  “No, sir, actually, I don’t. I recall the application, of course. Our full board of directors discussed the admission request and denied it unanimously as inconsistent with our Biblical views. The Bible mentions homosexuality seven times, all negatively. This is a matter of faith for this school. This is a private school, as I’m sure you know.”

  “Private….schmivate. That’s irrelevant. When the United States Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage is a right located somewhere in the United States Constitution that settled the matter for everybody, including religious people. Even if the Court had not made such a ruling, the President’s Executive Order covers the subject. His Executive Order also revokes the tax exempt status of any religious school that refuses to admit students based on some spurious argument from the Bible. In case you haven’t figured it out, Weaver, this school is subject to the laws of the United States.”

  “There’s no reason for sarcasm. We abide by the law. Again, specifically what law prohibits this private Christian school from applying its strongly-held Biblical beliefs to its admission policies? Cite me the law passed by Congress. The law….that’s all I’m asking.”

  “You know, some people think they’re special because they wave their Bibles around. I used to go to church, as a kid, but my pastor kept preaching against my lifestyle choices, so I stopped going. Haven’t been back since. My husband and me, we’re in love, which you Bible bigots will never understand. I don’t care what you say that book says, I’m here to enforce the law.”

  “I’m sorry that you had a bad church experience, but I’m going to ask, with respect, sir, for the third time. What law did we violate by following our Biblical belief

  “I knew you wouldn’t get it, so I requested a warrant ahead of time. Two warrants, actually. The first one I’m serving on you as State Director of the CCC, under the authority of the DHS. This warrant is for all of your admission records since the school started and….”

  “Thirty years of records? I can’t belie….”

  “Wait Weaver, I’m not done. The warrant also allows us to take and examine all of your other records, paper records and digital records on your computers; academic, business, sports, suppliers, everything. Our trucks are waiting outside. We have twenty of our best Conservators ready to box up your records and computers and transport them to our warehouse for examination.”

  “You can’t do that. Without our records and especially without our computers we’d be….we’d be out of business. We couldn’t run our school.”

  “Tough. You should have thought about that before your board voted to deny admission based on Bible bigotry. My second warrant is for you, Headmaster Weaver.”

  “What? You’re arresting me? For what? I can’t….”

  “No, not just you. The warrant is for all of the members of your board. Bigotry runs deep at this school, it seems, so my warrant is written to allow me to arrest anyone I choose. Any Bible bigot I come across. I’ll need a list of the names and addresses of those board members. Now.”

  “You’ll have to arrest me, sir, because I’m not complying with what is obviously an illegal and unconstitutional order. I will never agr….”

  “Fine, Weaver, fine. Stand up to be cuffed. I expected this kind of anti-government reaction. What you guys in so-called Christian education don’t get….yet….is that within days you’re all going to be shut down. We’re told from the top that there’s a federal judge in Philadelphia who’s about to enter an order holding that any so-called Christian or religious school in the country that uses the Bible for teaching will be out of business. Done. Closed.

  “There’s no right, Weaver, to teach hate to young Americans. You need to know that the future of America is One Nation. One President. One School. And don’t even think about home schooling to get around the order or to try to avoid the Supreme Court’s new law on marriage. Home schooling using the Bible will be a felony. We’re done messing with you Bible thumpers. Got it, Weaver?”


  Richard B. Russell Federal Building

  75 Spring Street, Atlanta, Georgia

  Jim Farley drove to work in downtown Atlanta in the rental car provided to him by his insurance company, as his stolen Civic had not yet been located. He had hoped that it would be quickly located somewhere near his house, maybe taken by a teen looking for a joy ride. But, alas, with no Civic being located, Jim was now convinced that he would have to replace it. His agent gave him a week to use the rental while he looked for a replacement vehicle. Jim was the co-owner of the Mitchell Street Deli, down the block from the twenty-five story Richard B. Russell Federal Building, named for Georgia’s famed U.S. Senator, whose name also graces one of the three U. S. Senate office buildings on Capitol Hill. Jim’s deli’s specialty was corned beef on rye sandwiches slathered with his secret recipe for German deli mustard.

  Noon was always the high point of business in the work week for the Mitchell Street Deli, as workers in adjoining office buildings packed the deli, most consuming its specialty. Federal employees from the nearby Russell building were a routine source of business for Jim’s restaurant. Jim knew many of the federal law enforcement agents by their face, as regular customers, and some by name. Jim didn’t notice it, but today there were no federal law enforcement agents to be seen in the deli. Jim usually worked the line at the deli, cutting corned beef or assembling sandwiches, putting an owner’s face on the service for his many customers. Today was no exception. As Jim reached for the large mustard spoon he was knocked off his feet, mustard flying, along with flying shards of glass from the front window. He reached up to grab the counter above him to stand, noticing as he did so that there was splattered blood on the remaining unbroken glass on the front of his deli counter. Jim had served in the military so he knew that what had just happened was a bomb. His next thought was why would anybody bomb a deli?

