Secret Maggie

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by KT Morrison

  Secret Maggie

  KT Morrison


  1. Rave Cave

  2. T-1000

  3. Johnny vs. Kitana

  4. Vaseline

  5. Imitation

  6. Liar

  7. Secrets



  Other Books by KT Morrison

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  Models on cover are meant for illustrative purposes only.


  A MAGGIE novella.

  First Edition. May 22, 2017.

  Copyright © 2017 KT Morrison

  Written by KT Morrison

  Cover by KT Morrison


  Rave Cave

  Wednesday, October 4th

  On the Tuesday after their threesome Max had texted Cole and told him he wanted to start working out again. In their Freshman year they’d spent three nights a week in the gym. He’d liked it. Sport wasn't really his thing, he’d never even been on a team in high school. Played little league in Michigan, that was about it. Peewee baseball for a few years and one summer tried out soccer. He was a decent runner. But lifting weights and spending time in the gym hadn’t been his thing. Not until he went to college.

  The time he’d spent there with Cole was fun. They attended religiously for a few months. Somewhere along the way he met the sweetest, most beautiful girl he’d ever talked to. Her name was Maggie Becker and they dated one time. Then they became friends. Then they were inseparable. It wasn't long before he was spending every night with her and it just seemed so natural. They were intimate. They were a couple. The gym fell to the wayside.

  Cole still went regularly. He was on the lacrosse team, had scheduled sessions, but still popped in to do what he called ‘hypertrophy’. Which just amounted to a lot of arm stuff and talking to girls.

  “Dude, you really fell off,” Cole laughed.

  Max shushed him. His face must have been beet red, it felt like it might burst. He was struggling under a bench press. Arms shaking, just seven reps in and only 165lbs in his grip. He could see Cole’s bare thighs up the inside of the legs of his baggy shorts as he stood at the head of the bench ready to help him.

  “You even trane, bro?” Cole laughed, trying to make him laugh, which was pretty mean, but Cole had his hands out to catch the bar. He was a good spotter.

  Max made the rep, but he was done. He racked it, Cole’s hands gently guiding the bar back into its seat.

  “Shit,” Max hissed as he sat up, feeling lightheaded suddenly and putting his elbows on his knees and hanging his head low. Three years ago he could bench press over 200lbs.

  Cole squeezed his neck, said, “Don’t worry, Maxy. It’ll come back fast. Just keep showing up.”

  Cole set himself onto the bench and he pressed the 165 ten easy times as a warm up. They were in the McKenna Weight Room, a blue rubber floored hall attached to the Franken & Sprock Fitness, Wellness, and Dance Center. Both sides were segmented with bright blue squat racks and Olympic platforms. The gym was busy tonight and this room was mostly populated with school athletes; all dudes, all of considerable size. The high ceilings were filled with the clank of metal and the thuds of rubber bumper plates thumping on the platforms.

  Max stood, helped Cole take the fifteen pounds off the ends of the bar and slide on a big round 45lb plate instead. He took a spot at the head of the bench but didn’t put his hands out to spot. 225 was still a little light for Cole and Max looked around the gym while Cole stroked through another ten reps.

  They removed the plates, added ten per side and Max lay down to press 155. He managed another seven reps. He sat up and shook his head, getting rid of a lightheadedness that came with the effort.

  Cole said, “That’s good, Max. You’ll get back there.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said, inhaling deep and waiting for his vision to refocus.

  Cole sat next to him. “Hey, so what’s with the sudden renewed interest in lifting weights?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “Well, no, I do. I mean, I want to look good for the wedding. I want to look fit on the honeymoon.”

  “All right,” Cole said, his gaze going off across to the windows that looked out to a grassy field where a dozen students were walking to the parking lot, backpacks over their shoulders and looking through their phones. “You’re in good shape, you know? You look fine.”

  “Yeah. I could look better.”

