Last Chance

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Last Chance Page 9

by A. L. Wood

  “You can never have enough room. Plus I got this at a practical price. It’s been sitting on the market for more than two years. The owners just wanted it off their hands. I did them a favor.” He says.

  The room we walk into is the living area. It’s enormous, with eight foot ceilings and ornate walls. There is a brick layered fireplace, matching the exterior of the home that is the centerpiece of the room. Oddly though, the room is bare, no furniture in sight.

  “Where’s all of your furniture?” I ask.

  “I haven’t had a chance to go shopping to pick out any furniture. Like I said, I only signed the papers a few days ago. Plus I have only been here now twice. I still have yet to do a complete tour myself. I think that should be a priority over furniture, as I need to know how much room I am working with.”

  “Well it looks to be a big house, seems like you’re going to be a busy man.” I comment.

  “Maybe if you had some free time, you could help me?” Steele asks.

  “What? Why would I help you furnish and decorate your house?”

  “Well I would like to consider us friends after everything that has happened between us, and seeing as you’re the only friend I have that’s local, you would know where all the best stores are to get this stuff.”

  “Again, I ask, what would make you think I would help you? You really have lost it haven’t you?”

  Acquaintances for a child’s sake are one thing, but to become his personal shopper is another. No fucking way. I am not doing it.

  “You know by coming here today, I thought that maybe we could bury the hatchet.”

  “I have no hatchet to bury with you.” I lie.

  “Minx let’s stop dancing around this ever growing bush of bullshit. You ran from me. You ran from us. You had to have a reason for running so damn fast without speaking to me.”

  “I ran because after we spent a night together, I woke up in bed alone. When I went to find you, a sleazy woman answered your hotel room door. She made it pretty clear that she was far from done with you and I should wait in line, take a number so to speak. I am not a fucking number. You didn’t deserve a chance to speak.” I reveal.

  I have a hell of a time controlling myself around him. I thought by not arguing and playing lapdog, could possibly give us a chance at making amends with each other.


  He irks me and causes my temper to rise. Just remembering that woman who was in his room, causes me to feel the burn of jealousy. A burn I would rather not feel.

  “You gave me your virginity!” He yells. “I think that gives me a right to explain myself. I never thought of you as a number, and I swear she and I did nothing.” He argues back.

  “I don’t believe you, but it doesn’t matter. You don’t owe me an explanation, and you don’t have to explain yourself. I am okay now. I understand, it was just a night. One night. It didn’t affect either of us in any real way. So we should be able to easily move on and pretend it didn’t happen.”

  “There is no way in hell I am going to pretend it didn’t happen.” He says stalking me.

  I walk backwards to put some much needed space in between us, but of course he only walks closer. Something I should have seen coming a mile away, this is a pattern of his. He backs me into a corner until I give in. Step by step he cages me in. His body becomes a wall shielding me from the outside, making him my center. He leans forward and whispers.

  “And I am not going to let you forget it either.”

  The fight I had inside of me drains. It’s like my body is saying game over. He wins.

  Chapter 20


  There is no way I am going to allow her to forget the passion we shared when we came together. I cage her in, so she has nowhere else to go and nowhere else to look, but at me. She wants to pretend that night didn’t mean anything. That it never happened.

  Fuck. That.

  “And I am not going to let you forget it either.”

  My lips meet hers roughly, demanding. She instantly gives in. She opens her lips beneath mine, granting entrance on a deep moan. I maneuver my tongue in, pleading for one sweet taste of her. Natalie moves her hands to grab at my back, pulling me closer to her.

  My body refuses to deny her.

  The anger she previously showcased, only consumed me all the more in wanting her. There is something about this little brunette, when she’s in fierce anger that turns me on.

  I gradually glide one hand up under her shirt, gripping her hip and pull her against me brutally hard. My other hand is holding her head to mine, while I crush my lips over hers.

