The Naughty Sister (Sorority Sins XXX Book 1)

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The Naughty Sister (Sorority Sins XXX Book 1) Page 5

by Sadie May

  Before too long, the shyness faded. I found myself teasing them—even the professor—something I couldn’t have imagined doing the day before. When the professor slipped behind me and pulling me back so I could recline against him while I sipped my coffee, I snuggled up with a sigh.

  Dan gave me a wink and caressed my knee, clearly happy that I’d relaxed into this bizarre situation. The more I gave into it, whatever it was, the more they coddled and spoiled me. By the time we were through with coffee, I felt like a princess as I lay in their arms and let them take care of me.

  I’d never been taken care of before. The guy I’d dated in high school had been a boy, really. Desperately in need of a woman in his life who took care of him. That role had fallen to me. But here, now—these guys wouldn’t let me lift a finger to help myself to seconds or to help clean up. When I told them I should head back to the sorority house, they insisted on helping me shower. Of course, the shower quickly turned dirty but I didn’t mind. In fact, I was the one who instigated it.

  The professor had been content to watch Dan scrub me down but I wasn’t about to let him sit this one out, not after all the ways he’d pleasured me the night before.

  When I was thoroughly clean, dry, and clothed again, Dan insisted on giving me a ride back to the sorority house. As we drove, I was awash with contentment. The easy conversation was comforting, the memories from the night before—and that morning—were stimulating, and the anticipation for the next time I’d see them again was exciting.

  What I’d discovered with these men…it felt right. More right than the silly, one-sided, shallow relationship I’d had with my ex.

  When Dan pulled up in front of the house, he turned to me with a smile. “Bye Rach, see you in class on Tuesday.”

  Class on Tuesday. Holy crap, how had I forgotten that these were my teachers? My superiors. The men responsible for my grades.

  I watched Dan drive away and all the good feelings went along with him. More than the fact that they were my superiors in the classroom, there was the fact that they were older, wiser, and far more experienced than I was.

  Suddenly I felt naïve and foolish for assuming that this thing we had meant as much to them as it did to me. They’d had a fling with a student. For all I knew they did a different girl every weekend. Or maybe they picked one girl in class each semester.

  Ugh. The more I thought through all the possibilities, the worse I felt.

  The rest of that weekend was filled with house activities of the boring kind. Charity events and the like. I tried to throw myself into the events and bond with the other girls, but my mind kept drifting back to that night.

  We’d never exchanged numbers or I might have reached out. But they hadn’t asked for my number and I didn’t want to be some clingy girl who didn’t know how to walk away from a one night stand.

  I hated the fact that after my bravery, the old self-consciousness was back. Maybe it was for the best that I couldn’t reach out to them. I needed to get my head on straight first. I had to separate my emotions from the hot sex, which was easier said than done.

  By the time Tuesday morning rolled around, I’d come to a conclusion. I’d cherish the memory no matter how they felt about it. I was hoping for more. I fantasized that they felt the same connection—but I didn’t let myself cling to it. Having a threesome with two hotties was a dream come true. I wasn’t about to ruin the memory by pining or moping if they decided that one night was all it was.

  Still, a girl could hope.

  I was beyond nervous when I walked into their class on Tuesday. What would they say? How would they act?

  How should I act?

  Turned out they acted completely normal, so I did the same. I found a seat near the back and watched them prepare up at the front. They didn’t so much as glance in my direction, which sent a pang of frustration through me. I didn’t want that one night to be it for us.

  The soccer player from Friday’s boring pre-party spotted me and waved. I returned his smile and he headed in my direction, slipping into the seat next to mine. “Good to see you again,” he said.

  He asked me about the remainder of the party and I gave him the details, leaving out the part about the underground sex party that went on after he’d left. We laughed and chatted as the rest of the students filed in and it quickly became apparent that he was flirting with me.

  That in and of itself wasn’t exactly earthshattering news. The real excitement came when I realized that we had an audience. When I looked up toward the front of the classroom I saw the professor and Dan staring in my direction.