  Cole nodded, looked like he was trying to find the right way to say something. He said, “Just don’t think bad about yourself or anything...”

  “I don’t.”

  “Good. Good, I just...after the weekend, I don’t want you getting all mental.”

  “Mental over what?”

  He threw up both hands and laughed, “Never mind. It’s stupid. Let’s get back to work. Let’s do 250, okay?” He got off the bench and went around to the other side and worked plates off the bar to add his heavier weight.

  Max helped him on the other side. Working his small plates off, adding a 45 and a 10 and a 2.5. He watched Cole across the bench. His good friend. A guy he trusted. He had heard his supportive words just now, but with their support came an apparent, probably unintended, condescension.

  He and Max were both good-looking, Cole probably more so. Cole was bigger and stronger. That was all true. But Cole’s supportive words acknowledged that there was a difference between them and while it was so fucking true he hated that it was being addressed. It was stupid, but he’d always thought of himself as an equal to Cole. They just excelled in different areas. But now he’d seen what his best friend could do to a woman. Had watched his best friend work his very own fiancée into a frothing rabid frenzy, had her almost come in her panties without being touched. That was tremendous power. Now, it could have merely been the excitement of the initial coupling. The taboo. Perhaps he couldn’t do it again.

  “Spot me,” Cole said.

  Max shook himself from his reverie, nodded and got behind the bar. Cole gripped it, and Max took a good look at his friend’s hands; his skin, the shape of his fingernails. Those were another man’s hands and he had let those hands roam all over his girlfriend’s body. He’d put some of those fingers inside her vagina. And Maggie had liked it. This was all so wild and as wrong as it was, and despite the jarring terrible inertia his body felt when he thought about it, there was something weird and possibly evil twinkling inside him that wasn’t against it.

  He’d never anticipated his sweet young future-bride being such an involved partner in his fantasy. She’d even surpassed him, he would say. He was following. He’d struck a match like a greedy little bed-wetting firebug now he stood gleefully, but heedlessly, clapping while her flames threatened to consume him. He’d even suffered a twinge of disappointment when Maggie had canceled on Jay again, two weeks in a row. It was for the better. They had Cole now, and Cole was a safer prospect.

  Maggie was leaving to go home by herself on the weekend, back to Rhode Island to settle on her wedding dress. She would be leaving on Thursday afternoon, taking her classes off on Friday, her mother making her spend the long Columbus Day weekend at home. Maggie wasn’t pleased, and given recent developments in their relationship, he wasn’t sure how he was going to survive four days without seeing her. Her Thursday appointment with Jay, to draw him naked, had to be canceled. He’d reacted with calm and pragmatism. Interiorly, he’d jumped for joy. Then, deeper and darker, obversely, he cursed that he wouldn’t get to see them together again. And, Maggie had even teased him that she would tell Jay her fiancé liked to watch, so Max wouldn’t have to peer from the shadows like a creepy incubus, waiting for his lover�
�s very dirty sloppy seconds.

  Maggie had told him that Jay had an afternoon match and they both had classes they couldn’t skip in the morning. Led Max to believe that there had been pronounced effort to find arrangements that would allow her pussy to be filled by his magnificent manhood. She wanted it. That burned in his belly like a coal. It seared painfully yet he wasn’t sure that it also wasn’t pleasure. Maggie distressed that Jay may lose interest in her but Max doubted it. He saw them together with his own eyes. Ultimately, they had Cole now. And while their union scared him in some ways, in others it was somehow fond and harmless.

  As Cole pumped out his tenth rep and Max guided the bar back to its rest his phone buzzed in his pocket. “Hold on,” he said to Cole who had bounced off the bench, invigorated by his success with 250, looking for more. Checked his phone and saw a text from Maggie.

  Mags: Maxy! Blowing off studio tonight, not feeling it. Take me to dinner!!!

