Snowed In With You

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Snowed In With You Page 3

by Luxx Monroe

  I smiled, imagining Chase and Mandy as kids, playing out in this winter wonderland. I looked out over the white blanket that covered their land like a never-ending scene in a snow globe. “It’s beautiful out here. I’m surprised both you and Mandy decided on city life over this. I don’t know if I would have been able to leave a place like this.”

  “I assume you’ve never met our parents then.”

  I just gave him a knowing smile and decided to let the subject drop. Mandy had told me enough about her controlling, strict parents that I knew they had driven their children away. Mandy only came back on Christmas, something she promised she’d do no matter what, even if it was only for a few days. Her parents had never, not once, visited her in Boston. They said she was living a life of sin and they wouldn’t be part of it.

  “Okay, this should do it.” Chase pushed open the barn door, and the first thing I noticed where two adorable goats lying in the middle of a pile of straw.

  “Oh, my gosh, they’re so cute!” I shrieked and ran over to the pin that contained my new favorite animal. I’d never seen a goat up close. They were simply adorable. My shriek obviously startled them, because the cute little animals jumped up and started bouncing around. If I had thought they were cute when they were sleeping, it was nothing compared to the little things prancing and jumping around.

  Chase laughed and leaned against the metal bars beside me. “Yeah, they’re cute when they’re not jumping on your car or eating everything in sight.”

  “They jump on your car? Why?”

  Chase shrugged his shoulders and walked over to a huge bag that was leaning against the far wall. “They just like to jump, and for some reason, cars are their main targets.”

  I didn’t care what they jumped on; I wanted one of those little animals as a pet. I reached in and patted one on its head, and I swear it smiled at me.

  “He likes you.” Chase dumped a cupful of yellow grain in a large black dish. “There, this should hold them for a day or so. Let me refill their… Dammit. Water.”

  I looked over at Chase and knew what he was thinking. The pipes were probably frozen. “What are we going to do?”

  “We’ll have to get buckets of snow and melt them over the fireplace. I’ve already brought more wood to the stack by the house just in case this keeps up and we aren’t able to get to the woodpile.”

  Chase actually impressed me. For a guy who appeared all city to me, he sure could hang as a country boy. “Your country roots are starting to show.”

  Chase let out a low laugh and shook his head. “You know what they say, you can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.”

  I smiled because I had actually heard that before. Not that I’d met any country boys, but I was really starting to like what I was seeing.

  “Come on. Let’s go get some eggs and check on the horses. We’ll be melting a lot of snow in the next few hours. I hope a little work doesn’t scare you, princess.”

  I rolled my eyes and brushed past him to the chicken hutch in the back corner of the barn. It looked like they had a little area outside and some snow had blown into their home from there, but the chickens were happy as could be as they ran toward Chase while he threw more grain into their container.

  “At lease we’ll have food if we run out.” Chase wiggled his eyebrows. Just as I finally understood his joke, he was heading out the back doors to where I assumed the horses were kept. Chase had made a joke. I couldn’t believe the changes in his attitude from just this morning. I appreciated this and hoped we’d be able to be civil during the rest of our time together.

  We finished up with the horses, and Chase laughed when I wouldn’t touch them, because frankly, they scared the shit out of me.

  We finally made it back inside with two large buckets each filled with snow and started the melting process. Chase hadn’t said much since we’d fed and petted the horses. “Hey, is everything okay?”

  He didn’t answer me right away, and I couldn’t help but stare as he pulled his jacket off while waiting for the snow to melt. I hadn’t really noticed his broad shoulders until then. Maybe because I was actually looking at him without thinking about slapping him in the face.

  “As far as what? Being stranded in a blizzard? Yes, everything’s okay.”

  I rolled my eyes and decided it didn’t matter how good looking Chase was, he was still an ass. Plain and simple. “I know we’re stranded. You just seem quiet. I was being polite. You know, being nice? I’m sure you’ve heard of it before.”

  Chase didn’t respond, but it looked like he may have smiled. A small smile, but I would have bet a hundred bucks that I’d caught one.

