Nightstalker: Red Team book 1

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Nightstalker: Red Team book 1 Page 10

by Edwards, Riley

  “You are the strongest woman I know, my warrior princess. I am going to fuck you long and slow, you’ll be so far gone with want, you’ll think of nothing but me.” I kissed her lips slow and hard.

  “Yes, Lincoln,” she cried out when I tested her readiness.


  The sun peeked in through the open curtains, making sleep impossible. Watching Jasmin sleep had very easily become my favorite diversion. I could pretend the outside world was not waiting just out that bedroom door. I could pretend that I was not going to destroy Jasmin. In these early morning hours, the calm before the preverbal storm, I just watched her sleep. Knowing these might be the last moments she would allow once she knew the truth. I regretted nothing. Everything we did was to protect Jasmin. She would not see it that way. She would see it as a betrayal.

  Allowing myself one more small pleasure, I kissed her forehead before pulling the sheet up to cover her beautiful, nude body. Taking a mental picture, I made sure I would never forget this moment. Slipping out of bed, I found my clothes and dressed as quietly as I could, not wanting to wake her. There were conversations that needed to be had before she came down stairs.

  Just one more touch. I stroked the soft skin around her neck. Fuck, I hoped she could forgive me. The thought of living without this woman gutted me.

  She nuzzled my hand as I pulled away. “Love you, Ghost.” The words were barely audible, but I felt them in every part of my body from my heart and straight to my hardening dick.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I had to get the hell out of here; I needed to think all this shit through. The door closed with a click behind me and I practically ran down the stairs like the hounds of hell were nipping at my heels. That is what it felt like. I was in fucking purgatory. I waited to see if I would be drug back into hell or if Jasmin would take me to heaven.

  “Shit, dude, the place on fire or something?” Leo asked as I passed by him on my way out back.

  Not bothering to answer, I flipped him off. What the fuck was I going to say? That my insides were clawing their way out, that shit was so fucked up and I couldn’t make it right, that I had fallen in love with the one woman who would possibly kill me when she found out our secrets?

  “FUCK!” My voice sounded gruff to my own ears, like a bear on the verge of mother fucking death.

  “That just about sums it up, son.” I spun around to see Tom leaning his shoulder on the wall, smoking a cigarette watching me.

  How the fuck I missed that was beyond me. I was so caught up in my own head I was missing potential threats.

  “You got an extra one?” I nodded towards the lit cigarette.

  “Is today the best day to do this? You’re leaving tomorrow on an op,” the President asked as he handed me a smoke.

  Flicking my zippo, I lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply, allowing the smoke to fill my lungs. I waited for the moment of relaxation from that first draw, but it never came.

  Blowing out the smoke, I answered him. “Good day or not, I will not lie any longer. She will likely shoot my ass, maybe Eric, too.”

  “God damn, son, this is a cluster fuck of shit!”

  I wanted to scream, ‘no shit captain obvious’, but I didn’t think the President of the United States would appreciate my humor. So, instead, I said nothing. My mind tried to formulate every possible scenario, each one ended in me loosing Jasmin. Fucking Mother Fuck!

  “The video is intact?” I asked.

  The video in question had been in the President’s personal safe for two years, “Yes, it was viewed last night.”

  Thank Fuck! That video might be my only saving grace. That video could possibly hold my future.


  The kitchen was loud and full of activity when Tom and I entered the house. My eyes automatically landed on Jasmin. She looked absolutely stunning. Fresh out of the shower with a just fucked glow still about her. Even if they did not hear her screams last night, I am sure every man in this house knew the look of a satisfied woman! My feet were on autopilot. I had only one thing on my mind; getting Jasmin into my arms.

  “Mornin’.” I pressed my lips against hers and took her mouth with bruising force.

  Fully expecting her to push me away, I was taken aback when she returned my kiss, opening her lips and pushing her tongue in, fighting for dominance. Fuck that. Fisting her hair, I gave it a hard tug. She quickly yielded and let me take control. Not caring who the fuck saw, I deepened the kiss. The need to remind her who was in control was all consuming.

