Claiming Her Innocence

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Claiming Her Innocence Page 35

by Vivian Wood

  Rose laughed. “I can tell,” she said, reaching out to stroke him with her hand. His eyes closed as he made that low carnal sound again, and Rose felt a wicked smile curl her lips as she got a sudden idea.

  Rose released him abruptly. Colt’s eyes snapped open, looking like he wanted to protest the loss of contact, only to be struck speechless as she knelt in front of him and took his cock completely into her mouth.

  That is, unless you counted the long moan he emitted as actual speech.

  “Jesus, Rose,” he groaned, his hands coming down to tangle into her hair as she worked on him, her tongue slithering along his shaft and under the head. The way he said her name made her feel powerful and in control, as if his pleasure belonged to her, and her alone.

  “All right, that’s enough,” Colt growled after a few minutes. He yanked her back to her feet, Rose barely getting her balance before he crushed his mouth to hers. His tongue swept across the roof of her mouth, tracing the curve of her teeth. The sensation stoked the heat of her core.

  Rose broke the kiss, gasping for breath as Colt moved his attention to her neck, nibbling his way down until he reached her breast. Rose arched her back against the shower wall as his lips closed over one nipple, then the other, sucking and nipping at them until they were taut and swollen with her need for him. She sucked in a sharp breath as he slipped a hand between her legs, his long fingers sliding against her clit. It was all she could do to remain standing as he gently probed her, a rumble of satisfaction rolling through his chest when he found the warm slickness waiting there for him.

  “I need to be inside you,” he said, turning her body so that she now faced the shower wall. He closed in behind her, reaching around to cup one of her breasts in each of his hands. Her head fell back against his shoulder, writhing against him as his callused palms ground against her sensitive nipples. “Right now,” he added, his teeth grazing against her earlobe.

  Rose leaned forward and placed her hands flat against the shower wall, water streaming across her back. She could feel his erection nestled atop the cleft of her ass. She rocked back against it, eliciting another delicious moan from him.

  He removed a hand from one of her breasts and used it to position himself between her legs. He teased her, entering her slowly, but Rose wasn’t having any of that. She slammed her hips back into his, taking him fully in one hard stroke.

  “Fuck,” Colt bit out. One of his arms banded across her chest, holding her tightly against him as the other slipped around her waist, his fingers finding the apex of her thighs as he began to thrust into her again.

  “Oh, god,” Rose moaned as he rammed her from behind, his skilled fingers relentless against her clit. She could feel herself building up, her pussy throbbing around him.

  “I can feel it, baby. You’re so close,” Colt murmured in her ear. She felt his lips press against the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

  Colt released his hold on her so he could take her hips with both of his hands. Rose braced her hands back against the wall as he picked up the rhythm of his thrusts. God, he felt so good, his cock slamming home with each flex of his hips.

  She could hear herself panting, her need was so great and the release so close.

  “Come on, Rose. Give it to me,” Colt said, his breathing just as harsh as hers as he approached his own climax. “Please, Rose. I want to hear you come for me.”

  The pleading in his voice was enough to coax her over the edge. Her back bowed against him as she came, harder than she ever had in her life. Colt rode with her all the way through it, his continued thrusting prolonging her aftershocks until she felt him stiffen, pumping hot jets of semen deep inside her.

  They both sank slowly to the shower floor, too weak with postcoital bliss to stand. Colt held her cradled in his lap as his body curled protectively around her. Her head lolled listlessly against the crook of his neck as he placed tender, almost reverent, kisses at her temple.

  “What are you doing to me, Rose?” he asked softly, with no small amount of wonder in his voice.

  Rose felt her lips pull into a smile as her eyes drifted shut, content to just let him hold her, even as the water began to run cold.

  The real question, Colt Roman, is what are you doing to me?


  Colt wasn’t sure how much time had passed while he’d silently held Rose in the shower after having the best sex of his life, but it had been long enough for her to fall asleep.

  He cradled her against his chest as he got awkwardly to his feet, careful not to jostle her too much as he stepped out of the shower.

  Rose stirred anyway.

  “I can walk,” she said, her words muffled from sleep.

  She began to struggle in his arms a bit, wanting to be put down. Colt reluctantly complied, setting her on her feet before going back to shut off the water. By the time he turned around, Rose had wrapped herself in a clean towel, but she still looked half-asleep.

  Ignoring her protests this time, Colt went back to her and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her from the bathroom. Rose stopped resisting as he crossed the room to lay her down on to the bed. He wasn’t surprised to find that she had already fallen back to sleep.

  He fanned her long dark hair out onto the pillow beside her so that it would dry properly, pulling the sheets up over her, damp towel and all.

  He stretched out on the bed beside her, propping his head in his hand as he watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful right now, so beautiful. He didn’t think he could ever grow tired of staring at her.

  What has gotten into you? he thought wryly to himself. He couldn’t remember the last time he had even cuddled with a woman before Rose, let alone watched them sleep. It was just so out of character for him, he wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  He suspect that the answer lay somewhere with Rose herself. From the moment the new vet had entered into his life, things had begun to change for him. She put the world into perspective, made him feel grounded in a way that he hadn’t since he’d lost his leg. The woman had worked some type of voodoo magic on him, taming his restless soul, leaving him feeling content and satisfied in way he’d never thought was possible before now.

