503. Fourteenth-century arched hall used for public meetings and festivities.
504. Johannes R. Becher, Minister of Cultural Affairs of the German Democratic Republic.
505. Thomas Mann, Briefe 1889–1936, ed. Erika Mann (1961).
506. Carl Helbling’s review of Thomas Mann, Briefe 1889–1936, in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December 17, 1961.
507. A cabaret opposing National Socialism, founded in Munich in 1933 by Klaus Mann, Erika Mann, and Therese Giehse.
508. The National Front, adherents of Hitler.
(Unless otherwise indicated, published in New York by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Most translations have been frequently reprinted and reissued in paperback.)
Autobiographical Writings. Ed., and with an introduction, by Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1972.
Beneath the Wheel. Trans. Michael Roloff. 1968.
Crisis: Pages from a Diary. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1975.
Demian. Trans. Michael Roloff and Michael Lebeck. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.
Gertrude. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1969.
The Glass Bead Game. Trans. Richard and Clara Winston. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969.
The Hesse-Mann Letters: The Correspondence of Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann. Trans. Ralph Manheim. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
Hours in the Garden and Other Poems. Trans. Rika Lesser. 1979.
If the War Goes On … Reflections on War and Politics. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1971.
The Journey to the East. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1968.
Knulp. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1971.
Klingsor’s Last Summer. Trans. Richard and Clara Winston. 1970.
My Belief: Essays on Life and Art. Ed., and with an introduction, by Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Denver Lindley and Ralph Manheim. 1974.
Narcissus and Goldmund. Trans. Ursule Molinaro. 1968.
Peter Camenzind. Trans. Michael Roloff. 1969.
Pictor’s Metamorphoses and Other Fantasies. Ed., and with an introduction, by Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Rika Lesser. 1982.
Poems. Trans. James Wright. 1970.
Reflections. Selected from Hesse’s books and letters by Volker Michels. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1974.
Rosshalde. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1970.
Siddhartha. Trans. Hilda Rosner. New York: New Directions, 1951.
Steppenwolf. Trans. Basil Creighton (1929); rev. Joseph Mileck and Horst Frenz. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963.
Stories of Five Decades. Ed., and with an introduction, by Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Ralph Manheim and Denver Lindley. 1972.
Strange News from Another Star and Other Tales. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1972.
Tales of Student Life. Ed., and with an introduction, by Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1976.
Wandering: Notes and Sketches. Trans. James Wright. 1972.
All references to Hesse’s works in German by volume and page refer to the twelve-volume Werkausgabe: Hermann Hesse, Gesammelte Werke in zwölf Bänden, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1970.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abel, F.
“Absage” (1933)
Ador, Gustav
Adorno, Theodor W.
Alien Police (Swiss)
Allies (WW II)
Alter, Georg
Amiet, Cuno
ancient Greeks
Andreä, Volkmar; letters to
anti-Semitism, see Jews
Antonescu, Ion
“Artists and Psychoanalysis” (1918)
“Attempt at Self-Justification, An” (1948)
At the Spa (1925)
Auschwitz camp
Autobiographical Writings (1972)
Baden, spa at
Ball, Emmy
Ball, Hugo; biography of Hesse; death of; letters to
Basel Missionary Society
Basel National-Zeitung
Basler, Otto; letters to
Bauer, Gerhard
Bauernfeld Prize
Bayer, Hans
Becher, Johannes R.
Beheim-Schwarzbach, Martin
Bellamy, Edward
Beneath the Wheel (1906)
Bermann, Gottfried
Bernhard, Georg
Bernoulli, Marie, see Hesse, Mia
Bernus, Baroness Isa von
“Besinnung” (“Contemplation”)
Bible, the
Birmer, Lily
“Birthday” (circular letter)
Bitzius, Albert (“Jeremias Gotthelf”)
Black Forest
Blessing, Oskar
Blossom Branch, The (1945)
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Böcklin, Arnold
Bodmer, Anny
Bodmer, Elsy
Bodmer, Hans C.; death of; letters to
Bodmer, Hermann
Bodmer (Martin) Foundation
Bodmer, Paul
Böhmer, Gunter
Bonniers Litterära Magasin
Book Depot for German Prisoners of War, Publishing House of
Borel, Eugène
Borgese, Giuseppe Antonio
Boyd, Orr, Lord
Braun, Felix; letters to
Brecht, Bertolt
Breithaupt, Max
Brentano, Bernard von
Brod, Max
Bruder, Erhard, letters to
Brun, Fritz; letters to
Buber, Martin
Bucherer, Max
Buchwald, Reinhard
Bund, Der
Burckhardt, Jacob
Busch, Adolf
By-Ways (1912)
“Caesarius von Heisterbach,”
Calw, Germany; Hesse made honorary citizen of; Hesse Museum at
“Calw Family Library, The”
Calw Missionary Press
Cantacuszène, Fritz von
Carlsson, Anni
Carossa, Hans
Casa Camuzzi
Cervantes, Saavedra de
Childhood and Youth before Nineteen Hundred: Hermann Hesse in Letters and Documents 1877–1895 (1966)
Chodowiecki, Daniel
Chopin, Frederic
Cohen, Hermann
Collected Letters (1973–86)
Collected Poems (1942)
Collected Works (1952)
Collected Works (1957)
“Cologne Calumny” of 1915
Conrad, Rolf
Crisis: Pages from a Diary (1928)
Darmstadt Academy
Dehmel, Richard
Demian (1919)
Deschner, Karlheinz
Dettinger, Karl
Deutsche Beiträge
Deutsche Internierten-Zeitung
Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach
“Diary of 1920”
Diederichs, Eugen
Dolbin, Ninon (wife of Hesse); family of; letters to; marriage to Hesse; mentioned
Dreiss, Wilhelm
Dumont, Marie-Louise
Durigo, Ilona
Eastern religion and thought
East German Academy
Eeden, Frederik von
Ehrenstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
sp; Engel, Otto
Englert, Josef; letters to
“Epistolary Mosaic” (1950)
Etzel, Tilbert
“Europäer, Der” (1918)
“Events in the Engadine” (1953)
Faber, Otto Erich
Faust (Goethe)
Feller, Elisabeth
Field, G. Wallis
Finckh, Ludwig; letters to
Fink, Pastor W.