  To say they did not seem pleased would be an understatement.

  The professor wore a cold, harsh scowl that would have terrified me if I hadn’t seen his sweet, protective side in his bedroom. And Dan’s fists were clenched at his side, his nostrils flaring as he glared through narrowed eyes.

  I glanced around quickly but everyone else was opening book bags and pulling out textbooks. I was the only one who seemed to notice the tension in the air.

  The professor and Dan were jealous.

  I grinned at the soccer player, biting my lip to keep from laughing aloud.

  They were jealous…over me.

  Class dragged on forever. Not that the professor’s lecture wasn’t interesting—I’m sure it would have been if I could have heard him over the rapid beating of my heart.

  They cared. I knew it now for certain. I’d been planning on talking to them today after class—I wasn’t the weak, wussy goody-two-shoes anymore and I deserved to know where things stood.

  I still planned to talk to them, but now my hopes that I’d been trying to keep in check threatened to leap out of my chest. They liked me. They felt it too. They might not have said the words yet, but their anger was proof positive that there were genuine emotions at play. I hadn’t been imagining things. I hadn’t been making it up.

  Finally the class let out and I slowly made my way toward the door, biding my time so I could be the last one in the room. I needn’t have bothered. The professor barked my name before I made it halfway down the aisle. “Ms. Sythe. A moment, if you please.”

  I nodded and looked down, playing the role of the pure, proper, prudish Rachel Sythe. She was the one who started this class at the beginning of the semester…but she wasn’t the one who would finish it.

  The new me was emerging, and I liked it. I liked her. I loved who I was becoming and Dan and the professor were a huge part of that. They seemed to see me better than I could see myself.

  Like now, for instance. Clearly they could see how turned on I was by the professor’s gruff tone because he didn’t soften it even when we were in the privacy of his office.

  “Who was that young man you were talking to?” he demanded.

  I sucked in air as my panties grew wet. With a shrug, I said, “Nobody who matters.”

  I saw a flicker of appreciation for that comment before his scowl returned. He pointed to the desk. “Put your hands on the desk.”

  Oh shit. I knew what was coming. My knees went weak at the image of what they were about to do even before they did it.

  The desk was cold and hard beneath my hands, the only sound in the room was our breathing. My short gasping pants and their rough labored breaths. We were all turned on, but none more so than me.

  Leaning over as I was, my ass was in the air, barely covered by my short skirt. Dan came to my side and pulled the skirt up and then moved behind me to tug down my panties. My ass was bare and I had to bit my lip to keep from moaning.

  “Spread your legs.” The professor’s voice was raw and gritty. I did as he asked, knowing they’d see how wet I was and loving it. I wanted them to know what they did to me. Them. No one else.

  The professor spanked me hard—so hard I rocked forward over the desk with a little cry. It was the best kind of pain. A pain laced with sweet pleasure.

  And I wanted more.

  Dan came up behind me next and took his turn, smacking
my other cheek until I was sure it must have been red. The sting of it had me aching to be fucked by them.

  I needed them in me. Both of them. And I needed it now.

  When the professor spanked me again, I couldn’t take it anymore. I managed to whimper, “I need it.” That was all it took. I heard him unfastening his pants and the next thing I knew he was thrusting into me, spreading my legs even wider as he fucked me hard and fast with Dan moving to the front of the desk for a better view.

  The professor came quickly and then it was Dan’s turn, stepping in to finish the job.

  God, my men were good. Thick, hard, and long, they filled me up like no one else could. Maybe it was only right that I needed two men. I was starting to doubt that one man would ever be able to fulfill all my needs. But two… well, two made sure I was always satisfied.

  Dan pumped his cock inside me once, twice, and then I was done for. I collapsed over the desk as he pounded my pussy a little longer, coming inside me with a groan. Thank God I was on the pill because no one had thought to use caution. It seemed we were all driven to distraction by their jealousy.

