Claiming Her Innocence

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Claiming Her Innocence Page 38

by Vivian Wood

  To Rose.

  He scrubbed a hand roughly over his face as he sat back in the driver’s seat.

  After what had happened with Chalke, Colt was anxious to be away from her for too long, memories of her abduction plaguing his imagination until he had to stop whatever he was doing to go check and make sure that she was still there, that she was safe.

  But Colt kept his protectiveness in check, knowing that Rose needed space to get her life back on track. It wouldn’t do for him to be her constant shadow, as tempting as the prospect might be. Not to mention that he couldn’t be around her for more than five minutes without touching her. Her customers might find it a bit offensive if he showed up to maul her while she was at work.

  Though the thought did hold possibilities…

  Waving away fantasies of him bending Rose over an examination table while he fucked her senseless, Colt got out of the truck. He jogged up the steps to his brother’s house, the plans — which had been the entire point of this trip into town — gripped in his hand.

  Remy answered the door when he knocked, her eyes narrowing suspiciously when she saw him standing there. To say the least, Remy hadn’t been entirely pleased when she’d learned of Sawyer’s involvement in their half-cocked rescue mission.

  She’d really lit into his brother once they’d gotten back to town, screaming at him until she’d dissolved into a blubbery mess of hormonal tears, before a stricken-faced Sawyer could comfort her. Colt understood her worries, he really did, but he wasn’t going to apologize for going after Rose. Her safety would always be the priority, where Colt was concerned.

  “What’s up, Colt?” she asked, still standing in the doorway. It seemed she still hadn’t quite forgiven him for endangering her husband’s life.

  Colt gave her his most endearing smile, knowing full well how much he resembled his eldest brother when he did so.

  “Hey, Remy. Is Sawyer here? I’ve got something I need to run by him about the ranch,” he said, holding up the roll of paper he held as proof.

  Remy sighed, but she let the door fall open wider so that he could enter.

  “He and Shiloh are in the living room,” she said as he stepped inside. He closed the door behind him, turning to follow her as she waddled off into the next room.

  Sawyer looked up from where he was reading quietly to Shiloh on the couch as his pregnant wife came into the room. He gave Colt a tight smile when he saw him standing behind her. Oh, yes. Sawyer was definitely still in the doghouse.

  “Your brother has something he wants to talk to you about,” she said to Sawyer, her eyes flashing warily between the two brothers.

  Sawyer’s head cocked to the side as he looked curiously at Colt.

  “What about?” he asked.

  He stood and handed the book he’d been reading to Remy as she took his place on the couch.

  “Just an idea I had for the ranch,” he said casually, tapping the paper in his hand for emphasis.

  Sawyer nodded, leading Colt in to the kitchen while Remy’s penetrating gaze followed them like a hawk until they left the room.

  “Remy’s still pissed, huh?” Colt said once they were alone.

  “Can you blame her?” was Sawyer’s reply.

  He came around to stand on the other side of the kitchen island from Colt, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed his brother.

  Colt shook his head.

  “No, not really,” he said absentmindedly, his eyes snagging on the headline of the newspaper that was sitting on the counter.

  Sawyer noticed him looking.

  “The plea hearing is next Monday. The court physician finally deemed him fit for trial,” he said, keeping his voice low so as not to carry into the next room. “He’s lawyered up, but he’s facing some serious charges; daddy’s money wont protect him this time.”

  Colt felt his teeth clench. “I wish Rose had killed the fucking bastard.”

  It had come as a relief to Rose when she’d learned that Chalke hadn’t died by her hand, claiming that, after everything Jared had done to her. She wouldn’t be able to bear it if he’d made her into a murderer as well.

  Colt wasn’t nearly so forgiving. Chalke deserved worse than death, in his opinion.

  Sawyer nodded his agreement, but reached over to grab the newspaper and toss it in the trash.

  “So what’s this idea you have that made you brave enough to face my wife’s wrath to come here?” Sawyer asked, steering the conversation to calmer waters.