  Rose was gorgeous to be sure, but it wasn’t just that. She was also kindhearted, smarter than just about anybody else he knew, and brave. So brave and strong, having gone through what she had and to still be willing to accept Colt into her life despite it all. He was in awe of her, inspired by her to keep pushing forward, even if all seemed hopeless and lost.

  They both had wounds, had been damaged in the past, but together they were finally healing.

  And Colt would be damned if he let anyone hurt Rose again, not while he was still alive. He would see her safe, even if it got him arrested in the process. Even if it killed him.

  Colt reached over and switched off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness as he settled back onto the bed beside Rose. He sighed, closing his eyes and trying not to think about what it must mean for him if he was willing to die for this woman.


  Rose pulled up outside the veterinary clinic the next morning, humming. The sun had only just come up, but she had things to do. She’d reluctantly left a naked, passed out Colt in bed, but it couldn’t be helped. Today was her last day to finish setting up before officially opening the clinic.

  She got out and opened her trunk, grabbing a stack of Halloween decorations. She wanted to fit in with Catahoula Creek, and she figured decorating her office to match the town’s graveyard decor couldn’t hurt.

  She walked the stack over to the front door, then set them aside and went back to the car for the rest.

  She reached into the trunk to get a second armload of supplies, but as she was straightening up, she noticed a shadow fall behind her. Adrenaline started pumping through her veins at the realization that she was not alone.

  She whipped around, a startled noise coming from her throat when she caught sight of the sheriff. His eyes were gri
m as he watched her, as if troubled by something serious. Rose was just about to ask him what was wrong, when she saw the second man standing behind the sheriff, tall and balding, holding a piece of black material.

  She scrambled back, grappling with the boxes she held as her brain worked overtime to try to put it all together.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, looking between the sheriff and the other man.

  The sheriff didn’t say anything, just pulled a small envelope of black leather from his pocket, producing a syringe.

  Roses eyes widened in instant alarm. She barely registered the sound of the supplies hitting the ground as her arms went limp with fear, her heart beating wildly as she tried to understand.

  What the hell does he want? she thought. If he’s trying to scare me, it’s working…

  “Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” the sheriff warned, moving toward her.

  “No!” she screamed, stepping back.

  The sheriff lunged forward, grabbing for her. She jumped back, hitting the car, and turned to run. But the sheriff thrust his hand into her hair, yanking her back against him.

  “No!” she cried again. She could feel tears of fear running down her face. “No, don’t—”

  It was too late. The sheriff jabbed the syringe into the back of her neck. She jerked, but he held fast. She felt the contents as they flowed into her skin, stinging as they went.

  He released her, and she darted away, desperate to be free. Through the blur of tears, she saw the door to her clinic. She raced toward it on impulse, even though it was locked. She felt her heart beating; felt her body begin to betray her as she stumbled, her legs no longer responding to her desperate attempts to flee.

  What is happening? How is this possible? she thought, her mind awhirl.

  She was only a few steps from the door when the full effects of whatever had been inside the syringe began to really hit her. Her vision began to fade, and she could barely make out the lines of the building anymore. Her muscles were suddenly rubbery and useless.

  By pure force of will, Rose managed to reach the door, pulling at the handle with both hands, her efforts futile. She was so weak that she couldn’t even stand up straight.

  Rose felt herself falling backward, but was helpless to stop it. She couldn’t see anything more than dark spots, her vision blotting out completely.

  Hands caught her as she sagged to the ground. Her eyes grew heavy, like holding each one open was a feat.

  “No,” she whispered, her speech slightly slurred. But whoever caught her ignored her plea.

  She struggled to maintain consciousness, but even that was too much to manage it seemed.

  Her last thought was of Colt, lying fast asleep in his bed. She wished she had at least spoken to him before she left this morning. Kissed him, made love to him, told him what he had begun to mean to her...

  The drug pulled Rose under and everything faded to black.


  Rose stirred some time later, groggy and confused as to why she was lying on the floor. She tried to sit up, only to realize that her wrists and ankles had been taped together.

  It was then that the events that had taken place outside the vet clinic came rushing back to her; the sheriff injecting her with some sort of drug, her collapsing as she’d tried to run from him and the man with the black cloth. She had been kidnapped, it seemed. And by the sheriff of all people.

  As to why she’d been abducted, Rose wasn’t sure. But if the sheriff was involved, Rose was willing to bet that Jared Chalke was behind this whole mess somehow. The knowledge that Jared would go to such extremes to get to her terrified Rose. She didn’t even want to think about what he could possibly have planned for her.

  Which left her with just one real question still unanswered: Where am I?

  “Ah, she wakes!”

  Rose felt herself stiffen at the sound of Jared’s voice.

  She craned her head to look at him as he entered the small, barren room she was being held in. He came to stand beside her head, smiling down at her in a way that made her skin crawl as his eyes roamed over her bound body. Behind him stood the sheriff, arms crossed as he avoided looking in her direction. Rose remained silent, glaring at them both.

