Huntsmen (The Better to Kiss You With Book 2)

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Huntsmen (The Better to Kiss You With Book 2) Page 18

by Michelle Osgood

  Cole smiled fondly. He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I’m proud of you, you know. For what you’re doing for Ryn, for us.”

  Kiara flushed, embarrassed. “It’s nothing. It’s just… paperwork, right?”

  “It’s not nothing,” Cole corrected. “It’s something. You’re going to be good at this, Kiara. I’m honored to be part of your pack.”

  Kiara took a deep breath through her nose and ignored the aching lump in her throat. “Quit trying to get out of helping,” she said gruffly and shoved another stack at him.

  Chapter Twenty-Five |

  “Alpha Lyons.”

  Kiara nodded in response, ushering the large Black woman into the Olympic Village apartment she shared with Cole. Ryn had been adamant that they not meet with GNAAW in her own space, and Kiara found that reasonable enough.

  The new GNAAW rep smiled graciously and stepped inside. Kiara locked the door and followed her into the small living room where Ryn sat.

  “You must be Taryn Lee,” the rep said. “I’m Renee Anderson, your new rep.” She opened the button on her blazer and sat on Kiara’s sofa.

  Ryn nodded coolly.

  Renee smoothed her skirt over her knees and leaned forward with her hands clasped in front of her. “Taryn, I want to formally apologize on behalf of GNAAW. We do, naturally, keep track of all of the lone wolves in North America as best we can. However, that simply involves knowing which city, province, or state they’ve chosen to live in. We don’t want to push ourselves into their lives; we simply need to be aware of any wolves that have the potential to… increase visibility. And, of course, we want to be available should the lone decide they’ve had enough of their solitude and wish to join a pack. We’re a governing body, yes, but we try to guide, not rule.”

  She pressed her red lips together in not quite a frown. “Mr. Davis should have never leaked the list to the Huntsmen. That’s absolutely not what it’s for, nor do we believe that a large portion of the lones are a threat to anyone. However, Elliot Brook—”

  “Who?” Kiara interrupted.

  “Oh, sorry. You probably know him as ‘crywolf.’” The woman grimaced. “The… incident with him happened on Mr. Davis’ watch, and, as you might be aware, a young woman was killed. Mr. Davis believed that Elliot Brook’s lone status contributed to his actions. Davis pushed the matter internally and tried to go through the proper channels to increase surveillance and tracking on lones. We simply don’t have the infrastructure for that, nor the desire. Again—” She flashed a sympathetic smile toward Ryn. “We’re not trying to infiltrate your lives; we just want to be there for you when you need us.”

  “Uh-huh.” Ryn looked less than convinced.

  “When his proposal to the board was turned down, I’m afraid my predecessor took matters into his own hands. We apologize for not being aware sooner of what was happening. We have since discussed this matter with the Huntsmen and told them on no uncertain terms that they are not to act on any names on the list without GNAAW approval.”

  “I thought their whole thing was that they didn’t need GNAAW approval?”

  Renee answered Kiara. “Yes, well, times have changed since the stories of the Huntsmen you were probably told as a child. We have a cautious partnership—it’s in none of our best interests for our world to overlap too heavily with the humans. In this case, due to Mr. Davis’ actions, they did believe they were working with us. We’ve now established a more open line of communication, and believe that will prevent anything like this from happening again.”

  “They want to cure us.” Ryn folded her arms across her chest. “What is GNAAW’s position on that?”

  “GNAAW officially condemns any form of conversion therapy or treatment.”

  “And unofficially?”

  Renee smiled at them, bland and nonthreatening. “GNAAW acts only in an official capacity.”

  She wasn’t lying—there was no uptick in her pulse, no salty tang of nervous sweat in the air. That didn’t mean she was telling the entire truth. Kiara looked at Ryn and was unsure whether she would let it go.

  “And what’s going to happen to Davis now?” Ryn asked. Kiara swallowed a sigh of relief. Later they could discuss the implications of GNAAW’s “partnership.” Right now they needed to ensure Ryn’s safety.

  “I’m afraid I’m unable to share that information with you, but please trust me that he won’t be in a position to harm you again.”

  “Right,” Ryn muttered.