  Colt took a deep breath, dampening his vengeful thoughts as he spread his plans out on the counter in front of his brother.

  “I already talked this over with Walker. He didn’t have any objections if you didn’t,” Colt said as Sawyer bent his head to study the document.

  Colt shifted his weight, suddenly nervous as Sawyer’s eyes scanned the paper before him. He was silent for so long, Colt thought that he might burst with anticipation.

  Eventually, Sawyer looked up at him, eyebrows raised.

  “This is what you want?”

  Colt nodded. “Yes.”

  Sawyer considered him for a moment, giving away nothing.

  “And, Rose?”

  Colt met his brother’s eyes straight on. He felt his throat bob as he swallowed.

  “I love her, Sawyer.”

  At that, Sawyer’s face split into a grin.

  “Then I say go for it.”

  Colt loosed a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding. “Really?”

  Sawyer nodded.


  Overcome with gratitude, Colt couldn’t stop himself from going around the island to embrace his brother.

  “Thank you,” he said gruffly as he clapped Sawyer on the back.

  Sawyer laughed as they stepped back from the impromptu hug.

  “Don’t thank me, thank Rose. I was afraid you’d be a womanizing bachelor forever. I never thought you’d fall so hard for anyone.”

  That makes two of us, Colt thought dryly to himself, just as Shiloh came barreling into the kitchen.

  “Daddy! Daddy!” he yelled, running up to Sawyer. “Mommy’s leaking!”

  Colt and Sawyer exchanged a perplexed look.

  “What?” Sawyer asked, crouching down so that he was at his son’s level.

  “Mommy’s leaking!” he said excitedly. “She wanted me to tell you that she broke the water!”

  There was a beat of shocked silence while Colt and Sawyer gaped open-mouthed at Shiloh. Then Sawyer seemed to regain control of himself as he leapt up and sprinted for the living room, Colt and Shiloh hot on his heels.

  Sure enough, Remy was bent over awkwardly on the couch, panting slightly as she braced a hand on her back. She looked up as they all came running into the room, Sawyer rushing instantly to her side.

  “You’re water broke? It’s happening now?” Sawyer asked, near frantic.

  In any other situation, Colt would have laughed at the flustered look on his brother’s face. As it was, Colt was doing his best not to freak out right along with him. He didn’t know the first thing about what to do when a woman went in to labor.

  Luckily, Remy seemed to be keeping her head.

  “Yeah, it’s happening,” she said breathily, leaning on Sawyer as he helped her off the couch. “We need to go to the hospital.”

  Her eyes found Colt standing in the doorway. “Can you grab my overnight bag? It’s by the door in the bedroom.”

  Colt complied, thankful to have a task while Sawyer and Remy slowly shuffled for the door. He ran down the hall quickly, finding the bag where she said it’d be.

  By the time he got back, Sawyer was already helping Remy into the front seat of the SUV, a confused Shiloh standing a short distance away, watching wide-eyed.

  Colt handed the bag to Sawyer as he shut the door behind his wife.

  “Thanks,” he said distractedly, tossing the bag into the back seat before going around to the driver’s side. He was about to open the door to get in
when a sudden thought hit him.

  “Shit!” he cursed, looking to his brother across the hood of the SUV. “Can you watch Shiloh? Meet us at the hospital?”

  Colt nodded, waving his brother away.

  “Of course. You guys just get out of here before Remy has that baby in the front yard.”

  Sawyer threw him a grateful smile as he climbed in to the car. A moment later, they were backing out of the drive and speeding off in the direction of the hospital.

  Colt watched them go for a moment, before turning to look down at where Shiloh was standing next to him.

  “Well, buddy. Looks like you’re going to be a big brother.”

  Today was a day for surprises, it seemed.


  Rose was just locking up the clinic for the day when her cellphone rang. She’d had to get a new one, since her old one was being held in evidence for the case against Jared, and there were only a handful of people that had her new number.

  So when she saw that it was Colt calling, she wasn’t exactly surprised.

