The Naughty Sister (Sorority Sins XXX Book 1)

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The Naughty Sister (Sorority Sins XXX Book 1) Page 1

by Sadie May

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  The Naughty Virgin

  The Naughty Sister

  Sorority Sins XXX

  Sadie May


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  The Naughty Virgin

  Chapter One

  “Lick it, bitch.”

  My eyes shot open to find Morgan Feeny kneeling over me, one leg on either side of my face. She was grinning down at me, her trademark pleated skirt hitched up to her waist, revealing her pretty waxed pussy.

  It was my first night at Kappa House and I’d woken up with a pussy in my face.

  A giggle to my left had me turning to see who else was there. Missy McClure was watching me, her iPhone aimed in my direction as she filmed us doing...whatever the hell we were doing.

  "What are you doing?" I squeaked.

  I couldn't see past Morgan but I heard a girl’s laugh from down near the end of the bed and soon my legs were being pushed apart. “What the hell are you guys—” I cut off with a gasp as someone pulled down my panties and shoved a dildo in my pussy. Missy giggled again. "Oh my God, you should see your face. It's priceless."

  The dildo holder spoke and I recognized Alison's high-pitched voice. "You should talk, Missy. Remember your first night? You fucking cried when I sat on your face."

  Pieces of a puzzle clicked into place. Hazing. This must be just another part of hazing. I'd thought all that was over after rush, but it turned out I was wrong.

  Somehow knowing that this was just another prank—albeit an extreme one—helped me to relax.

  "See?" Alison purred from between my legs. "Your first time doesn't have to be tragic like Missy's. It can be pretty fun if you get into it."

  Morgan wiggled her hips above me, bringing my attention back to her grinning face. "I know it'll be fun for me. I've been waiting all week for this."

  I heard Missy’s snort beside me. “Oh please, you’ve been getting busy every night this week. It’s not like you’re lacking in the sex life department.”

  Morgan spread her legs wider and sank down so her wet, pink pussy was inches from my lips. “But girls always do it better,” she said. “They know how to eat me out just the way I like.”

  Alison moved the dildo making me gasp again but she didn’t seem to be paying attention to my reactions as she responded to Morgan. “I think that’s sexist.”

  “I’m just stating facts,” Morgan said. She moved her hips lower until her pussy was pressed against my lips. “Come on, new girl. Show us what you’ve got.”

  I tried not to panic, which was hard since I was pretty much being smothered by my new housemate’s vulva. Holy shit, I didn’t know what to do. I was a college freshman, for God’s sake. I’d never even kissed a girl, let alone eaten one out.

  I couldn’t do it.

  I heard Missy’s voice next to my ear. “Don’t worry, Rachel, it’s not as bad as it sounds. We all had to do it on our first night at the house.”

  “Some of us still do it,” Alison said with a laugh. Then she started to move the dildo in and out and despite my fears, I felt myself getting wet. She used one of her fingers to rub my clit and my mouth opened with a moan.

  “That’s it,” Morgan breathed. “Now use that pretty mouth of yours to make me come.”

  Whatever Alison was doing between my thighs was making my brain forget how weird this was. I couldn’t even agonize over the fact that Missy was filming this. The world had come down to Alison’s movements down below and Morgan’s dripping wet pussy on my lips.

  Tentatively I licked her cunt and her hips jerked as she moaned. I tried it again, opening my mouth wider this time to taste her.

  Oh shit, she tasted… good. I guess I’d never thought about what we tasted like down there but it was sweet and salty and…. Oh fuck, Alison was flicking my clit now, thrusting the dildo into me harder and faster. My hips bucked and jerked as I tried to get more.

  Morgan was doing the same thing above me, wriggling her hips and pressing against me as I tried to emulate what Alison was doing with my tongue. I nipped at her clit, sucking and flicking it with my tongue until she cried out. Only then did I move my tongue, using it to thrust into her pussy in lieu of a dildo.

  She came first.

  Afterward I couldn’t exactly explain why that was a point of pride. But when she fell forward in blissed out abandon…I felt triumphant. That feeling was fleeting though because soon enough I couldn’t feel or think about anything other than finding my own release.

  I moaned incoherently as my head thrashed on the pillow. I heard Missy’s voice beside me, “That’s it, new girl. Show us how you like it.”

  My hips arched up to meet the dildo and take it in as Alison worked my clit until…. Oh fuck, I was gone. I was lost. Euphoria rushed over me.

  I wanted to do it again.

  I’d only had sex with one guy, the boy I’d dated senior year, and it was nothing like this. He’d dumped me when we’d gone off to separate colleges. He wanted to have the full college experience, he’d said. He didn’t want to be held back.

  I stared up at the ceiling, gasping for air as I came back to earth.

  Fuck. If this was the full college experience, sign me up.

  The next day I sat in my sociology class and waited on Professor Humphry, who was almost always late. His teaching assistant, Dan, was there already, as usual. He caught my eye and gave me a nod.