  When we were all spent and drowsy, I asked the question I needed to have answered. “What is this?” I asked. I pointed to the two of them and then to me. “Is this something you guys do together a lot?”

  Dan shook his head and laughed. “Never. When I first started working here we talked about our sexual preferences and learned we both liked to watch and be watched. We like to be participants and observers.”

  I nodded, trying to understand.

  The professor stepped in. “We knew what we wanted in a partner but we’d never found the right woman. Not until you.”

  My heart might have melted right then and there at the tender look they were giving me. I still needed to hear it though. I knew my cheeks were probably red, but I plunged ahead. “So this thing between the three of us…it wasn’t just a one night thing?”

  They both laughed at that. “Of course not. You don’t find this type of connection every day and neither of us wants to lose that,” Dan said.

  The professor reached out to take my hand. “You’re young and still discovering yourself. We won’t stand in the way of that. We’ll be here for you, however you want us.”

  I stifled the nervous impulse to make a joke about how exactly I wanted them. Namely, in my bed. Naked. Between my thighs. But the moment was sweet and sincere so I just nodded. Truth was, I wasn’t sure how I wanted this to work but I knew we’d figure it out together. In the end I told them what I knew to be true.

  “I want us to be together,” I said. “The three of us. I don’t know how but I want to give this a chance. I do have a lot of discovering to do but I want you guys to be by my side, helping me to grow into the woman I want to be.”

  Dan reached out and stroked my cheek with the back of my hand. “It’s settled then.” His eyes darkened and his gaze turned possessive, territorial. “You’re ours.”

  I arched my brows, feigning indignation even though those words warmed me all the way through. “It also means you’re mine,” I said with a toss of my hair.

  They were both smiling as they agreed to that deal.

  Glancing up at the clock, I sighed. “I should go. I have another class to get to.”

  They helped me straighten my clothes and gather my books but just as I reached the door, the professor called out to me.

  “Ms. Sythe,” he said in that commanding voice that gave me shivers.

  “Yes?” I turned back to face him.

  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson today.” He glanced toward the desk where he’d spanked me. “I assume you’ll no longer flirt with the college boys who’re hounding after you.”

  I smiled at my two favorite men before tilting my head to the side as if thinking it over. “That depends.” I cast another glance at the desk. “Will this always be my punishment?”

  Their fierce looks were my answer so I laughed. “Then why on earth would I stop?”

  I heard their surprised laughter as I walked out the door. Just before it closed behind me, I heard the professor mutter, “We’ve created a monster.”

  Thanks for reading The Naughty Sister! Want more steamy romance? Enjoy a FREE novella when you sign up for Sadie May’s newsletter here:

  Continue reading for a sample of the next novella in the Sorority Sins XXX series, The Naughty Virgin

  The Naughty Virgin

  Sorority Sins XXX

  Chapter 1

  I could hear the distant voices of my fellow students in the halls, but I ignored them. I was too busy with the two giant cocks both inches from my mouth as I knelt before these total hunks. My hunks. I gave my lips a lick as my small hands grasped each of them, pumping them in unison.

  “Jesus, Tiffani, that feels so good,” Kyle moaned, his head tipping back.

  Eric’s dark gaze was intent upon me. “Take me into those gorgeous lips.”

  With a naughty smile I did just that. Still pumping Kyle, I feathered kisses along Eric’s shaft until I reached the fat head. Then my tongue swirled around it, making it nice and wet before I finally sucked it into my mouth.

  His breath hissed out as he tangled his hand into my blond hair, “Yes.”

  I couldn’t help but marvel at how big he was, my lips barely fitting over the mushroom head but I sucked it further into my mouth swallowing as much of it as I could.

  Eric’s other hand slipped down my chest and he skimmed his palm along my plump tits, teasing my pink nipple. Giving a moan around his cock, I slid it out of my mouth before sucking it back in till it was deeper still. How had I not done this before? It was fucking delicious.

  He gave my nipple a pinch, making me moan again. “You have the most perfect tits I’ve ever seen.”