  “Hey,” she said, answering the phone as she walked to her car. “I was just about to call you. My first day at work is officially over!”

  She cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder as she opened her car door to get in. “We should celebrate,” she added coyly, thinking of their unfinished business from earlier that morning.

  Colt groaned on the other end of the line.

  “As tempting as that sounds, we’re going to have to hold off on the celebrating until later.”

  Rose frowned at that. “Why? What’s up?”

  “Well, right now I’m at the hospital—”

  “What? You’re in the hospital! Are you all right? What happened?” Rose instantly pulled a U-turn in the road, redirecting for the hospital instead of home.

  “Easy, Rose. Calm down. It’s not me,” Colt said, his voice slightly amused. “Remy’s having her baby.”

  “Remy’s having her… baby?” Rose repeated slowly, her brain still reeling from the shock of Colt saying he was at the hospital.

  “Yeah, the rest of the family and I are here waiting.” He paused for a moment, before adding, “You should come.”

  Rose’s brows lowered, uncertain.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to…intrude.”

  But it wasn’t just that. Rose wasn’t sure that Remy would even want her there, not after Sawyer risked his life to help save her. Colt had assured her after the incident that Remy wasn’t mad at her, just at the recklessness of the Roman brothers, but Rose was still unconvinced.

  Colt sighed.

  “You wouldn’t be intruding. Besides, I…I want you to be here.”

  How could she argue with that?

  “Alright,” she said reluctantly. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes or so.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  As she got off the phone, Rose couldn’t help but marvel at the hold that Colt held over her heart. She would do anything to make him happy, even if it meant subjecting herself to Remy’s anger.


  Colt stood as Rose entered the small waiting room where he, Walker, Shelby, and Shiloh had been gathered for the last couple hours once Remy’s contractions had started, Sawyer being the only one allowed in the delivery room. Not that Colt had really been keen on getting in on that action anyway.

  No, he had taken Shiloh and hightailed it out of there before anyone could ask him twice.

  Rose smiled shyly at everyone as she approached him, but Shelby got to her first.

  “Oh, Rose, I’m so glad you’re here!” Shelby exclaimed, wrapping Rose in a tight hug. “I’ve been so worried about you after… you know… everything.”

  Colt watched as her face heated with its signature blush.

  “I’m okay, Shelby,” she said, awkwardly patting the other woman on the back. “Colt’s been taking care of me.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he has,” Shelby teased, releasing Rose from her embrace.

  Rose blushed even harder.

  “Shelby,” she gasped, embarrassed.

  Colt, taking pity on her, opened his mouth to say something, but Walker beat him to the rescue.

  “Leave her be, Shelby,” his brother chided from where he was sitting next to a sleeping Shiloh. “The poor girl’s been through enough without you badgering her.”

  Shelby scowled; turning to face Walker, hands on hips.

  “I was not badgering her. I was being a concerned friend,” she wined.

  Walker rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone, “Whatever.”

  Rose’s wide eyes met his from across the room and he gave her a smirk. She couldn’t see their bickering for what it was, but he could.

  Rose was becoming part of the family.

  “Hey,” he said softly, pulling her in for a quick kiss when she finally made it to his side. “So work went okay?”

  They parted, Colt smoothing her dark hair from her face.

  Rose nodded, a small smile on her lips.

  “My first day at the clinic, and now Remy having her baby; today seems like the day for new beginnings, doesn’t it?”

  Colt smiled to himself; she didn’t even know the half of it.

  “Oh, definitely.”

  Rose gave him a puzzled look at his I-know-something-you-don’t-know tone. And probably would have questioned him about it, had a scrubbed-up Sawyer not burst into the room.

  “It’s a girl!” he proclaimed loudly, his face glowing with fatherly pride.

  Shelby squealed in excitement, rousing Shiloh from his nap.

  He blinked a couple of times, his big eyes finding Sawyer.

  “Daddy?” he said groggily.

  “Hey, guess what, buddy?” Sawyer said, going over to kneel beside him, leaving Shelby behind to gush on her own. “You have a little sister now.”

