Bend To His Will

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Bend To His Will Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Where are you going?”


  Neal kept up with her until she finally stopped. The defiant look in her eyes turned him on.

  “What do you want? I’m tired. I’ve had a long day at work. I want to go home and have a bath.”

  “Why has it been a long day?” Neal wanted to know about her life. Usually he wanted women to just shut up.

  “You really want to know? Fine. A spineless bastard left me high and dry at the bar. Since then, the gossip about us has been going off the charts. I’m fed up with constantly throwing myself at a man who doesn’t give a shit about me. I’m done. Congratulations, Neal Haney. In the space of a day I’ve decided you’re more trouble than you’re worth.”

  My God, she looks amazing.

  Her cheeks were flushed, her chest heaving. The small top she wore wouldn’t keep those tits in for long.

  “I’m here, Sandy,” he said.


  “I’m ready to go the next step with you.”

  Silence met his request. There seemed to be a lot of that going around, pauses after he spoke.

  He waited for her to give in.

  “Nice try. Thanks for the offer.” She pushed past him. Neal was surprised to see they were already at her front door.

  “What?” She’d been chasing after him so long, he’d expected her to bow down and date him.

  Sandy opened her front door. “If you’re really ready for me, then prove it because I’m tired of this half-assed attempt from you.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  “What I mean, Mr. Haney, is you’ve got to prove you want me.” She slammed the door in his face.

  Shocked by her reaction, he took a step back to assess her door. After all this time of her teasing, tempting him to want her, she was going to make him work for it?

  “Sandy, open the door,” he shouted, banging on the hard wood.

  No answer. He knew causing a scene would be useless. Growling in frustration, he walked back to his truck and drove home.

  Slamming his front door, he went straight to the fridge in the kitchen. He pulled out a much-needed beer.

  He sat at his table and thought about what she’d said. Did she mean gifts? What did she want from him? Searching his mind for the right thing, he latched onto his previous thought. Presents and trinkets showed a woman they were appreciated.

  Starting Monday, he’d show Sandy what it meant to have his full undivided attention.

  Let the games begin.

  Chapter Seven

  On Monday, his family finally started to talk to him and he began with his gifts. A simple bouquet of red roses. Neal felt happy with his purchase as he gave his card details. They were due to be delivered at lunch time. He sat down with his family at lunch happy in the knowledge come the evening, Sandy would be his.

  A knock at the door disturbed them. His mother went to answer the door. Seconds later, she returned followed by the delivery boy with his bouquet of flowers.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  The boy—whose name he couldn’t remember—handed him the roses.

  “I thought I told you to take them to the salon?”

  “I did, Mr. Haney. Miss Breeden paid me to deliver them to you. She told me to tell you that you can stick them where the sun don’t shine and hopes the thorns sting. She said a lot of other stuff too but I don’t wish to repeat them. They sounded awful the first time.” The boy looked genuinely disturbed.

  “She refused my gift?” he asked.

  “Yes and I’ve been told to tell you from my boss that he won’t be taking any more orders from you. He isn’t in the market of harassing women.”

  The boy took off, leaving Neal to deal with his family. They all sniggered. He handed the flowers to his mom.

  “Enjoy them. Some woman should get enjoyment out of them.”

  “You really thought Sandy would like flowers?” Luke said, amazed.

  “Yes. You got a problem?”

  They shook their heads.

  * * * *

  The next day began the same way only this time he called the jewelry store. He knew a bracelet of some kind would appeal. When he sat down to his lunch and no one returned with the bracelet he knew he’d won. He drove into town that night for a beer with his brothers. The bar was hosting a charity auction event.

  Neal watched each piece being sold. What caught his attention was the slender looking bracelet.

  “Come on folks. This is to raise money for the children’s hospice. This piece was donated by Mr. Neal Haney.”

  He spit the contents of his bottle on the floor. Sandy had placed the bracelet for auction. Growling in further frustration, he started to think of his next move.

  * * * *

  As the week progressed each gift he sent was returned in some form or another. The mega box of chocolates he’d ordered her with flowers had come back with an artfully displayed message in the box spelling, fuck you.

  Everything he sent meant nothing to her.

  By the end of the week when his last gift showed up at the ranch, he’d had enough. Before his shift was finished, he climbed in his truck and drove into town. At two in the afternoon the town would be thriving with activity. He didn’t give a shit anymore. Sandy wanted him to prove how much he wanted her, yet all of his attempts had been thrown in his face.

  Neal parked his truck as near to the salon as possible. Walking down the street, he ignored the people who spoke to him.

  He slammed open the beauty salon door. The moment he saw her, Neal went straight to her. Women were everywhere and he didn’t care. Sandy was the first woman he’d put any effort into dating.

  Sandy stood when she noticed him, her hands folded under her breasts. “What do you want?”

  Attitude poured off her. All he wanted to do was grab her, put her over his knee and smack her ass until she begged him to stop. She needed discipline. He would be more than happy to oblige her.

