Warrior (Twisted Sister #2)

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Warrior (Twisted Sister #2) Page 10

by Lacy LeRoch

  That’s when I remember what Owen told me earlier. Without realizing what I’m doing, I turn to him and ask, “When did you lose your powers?”

  Fuck, I said that out loud.

  I feel like a royal ass when Owen grunts in frustration and throws his hands up in the air. “Thanks a fucking lot, Dragon,” he sneers.

  “Lost your powers, when?” McKinley sounds panicked as he jumps up and steps in front of Owen. His large hands come down and clasp onto either side of his face, the tenderness in his eyes when he lifts Owen’s face to his own has my own heart racing in a frantic beat.

  Mon Dieu, I really need to get out of the cave more, I miss all the fun.

  “It...” Owen licks his dry lips and continues, “…it started to fizzle out about five months ago, Mac, but it’s completely gone as of today. Now, if you’ll kindly get the fuck out of my face, I think I’m on duty.”

  McKinley drops his hands to his side and takes a step back from the bed. Owen jumps up from the bed and storms out the room. We hear the heavy pounding of his boots echo as he storms down the hall, grunting and groaning. Jordi never one to miss an opportunity to rile McKinley up, shakes his head and chuckles.

  “Aren’t you the boss, McKinley?” His eyes glitter with mischief as he continues, “And since when do you have a nickname?”

  Trust Jordi to pick up on all of that. McKinley’s face turns a bright shade of red and he shifts on his feet uncomfortably. Well, that certainly is an interesting reaction.

  “Shut it, Jordi. Now fuck me, we need to get this sorted out. No more getting sidetracked. Something big is going on, we were attacked.” McKinley points over to me. “You poofed out of a room that’s magic protected.” He lowers his arm and starts to pace the room. “You really didn’t do it, did you?” He spins around gauging my reaction.

  “No, I didn’t, and come to think of it, I can’t really remember what happened. I do know one minute I was here and the next…” I trail off. I start to search my memory for anything. Anything at all that will help me work out what the fuck is going on around here?

  Oh my God… No… No, that’s not right. Could it be?

  “No fucking way…” I muse aloud.

  “What?” Jordi says.

  McKinley starts to walk back toward me. “You remember something, don’t you?”

  I nod my head absently and rise from the bed. My legs shake as I make my way over to the mirror that hangs on the far wall. My mind runs over all the things that have happened today, the one memory replaying in my mind is the one that clicked it all into place for me.

  Dragon pushed through earlier and almost took control from me. That’s what scared McKinley. My breath catches and hitches in my throat at the realization that it could only mean one thing.

  “Oh, fuck me…” I moan, as the thought hits me like a ton of bricks.

  There’s no way this could be happening, not when I’m ready to back out and leave it all behind. My hands shake violently, as I reach for the collar of my shirt exposing my neck. I look into the mirror at my reflection and feel like a sissy girl as I shut all emotions down. My face is as white as a ghost and my lips tremble. As tilt my head to the side and look for the evidence of either my dream or my nightmare. There it is! I don’t know how I should be feeling. I’m stuck between wanting to jump up and down that it’s finally happened, or crawling into a ball and allowing fate to take its course. I lean forward to get a closer look at the bite mark on my neck.

  “Philli,” McKinley calls out concerned.

  I can’t answer him right away. Trying to process it in my own mind is hard enough, without having to attempt to explain it to someone else.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Dragon?” I ask in disbelief.

  “You would not have believed me if I did,” he purrs contently.

  This action more than any other proves just how fucked I am in this situation. Dragon is never this Zen, never this calm and at peace.

  “So it’s true then?” I ask him telepathically, even though I know what the answer is going to be.

  “Yesss…” Dragon draws out the “s” on a long satisfied purr.

  I start blinking rapidly, my throat tightens up, and I start to feel panic flying in. I try to open my mouth and speak, but my thick tongue and dry mouth won’t allow me. I know the men are worried, concerned, and confused right now. But Mon Dieu, so am I.