  Someone cleared their throat in the background, reminding me we had an audience that included her uncle. I broke the kiss, planting several small pecks on her lips.

  The pretty blush covering the top of her gorgeous tits and face made my dick hard. I was a smug bastard, pleased as shit I could do that to her.

  “You two about ready over there? We got shit to do,” Zane hollered.

  Fuck him he was not going to rush me. I was going to enjoy my woman before I had to feel her wrath.

  “Where are Leo, Drew, Jaxton, and Colin?” Jasmin asked, noting their departure.

  “Perimeter.” Zane’s terse answer alerted Jasmin to the thick tension in the room.

  This is not how I wanted to start this conversation. I didn’t know how in the hell to start it, I just knew that putting her on high alert was the wrong move.

  Zane was in one of his girly menstruation bitch moods; this was not what I fucking needed to deal with right now, “You need a Kotex brother?” I sneered.

  “No, but you will when I am done ripping you a new ass hole, dickhead!” Zane replied in equal irritation.

  “You wanna talk about this in private?” I did not want to have to beat the shit out of my own flesh and blood in front of company.

  “You shouldn’t have gone there, Linc,” God damn he could not keep his damn mouth shut.

  “You do not tell me how to handle my woman. Fuck you,” I roared.

  This had gone straight to hell fast. I had to lock this shit down before I said something I could not take back, something that sent Jasmin running before I could explain.

  “The fuck you say?” Jasmin scoffed, the once pretty blush on her face turned into red hot anger.

  Zane and I stared at each other, not sure which one of us she was talking to. Thinking it was best to keep my mouth shut; I clamped my lips and walked away. Fuck, shit, and damn. I needed her calm to hear what we were about to tell her.

  “Jas, there’s some shit we have to discus,” Eric stated using a coaxing voice.

  Wrong fucking thing to do, Jasmin looked like she was keyed up and ready to go to blows with Eric now, too.

  “Really, ya’ don’t think? What’s with the patronizing voice?” Shaking her head, she rounded the couch and sat down.

  Good, she would need to be sitting when she heard this. The time for my reckoning was here. I could no longer put it off. My normal cocky attitude was full of self-doubt. Fuck it. I just had to rip it off like a band aid. Fast and painless.

  “I have to tell you about what really happened in Russia.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “What the hell did you say? What about Russia?” I asked, glad I was sitting down for that declaration.

  Fucking A, couldn’t I just get one day without shit piling up on my lap? Yesterday I got a bomb the size of Hiroshima obliterating my world, now Russia.

  “So let me get this shit straight. Yesterday I find out that the President is my long lost fucking uncle, no disrespect, Sir. Then I find out that my dead father, the man that raised me, Zane’s dad, and my uncle the President were all CIA operatives. Part of an operation that took out an assassin’s father. Now for the big God damn cherry on that shit pile, said assassin is out for revenge and trying to kill the President of the United States. Did I get all that shit straight? Because I haven’t even begun to process all this. Now you fuckers want to pile Russia on top of me?” I was on a tirade. I jumped up and started my normal pacing. �
��Can’t a girl catch a break? What the fuck? I have asked for two God damn years about Russia. Now all of a sudden you fuckers wanna be forthright.”

  Once I was done with my mini temper tantrum all the men in the room looked like I had grown three heads. Shit and damn! Seriously though, why can’t a girl catch a break?

  “Jas I need you to listen….” Z had the audacity to even speak to me.

  “Do not ‘Jas’ me asshole. Two years, two whole fucking years I have talked to you about Russia, begging you to help me understand, and now I find out you fucking lied to me. You’re a God damn liar. I have never betrayed you and how do you repay me? Fuck all of you!” I was on a roll. All my control had slipped. I felt my vision start to blacken. Not again! Please, Lord, do not let me black out again. These God damn headaches were killing me. They were getting worse. Before I could hit the floor, strong arms wrapped around me and I was off my feet. Unwillingly, I pressed my face into his neck and inhaled the familiar scent of Linc. Strong and comforting, safe and familiar, why did Linc always feel so safe?