  “Agreed,” Kyle wrapped his fingers around mine on his cock, helping me pump him faster. “I can’t believe until yesterday you were a virgin,” Kyle groaned as his hand let go of mine and slipped down my back and over my ass.

  His fingers found my tight pussy, already dripping moisture down my thighs as he rubbed the lips, inserting his finger inside. I moaned again.

  “God, honey, you’re so tight.” He slid down my body and I let his cock go, wrapping both hands around Eric’s as I gave my dark hunk my full attention.

  Kyle, now behind me, kept pumping one finger in and out of my pussy while his other hand started working my clit.

  “Oh baby,” Eric moaned. “That feels so good. How do you even know how to…” but his words trailed off as I sucked him as far down my throat as I could. Looking up at him, his darkly intense eyes locked on me for a second before they practically rolled back into his head.

  My own body was tightening with need and Kyle slipped a second finger in me while still working my clit. I could feel my insides clenching, an orgasm barreling towards me.

  Suddenly, he pulled his fingers out and I gave a cry of protest, letting Eric’s fat cock slip out of my mouth to give Kyle a pout. “Don’t stop.”

  But his blue eyes danced with merriment. “Don’t worry, honey. I’ll do it just right,” he said as he rolled a condom down his cock. I gave a grin. I was about to suck a guy off while I another fucked me from behind. And just yesterday, I’d never even had sex. Life was pretty crazy sometimes.

  It had started the beginning of fall semester. I’d rushed the sorority that every high achieving girl on campus wanted to be in. They were known for charities, community work, and high GPAs. I mean, even my mom had suggested them.

  At first I was super excited that they seemed interested in me. A lot of girls were turned away.

  Missy, one of the rush chairs, had seemed especially interested in me joining. “Damn, girl. You’re hot. Guys must have crawled all over you in high school.”

  I had blushed. “I did get asked out, but I just didn’t have time to date.”

  “Wait,” she’d given me a long stare. “You didn’t date at all?”<
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  I shook my head. “No, not really.”

  “But you fucked some guys, at least. Girls, maybe?” Missy had leaned in, her hand brushing my blond hair back from my face.

  It felt like I could be honest, there was an intimacy to the moment. “Lately, it’s what I want more than anything but I don’t know how to ask.”

  Missy rolled her eyes. “With looks like yours, you just ask. Guys dig the whole blond bombshell with a nice rack. Pick your men and fuck em’.”

  Men? As in more than one? “I don’t know. I mean the first time should be special, right?”

  “Hold on. You’re a fucking virgin?” Missy stepped back then.

  My face flushed. I could feel the rejection. Did this mean I wouldn’t get into the best house on campus? “Do…do you not want me anymore?” My eyes cast down to the ground. I was a pleaser by nature and I hated feeling like I’d let her down. Hell, I’d been feeling like I’d let myself down. I’d been missing out on all the fun.

  “Look,” There was an uncertainty in her eyes. “You are high on our list of candidates. But we’re not all that we seem. Behind the GPAs and the charities are some dirty girls who get freaky. If that isn’t you, then you wouldn’t be happy here.”

  I closed my eyes for a second. What did I want? I couldn’t afford to mess around with this decision, Missy needed to know now or they would move onto other candidates. “Let me try,” I answered, then I lifted my gaze to hers, my voice firm. “I want to try.”

  She gave me a sexy as shit grin and then she reached around and grabbed my ass. “There’s a party tonight. I’ll take you.” She leaned closer. “Let me be clear. It’s your job to pick up a guy tonight. You don’t have to fuck him but there better be some heavy petting.”

  I bit my lip nodding. “Can I ask you one more question?”

  She nodded, giving me a wink.

  “I’m not trying to back out or anything, but how come this is so important?”

  But she didn’t look like she was changing her mind, in fact, she leaned closer and brushed her lips against mine. It felt sooo good. “How are you going to take on the world and be a bad ass woman if you can’t ask a guy out?”


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