  “I’m… I’m… um…” I stutter unable to find the words I need.

  Fuck, I never thought this would happen to me. Let alone happen to me without my consent or knowledge. I’m a beast who’s always in control at all times. There’s nothing that happens to me, or concerning me, that I don’t know about.

  “Philli?” Jordi murmurs, placing his hand on my shoulder and spinning me around to face him. “You’re what, my Brother?” he asks.

  “I’m mated!” My heart sinks to my stomach and I have the strongest urge to be sick, saying it aloud makes the reality sink in. I crumple to the tiled floor and start to weep. All the emotions that I can’t hold back any longer take a hold of me. As my body starts to shudder and shake with the force of my tears. I crawl into a ball, the realization of just how serious this is hits me. Unless I find the woman who did this to me within the next two days, my life will finally be over. And to be honest, I don’t know which outcome it is that I want the most.

  I could finally have a real mating. I could have the one person who was made just for me. Or I could have my long life finally end.

  “Calm yourself, Brother, we will work this all out,” a whispered voice calls out from beside me, as a large set of arms wrap around my shoulders holding on tight.

  As much as Jordi will stir and cause trouble, we all know he would do anything for any of us. His comfort means a great deal to me right now.

  “You don’t understand,” I murmur.

  “What’s there to understand, Brother? You have finally found your mate.”

  I’m suddenly exhausted and over the whole day, I rise from the floor and make my way back over to my bed and lay down.


  At the call of my name, I turn my head to the side and notice McKinley has left during my meltdown, and it’s just Jordi and I left in the room.

  “What, Jordi?” I whisper, closing my eyes.

  I’m done with all of this, and I just want it all to end. I need to sleep, but more than that I need time to think.

  “I just had a thought, what if…”

  “What if what, Jordi?” I sigh heavily and continue, “I just want to forget all about this day.”

  I open my eyes to slits and look at him. He has his hands on his hips, pacing the room.

  “What if the girl you were meant to bring here, was and is, the one who claimed you?”

  I sit up so fast that the blood rushes to my head and I start to see double.

  “Holy shit, I think you may have a point. You could actually be right.”

  Jordi grunts as he replies, “What the hell? You only think I might actually be right? Aren’t I always right? Now, get your sorry ass out of that fucking bed. Let’s go find out all we can about this mystery woman.”

  Jordi strides over to the bed smirking and reaches out his hand to help me up. As I come to my feet he moves his hand to my wrist, gripping it tightly almost to the point of pain. His eyes bore deep into my own as all smugness disappears from his face. “And for the record Philli, I won’t let you die. We will find your mate. And in the process, we will be able to find out what the fuck is going on around here.”

  I have no words, none come to mind to say back to this man. He drops his hold on my wrist and takes a step back. We both nod in understanding and Brotherhood. I tap Jordi on the shoulder and push past him, I’ve a new found awareness coursing through my body. I might actually be able to find her and help the Island at the same time. My feet quicken as I walk out the door toward the Seer’s building. Heavy pounding sounds out behind me, I clench my fists and spin quickly read
y to take on the next attack.

  “What?” Jordi says with a laugh. “You didn’t honestly think I was going to let you do this alone now, did you? After all…” a huge grin spreads across his face and with a wink he continues, “…you always fuck things up.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Philli, it’s been three hours since we left the Seers,” Jordi groans. “We still haven’t found anything, maybe if we just…”

  Jordi hasn’t stopped complaining since getting back from the Seers. It was a waste of time even going there, they didn’t help with anything new. McKinley has all active Seers working on finding out clues as to who or what caused the bombings. So I could only go to Romie for help with my suspicions.

  “Send him home, Philli. When will he just shut up already, this is getting beyond the joke? He complains more than a woman,” Dragon complains.