  Shiloh blinked again. “Really?”

  “Yep,” said Sawyer. “You want to go meet her?”

  Shiloh’s face broke out in a smile. He nodded his head vigorously, climbing down out of the chair.


  “Alright then, come on. But you have to remember to be gentle with Mommy though, okay?” Shiloh gave him a determined nod and Sawyer ruffled his hair. “That’s a good boy.”

  He turned to stand, lifting Shiloh in his arms. He glanced around at everyone else in the room, as if just now remembering that they were all there.

  “You guys can come in and see Remy and the baby now, but only for a little while. They both need their rest,” he cautioned before leaving the room, Shelby right on his heels.

  Colt smiled down at Rose, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

  “Well, let’s go say hi to my new niece.”

  Rose nodded, returning his squeeze. “Okay.”

  Still holding hands, they followed after Sawyer and Shelby, Walker ghosting along in their wake. As they entered the room, Shiloh was already snuggled up next to Remy on the bed, Sawyer and Shelby standing on either side of her. And in Remy’s arms was a tiny bundle with a shock of dark hair.

  “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you had a baby girl. I have a niece!” Shelby said eagerly, clearly wanting to get her hands on the baby. “What did you guys name her?”

  But it was Sawyer who answered.

  “Her name is Riley. Riley Roman.” Sawyer beamed, looking happier than Colt could ever remember seeing him.

  As Remy reluctantly handed off her daughter to Shelby, Walker sidled up next to Colt.

  “You know what this means, don’t you?” he said in a low voice so that only Colt could hear.

  Colt gave him a quizzical look. “What?”

  Walker raised his eyebrows.

  “Sawyer’s going to be going to jail when he shoots that poor girl’s first boyfriend.”

  They both shared a laugh at their brother’s expense.

  “What are you two girls whispering about over here?” Sawyer asked as he came over to investigate his brothers’ snickering

  He gave Rose a smile and a half-hug when he came to stand next to her, eyeing Colt and Walker apprehensively.

  “Oh, you know,” Walker drawled, hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans. “Just talking about how fun life is going to be for you now that you have a daughter.”

  “And, from what I remember of my former teenage years,” Colt chimed in, making a mock-thoughtful face. “The girls with the overprotective dads did always like to have more fun.”

  Sawyer blanched, making Walker and Colt laugh again. Apparently Sawyer hadn’t thought of that scenario yet.

  “Okay, laugh it up,” Sawyer said, gathering himself. He eyed each of his brothers in turn. “You can laugh all you want, because when you two have children some day, I’ll be right there to shove it in your face.”

  At the thought of his perspective children, Colt instinctively looked over at Rose. Rose, who had been watching the entire exchange with mild amusement, met his eyes, and blushed.

  Oh, Rose. What are you thinking? Colt thought playfully as a slow grin spread across his face. Wouldn’t be about having my babies, would it?

  Rose was doing her best to divert her eyes from his when Shelby came bustling over, baby Riley in tow.

  “Who else wants to meet their new niece?” she asked, looking between Colt and Walker. Before either of them could volunteer, she stepped forward and placed the baby in Colt’s arms.

  Flustered, Colt adjusted his awkward hold on the baby until she was cradled more comfortably in his arms. He looked down at the sleeping Riley, surprised at how tiny she was. Newborn babies always looked bigger in movies, which was the only real frame of reference he had with them.

  “Hmm, Colt looks pretty good holding a baby, doesn’t he?” Shelby said, elbowing Rose and giving her an exaggerated wink.

  If Colt had thought Rose’s face couldn’t get any redder, he was mistaken. She wouldn’t even meet his eyes until he’d passed Riley off to Walker.

  “Hey,” he said to her softly, taking her hand again. “What do you say we get out of here? We can come visit again when they’re back home.”

  Rose bit her lip, but nodded. Colt turned to congratulate his brother and sister-in-law, bending to place a kiss on Remy’s forehead, before returning to collect Rose as she said her own goodbyes. Together they left, finally heading back home.


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