  “You’re safe. I’ve got you, Sweet Jasmin.” I heard a muffled far away voice.

  “Please, Ghost, help me.” I whimpered, half unconscious.

  I felt my body rocking and something cool pressed against my forehead. My eyes slowly started to open. I tried to close them again to keep the memory from fading. It was like déjà vu. I had been here before, I had felt this before. I just could not place where and the memory wouldn’t stay in my mind long enough to pull it out.

  When I opened my eyes I saw it on each of their faces. Guilt. They had all lied to me, they knew something. I had to get the hell out of here. I jumped off Linc’s lap before he had a chance to stop me.

  “Get the fuck away from me, all of you.” Before I could take one step towards the door a large hand grabbed my arm.

  On instinct I spun around and threw out a punch. Linc dodged his head to the side just as my fist glided through the space where his face had been. Before I even knew what happened I was wrapped up in a tight hold.

  “Calm the fuck down woman,” Linc shouted in my ear.

  I continued to struggle and fight his hold to no avail. My last resort was to bite down on his forearm.

  “Christ. Mother fuck. Woman, I am two seconds from turning you over my knee and spanking your ass red, and not the fun kind of spanking. Stop fucking moving. NOW!” Linc snapped as he twisted me in his hold, not allowing me to move.

  “If you even try to spank me I will shoot your ass dead. Do not fuck with me, Lincoln Parker. I am done with this bullshit,” I threatened.

  I felt his grip loosen just enough for me to drop down, lowering my center of gravity. Taking him by surprise I stepped out to the side and reached my right hand up behind his neck. In one smooth practiced motion I rolled Lincoln’s body over my hip. He hit the ground with a loud thud.

  “Fuck you!” I screamed and looked down at Linc flat on his back.

  Before I could move, Linc was on his feet and I was over his shoulder. One large hand came down on my ass with a smack. This asshole spanked me. He actually, fucking spanked me in front of my team and the President.

  “Let me the fuck down.” I pounded on his back.

  “Shut the fuck up.” He smacked my ass again.

  We entered into one of the down stairs bedrooms and I went flying onto the bed, hitting it so hard I bounced.

  “Now what, Lincoln? You wanna go another round? You think you can fuck me now that I am not so weak and vulnerable like I was last night?”

  Linc looked like I slapped him. His face grew stormy and he was angrier then I had ever seen him.

  “You shitting me? You have got to be fucking shitting me! That’s how you want to play this Jasmin? That last night I took advantage of you? That last night you were not with me every step of the way? Please tell me you are fucking shitting me, because last night I had my woman in my bed, her legs spread wide while I ate her pussy and fed her my dick and she was fucking with me. Every God damn step of the way.” He had inched his way towards the bed, and I started to scrambled back. “I know you are hurt. I get why. I know you are pissed off. Again, I get that too, but do not be a bitch. Do not for one fucking second try and play like last night did not mean something, because if you do, you are a God damn liar.”

  “Oh that’s rich coming from you. First you call me a bitch then a liar. Hello pot, meet kettle. And Fuck you, what happened last night will never happen again. I was upset and weak and you were a warm dick. That’s all Lincoln. I am not your woman.” I almost choked on my lie.

  I could not stop the verbal vomit from spewing out of my mouth. I wanted to hurt him as much as I was hurting. In my mind this was all his fault, my life was perfect until he rolled in two days ago. Now I had turned soft and weak, letting some man tear down the walls I had spent a lifetime building.

  “Careful, Jasmin,” he warned.

  “Or what? What is big bad Lincoln, Ghost, Parker going to do? We have already established that if you touch me again I will kick your ass and now that I have fucked you I am done. You should’ve held out longer, not given me your dick so quick if you wanted to hold some semblance of control.” Why would my mouth not shut up?

  Why could I not stop? I was poking one pissed off bear but I could not make it stop. My mouth was just saying shit I did not mean. I wanted him to wrap me up tight and keep me safe. I wanted to give all this shit going on over to him. I needed his strength, but inside I fortified my walls and pushed him out. I was saying the most ridiculous shit just to make sure I pushed him far enough out he would not want to come back.