  He thumbed the screen, took Maggie’s words and scrolled them up and down, expelling nervous tension into them. He looked to Cole who was eying him from the bench with comical impatience. If they were going to be friends, the three of them, there could be no impedance to the relationship. A week ago he would have asked Cole to come with no hesitation. His friendship with this guy was so important.

  He said, “Hey, man, Maggie’s blowing off her painting tonight. Come grab dinner with us.”

  There was a look that passed Cole’s rugged face. Something fond and distinctly appreciative. It was quick, a brief head shake, a shallow bowing of his brows. And a warmth in his eyes, too, an indescribable empressement that made Max feel his gesture was significant.

  “For sure,” he said softly and Max saw his Adam’s apple work up and down.

  “Cool,” he said casually. A happy feeling tingled through him, seeing how this could work. They were all friends, what had been shared was fun, and they may do it again but it wouldn't become all that they were about.

  He texted Maggie.

  Maxy: sure thing, Cole’s coming too

  He felt really good. Good for Maggie too. He was showing her he could be cool about this. Maggie would see how big he was about this. This didn’t bother him.

  Then a dread hit him. He had to meet students at 7:30. He was giving three hours a week to Professor Klinger for Gov 201 as an Undergrad TA. He had to go over to Sperling Hall and give some one-on-one with a few scheduled students who needed some pointed instruction. He’d be there til almost 10 P.M. If the three of them had dinner he would be leaving them alone together. Fuck. Now it was all torn away. Big Man Max, Mister Confident felt a tremble in his guts, a chugging coming to his breath. Picturing himself leaving them to go off to Sperling and they were all cool and saying Yeah, we’ll just hang out. And he’d have to say Okay, have fun guys. Have to leave them. Together. Couldn’t be weird about it. Had to keep up the confident façade.

  His phone vibrated in his hand as Cole clapped his hands and pointed him to the bench for his turn. He looked at his screen. Maggie had sent a happy face.

  “You coming to the Rave Cave?”

  Cole answered, “What’s that?”

  “Oh my God, it’s gonna be the best,” the girl said, batting her eyes and cocking her head and embarking on a sales pitch to Cole.

  She stood shorter than him, looking up into his eyes. She wore tight yoga pants and a lycra top with narrow shoulder straps. She was a sophomore, maybe, she looked very young. Blonde hair in a ponytail, it wagged while she talked. Big green expressive eyes, pouting her lips and arching her eyebrows as she talked, giving Cole every signal she could that she was available.

  Max and Cole had been passing across the vacant Dance floor to the locker rooms and she, a girl named Ashton, had stopped them. Stopped Cole more accurately. The three of them stood at the base of the four-story rock climbing wall in stippled dove-grey, dotted with brightly colored hand holds and white chalky smudges of recent hand prints. Ashton wore a harness around her waist and between her legs, a chalk bag at the small of her narrow back. Her friend was bouldering, about ten feet up, moving from left to right. Max noted her darting envious glances over her shoulder to see who her friend was talking to below.

  Ashton said, “We do the wall here,” she turned and waved a narrow toned arm towards the expanse of imitation cliff face, “it’s pitch black, but the route is marked with glow-in-the-dark handholds. We play music, there’s’s a lot of fun...”

  Cole shrugged, turned his nose up.

  She laughed, said, “We wear helmets. With lights on them. You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?”

  “No, I love the dark,” he smirked.

  “Afraid of heights?”

  “I’m not a climber,” he said.

  “You have a good build for it,” she said, letting her eyes work over him.

  “Yeah. Give me a call, I guess,” he said and made to continue.

  “What’s your number?” she said to his back.

  His hand worked in his shorts pocket and handed her his phone, said, “Put yours in my phone.”

  She held his phone with two hands and her thumbs darted over the screen, then she tossed it back to him.

  “Don’t come if you don’t want, but you’re going to miss out on a good time.” Now she smirked, and she was going to be dismissive too, flipping her tail as she turned briskly and left them to rejoin her friend.