  She runs her hands over my body like she can’t decide on what part she wants to explore first. Finally, she finds the hem of my shirt and lifts it up. I pull away from her, not wanting to leave her delectable lips willingly. I quickly pull my shirt off and go back to attacking her lips.

  I don’t want to rush this, I want to take my time in enjoying her mouthwatering body, but I want her to come to me. To want it so much, that she begs me to take her. I leisurely glide my lips down her neck, placing soft, wet open mouthed kisses in a trail all the way to the plump cleavage that’s not covered by her shirt. I linger there for a moment, teasing her while her hands run through my hair.

  She shoves me away lightly. At first I think she’s trying to stop what we are doing, so I attempt to take control of the situation and steer us back to the making love, but then she lifts her shirt off revealing a lacey purple bra, convincing me that she has no plans to stop.

  I take a moment to enjoy the picture before me because once I touch her, that bra is coming right off and my lips are going to be sucking on one of those beautifully delicious pink nipples, then the other that I can’t stop picturing in my dreams.

  Her long golden brown hair tumbling over in waves, the ends reaching well below her desirable oversized breasts. Wanting to exam everything in this moment, I look at her face. Her lips are swollen red from my harsh demanding kisses, and her face is flushed pink with want and need.

  Unable to deny myself her enticingly sweet taste any longer, I step forward and kiss her again softly, this time slowly savoring the sensation of her lips locked on mine. Unable to deny myself the feel and taste of her nipples, I reach one hand around to unhook the clasp of her bra. I swiftly rip her bra off and toss it to the floor. I give her one final kiss, before attacking her breasts.

  I slowly lick around her nipple, never fully taking it into my mouth. I lick and nip everywhere else, but her nipple. Then swap to the other, equally loving each one.

  “Rrryyannnnn” She moans out.

  I smile.

  That’s when I give her what she wants. Fuck. That’s when I give her what I want. What I desperately crave.

  I take her nipple in my mouth and suck as hard as I can. I flick my tongue on one, then the other. I nip. I lick. I suck. Back and forth. My dick is hard as a rock, and I can feel pre-cum dripping down its side. It would be embarrassing, but if she keeps saying my name and moaning, I am bound to cum without her ever putting her hands on my cock.

  “Ryan.” She says on a breath. “I need you. Now.”

  I kiss her nipples one last time, before crushing my lips against hers. I reach my hands down to unbutton her jeans while she does the same to me. Our lips stay locked in a kiss, as we strip our pants from each other.

  I pull away from kissing her and look down. She’s not wearing any panties, and her shaven pussy is exposed.

  “Lay down baby.” I say ruggedly.

  She complies, and lays flat down on her back on the hardwood floor. I lay beside her on my side, one hand holding my head up and the other guiding her legs apart exposing her moist flesh to my eyes. I feast on it.

  “Fuck you’re so wet for me.” I whisper into her ear on a harsh moan.

  I don’t give her time to answer before I lean in to kiss her, while I swirl the pad of my thumb over her clit. I can feel her body shaking beneath my hands. She’s so unbelievably fucking res
ponsive. I slowly enter one finger into her dripping wet pussy, when I feel her hand enclose my rigid cock.

  “What are you doing to me?” I say rhetorically. This woman is an addiction, an appetite for me that I can not suppress.

  She doesn’t answer, but innocently starts stroking my cock, her hands unsure. I pull my finger out of her and bring it to my mouth, sucking her juice off of my finger, slowly.

  I place my hand upon hers, and close it tighter around my cock then start moving my hand and hers up and down, showing her what to do. I let go and she continues. I begin fucking her with two fingers, and it’s not long before I feel her walls contracting, her orgasm squeezing my fingers.

  “Ryan, I can’t…I can’t hold it back.” She moans out loud.

  Her cumming is almost enough to make me cum. Almost.

  While she’s on the bliss of an orgasm, I lie back on the floor and guide her to sit on me.

  “I don’t know how to do this.” She says nervously.