  “Aw, don’t be that way, Rose,” Jared chided, seeing the venom in her eyes. He squatted down beside her, running his fingers through her hair in mock reverence. “I’m just so glad that my favorite little pricktease could finally join us.”

  Rose tried to twist away from him, but his hand tightened painfully in her hair, making her eyes water. He pulled her head up so that her face was even with his.

  Jared kissed her, forcing her mouth open so that he could invade it with his tongue. He tasted like stale cigarettes.

  Rose gagged. She tried to struggle free, but with her hands bound behind her back and her body still weak with the aftereffects of the drug in her system, it was pointless. So Rose did the only thing she could think of.

  Jared screamed as Rose’s teeth clamped down onto his tongue. He released the grip that he had in her hair, pushing her away from him so that she fell back to the floor, landing uncomfortably on her restrained arms. She spit a glob of his blood out of her mouth and onto the floor, gagging again.

  “You fucking bitch!” Rose didn’t have time to brace herself as Jared’s open hand came down across her face, slapping her so hard that her teeth rattled.

  “Chalke…” the sheriff said uneasily, taking a step toward them. To his credit, he was starting to look like he regretted dragging Rose into this.

  Too bad Rose didn’t give a fuck.

  “I’m fine,” Jared said, holding out a hand to halt the sheriff as he composed himself. He wiped the back of his hand against his mouth, laughing when it came away wet with his own blood. “You always did like to fight me, didn’t you, Rose?” he said, chuckling to himself again as he got to his feet. He gazed hungrily down at her, like a hunter that had finally cornered his prey. “Well, there will be plenty of time for all that later. That is, after I deal with your little boyfriend.”

  His words made Rose’s blood run cold. What did he want with Colt? Wasn’t it enough that he had her here already? Why go after Colt, too?

  “Oh, that’s right,” Jared quipped, seeing the confusion warring on her face and smiling. “You’re probably wondering why I brought you here in the first place. You see, your boy stole something from me; well, besides you, that is,” he added with a toothy smile. “I want back what he took, with interest.”

  Rose struggled upright into a seated position. She could feel herself shaking, only with rage instead of fear this time.

  “Whatever you’re planning, it’s not going to work,” she bit out before she could stop herself. “Colt’s too smart to fall for whatever stupid trick you’re trying to pull.”

  Jared gave another cold laugh. “Is that so?” he mused, rubbing his chin as if considering her words. “You know what I think?” he asked, hunkering back down so that they were at eye level again. Rose recoiled from the sudden close proximity, but Jared just smirked at her. “I think your rich boyfriend will fall for it. You know why?” He reached out and caressed a finger down her cheek. “Because, if he ever wants to see you alive again, he’ll pay up. And he’ll pay up big.”

  Rose’s mouth went dry suddenly, her heart hitching uncontrollably in her chest.

  Jared laughed at her stricken expression, standing up once more. “Don’t worry, Rose. I enjoy your company too much to kill you. But won’t Mr. Roman be so disappointed when I take you and his money and run?”

  Rose didn’t respond, her mind too busy running through all the terrible outcomes her situation faced.

  Taking her silence as submission, Jared grinned, reaching into his back pocket to produce a cellphone. Her cellphone.

  “I took this while you were sleeping, hope you don’t mind.” Jared looked back over his shoulder at the sheriff. “Sheriff Thorn, if you would be so kind as to give Rose som
e proper motivation,” he said, waving a hand in her direction.

  “What’s happening?” Rose asked, near frantic now that the initial shock of being kidnapped had passed. Her eyes darted between the men. “What are you going to do?”

  The sheriff reluctantly walked over to her, pulling his gun from its holster and leveling it at her head.

  Rose made a startled, fearful sound as the gun pressed against her temple.

  Jared clucked his tongue disapprovingly at her. “Now, now, Rose. Don’t get any ideas about screaming for help, because the sheriff here would sure hate to have to blow a hole in your pretty head.” He held up her phone, angling the camera lens at her. “All right, Rose, now here’s what I want you to say…”


  “Rose?” Colt called as he knocked on the locked door of the vet clinic for the second time. It was midday, and Colt had stopped by to see if Rose wanted to grab some lunch.

  She had left early this morning before he woke up, texting him that she had needed to take care of some last minute things before the clinic opened on Monday. As for himself, he had spent the greater part of the morning doing some menial work in the barn and looping images of last night’s sex over and over in his head. When he’d checked his phone sometime later and saw that it was noontime, he figured he wouldn’t come off as being too needy if he paid her a visit.

  Colt felt his eyebrows come together in a frown when Rose still didn’t answer the door. Should I have called first? He tried to peek through the windows, but he couldn’t see anything because it was too dark. Colt glanced back to the little gravel drive of the clinic where Rose’s car was parked, confused as to why all the lights would be off if Rose was inside.

  Not to mention, the door being locked.

  “Rose!” Colt called again, louder this time. His fists beat on the door. “Rose, are you in there?”


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