Fischer, Hedwig
Fischer, Samuel; death of
Fischer, W.
Fischer (S.) Verlag
Florence, Italy
“Flötenspiel” (1940)
Fontane Prize
“For Marulla” (1953)
Forum, Das (journal)
“Fourth Life of Josef Knecht, The” (1934)
Fou Tsong
France, Anatole
Frankfurt, and Goethe Prize
Frankfurter Zeitung
Frankfurt Peace Prize
Fretz, Hans
Freud, Sigmund; letter to
Freytag, Gustav
Friedrich, Günther
Frisch, Max
From India (1913)
Gabriel, Robert
Gamper, Gustav
Gasser, Manuel
“Gedanken über Lektüre” (1926)
Gedichte, Die, see Collected Poems
Geheeb, Reinhold
Gemperle, Carl
George, Stefan
Geprägs, Adolf
German Foreign Office
German nationalism
Germany; Nazi and WW II; and WW I
“Germany Revisited” (1915)
Geroe-Tobler, Maria
Gertrude (1910)
Geschichten aus dem Mittelalter (1925)
Ghisler, Franz
Gide, André
Giehse, Therese
Glass Bead Game, The (1943); reissued
Goebbels, Joseph P.
Goethe, Johann W. von, passim
Goethe Prize
Gold, Johanna
Göppingen, Latin School at
Göring, Hermann W.
Gorki, Maxim
Green, Julien
“Guest at the Spa, A” (1925)
Gulbransson, Olaf
Gundert, Adele Hesse (sister); death of; letters to
Gundert, Elisabeth
Gundert, Fritz; letters to
Gundert, Heinrich
Gundert, Hermann (grandfather)
Gundert, Samuel
Gundert, Wilhelm
Gundrun, Fräulein
Gutzkow, Karl
Habe, Hans
Haeberlin, Paul
Haeckel, Ernst
Haller, Johannes
Hammelehle, C.
Hamsun, Knut
“Hans Amstein” (1904)
Hardenberg, Friedrich von, see Novalis
Häring, Theodor
Hartmann, Franz
Hartmann, Otto
Hassenpflug, Werner
Hauer, Jakob Wilhelm
Hauptmann, Gerhart
Haussmann, Conrad; death of; letters to
Haussmann, Erich
Haussmann, Ruth Wenger; see also Wenger, Ruth
Haussmann, Wolfgang
Heckenhauer’s bookstore, Tübingen, passim
Hegel, Georg W. F.
Heine, Heinrich
Helbling, Carl
Hello, Ernst
Hermann Hesse (Schmid, 1928)
Hermann Hesse (Field, 1970)
Hermann-Hesse-Way, Constance
Hermann-Niesse, Max
Herzog, Rudolf
Hesse, Adele, see Gundert, Adele Hesse
Hesse, Bruno (son); letters to
Hesse, Frida
Hesse, Hans (brother); death of
Hesse, Heiner (son); letters to
Hesse, Hermann: birth of; citizenship of; death of; education of; feelings about Germany and world wars; first published; marriage to Mia, passim; marriage to Ninon; marriage to Ruth; as a painter; political attacks on and criticism of; and POW libraries; prizes and honors awarded; psychoanalysis of; readership in 1950s Germany; relationship with father; relationship with mother; at Sonnmatt Sanatorium; suicide attempts; travels of; works suppressed in Germany
Hesse, Isabelle (daughter-in-law)
Hesse, Johannes (father); books authored; death of; letters to; relationship with Hermann
Hesse, Marie (mother); birth of; death of; letters to; relationship with Hermann
Hesse, Martin (son); birth of; letters to; marriage of
Hesse, Marulla (sister); death of; letters to
Hesse, Mia (Marie Bernoulli, wife); divorce; marriage and breakdown of
Hesse, Ninon, see Dolbin, Ninon
Hesse, Ruth, see Haussmann, Ruth Wenger; Wenger, Ruth
Hesse Archiv, Cologne
Hesse collections
Hesse Festival, Pretoria (1961)
Hesse/Mann Letters, The (1975)
Hesse (Hermann) Museum, Calw
Hesse (Hermann) Prize
Heuss, Theodor; letters
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hitler, Adolf
Hoerschelmann, Rolf V.