  “Our privacy and security measures are in place for your protection as well as his,” Renee reminded them. “But, shall we move on to more exciting business?” She turned her focus to Kiara.

  “On behalf of the General North American Assembly of Werewolves, I’m pleased to formally acknowledge the formation of your pack.” Renee reached for her large purse and from the depths pulled out a small metal sculpture.

  Kiara had known the twofold purpose for Renee’s visit and had anticipated the presentation. What she hadn’t anticipated was the way her throat thickened as Renee passed her the sculpture. From her chair, Ryn shot Kiara a concerned look.

  Kiara cleared her throat and gently set the sculpture down. “Thank you.”

  “GNAAW looks forward to building a successful relationship with you, Alpha Lyons. As you come from a GNAAW-registered pack, and have held the title of Alpha-designate in the past, I assume you’re relatively familiar with how we work, so I will spare you the info dump.” Renee smiled conspiratorially.

  She pulled a manila envelope from her cavernous bag and slid it across the table to Kiara. “Inside you’ll find your formal identification as a GNAAW-affiliated Alpha, as well as information on how to access our online resources. Additionally, there’s a pamphlet outlining our Alpha Development courses, another discussing our volunteer opportunities for you and your pack, as well as an invitation to our AGM later this year if you wish to attend.” Renee rose. “It’s being held in Seattle this year, so I do hope we’ll see you. In the meantime, if you have any questions, here’s my business card with my direct line.” She handed Kiara the card, a nondescript gray with “Renee Anderson” embossed on the front, “GNAAW” in smaller, discreet letters beneath.

  Kiara stood as well. “Thank you,” she said.

  Renee held out her hand. “I look forward to seeing more of you in the future.”

  Kiara nodded and shook Renee’s hand.

  “And Taryn, once again, our apologies. I can assure you, now that this department is under my control—” she flashed a sharp, self-satisfied smile, “—there will be much more oversight to ensure something like this does not happen again.” She held out her hand for Ryn, and, after only a moment’s hesitation, Ryn rose and shook it.

  “Cool,” Ryn said. “Good luck.”

  “Thank you.” Renee took her purse and let herself out.

  Kiara waited until they could no longer hear the click of Renee’s heels in the hallway. “That was… illuminating.”

  “I like her,” Ryn decided. “She doesn’t look like she takes any shit.”

  Kiara hummed in agreement as she reached for the sculpture. It featured four running wolves in the act of leaping over a stream. The wolves were highly detailed, and she ran her fingers lightly over their ridged fur. She turned the sculpture upside down, and traced the engraving on the bottom:


  Kiara Devon Lyons

  Cole Stephen Lyons

  Jamie Martineau

  Taryn Nicole Lee

  The lettering was tiny, with plenty of room left to add more names if Kiara’s pack grew.

  To her complete horror, Kiara burst into tears.

  “What? Whoa. Kiara?” Ryn was instantly at her side, dismay written all over her features. “What’s wrong?”

  Kiara shook her head, unable to speak as sobs wracked her chest. Ryn l
ooked even more alarmed, and pulled Kiara in for a tight hug. Kiara burrowed her face into Ryn’s neck. She was grateful for the offered comfort, even though the statue’s sharp edges dug into their chests where she still clutched it between them.

  “Shh, shh, it’s okay; you’re okay.” Ryn ran a soothing hand down Kiara’s back. “I’ve got you.”

  “It’s just—” Kiara tried between sobs. “My dad—”

  “Oh, oh, hon.” Ryn squeezed her tighter; her own voice shook. “Your dad always knew you were Alpha material, right? I mean, that’s why he made you his heir. He might be mad now, but he’ll come around. I’m so sorry.” Her voice broke. “This is my fault, not yours, okay? I hate that you’re in this position because of me.”

  “No.” Kiara pulled back and scrubbed her face furiously to wipe away the tears. “It’s not that.” She pulled in a couple deep breaths and had to turn away from Ryn to gather herself.

  “I’m going to call him.”

  “Are you sure?” Ryn reached out a hesitant hand. Kiara took it in hers and gripped tightly.

  “Yeah.” She wasn’t sure how to explain it, but she wanted to hear his voice, even if he was upset.

  “Okay.” Ryn gave Kiara a kiss on her cheek.