  I blushed. I couldn’t help it. He was just so freakin’ hot. Young, tan, and buff, he was the crush of every girl in our class, I’d bet money on it. I glanced around now, and sure enough, all female eyes were on him as he made the rounds, passing out a handout.

  When he reached me, he leaned down so close I could smell his aftershave. “How’d your first night at Kappa go?”

  My breath caught in my throat. He couldn’t mean… There was no way he knew…

  But then he pulled back so I could see his face and he gave me a wink before moving on to the next student.

  The warmth in my cheeks turned into an all-out inferno. He knew. But how would he know? I shifted uncomfortably in my seat at the thought of the hottie TA knowing about what I’d done the night before. I got all hot and flustered thinking about what it would have been like if he’d been in the room watching instead of Missy. I had to clench my thighs together to ease the ache at that thought. What if he’d been the one videotaping me getting fucked with a dildo as I licked Morgan’s pussy….

  Even better, what if he’d been fucking me instead of Alison with her little toy. I eyed Dan with his sculpted muscles and large frame. Something told me nothing about Dan would be little.

  My dirty thoughts were rudely interrupted when Professor Humphry walked into class and took his place at the front of the room, drawing our attention. He was sexy in a silver fox kind of way. He had salt and pepper hair that went well with his aristocratic features. Tall and lean, he had a swagger about him that put me on edge. I don’t know why he made me nervous, but he did.

  His gaze was too intense. Too knowing. Like he could see what I was thinking.

  Dan went over to him and whispered something in his ear and a second later that nervewracking gaze was aimed in my direction.

  For one heartbeat I felt like a specimen pinned under a microscope as Profess
or Humphry watched me, his expression unreadable. Dan glanced in my direction too and I swear he smirked.

  What the hell?

  I sank further into my seat and told myself that there was no way Dan could have known about what had gone down last night. Missy had explained it all to me this morning over breakfast. The whole point of making those sex tapes was so that every sister was in on the secret. If one person blabbed, everyone’s secret was out.

  “What’s the secret?” I’d asked.

  Missy had bit her lip as she’d grinned at me. “That we’re the dirtiest little whorehouse on campus.”

  I’d laughed, totally sure that she was joking. “Very funny, Missy.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not kidding. Well, not totally. We’re not a whorehouse, obviously. We don’t get paid.” She leaned in closer and lowered her voice. “But we are the raunchiest house, by far.”

  She sounded proud of this fact but I stared at her in confusion. No way. The Kappa girls were so… sweet. And studious and responsible. Heck, everyone who was anyone on campus knew that this was the house for the goody-two-shoes, which was exactly why I’d pledged.

  Her head tipped back as she let out a loud cackle of a laugh. “Oh my God, you should see your face right now.” She met my gaze. “It’s a shocker, right?”

  I nodded mutely. Shocker was one way of putting it.

  “I know. It’s a shock for most of the girls. Some of them come into it knowing what’s up—those are the ones who have older sisters or friends here and have gotten a heads up. But most are like you. Totally clueless.”

  I found myself blinking at her as I tried to wrap my head around this new world I’d gotten myself into. “So we….party a lot?”

  She patted my shoulder in a condescending move. “That’s one way of putting it.” She pushed her chair back and put her dirty bowl in the sink. “Don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it. We only pick girls we think will be a good fit. You know, all sweet and buttoned up on the surface.” Turning to face me she added, “But really wild underneath.”

  I stared at her in shock. Was that what they thought of me? I looked down at my white cotton blouse and pleated skirt. Okay, maybe that first part was right. I was a good girl and had never tried to hide it.

  But was I wild underneath?

  My first instinct was to say no. Not a chance. I didn’t have a wild bone in my body. But then the memory of Morgan’s pussy in my mouth made me pause.

  I’d been part of a threesome last night. Willingly or not, there was no denying… I’d liked it.

  Hell, I’d loved it. I’d woken up this morning wondering just how long I had to wait until I could do something like that again.

  As if Missy was reading my mind, she gave me a saucy grin. “Judging by how you reacted last night, I’d say you’ll be a natural.”

  Her words were still ringing in my ears as I sat there and let my professor and his assistant studied me. I swear to God, that orgasm the night before had unleashed some sort of inner perv because I found myself fantasizing about what it would be like if they were watching me like that—all intense and all-seeing—as I stripped for them.

  God, I hope they couldn’t read minds because mine was filthy.

  As quickly as it started, their attention moved away from me and class was underway. Maybe I’d imagined it. All throughout class I tried to concentrate, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how Dan had asked about my first night at the sorority house.

  How could he have known? He couldn’t have, I decided. But as soon as I came to that conclusion, I’d hear his voice again. His tone was so knowing, like we were sharing a secret.

  I watched him as he sat at the desk. It looked like he was grading our essays from last class as the professor gave his lecture. Yes, Dan was droolworthy, but I should never have told him I was rushing.

  Last semester I’d stayed after class to ask a question about an assignment. I couldn’t bring myself to ask Professor Humphry himself, of course. He was too intimidating. I could barely sit through his lectures without getting butterflies in my belly. But Dan—Dan was so approachable. Even after he’d answered my homework question, he’d continued to chat with me and I’d been so flattered.

