WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia

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WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia Page 14

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “We work at the new resort being built just north of the Narrows Bridge in Tacoma,” Abby filled in the blanks with a bright smile. “I’m in human resources and Cade is in training for the casino floor.”

  Bella quickly handed Sam a napkin when he began choking on something, very aware of the momentarily closed eyes of his friend.

  Cade cleared his throat. “So…you still riding?”

  “Every chance we get,” Sam managed to say, taking a long drink of water. “So that means you’ll be in the general area now, that’s good…Tacoma…floor manager…huh…”

  “I’ve read about that project,” Bella said. “I like their idea to rebuild the community through the businesses. It’s about time people, especially business owners started looking around them instead of blaming the government for the economy.”

  Cade breathed a long sigh of relief, eating quietly and listening to the girls talk. He pushed back from the table and stood up. “I’m going to show Sam the new bike, Abby…be back in a bit.”

  “No problem,” Abby said with a smile, cleaning off the table and striding into the kitchen with Bella for a tour.

  “Okay…” Sam said when they were walking outside. “You want to explain the floor manager thing?”

  “Abby doesn’t know I’m the owner. I…things just kind of…evolved differently…” Cade leaned on the bike, one hand run through his hair to rub at his neck.

  “You know the kicker…I can honestly see how it happens,” Sam shook his head. “Bella thought I was a homeless day laborer for the first couple weeks we knew each other.”

  “And now you’re engaged.”

  “Popped the question last Saturday in the middle of the first anniversary party. She’s very involved in the community, her and Abby have a lot in common,” Sam remarked casually.

  “You look better. Less stressed…” Cade stood up, made sure the locks were all secure and walked back toward the Lodge, his helmet hanging from his fingers.

  “I like it here. The people, the community…some of our friends are here…and the group of women in Bella’s friend circle…” Sam pushed a long breath between his lips. “It’s a good place to be.”

  “Funny how things just happen…somewhere things that used to matter to you are just garbage now,” Cade watched Abby laughing with Bella. “And the new things in your life…it’s like you were dead until they happened along.”

  “This a spur of the moment stop?” Sam asked, loosening his tie and pulling it free. “How about a beer? We got some great local ales…Bella will find us when she wants to…”

  “I’d like an ale,” Cade set the helmet on the desk. “Could you hold that for me? I’ll get it before we go upstairs…thanks.”

  They took quiet seats at the back of the low lit lounge, soft music playing in the background.

  “Abby left a job in New Mexico to work for the resort,” Cade began after a long swallow. “She’s living with her mother…I’m staying at the resort in one of the rooms. Let’s sat privacy is something of a premium…”


  “We started out house hunting about one…and Abby wanted to just ride…so we did…not sure where we were going, just riding. She’s still getting used to riding, though,” Cade rubbed his ribs.

  Sam laughed. “Oh believe me, I do understand that one,” he watched the women approaching, taking Bella’s hand in his. “The first time I took her for a ride, I thought I’d have bruises all over my rib cage.”

  “I don’t even want to talk about that,” Bella told him with a frown, sinking to a chair and nodding to a waitress. “A lime and tonic, please, Betty. Abby? Make that two, please.”

  “The whole bike thing is a little scary,” Abby confessed with a shake of her head. “Believe me, if someone had told me I’d be a biker babe…I’m just glad I don’t have to get a tattoo.”

  They enjoyed laughter and friendship for the next hour, easily sliding from story to information to questions and back again.

  “Mom says she’s envious,” Abby commented as they climbed the stairs a long time later. “She said she heard about the lodge from some friends. Bella has a great reputation with businesses in the area.”

  “They have gift certificates,” Cade used the pass card, pushing the door wide for her. “We’ll get her one before we leave tomorrow…it’ll be a nice surprise for her,” he set the large black helmet on the luggage stand and sat on the edge of the bed, his hands working the zipper on his boots.

  Silence. He looked up from the second boot to see Abby just staring at him. He looked around cautiously, even at the ceiling.