  Kiara crossed the room and placed the statue on the mantel of the apartment’s small gas fireplace. She adjusted it until it sat perfectly in the middle and ran her fingers over the leaping wolves one last time before stepping back.

  She picked up her phone from the table, walked to the balcony, and pulled the sliding door closed. It wasn’t raining, but a cool mist hung in the air. She took a breath of it to steady herself and called her dad.

  He picked up on the second ring. “Hi, Kiara.”

  “Hi, Dad.” Kiara swallowed around the lump in her throat. “I just… GNAAW just left. It’s official now. We’re official.”

  There was a long silence. Kiara squeezed her eyes shut against the hot prickle of new tears. God, the last thing she’d ever wanted to do was disappoint her dad, and now—

  “You know all those stories I used to tell you about your grandmother?”

  That was about the last thing Kiara expected to hear. “Um, yes?”

  “About how proud I was of her, that she broke off from her birth pack—they were too conservative and closed-minded, and she wasn’t going to be complicit in their bigotry any longer. I told you she was brave, that she’d made a hard choice, but the right one, and that because of her choice we’re here now. There are over fifty wolves and humans in the pack your grandmother created.”

  “I know,” Kiara said quietly, too uncertain about where this was going to give in to her rising hope.

  “I’ll admit I wasn’t thrilled when you first told me what you’d done. But I’ve thought about it a lot since then, and I can’t be proud of my mother’s choice and not also be proud of yours. I know you didn’t come to this decision lightly, and I want you to know that I respect it. You did what was right for your pack, and I’m so proud of you.”

  “Dad.” Kiara’s voice broke.

  “Your mom and I want you and your pack to know that you’ll always be welcomed by ours.” Her dad swallowed a chuckle. “Your mom is already demanding to know when you are all going to come for a visit, so I suggest you start planning for that.”

  “Okay.” Kiara fought back more tears. “Yeah. We’ll figure out some dates.” A loud sniff belied the nonchalance of her words.

  “I love you and I’m always going to love you. Even if you aren’t in my pack anymore, you’re still in my family, and nothing is going to change that.” Her dad cleared his throat gruffly. “You make sure you celebrate tonight. This is a beginning, you hear me? Not an ending.”

  “Got it.” Kiara pinched the bridge of her nose with her free hand. She wasn’t going to start crying again. She wasn’t.

  “And say hi to your brother from us.”

  “Right. Will do.”

  “Bye, Kiara.”

  “Love you, Dad.”

  When she came inside, most of the evidence of her second bout of tears was gone. Kiara found Ryn in the kitchen.

  “Was it okay?” Ryn asked nervously.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  Ryn let out the breath she’d been holding. “Good.”

  “But you were right when you said that I was in this position because of you,” Kiara continued. “I wouldn’t have left otherwise. I wouldn’t have had a good enough reason.” She took Ryn’s hand in hers. “You’ve helped me start something amazing. Something that we’ll make sure is amazing. Thank you.”

  Ryn was flustered; her cheeks were pink when Kiara kissed Ryn’s knuckles. “You’re welcome?”

  Kiara drew Ryn closer, kissed away the last of the tension in Ryn’s forehead. “We have the chance to make this pack whatever we want. And it started here. With you.” She cupped Ryn’s face in her hands and looked straight into Ryn’s eyes, watching as they darkened when Kiara traced her fingers over Ryn’s cheekbones.

  “That sounds like a thing we should celebrate,” Ryn’s voice was a little husky. “Or consummate?” She arched an eyebrow suggestively, but the humor was belied by the unsteady parting of her lips and the heat of her hands as she untucked Kiara’s blouse.

  Kiara let Ryn pull the blouse over her head and toss it away. She dropped her hands to Ryn’s belt and fumbled with the buckle. Her lips sought Ryn’s as Ryn steered them toward the bedrooms.

  “The one on the left,” Kiara advised. Her legs went weak when Ryn grabbed a firm handful of her ass.

  Ryn shouldered the door open and kicked it closed. Kiara reached behind her back and unclasped her bra before she wriggled out of her dress pants. Ryn tugged her own T-shirt off and stepped out of her black jeans. She crossed the room and knelt in front of Kiara, who paused in the middle of unclasping her bracelet.