  When he pulled his flannel shirt over his head, I was able to see a few inches of his perfectly toned abs. Holy hell.

  I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. He was left standing there in a white t-shirt, Carhartt pants, and ruffled hair, which looked like someone had just ran their hands through it after being thoroughly screwed.

  God, Mandy was right. I needed to get laid. Like yesterday.

  “See something you like?”

  I quickly snapped my eyes up and looked at Chase’s face. He had totally caught me checking him out. I tried to look away, to hide the red blush I could feel sneaking its way up my cheeks, but I couldn’t.

  Chase stood there with a cocky eyebrow, but then, right before my eyes, something shifted in him. He looked down at my unbuttoned coat, and then back at me. I could see the desire in his eyes and it made me feel amazing. I couldn’t remember the last time a guy actually looked like he wanted to devour me. Chase finally spoke, which caught me completely off guard. “You keep looking at me like that, and I’m going to show you how far off your little vibrator is from the real thing.”

  I could feel my breath hitch and it felt like my heart was practically pounding outside of my chest. We both understood we couldn’t do anything. I mean, hell, I’d just met him this morning, but the idea of him giving me an actual orgasm set my spirits flying. I shouldn’t have said anything; I should have just turned around and walked away, but something inside me came alive. I decided to not hold back and I told him a secret I’d never shared with anyone. “I’ve never actually had one,” I whispered softly and looked away from his intense stare.

  Before I knew it, Chase was right in front of me. With a gentle touch, he turned my head back in his direction and lifted my chin so he could see me better. “What did you just say?”

  “An orgasm. From a man. I’ve never had one. I belong to a group, a small percentage of women, who can’t orgasm during sex.”

  Chase cocked one of his eyebrows then looked me up and down. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I didn’t know what to say, so I just continued to stare.

  I might have licked my lips because within a few seconds, Chase grabbed me by my waist and pulled me forward, pressing his body against mine. It only made the ache worse.

  I had been with my ex, Jared, for two years. Two non-orgasmic years, and for some reason, I figured it was normal to not have a man send me to that faraway land that all of my girlfriends talked about. I had always thought I was part of that few percent who couldn’t have an orgasm during sex. Even though I’d been with one other boy in high school, it was over so quick that I never let that one count. But watching Chase, being so close to him, gave me hope. Hope until I thought about our situation.

  “We can’t. Your sister would kill me, and we just met.”

  Chase pulled back and ran his hand through his dark, unruly hair. I noticed it was a sign that he was either stressed or really thinking about something. “I know, but hell. When you say shit like that?” I could tell he was having the same inner conflict I was. Finally, he cleared his throat and reached over to stroke a lock of hair that had fallen free from my ponytail. “Look at it this way. We have all the time in the world and we aren’t getting out of here in the next few days, especially with it still snowing outside. No one will have to know
, trust me. I don’t want my sister finding out just as much as you don’t. We could call it a little experiment. See if you really are part of that little non-orgasmic group you like to believe you fall into.”

  I shifted nervously from my left foot to my right, and thought about my past sexual experiences. I really only had two serious boyfriends, and I was never the random hookup kind of girl. Mandy always told me I needed to live life on the edge, and experience a casual hookup to really relax and have fun. I bet she would never, in a million years, bet that hookup could potentially be with her brother.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Chase gave me a devious smile and grabbed my cheeks with both of his big, cold hands. “Let’s do a little test run. If you like what I give you, then we’ll explore further. If I do nothing for you, and I mean fucking nothing—no moaning, melting, or wet panties—we’ll pretend like this conversation never happened.”

  Never happened? How could anyone forget a conversation like this when they were looking at a guy like Chase? It really did help that he looked nothing like his sister. Before I could give him an answer, his lips brushed mine, and I knew in an instant I didn’t doubt his ability to give me an orgasm. I was nervous that anyone after him wouldn’t compare.

  “Relax,” Chase whispered his warm breath across my chilled lips, and I could already feel warm wetness soak onto my panties.

  What felt like a lifetime, but was really only seconds, ended when Chase’s lips met mine. I’d heard the cliché saying about seeing fireworks during a first kiss and what I felt came pretty damn close. A warm surge flooded my body and I knew I was in trouble.