  “Why are you returning all of my gifts?” he growled. His voice clear for all to hear.

  Marks for Sandy, she didn’t look around afraid of who might hear.

  “You mean those bribes disguised as gifts? I don’t take little trinkets for sex, Neal. You want to pay, then go find someone else.”

  “Why should I pay when you’ve been offering it up for free?” The instant the words left his mouth he knew he was in trouble. He expected to see the hurt or anger to cross her face. Instead, she shot him a smile.

  “I’ve never offered anything up for free. I’ve always come with a price. The only problem with you is you’ve never been too bright to figure out what it is.”

  Neal glared at her.

  * * * *

  He’d come. Neal Haney wanted to know why she didn’t want his gifts. This was a huge improvement. Trying not to show him she’d won the battle, Sandy turned back to the women she’d been talking to.

  Neal took her hand and marched her through the salon to her office. He locked the door and spun around to face her.

  Sandy gasped in anticipation. Her pussy was wet from his show of dominance. She wondered if he would take her over the desk, show her who’s the boss.

  The gifts had been beautiful. Really thoughtful presents. She didn’t want them. What she wanted was for Neal to get over his issues and see it didn’t matter what he thought she wanted. She just wanted him.

  He ran his fingers through his hair, composing himself.

  The next time he spoke his voice was gentle. “What do you want from me? I’ve done everything I can think of to prove to you I want more.”

  “Why does your proof have to come in the form of a gift?” she asked.

  “It’s the only way I know how to do things,” he admitted.

  “I don’t want presents or jewels. They were beautiful.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  She smiled. “I want you to want me.”

  “I do want you. I’m here tryin
g to prove to you I do want you.”

  “What changed, Neal? One second you wanted in my pants, then you were telling me I’m easy. I don’t get you. What brought about this need to be with me?”

  “I can’t believe the shit I said. You’re not easy.” He licked his lips and glanced around the office. “I’m not like other guys. The love dovey crap you women are fed isn’t the way I see things.”


  “When you come home with me Sandy, you won’t be coming home to hugs and kisses.”

  “What will I be coming home to?”

  “To your master.”

  She should be terrified, at the very least the shaking in her heels. Only the shaking was more due to need. Neal being the one in control would mean she wouldn’t have to be. He would offer her the protection and the security she craved. Her family had thrown her to the wolves when she refused to be anything more than a beautician. What would life feel like to be wanted and loved for the woman she was rather than someone trying to change her into something she wasn’t?

  “You’re a dominant. I know this.”

  “No. Don’t sugarcoat this with books you’ve read or the tame shit you see on television. What I want is real. I want you warm and welcoming when I get home. What I say goes. Do you understand me?”

  “I understand, Neal.”

  “This is why I couldn’t do this with you. You see everything through rose colored glasses. Everything could be good with a cup of tea and a cookie. I made a mistake coming here thinking I could have anything with you.”

  Before she could stop him, Neal left the office and her salon. Shaking her head at the anger she felt, she lashed out at the paperwork on her desk.

  So close. She’d been so close to having him. He’d finally come to her. Damn him and his overprotective instincts. She’s been involved with his family long enough that he should know she walks into any situation with her eyes wide open.

  Groaning in frustration at the mess on the floor, she wouldn’t be able to leave until the paperwork was filed.

  The chatter started up again outside. Sandy ignored them. The girls worked fine without her.

  She sat behind her desk and leaned into the comfort of her chair. The love she felt for Neal wasn’t something she could turn off. She’d tried many times.

  The day wore on. She finished her work after reaching a decision in her mind. Action was called for in her situation with Neal. Talking never worked. She’d show him she could take everything he had to dish out and more.

  The real games were about to begin.

  Chapter Eight

  The anger stayed with Neal for the remainder of the day. He kept to himself, refusing to eat with his family. They didn’t need to be subjected to his bad mood. It had been stupid of him to even think about Sandy being with him. His life as a man in control taught him few women could deal with what he wanted. The submissive women he’d been in contact with had either wanted him to be in control every second of the day, practically running their lives, or for him to rein in his need, during the sessions together. The heat inside him couldn’t be contained. He knew what he wanted and wouldn’t permanently subject any woman to his way of life.

  He packed away the tools as his family sat down to eat. Talking to them about his problems wouldn’t help. The fact his dad knew what he was embarrassed him enough. He didn’t want to think about his parents having a sex life. Naive of him, considering he knew that’s how he was brought into this world. Some things he could accept but his mom and dad in the lifestyle went too far for him.

  While he drove home, he thought about what he could eat. He parked the truck, went inside and prepared himself a quick sandwich. The stale bread with old cheese did nothing to appease his appetite.

  On the way up to have a shower his doorbell rang. He wanted to ignore the sound but thought better of it. If someone drove out to him, then they wanted his attention.

  As he opened the door, he discovered Sandy standing there, waiting.

  “Chinese?” She lifted a bag up for him to see. The scent of the oriental food made his stomach grumble. The sandwich had left him wanting.

  He opened the door wider to let her walk in.