  Ryn ran her hands up Kiara’s legs, smoothing over the muscles of her calves to slide up Kiara’s thighs. Kiara’s hands fell to Ryn’s shoulders to steady herself when Ryn nosed against the crease of her thigh. Kiara could feel Ryn’s breath, hot and damp, through the thin fabric of her panties and, when Ryn gave her a quick nip, Kiara jerked and heat rushed down her limbs.

  “What do you want?” Kiara asked breathlessly. She pushed her fingers through Ryn’s thick hair; her nails scratched lightly over Ryn’s scalp so that Ryn looked up.

  “I want to fuck you.” Ryn’s eyes were steady on Kiara’s, arrogant and cocksure. “I want to be inside of you.” She slipped a finger under Kiara’s panties, then pressed it lightly against Kiara’s slick flesh.

  Kiara drew in a quick breath; her legs trembled when Ryn worked her finger between Kiara’s folds and pushed into her. “I can work with that,” she said, to earn a flash of Ryn’s grin.

  Ryn wrapped a hand more firmly around Kiara’s thigh as she added another finger. Kiara was wet enough that they slid in easily, and her eyes fluttered closed as Ryn twisted them to brush against her g-spot. Ryn kept a steady pace, watching Kiara as her hips jerked and she panted.

  Finally, Ryn mouthed at Kiara’s clit through the fabric of her panties. The sensation tore through her, and Kiara’s hands clenched Ryn’s hair as she climaxed.

  When the shuddering aftershocks eased, Ryn withdrew her fingers and rose. She led a weak-kneed and breathless Kiara to the bed, making sure she was settled comfortably before she brought her two fingers up to her mouth and sucked them clean. The sight left Kiara’s mouth dry.


  “Top drawer.” Kiara nodded at the bedside table as she lifted up her hips and wriggled out of her underwear. Ryn crawled across the bed, pulled out the small bottle, and set it on the table before she lay beside Kiara.

  Kiara shivered when Ryn’s hands ghosted over the hard peaks of her nipples; the touch was so light that it was almost a whisper against her sensitive flesh. Sh
e arched up into it. Her own hand rose to pull Ryn down for a kiss that was all heat. Ryn groaned into Kiara’s mouth; her delicate touch vanished as she grabbed a fistful of Kiara’s breast. Ryn’s fingers digging into her sent sparks of lightning through Kiara’s body, and her hips pressed beseechingly into Ryn’s.

  “Please, Ryn,” Kiara gasped. Her mouth dropped open when Ryn sucked hard at the nipple she’d been teasing. She could feel Ryn grin against her skin, and Kiara scratched down Ryn’s bare back—not enough to break skin, but enough to leave white lines against Ryn’s amber skin and have Ryn shudder delightfully against her.

  Ryn urged Kiara’s legs apart, sliding her hand down between them to cup Kiara’s wet heat. Kiara spread her legs wider, thrust herself into Ryn’s hand, and moaned at the friction of the heel of Ryn’s hand against her clit.

  “Can you still come like this?” Ryn asked, a dare in the tilt of her chin. “Just from rubbing yourself against me?”

  Kiara’s eyes flashed with the challenge. There had always been an element of competition between them, a race and a dare to see who could make the other go boneless first, to see who was too spent to continue. Sometimes the outcome was obvious: when Ryn asked to put as much of herself in Kiara as could fit, or the night Kiara had brought home a sleek bullet vibe for Ryn. But other times that rivalry added a sharp edge to their lovemaking, a gleeful and razor-sharp excitement that had Kiara growing wetter.

  Kiara didn’t waste time answering Ryn. She moved her hips to press against Ryn’s hand, held steady against her. The roll of her clit over that smooth, hard curve of Ryn’s hand sent ripples of pleasure through her. Her nipples were rock-hard and ached for attention, and Kiara had to grab a handful of the sheets to stop herself from reaching up to relieve some of that ache—that wasn’t part of the challenge, after all.

  Ryn bit her lip as Kiara continued to rub against her. Kiara could feel how wet she was, how that wetness slicked against Ryn’s skin and made the friction easier. She increased her pace. Her legs trembled as the orgasm built and built until it rolled over her in a crashing wave that bowed Kiara’s back off the bed and shoved her clit into Ryn, hard.


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