  Dragon has a good point, but I can’t just send him home. I let Dragon know as much then turn to focus and attention back to Jordi.

  Turning around in my computer chair to face him. “Jordi, if you’re going to sit there and complain, at least complain about something you didn’t offer or want to do?”

  Jordi groans and gets up from my couch he was sprawled all over. “Fine… fine! But can you please explain to me, what it is you’re doing?”

  “I’m running a name check for, Madison James. You know this.” I laugh.

  I swing back around to face the bank of computer monitors, once again in the hopes of finding this mystery woman. My eyes run over the ID search rolling on the screen. I’ve set my computers up to automatically run her name through all the databases available to us, which is every government agency around. We have Dragons and Watchers all over the world in seats of great power. I look down at the time on the screen, it’s been rolling through a list of names and photos for the last hour. Nothing anywhere on this mystery woman. It doesn’t make any sense. How can she not exist?

  “There is no mention of a Madison James anywhere. What I did find only adds to the confusion. I’ve found a driver’s license in the name of a Madison Green. It says here she’s a doctor… and hang on a minute…” I tell him, clicking on the keyboard. I press a couple of buttons trying to enlarge the picture. “If I can just—”

  “Philli, that’s our girl. You need to bring her home,” Dragon growls, the minute he gets a closer look at her.

  A low howl runs through the air, making my conversation with Dragon stop abruptly.

  “Jordi?” I turn around to inquire.

  “Got something to do, give me five,” he says turning around and walking out of the cave.

  I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. My attention is automatically drawn back to the woman on the screen. She’s a beautiful woman, in a very classic laid back way. She isn’t the sort of woman that I would have picked for myself if I’m being completely honest with myself. She isn’t the sort of woman that I would have given a second glance to. My father always told me my ego would once be the death of me, and I don’t fault him for saying that. I’ve never been with a human woman before. Dragon females had always been my go to. But then there was Louise, but she wasn’t human either. She was a shifter. I turn my head to the side and study Madison’s profile. What makes her so special for me? She has long blonde wavy hair and sea green eyes. Okay, so her eyes are stunning, but I’ve always liked my girls to have dark hair.

  “Why do you complain like a little school girl? You know as well as I do that she is ours. She is made for us and us alone.”

  “Oh, shut the hell up, Dragon. What you want, and what I want, are two totally different things. Now, leave me be,” I say aloud not even bothering to hide the fact that I’m talking with Dragon.

  Sometimes there’s no point in hiding the fact that this happens. I hear someone chuckle from behind me, so I spin around in my chair so fast the chair tilts and I have to reach out to the computer desk to keep myself upright. My face turns a nice shade of red as embarrassment rises.

  McKinley raises both his arms in the air, amusement evident on his face. “I heard the howl and saw Jordi on his way out. I was actually coming to get you both. I need you back at the great hall,” he says chuckling then he glances over my shoulder at the screen and narrows his eyes. All traces of humor drop from his face now replaced with suspicion and intrigue. “Is that the one the Seers are talking about?”

  “Keep him away from our girl, Philli. I will fry him, I swear I will,” Dragon growls.

  I don’t respond to Dragon. I will not be caught out again. Instead, I imagine I’m rubbing his scales and scratching him behind the ear. He starts to calm down, purring at the phantom touch.

  “What is it you know?” I ask McKinley, trying to push for information.

  He takes a step closer to where I’m sitting, and leans on my desk attempting to gain a better look at the picture on the screen. I instantly start to feel protective over her, and don’t want him staring. But I know I can’t jump out of my chair and knock McKinley out for looking. I mean, he doesn’t know she belongs to me. He left before Jordi and I started talking about all of this.

  “I think the question should be, what is it that you know?”

  “Oh for God’s sake, stop fucking with me,” I snap. My temper comes to the surface faster than I could have seen coming. I’m already on edge and he should know not to push his luck with me.