  Making his way to the front of deli, he helped customers who had been knocked to the floor to their feet, while calling 911 on his cell. Jim finally was able to make his way to the front door, the glass of which had been blown away. He stepped through the shard-fringed door out onto the sidewalk. That’s when he saw it. The bottom several floors on the southeast corner of the federal building had been blown away. Debris was still swirling in the air around the damaged building, as paper, plastic pieces and concrete dust filled the corner at Spring and Mitchell Street.

  Jim quickly saw that there were bleeding bodies on the sidewalks, with what appeared to be a body or two hanging from the shattered, open gaping floors of the federal building. He immediately thought of what had happened at Oklahoma City. What a horrible thing for someone to do, he thought, as he leaned down to see if he could help an elderly woman at his feet in front of the deli who was bleeding from her forehead and moaning. As Jim did what he could for the victims of the blast, he could not have known that before the day was over he would be arrested and publicly charged with various criminal acts, including the bombing of the Richard B. Russell Federal Building. The indictment would accuse James B. Farley of secreting an explosive device in his Honda Civic and then remotely igniting the bomb.

  One person who would not be indicted was Fred Hectorski. Fred was shot dead at about the same time that the car bomb exploded by security guards in his local federal building, the building he had been sent to by Jim, his federally paid drug source. Hopped up on psychoactive drugs Fred tried to get his weapons out of the cello case provided by Jim, but he was cut down before he could use them. Fred’s picture was immediately made available to mainstream media, along with a document showing that he had been a deacon at a local evangelical church. The fact that he was no longer a deacon or attended the church was not part of the information provided by the DHS. His ownership of a motor vehicle which had been detonated outside the building where Fred was shot was the featured lead on most news stories. The New York Times headlined the article:


  Evangelical Activist Used Firearms in Assault

  Several Similar Car Bombings Across America

  Within hours of the detonation of car bombs in six U.S. cities DHS and CCC swat teams sprang into action. The nation’s seventy two DHS-led Fusion Centers were prepared with up to date lists of red list activists. Previously identified leaders of suspect anti-government groups were located and arrested. The groups’ leaders were on a red list assembled by the DHS over the last six years and included gun rights, veterans, pro-life, conservative, Tea Party, patriot, Constitutionalists, militia and similar groups and associations, which had previously been labeled by the DHS as potential “domestic terrorists”.

  The SWAT teams were well-briefed, well-armed and well-armored as they arrived at their designated arrest sites in armored vehicles. When red list designated leaders were located by the SWAT team, usually in their offices or homes, the SWAT teams flexicuffed them placing them in their armored vehicles. DHS earlier obtained an interpretation from DOJ that the arrestees were ‘enemy combatants’ and thus had no legal right to be given their Miranda rights. The DHS and CCC SWAT teams were sent out across the country as soon as the smoke cleared on the bombings, to eight hundred and fifty locations. It was estimated that by day’s end over two thousand seven hundred “domestic terrorists/enemy combatants”, a/k/a American political activists, had been arrested and involuntarily transported to FEMA re-education camps.


  Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. International Terminal

  Atlanta, Georgia

  Their flight hadn’t been called yet. John and Debbie Madison were on edge. They both were quite well aware that John was on several enemies list in DC. His withdrawal as
a candidate for Governor of Texas, after he was convinced that he wouldn’t live through the experience, did nothing, they believed, to prevent his being targeted by the administration. The car bombings, which seemed to be all the mainstream media were covering, were being tied to religious and conservative Americans who supposedly owned the cars used in the bombings. America was becoming an unfriendly environment for people not favored by the federal government.

  John and Debbie had prayed about it extensively and finally concluded that they only had one viable choice. They would have to flee their country in order to avoid being terminated by the government of their own country. They had cried and prayed, and prayed and cried with Jack and Allie about their emerging decision to quietly leave the country. All four knew that their leaving the country was the only thing they could do. Debbie did not want to be separated from her grandchildren; a problem faced by virtually all grandmothers who ever left their country of residence. Jack was more than well aware of what he was facing in his upcoming trial for the hate crime of preaching the Biblical view of marriage, a decidedly non-PC thing to do. John and Debbie had offered to stay in the U.S. throughout Jack’s trial, to support their son and his family, but Jack would have none of it.

  Jack insisted that his parents get out of the country as soon as possible, though both were decidedly reluctant to do so. Jack was finally able to convince John and Debbie to flee by promising to send Allie and their children out of the U.S. to join his parents in a safe foreign location, at the right time. No one in either family was happy about what they knew they would have to do, but each understood the necessity for doing so. If Jack were to be exonerated, he could return to shepherding his church for a time. Then, at the best time, he would slip out of the country and join his family.


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