  “You brought food?”

  “Yes. I stopped by your parent’s house. They said you’d gone home without food. So being the good little servant that I am, I drove back into town, picked up enough food to feed the world, then drove back like lightning,” she said, following him into the kitchen.

  “Thank you.”

  Sandy left the package on the table for him to unpack. She rummaged through his kitchen for plates, then the forks. He opened each tub and found flavored noodles, rices, curries and spring rolls. Each item a feast to his senses.

  “Sit. You’ve been hard at work,” she said. She pushed him into a chair before she began filling his plate with piles of food.

  “You’ve been at work as well.”

  “I paint nails, wash hair and sort through paperwork. I don’t transport hay or lift heavy barrels of stuff. Rest.” She handed him a plate, then sat next to him with her own smaller portion.

  Most women would have a salad or eat raw vegetables. He watched as she scooped up a forkful of noodles and put them in her mouth. Her eyes closed. Her murmurs of approval made his dick swell.

  “Thank you for this.”

  “No problem.”

  They ate in silence. Neal couldn’t stop looking at her. Seeing how much she enjoyed her food was a real novelty to him.

  When they were done she closed the packets and placed them in his fridge. “They’ll only be good for tomorrow. Anything you don’t eat throw out.”

  Neal nodded his head. The calmness of her presence was a soothing balm to him. He leaned back when a thought struck him. The woman he wanted to fuck was in his home where he could have her to his heart content.

  The crazy possessive needs that swamped him, scared the shit out of him. He feared hurting her.

  “You need to leave,” he said. If she didn’t get out of his house, he’d fuck her and make her his.

  “Excuse me? I bought you food.”

  “I appreciate your kindness. Now you need to leave.”


  Neal stood as she folded her arms under her breasts. The action made her tits push up. He saw the fleshy mounds and wanted to see her naked on her knees with his cock in her mouth. She wasn’t the right woman for him.

  Instead of answering her, he took her hand and pulled her to the door. She fought him every step of the way. The man inside threatened to get out. He wanted to put her over his shoulder and smack her ass. To make her to submit to him.

  “Let me go, Neal. I know why I’m here.” She thumped his back. The years of working on the ranch made him all muscle so he didn’t feel a thing.

  “You don’t have a fucking clue what you’re getting yourself into. You’re just a girl.”

  “I’m just a girl? You didn’t think that when I was swallowing your cum.”

  Her words made him stumble. Then instinct took over as the demand in her tone irritated him. He pinned her against the wall. “Be careful what you say.”

  “Why? You might spank me?” He pulled away and pushed her near the front door.

  “You don’t have the first clue what I’d do to you.”

  “No? Then why don’t you show me? Newsflash, I’m wet at the thought of being spanked. You touching me drives me insane, Neal. I want you.”

  He wanted to celebrate at her words. To lift her skirt and see how much she could take. He glanced at the door. If she didn’t walk out their relationship would be changed forever. After he took her the way he wanted there would be no going back. The small amount of fear inside him made him pull away.

  “Why the fuck are you here? Haven’t you worked out yet that I don’t want you,” Neal growled. He hated the way he behaved around her but he couldn’t seem to stop. Being around Sandy made him feel out of control.

  “Really? You don
’t want me?” Her hand cupped the tent in his jeans. “Then I guess this is just another problem.” She licked a path down his cheek.

  His cock pulsed in her hand. He couldn’t contain the moan. Letting lose the crazy feelings inside him, Neal had no choice. Slamming his hands down—forcing her to break contact with his cock—he pushed her against the wall.

  “Do you really want to mess with me? I’ll take you down a path where you’ll wish you never went,” he warned.

  * * * *

  The vibration of his anger sent shockwaves of pleasure all through her body. Didn’t he know how sexy he looked being all dominant?

  “Why don’t you show me, big boy,” she teased.

  Sandy had drove to his house with the intent of looking for trouble. She was tired of all his games. One second he wanted her, the next he couldn’t stand to be around her. Now was the time for him to make his decision. Either he wanted her or not. Plain and simple.

  “Shall I make it clearer for you, Neal?” she asked. Pulling out of his grip, which he’d loosened since her last comment, she tore the clothes from her body. The shirt lay in ruins at her feet followed by the tiny skirt and a plain modest bra. No panties. Dressing had taken her hours to decide what to wear for this special visit and mere seconds to remove the garments. Perfect for getting his attention. “Does this make your decision easier for you?”

  Hands on hips, her chest out and tummy pulled in.

  She noted his hands were shaking as he slid his fingers through his hair. He glanced at the door, then back at her before looking at the door again.

  The fight within him had started. She stood waiting for what he decided to do.

  “Fuck it,” he said. The next second he held her in his arms. The rough fabric of his clothes bit into her skin. She moaned as the pleasure from his touch heightened her arousal. “I’ve got to have you.”

  Taking hold of her hand, he led her into the sitting room. He bent her over the back of the couch and forced her to hold on. “Don’t let go,” he warned.


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