  “Don’t worry baby. Ill teach you.” I assure her.

  She shifts over me, and in doing so my, cock brushes against her wet pussy. I can feel her fluids running all over me, and fuck if it doesn’t please me. I grab her hips and lift her body up a little.

  “Put my cock inside of you and slowly sit down on it.”

  She reaches between her legs, and guides the head of my cock into her opening. It feels like fucking heaven. She slowly pushes down sucking all of me into her.

  In that moment I feel like our connection cannot be broken, and I would do anything to be able to hold onto it. For this feeling to last forever.

  I keep hold on her hips, and lift her up then guide her back down. She quickly catches on and starts doing it herself. I push up to meet her, as she pushes down. Soon I am covered in sweat, and regrettably I am sure I have squeezed her hips so hard that she will be covered in bruises later.

  I set a slower pace to make this last as long as possible. While pushing on her lower back to guide her head down to kiss me, I slowly pump in and out of her, as my mouth finds hers again; slowly swirling my tongue in and out of her mouth, while she’s moaning on gasps of breath.

  I desperately want her to see how good we could be, how good the passion we have between us really is.

  I reach my hand down in between us and start circling her clit furiously, while kissing her. I feel the familiar contractions of her orgasm. Her pussy clenching my cock, forces my orgasm out of me.

  We stay connected for a moment, enjoying the lasting sensations.

  Its then that I realize, while her pussy still holds my now draining cock and my hand is on her hip, my lips still locked with hers, that I didn’t put a condom on. It’s also then that I realize when the words come out too quickly, before I can take them back, which ruins any chances I had at us making up. Of us having a future.

  “Fuck. How stupid could I be?” I say aloud, accidentally.

  Natalie jumps off of me and starts to frantically get dressed.

  “Natalie. I’m sorry it’s not what you think.” I explain to her while getting dressed also, but in a much slower fashion then she.

  “Don’t worry Steele. I didn’t think that this was anything.” She says dejectedly.

  “No. Fuck. Not that. I mean I wasn’t saying how stupid could I be because we slept together. I didn’t wear a condom. I forgot. I was so caught up in the moment. There is no chance of you getting pregnant right?” I ask.

  “Nope. No chances.” She says blankly.

  “Thank fuck. Phew! That was a close call. There is no way I am ready for a kid, I don’t think there is a time I ever will be.” I say relieved.

  “Well it’s nothing you have to worry about.” She says, while putting her flats back on.

  “Now that we have that cleared up, maybe we can get something to eat?”

  “No I’m good I just want to go home. Would you take me?” She says devoid of all emotion.

  She was so responsive and passionate. It’s like what we just did has no effect on her at all.

  “I guess if that’s what you really want.” I say not, bothering to fight.

  “Just take me home please.” She says, leaving the house.

  Chapter 21


  It takes all I have to keep my mouth shut. I am such a fool. I shouldn’t have given in. I am so much stronger then this. I should have known he only brought me there for one reason and one reason only. It wasn’t to talk so we could try to maintain a friendship. Something I was willing to do because of this baby inside of me.

  Something I am sure I won’t do again. I think he made his views pretty clear on having children, and I accept that. I stare out the window the entire drive back. I have nothing to say to him.

  When he pulls up to my apartment complex, he doesn’t even attempt to talk to me, not that I had expected him to anyway. I exit the car slamming the door behind me and go upstairs. When I enter, Liam and Layla are sitting in the living room, almost as if they were waiting for me. Liam stands up first and meets me.

  “Where have you been? Layla and I have been so worried, we thought something happened to you.” He says, while searching me over.

  He’s probably looking me over to make sure that I am okay, but I assume that I look like a mess after what Steel and I did.

  “I went for a walk.” I lie. “I just had a lot on my mind and needed to clear my head.”

  “Well Jesus Nat, you could have told us where you were going. We were worried sick over you. We had no idea what happened.” Layla says, clearly upset.