  In hindsight, I was starting to feel silly for how giddy I’d been. The guy had just been doing his job. Sure, he’d been nice about it but he was probably that talkative to all the students.

  He’d asked me about rush week—most of the freshmen on campus were pledging and it was all anyone was talking about, though I’d been surprised that a TA would take notice.

  Now that I was replaying the conversation in my head, I couldn’t help but think he’d known even then. But how was that possible? It wasn’t like he’d outright said, “Good luck getting into that house, but be prepared for a first-night orgy.” But he’d definitely dropped some hints. Like, when I first told him where I was pledging, his eyes got real wide and he gave me a once over, taking in my sundress that my oh-so-helpful dorm roommate had said looked like a Sunday school dress. “Are you sure that’s the place for you?” he’d asked.

  I remember hesitating, not knowing how to answer that. A house that was known for its charity leagues and conservative values? I was pretty sure I was the perfect fit. I’d grown up with strict parents at an all girls’ Catholic school with the uniforms, the nuns…the works. That kind of environment was where I felt comfortable. I said something to that effect and his eyes had filled with laughter.

  “An all girls’ school, huh?” He’d leaned in and I’d gotten ridiculously lightheaded at the close contact. “Tell me, are the rumors true about all girls’ schools?”

  I’d blinked up at him, honestly unsure what he was referring to. “What rumors?”

  I could see his lips twitching with repressed amusement. “You know, the… experimenting?”

  The way he’d said the word experimenting had made me feel dirty and blood had rushed to my cheeks. Before I could come up with any response, he shook his head. “Never mind. Look, for what it’s worth, you might want to look into the other houses. Kappa might not be right for you.”

  I’d taken that as an insult, even though I hadn’t known why. It was like he’d sized me up and found me wanting.

  Now, after what had happened in my bedroom last night, his words had taken on a whole new significance and I was absolutely positive. He knew that I’d messed around with my housemates.

  But how?

  Until I figured that out, I didn’t want to make eye contact with Dan again, let alone speak to him. When class ended I tried to sneak out of there without gaining the attention of him or the professor.

  I failed.

  “Ms. Sythe, a word please.” The professor’s low command had my heart racing as I paused in the aisle. I’d gotten halfway to the door when Humphry’s voice stopped me in my tracks.

  I kept my chin tucked down, afraid to look at the professor or Dan as my classmates filed out around me.

  Was I in trouble? I felt like I was in trouble, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was somehow related to my acceptance into the sorority, or my epic first night at the house.

  When I was the last student remaining, Dan came over and gently took my arm, guiding me toward the professor’s office which adjoined the classroom. “Come on, Rachel. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  I was that obvious, apparently. I stumbled along beside him, still unable to look up at the professor, though I could feel those cold grey eyes focused on me with that hawk-like intensity I feared.

  Dan ushered me into the office and guided me into a chair as the professor slipped into his seat behind the desk and Dan hovered nearby.

  Finally, after several heartbeats of silence, I forced myself to look up.

  Shit. My stomach plummeted as my gaze met the professor’s. He was too intimidating. I couldn’t be here. I thought about running but his steely tone kept me frozen in place.

  “Ms. Sythe.” He said my name as if that i
n itself was a warning. “Thank you for meeting with us.”

  I nodded, unable to form words. The professor looked up at Dan with a raised brow and the moment his eyes moved away from me, I felt my lungs expand. I could breathe again. “I believe Dan here has an offer he’d like to run by you.”

  I turned my attention to Dan, who was smiling down at me. Warm, kind, utterly charming Dan. I felt myself relaxing into the chair even as the temperature in the office started to rise.

  “Rachel, I wanted to talk to you about your new sorority.”

  I stiffened immediately, shifting to the edge of my seat, ready to bolt. Shit. He knew and he was going to call me out on it.

  “I’m working on my master’s thesis at the moment and was hoping to persuade you to let me watch you.”

  That…. That was not what I was expecting. I swallowed past the fear that threatened to choke me as I looked up at him. “Watch me? Why?”

  He started to explain his thesis—about the effects of peer pressure on young adults in college. Particularly in fraternity and sorority settings. How the group mentality affects an individual’s choices and decision making.

  While it sounded interesting, I was finding it hard to concentrate when the professor’s eyes were fixed on me from across the desk.

  Dan gestured to the professor at one point. “John here is my advisor on the project so he would be a part of this study as well.”

  I risked a glance at the professor but his expression was unreadable. Well, at least that explained what he was doing in the room with us.

  There was a silence and I got the distinct impression that they were waiting for me to speak.

  In case this wasn’t apparent already, I’ll say it plainly. I am a people pleaser. Particularly with people in authority. I can’t help it, I’ve always been that way. I’ve always wanted teachers to like me. I’ve never been able to say no to those in a power position above me.

  And that included now.

  “Sure,” I found myself saying, before I could even properly think it through. “Yeah, okay.”


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