Hofer, Karl
Hölderlin, Friedrich
Holy Sinner, The (Mann)
Hour Beyond Midnight, An (1899)
“Hours at the Desk” (1949)
Hours in the Garden (1936)
Hubacher, Hermann; letters to
Huber, Hans
Humm, R. J.
Hunnius, Monika
I Ching
If the War Goes On … (1946)
India; Malabar Coast of; religion and culture of
In Sight of Chaos (1920)
International Union for Cultural Cooperation
International Women’s League for Freedom and Peace
In This World (1907)
Isenberg, Carlo; letter to
Isenberg, Charles
Isenberg, Karl; letters to
Isenberg, Theo
Jancke, Oskar
Jean Paul
Jensen, Johannes V.
Jesus Christ
“Jesus und die Armen” (1929)
“Josef Knechts Berufung,”
Journey to Nuremberg, The (1927)
Journey to the East, The (1932)
Jugend (review)
Jung, C. G.; letter to
Kafka, Franz
Kant, Immanuel
Kantorovicz, Alfred
Kapff, Ernst, letters to
Kappeler, Berthli
Kasack, Hermann
Kassner, Rudolf
Kayser, Rudolf
Kehlmann, Lilly and Heinz
Keller, Gottfried
Keller (Gottfried) Prize
Kerényi, Karl
Keyserling, Hermann von
Kieser, Hermann
Kimmig, Otto
Kläber, Kurt
Klein and Wagner (1919)
Kliemann, Horst
Klingsor’s Last Summer (1920)
Klopstock, Friedrich G.
Knecht, Josef (The Glass Bead Game character)
Knulp (1915)
Kolb, Annette
Kolb, Eugenie
Kolb, Walter
Köpfli, Ernst
Korner, Theodor
Korradi, Otto
Korrodi, Eduard
Krämer, Ilse
Krebs, Margarete
Kreidolf, Ernst
Krieck, Ernst
Krieg und Frieden (1946)
Krisis: Ein Stuck Tagebuch (1928)
Kubin, Alfred, letters to
Kunstwart, Der (review)
ze, Wilhelm; letters to
“Kurgast,” see “Guest at the Spa, A”
Lambert, Jean and Catherine
Lampe, Friedo
Lang, Josef B.; death of; letters to
Lang, Wilhelm
Lange, Sven
La Roche, Elisabeth
Le Fort, Gertrud von
Lenin, Vladimir
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Letters of Jacob Burckhardt, The (1935)
“Letter to Adele” (1946)
“Letter to Germany” (1946)
Leuthold, Alice; letters to
Leuthold, Fritz; letter to
Lieder deutscher Dichter (Hesse, ed.)
Life Story Briefly Told (1925)
Lin Yutang
Loerke, O.
Lü Bu We
Ludwigsburger family
Lützkendorf, Felix; letters to
Luther, Martin
Maass, Joachim; letters to
Mann, Elisabeth
Mann, Erika; editor of T. Mann’s letters; letters to
Mann, Heinrich
Mann, Katia
Mann, Klaus; letters to
Mann, Thomas; books banned in Germany; death of; friendship with Hesse; letters of; letters to; political attacks on
“Marble Works” (1904)
Märchen (1919)
Mardersteig, Hans
Marti, Fritz
Marx, Karl
März (weekly)
Maulbronn, seminary at
Meditations (1928)
Meier, Walther
Merkwürdige Geschichten (1922–27)
Metzger, Theodor
Meyer, Hugo von
Mileck, Joseph
Moilliet, Louis; letter to
Molo, Walter von
Molt, Emil; letter to
Montagnola; Hesse made honorary citizen of
Morgenthaler, Ernst; letters to
Morgenthaler, Sasha
Mörike, Eduard
Moser, Hans
Muehlon, Johann Wilhelm
Muggli, Rosa
Mühlestein, Hans
Mühsam, Erich
Müller, J. M.
Munzel, Franz Xavier
My Belief: Essays on Life and Art (1974)
Nagi (Indian historian)
Narcissus and Goldmund (1930)
National Socialism
National Socialist Academy of Arts
Natter, Edmund
Nazi Germany, see Germany
Neighbors (1908)
Nestle, Hermann
Neue Gedichte (1937)
Neue deutsche Lyriker: Gedichte von Hermann Hesse (1902)
Neue Literatur, Die
Neue Rundschau, Die
Neue Schweizer Rundschau
Neue Tage-Buch, Das
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Nobel Prize for Literature
“Notes from a Spa in Baden” (1949)
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg)
Ochsenbein, Marcel
Soul of the Age Page 46