  “Let me have him, Philli. Just one bite, I promise it’ll be fast. I will even try not to enjoy the taste of him,” Dragon growls out in frustration.

  I send Dragon phantom touches. “Dragon, please try to calm yourself. I know you are struggling right now, but we do not hurt our friends,” I tell him telepathically.

  I glance back at the screen and stare at the beautiful, curvy blonde on the computer monitor.

  “Your Dragon giving you a hard time, Philli?”

  I nod, not bothering to confirm what he already knows to be true, so I turn to face to him and sigh pointing to a vacant chair beside me. “Take a seat, we need to talk.”

  McKinley starts to walk over to the chair backward, his eyes not leaving mine. He can’t read my mind, so I know his stare is more out of curiosity, and not that he’s trying to read me. All Watchers are born with a special gift, one that no other has. No one actually knows what he can do.

  “I am worried about you, Philli. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this before. Jordi told me you’ve been bonded. Is this true?”

  Oh shit, so this is what he’s come about.

  “Tell the Watcher to mind his own business. Grand High Lord or not, tell him to fuck right off,” Dragon snarls.

  “Dragon!” I warn. He huffs in frustration, and I know that I have to try a different approach. He’s on edge and being away from his mate is taking its toll on him. I lower my voice and send a phantom touch over his scales. “Please Dragon, you know that I need you to keep me level. You must show him respect, he is our leader and friend.”

  “There’s something different about him, Philli, he is more…” he trails off and sighs. “I can’t even think of the right word to use.”

  “I know this, Dragon, but it’s not our business right now. You of all people should know this. We need to worry about finding, Madison,” I tell him.

  I turn to look at McKinley and tell him, “It is true. Somehow, I was bonded without my knowledge. Well, I mean…” I run a hand through my hair messing up my styled spikes, as I take a deep breath carrying on, “…well, like… I mean obviously, I know about it. But fuck… why the hell is it so hard to explain?”

  He leans forward on his seat, and places his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together between his open legs. “There’s something I need to tell you. Then we need to get to the council chambers. Do you understand?” He raises his eyebrow, waiting for my reply.

  I look at him and nod just once to let him know that I understand.

  “This isn’t easy for me to tell you. I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone els
e… just yet. I want you to know, that you aren’t alone in this. I myself was bonded without knowledge.” His fingers go to the buttons on his blue dress shirt. I notice the slight tremble in his hand as he slowly undoes the top three buttons, exposing the mating mark of the Watchers. It rests over his left pec on his chest. His mark is different to the ones I’ve seen over the years, his has two sets of wings linked together instead of one. I’m squinting in confusion, as my gaze finds its way back to his eyes. He shakes his head slowly and sighs, doing his buttons back up. "That my friend is a story for another day. I was hoping to come and ask for your help with it after the ceremony, and then the attack happened…” his voice trails off.

  “So you thought it could wait and you went into Leader mode,” I finish for him.

  He nods. “The only reason I’m showing you this now is I just wanted you to know you aren’t the only one who hasn’t had a choice.”

  “Holy fuck cakes, someone actually slept with the emotionless old fool,” Dragon chuckles in delight. “I like him again. He has my respect. Oh, and Philli?” Dragon chimes in.

  I sigh inwardly and answer him, “Of course you do. What do you want?”

  “We help him when this is all over. Okay?”

  I let Dragon know I agree with him. Dragon may be a pain in my butt, but he does care about everyone on the Island. And he won’t ever admit it, but he’s a sucker for a good love story. My eyes flit over my computer then back to McKinley.

  “I understand, and McKinley?”


  “You know your secret’s safe with me,” I tell him solemnly.

  “Okay, enough with the girly bullshit. Get your information on the doctor, and let’s get to the great hall. We need to work out a game plan,” he tells me, as he walks over to the door. When he gets there, he looks back over his shoulder one last time. “We will get her back here for you, Philli. Mark my words Dragon, we won’t let you go in a hurry.”


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