  Cole lead the way and Max caught up to him as they went through the double doors into the locker rooms.

  “Dude, you’re not into that?” he said, giving a look back to see Ashton with a cocked hip, her back to them, chatting with her brunette friend as she jumped down off the wall.

  “Huh, no...yeah, I am.”

  “You totally blew her off.”

  “Mm,” he hummed. “Rave Cave? Sounds dorky.”

  “All right,” Max said, “but I don’t think she cared if you went up on the wall or not.”

  They found their lockers in the busy change room, opened them up and got out their towels and toiletry bags. Max got undressed and kept his side to Cole. Cole turned his back to Max as he slipped his shirt away and then pulled his shorts and underwear off, threw them in a bag in his locker. Max watched his back. For the first time gave his good friend a real look instead of averting his eyes. Cole wrapped a towel around his waist and they went into the showers together.

  The showers in the mens locker room were individual spigots set into the wall at about two arms length apart. It was busy but they were able to find two spigots together. Max got his water to temperature and hung his towel up on the wall, looking out the side of his eyes at Cole. Saw his towel come off and hang on the hook by his own spigot. He was aware of the swinging between Cole’s legs.

  Cole put his face into the spray, his hands coming up and rubbing at his cheeks and brushing his long thick hair back. The water splashed off him and ran down his naked body.

  Max unabashedly looked at him now. Looked at him through a woman’s eyes—Maggie’s eyes—seeing him as more than just his good friend. Seeing him how a lustful woman—again his Maggie—might see him. He noted his lustrous skin, his light chest hair and trail down to his belly button and lower. Cole’s waist was narrow, his shoulders broad and his arms muscular. Max’s sweet Maggie had felt it all. Seen it all bare and been intimate with him.

  His balls were big and low hanging, his sleepy flaccid cock was noticeably thick but not truly indicative of the massive girth he grew to when he was aroused. Maggie had sucked that thing. She’d had it inside her. Her vagina, her ass. She’d tasted his come. Cole had emptied those big balls inside her pussy too. His Maggie had enjoyed this guy’s beautiful body and his fantastic sex equipment.

  Shit. Max was growing. His cock had jumped up to stick almost straight out. Not hard but definitely suspect looking to anyone else who might see it. Fuck. He looked away, tried to think of anything but Maggie and Cole together.

  It had been so exciting. He’d been so
tense in the moment that he wasn’t enjoying it as much as he was now in retrospect. Now that four days had passed, the sharpness had been worn away and it seemed like the lubricious thrill was remaining.

  He thought about school. Put his head under the spray and did his best to hide the swelling between his legs.



  Wednesday, October 4th

  “I just can't believe you've never been rock climbing.”

  “I know. I seem like a guy who might have been rock climbing,” Max said.

  “You do. I went one time, but it wasn't planned. Bunch of my bros went to Chauncey Peak in high school and we were camping. Met some girls from Yale Mountaineering and tagged along with them. They took us to Traprock Ridge and showed us what they could do. I tried it but I was just there to get laid.”

  “Did you? Get? ...”

  Max heard three flat-footed slaps of thin rubber-soled shoes on the sidewalk and then his body was slammed with a light giggling monkey. Legs shot around his hips, thin arms clung to him and he stumbled forward half a dozen steps to avoid falling over.

  “Get what?” the sweet voice said in his ear. Two hands were crossed over in front of him, his engagement diamond on her ring finger.

  “Get nothing,” he said, “never mind.” He grabbed her thighs where they clung at his hips and he hoisted her higher.

  When Cole skipped a few steps and caught up with them, she said to him, “Well, how did he do? He grow any muscles?”

  Max said, “Not yet.”

  Maggie bit his earlobe and her breath tickled his ear and made him jump and squirm. She gripped him tightly so she wouldn't be thrown off and it got her laughing.

  “He did well, but I think he's mad because he wasn't as strong as he used to be.”


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