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Can we talk about this later? I’m really tired. I just want to lay down.”

  Layla walks away, noticeably unhappy. I get that she has a right to be pissed, but so do I. Not at her, but at Steele. I just need one more day to work out how I am going to break the news to her. At this moment, it is hard enough facing her while holding it in. It’s better off if I walk away, into my bedroom for now, to prepare to tell her.

  I don’t even change out of my clothes. I am too exhausted emotionally, to even care that I am still dressed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep. The first time I have been able to do so, without Liam lying beside me.

  Chapter 22


  I just let her walk away from me. I don’t think if I was able to talk, I would be able to find the right words in any case. She was pissed at me, and with good reason, but she’s so stubborn. I don’t think it would have mattered if I tried to correct myself anyways.

  Anything I said, or wanted to say only made the situation worse. She didn’t want to hear anything I had to say. I thought that the pleasant approach would work. That it would have her reconsidering bestowing me with a second chance. That maybe we could try for some kind of relationship, take it slow at first.

  I’ve never attempted a relationship, but she makes me want to try. I have no doubt that I would remain faithful to her. She’s the one that I want, and I would be unwise not to.

  Because I don’t have any furniture in the house yet, I drive my rental back to the hotel suite that I am sharing with the guys. I have decided to stay there with them until my place is furnished. Pulling up to the valet, I step out of the car and he takes my keys.

  I’m met by Gage and Zepp, when I enter the main entrance of the suite.

  “So how did it go?” Gage asks. I told them earlier this week that I was trying to get an opening into approaching her. I didn’t tell them what she and I did, but I made it clear that I was interested in her for more than one night. They were shocked to say the least, but accepted it. I think they were a little scared for her, and overly protective. They took their time putting me through the ringer asking my intentions.

  I almost couldn’t believe it. These guys were my friends. Had been for years. Yet here they were acting like I was a newcomer, and they were her brothers making sure I was good enough for her.

  I grimace.

  “That ba
d?” Zepp cuts in.


  “Maybe you need a better approach to winning her back. We could help you.” Zepp advises me.

  “I really thought my plan would work. I staked out her apartment for a week and waited until Liam was out of sight, before I yanked her into the car. I drove her to the house I bought, showing her I put roots down and what did she ask? She asked why I bought the place.”

  “Wait, let’s back this story up. You yanked her into your car?” Gage asks, his face screwed up into a contorted expression.

  “Well yeah. How else was I going to get her into my car?” I ask seriously.

  “You could have asked her. That right there would have given you a better chance at getting her to give you a chance. Man I can’t believe you just pulled her into your car. Did she at least know it was you?” Zepp asks.

  “No. I pulled her from behind, then shoved her in and got behind the wheel and took off. I didn’t want to give her time to race away from the car.”

  “Wow. Okay, so what else happened?” Gage asks.

  “Well we talked a little bit on the ride, but she was still pissed and claiming that I kidnapped her. When we got to the house, I offered to give her a tour and she accepted. She seemed ready to give me a chance to speak, but then I don’t know what happened. One minute we were talking, then arguing, and the next thing I know I’m kissing her.”

  “And…” Zepp adds in.

  “Well kissing led to other things, and when we were done, I realized I forgot to wear protection. I may have said something crass in the heat of the moment, because I was pissed at myself.”

  “You know Ryan, with your experience I really would have thought you couldn’t fuck this up as thoroughly as you have, but you surprised me and you did, fuck it up I mean. What was it that you said?” Gage asks.

  “I can’t remember the exact words but, it was along the lines of fuck and you can’t get pregnant right? Then I went on to tell her I didn’t want kids.”

  “Wrong choice of words my friend. I assume she left pissed?” Zepp jumps in.

  “She was mad all right. She asked me to bring her home and wouldn’t say a word to me the entire way back. I really thought this would work, but hearing your responses it’s no wonder it didn’t.”


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