  “You aren’t real, Cade Rollins,” she said quietly, bending forward and slowly unzipping her boots, using her toes to pull them free. She crossed her arms and pulled the tank top over her head, dropping it on the dresser.

  Cade felt the moisture leave his mouth and his brain retreat.

  “Not real?” Was the slightly gurgled question.

  “No…you are not real,” she informed him, opening her jeans and pushing them over her hips. She reached for his palms and pulled him to his feet. Her hands helping his shirt free of the jeans. His hand pulled several foil packets from his pocket before she shoved his jeans over his hips and to the floor.

  Abby stepped back, her hands working the long hair into a neat bundle at the nape of her neck, safely secured with a small cotton chignon and a thin piece of wood resembling a chop stick. Her hands moved behind her, the bra fell to the floor, and she stepped out of her panties, laying both on the dresser before reaching for his boxers.

  She took the packets from him, leaving them on the nightstand, except for one. Then she took his hand and tugged him toward the bathroom. Before long hot steam filled the room, soap and water coating them beneath the generous spray.

  There was a sweetly fragrant scent of pine coming into the room from the mountains a while later when they lay in bed. Abby lay contentedly in the crook of his arm, her leg resting over his thigh.

  “That was the most erotic shower I’ve ever taken,” Cade recalled with a long sigh. His eyes closed in the darkness, her breathing leveling off, her body warm and soft against him. He went to sleep thinking it was where she belonged. Where he wanted her to be.

  Chapter Seventeen

  He wasn’t sure if it was the smell of fresh coffee or the sound of the door closing that woke him. Stretched out in the center of the bed on his stomach, he lifted his head and opened one eye. Bright daylight was filling the room from the east. He saw the numbers on the clock and pulled the pillow over his head with a groan.

  He had a morning girl. How can you be cursed and blessed at the same time?

  Abby wandered down the wide stairs, taking in all the sounds and sights around her. She poured herself a large juice and sat quietly staring out into the green belt.

  “You’re up and about early,” Bella greeted her with a smile, taking a seat at her table.

  “I’m an early morning person,” Abby answered happily, glancing at the groan from Sam.

  “He’s not,” Bella said with a chuckle. “I’ve told him he can sleep in…”

  “They always tell you to sleep in…” came another deep voice. “But then she fills the house with fresh coffee smell.”

  “Simon! Chloe!” Bella was up and hugging Chloe. “Meet Abigal Murray. Abby, our friends, Chloe and Simon Oliver.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Chloe. I’ve met Simon on the grounds at the resort,” Abby watched the couple, the redhead smiling and setting down a large bright yellow canvas bag.

  “Hi there…any sight of Cassidy or Anya? I’m still going to be short one for practice.”

  “What’re you practicing?” Abby saw Cassidy and waved. “I know Cassidy…and a very grumbly looking Mac.”

  “Karaoke and dancing…interested?” Chloe asked enthusiastically.

  “I can sing and I’m trainable,” Abby said with a smile. “Morning, Cassidy.”

ey…fancy meeting you here.” She brushed the silver bangs from her forehead. She looked from Simon to Mac to Sam. “Wow…you’d almost think they were related.”

  “Off with you, evil morning wench,” Mac kicked back in a chair, feet up on an empty seat.

  “Coffee,” Chloe chuckled. “Let’s go, girls…practice time.”

  “Evil with curves,” Mac grumbled.

  Cade wandered into the dining area a few minutes later, sending Mac’s feet to the floor.

  “Hey…” Mac shook his head and wandered to the food table, his stomach finally getting the better of him.

  “I suppose mine is around here somewhere?” Cade asked with a yawn, his palm running over the shower damp hair.

  “She went off with the others to dance.” Bella chuckled and stood up. “If you see Anya, Sam, send her to the main conference room.”

  “Dance?” Cade looked at a slowly waking Simon.