  His eyes came up and met mine. They were spitting fire. Shit and damn. I went too far.

  “That’s how you’re going to play this? That all last night was some quick dick for you? You wanna blame me and push me away, I’ll give you that play. But Jasmin, you better hear this and hear it well. Woman you have about five seconds to cool your jets and rethink that play, because when I walk out that door I am done,” he warned.

  Cue my fucking mouth. “How big of you. I don’t need five seconds. I’ll take my five orgasms and be done. Don’t worry about leaving, I’m out!” I jumped off the bed and started past him. His arm shot out and grabbed my wrist as I walked by.

  His face was stone and his eyes looked vacant. Yup, I’d pushed too far. “It was all for you, Sweet Jasmin. Good bye.” With that very well placed parting shot my heart shattered into a million pieces.

  I waited until I heard the slam of the door before I broke down. I would give myself this, this one moment of weakness. White hot rage consumed me and I slammed my fist on the wall. Swiping everything off the dresser, I watched as it shattered on the floor. I looked at the broken pieces; not so unlike my life… broken and shattered.

  “FUCK!” I roared.

  The door flung open so hard it crashed into the wall behind it with a loud bang. Fuck it, what was one more hole in the wall? Z stomped in the room looking as furious as I felt.

  “You done?” That is what this asshole had to say to me.

  “Go to hell!” I was in no mood to play games.

  “I’m already there, Jasmin. Get your ass out here so we can finish.” With that, Z turned and left.

  Why did that hurt so bad? My heart literally hurt. I felt like in the last 24 hours I had found out my entire life had been a lie. My parents, my dad, my uncle, and now even my team. I had lost every one of them. It was time to get this shit over with and get the fuck off this peninsula. I needed to get home and pack my shit. California sounded good; somewhere warm and sunny where people just wanted to mind their own business. Maybe I’d take up knitting and never leave my house. I hated people. They always fucked you over.

  “Where’s Linc? I wanna get this shit done. I’m sure all you have a mission to brief and I want out of here,” I stated with absolutely no emotion in my voice. There was nothing left.

  “He went outside for a smoke. I need you to promise me something bef
ore we start.” Z had regained his composure, his voice much like mine; devoid of any real emotion.

  “What’s that, LT?” I sat down on the couch, suddenly exhausted from my emotional outburst.

  “First, I need you to promise me that we will talk after we are done,” Z requested. That was simple. I would still have to go to the office and hand in my resignation and clear out my locker. That was an easy promise.

  “Sure thing, LT.” I was lifeless, just going through the motions. I simply did not care.

  “OH fuck, I think he broke her,” Eric chimed in. I didn’t even have energy for a comeback. Fuck him.

  The door slammed and I nearly jumped out of my skin. My nerves were frayed. All of my senses were on overload. God damn, this sucked. I just want this over with!

  Zane placed a laptop on the table in front of me. What the fuck did I need a laptop for? Did he want me to type up my resignation right now?

  “Jasmin, before we play you this video, I need to warn you that it is pretty fucked up. If at any time you need to stop, we will. You need to watch it from start to finish,” Z stated.

  What the fuck was going on? I looked at Eric, then my uncle, and finally Linc. I must have entered the twilight zone. They all had the same look on their faces. This was bad. Really fucking bad. I didn’t think I could take it. I glanced at Linc one last time, wishing that I was in his arms; I needed him so God damn bad. What the fuck had I done? He was staring at me like he didn’t know me, like we had not spent hours in each other’s arms. I had lost him. With a handful of careless and hurtful words I had succeeded in pushing him so far out he didn’t even want to know me. Zane was acting like I was an IED he needed to defuse. Maybe that was what I was now, a ticking bomb waiting to explode and take out countless people.

  I needed to pull my bitch boots up and stop acting like a sniveling bitch. Enough with the theatrics and bullshit. Man the hell up, Jasmin.


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