  “You want breakfast first,” Simon assured him with a sigh before rising and seeking food.

  Cade looked at Sam and reached for the sitting coffee carafe.

  “I’d recommend food,” Sam closed the notebook he’d been writing in and stood up, gesturing to the buffet.

  “You’re making me nervous,” Cade admitted, but followed and filled a plate.

  “You and Mac are still at the learning curve on this whole couple thing,” Simon remarked once they were seated once more.

  “Especially with this group of females,” Sam added, receiving a nod of agreement from Simon. He looked toward the opening to the dining area, a frazzled, dark haired woman gazed around frantically, landed on him and came rushing forward. “Anya…”

  “I know, I know…I am late,” she declared gruffly.

  “Main conference room.”

  “Feed him before I kill him,” she announced in her delightfully Croatian accent, turning, kissing the spectacled male and dashing off down the hall.

  “Ahh…another victim to the flames,” Mac gestured to the empty chair.

  “What is with this early morning shit on Saturday’s?” Ian slumped into a chair, his glasses tossed to the table.

  “Anya is working the choreography. Chloe, the costumes…”

  “Costumes?” Cade and Mac both looked at Simon expectantly.

  “Eat first…you gentlemen should be made aware of the upcoming two months of charity benefits in September and October,” Sam glanced at Simon with a half grin.

  “Drop the last boot,” Cade said flatly.

  “All of them are costume based,” Simon watching Cade open his mouth. “And the women in our lives are nothing…if not imaginative.”

  Cade’s mouth snapped shut.

  Mac took another bite of eggs and drained his juice. “I…am not even sure I can process that image…”

  “I’ve seen some of Anya’s designs,” Simon remarked, taking another sip of coffee. “It’s going to be an interesting charity season.”

  Sam looked around the table and then at his watch. He winked at Simon and stood up. “Okay, gentlemen…come with me.”

  The five of them stood at the very back of the conference room, listening and watching. Strains of music from an old movie beat through the speakers.

  Cade felt his lower body reacting.

  Mac’s jaw fell open half an inch.

  “The music…”

  “From an old rock movie, Grease II…”

  “The grass skirts?” Mac asked hoarsely.

  “Damned near invisible,” Cade answered without pausing.

  “For sanity sake,” Simon mentioned casually. “I know there’s some kind of skin tone brief thing sewn in…”

  “How the hell does that bikini top thing stay in place?” Mac watched the quickly rotating hips and turned away, heading back for coffee.

  There was no male answer available, so they all returned to the dining area.

  “You ever wonder…” Cade shook his head. “All of that beauty and talent and brains…”

  “Like attracts like,” Mac said with a simple shrug. “Basic law of nature.” He was leaned back in one of the comfortable chairs, eyes closed and hands up behind his head.

  “Arguing with that one would make us all look bad,” Sam said with a laugh.

  “Seriously,” Mac continued. “Even taking us out of the equation, they gravitate to one another because of the basics. Brains, talent, likes and causes, to a certain extent. I’m sure you’ve all run into it…what we see isn’t what they see, or what they’ve experienced through their lives. How did some of you know one another through time? Not that different than us…I’ve had doubts about myself, regardless of what the reputation shouts. Or you can go with the – we got lucky as hell theory.”

  Masculine laughter echoed around them.

  “You still running?” Sam stood up, shaking his head and grinning.

  “You got a track?” Cade asked, interested.

  “Trail around the lake. Great thing for a morning. Anyone else?”

  “I’m comfortable,” Mac answered.

  “Me, too,” Simon said without looking up from his laptop.

  “I got shoes in the car…and spare clothes,” Ian nodded. “I’ll join you.”

  Cade was leaning on the bike, arms crossed and laughing when the girls came onto the large deck outside the Lodge.

  “The meeting is scheduled for Monday morning,” Ian was saying when he felt a small palm on his shoulder.

  “You are better?” Anya asked, leaning against him, his arm around her waist.

  “We took him on a run around the lake,” Sam told her with a wink.

  “I am in your debt,” she returned saucily. “I prefer him alive to the alternative.”

  “As I was saying,” Ian continued with a sigh. “It’s pretty much a done deal. Pembrook is making people nuts, but she’ll make this happen, especially since Samantha is on board with it now. I don’t think Logan knew what he was doing when he introduced her to Pembrook. You’ll have four PA’s to start and a first class pediatrician,” he snuck a peek at Anya. “Gradually, we’ll add more and more physicians and help.”

  “The concept is so simple,” Cade shook his head.

  “It’s old fashioned, is what it is,” Ian commented. “Bringing back the basic ‘company’ operated facilities for its employees. Taking a big picture approach to the welfare of your employees, whereby improving the viability of the business. With technology what it is these days, you’ll have almost instant access to the ER physicians on duty. But Pembrook and Sam will make sure the PA’s working for them are top notch. They’re already pulling returning military with great incentives to work for them.”

  “Women in power,” Cade reached out and snagged a loose palm. “Ready to hit the road, biker babe?”

  “I feel like shopping,” Abby informed him simply. “Some of the furniture shops down by the house. We might even bribe a delivery today.” She looked at Chloe. “You need backup, just call me…that was great fun.”

  “Then I guess we’re off. It was fun, guys…see you later.” Cade nodded at the guys, the helmet slid on and his hand offered. “Okay?”

  “Yep…” Abby was softly humming the song they had danced to.

  “That was some outfit,” Cade remarked when they were crossing Lake Washington.

  “It was fantastic! I can’t wait for the charity fund raisers to start. Did you know Anya taught belly dancing classes? I’m signing up next month….it’s great exercise,” Abby announced cheerfully.

  Cade pictured the grass skirt and had a brief vision of Abby in exotic scarves and silks. The woman could plant an image that totally knocked his senses off line.

  An hour later they stood in the large furniture store. He had a glimpse of Abby wandering through the lines of different bedroom sets when his gaze landed on just what he was after. He caught her eye and crooked a finger when she looked up.

  “I have knees higher than most of these,” Abby said with a frown, until she followed the pointing
finger. Rustic, she thought, walking with him to the far side. The posts on the corners were easily bigger than her fist. The bureau and dresser were solid and the drawers slid smoothly. Abby looked at him, half smiling as he walked around testing mattresses, she felt the heat strike her cheeks when he winked at her, barely listening to the woman explain about the different types of mattresses.

  Abby walked out of the store shaking her head and tucking the paperwork into her purse. Cade had negotiated a delivery for late that afternoon, frowning when Abby told him to take her to her mother’s house.

  “We need sheets and blankets….we need groceries or the weekend will be real lean…I need a car for that,” Abby explained as he cruised through the streets. She dismounted outside the house, stopping him after she tucked the helmet into its case. “I will knock out the shopping…anything you positively hate?”

  “I like coffee…and toast with marmalade and peanut butter,” Cade rattled off, shrugging. “Nothing I really hate.”

  “Then how about if you gather your things and your vehicle and meet me back at the house? We’ll have to buy sheets, but I can borrow enough blankets and pillows and quilts from mom. I have stuff like that in storage,” Abby opened her purse, digging her keys out.

  “You’re beautiful and organized,” Cade kissed her and put the helmet back on. “See you at home.” And he smiled all the way to the resort. He’d had plenty of places to live in his life, but now he had a home. The feeling was amazing.

  Cade was the one pacing the front porch. He returned in the dark blue SUV half an hour ago, hauling the bike. He maneuvered the bike trailer to the side of the garage, parked the SUV in front and the bike to the side of the house. And still no Abby. He went inside to get his phone off the counter when he heard the creaking sound. One Abby had identified as the door on her mother’s car.

  He watched Abby pull in behind the bike, climbing out with a little wave. “We got a little side tracked,” Abby confessed, opening the trunk and then bending into the back seat, pulling stacks of linens out.


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