  Chase softly ran his tongue across the seam of my lips and I instinctively opened for him, letting him invade my mouth, taking over what was obviously soon to be his.

  I moaned, not just a cute, soft kitten whimper, but a full-on, holy-crap-this-is-good, moan. My groan only fueled Chase’s need, and when he reached around to grab my hair, pulling my head back, we both lost it.

  His mouth took over and we were kissing so hard I saw stars. This guy was good with his tongue and when his hands started to unbutton the rest of my shirt, I knew I wouldn’t stop him.

  He moved his lips off mine and trailed a light path down my neck. I tilted my head back, enjoying the warmth of his breath on me, and said a silent thank you to the snow gods. They knew I needed this.

  Before I realized it, I was out of my borrowed, heavy winter jacket and button-up flannel, and almost down to just a tank and lacy black bra that was hiding underneath. I didn’t know how far Chase was willing to take this little test, but if he wasn’t careful, it was going to end up with both of us naked.

  He let out his own little gasp when he saw me standing in from of him in my skimpy cami. “Now for the results.” I struggled for air when he unbuttoned my jeans and slipped his hand down into my panties.

  I parted my legs, willing to show him the effect he was having on me, and closed my eyes when one of his fingers found my entrance. He slowly stroked me, back and forth. A smile lit his face when he felt the pool of liquid he’d created. “You’re fucking drenched.”

  I almost blushed, but before I could do anything, his hand started doing amazing things to me. He pushed two large fingers into me, and my head fell back in bliss. But just as quickly as he’d started our little test, he was done. He pulled out of me and reached down to grab my shirt, which had fallen on the floor beside him. “Looks like I won. I bet the water’s melted.”

  What the hell? My body was slowly coming down from the high Chase had created, and a fury I’d never felt took its place.

  Chapter 6


  I could see it in her eyes that I had royally pissed her off, but what she didn’t realize was I had to stop. I had to get away from her before I took things too far. Her lips, her sweet smell, her damn soaking wet pussy, made feelings burst through me that I’d never felt before. As much as I wanted to throw her down on the floor and fuck her until she had a very real orgasm, I knew this wasn’t the right time.

  Sutton stopped beside me, holding her shirt together while grabbing her jacket off the couch. “You know, there for a second, I thought maybe your sister just didn’t know you and maybe you weren’t as bad as she’s let on. But now I know she’s right. You’re an ass.”

  I continued to watch her as she stomped over to the fireplace and picked up one of the large buckets from the floor. On her way out the door, she brushed by me and I smiled to myself, knowing it was only a matter time before I would be inside her.

  I piled my winter gear back on. It didn’t look like the snow was letting up anytime soon, so we needed to get this water out to the animals. And then I would be finishing what I started with Sutton.

  We didn’t speak as we made sure the animals were all fed and had plenty of water. The barn was a warm, safe shelter for them, and they’d be fine out there during the rest of the storm. Sutton, however, was pissed. She was seething mad and I needed to do something to apologize for stopping things the way I did earlier.

  By the time we made it back inside, another foot of snow had piled over the little pathway to the barn we had shoveled at the beginning of our outing. I couldn’t believe how much of it there was, but I also couldn’t help but think how amazing it looked as well.

  “Sutton, come here. I want to tell you something.”

  Sutton had just finished hanging up her jacket on our family coatrack when my cell chimed from my pocket.

  “You have cell service?” she shrieked and took off up the stairs. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked down at the two very small bars in the left-hand corner. I did have service. Very faint, tiny service, but I had it. I opened my texts and missed calls. I had a few voicemails from my parents and my new business partner.

  I clicked my green phone icon and listened to the first few messages from Mom. She wasn’t so much worried about me, but worried about Mandy’s friend. I knew my sister and I hadn’t turned out quite like they’d both planned, but for once, it would have been nice to have normal parents who actually showed they cared a little.

  I also texted Rob, my business partner and co-owner of the new Indie record label we had just started in New York City. I shut my eyes and thought how I shouldn’t have come back for the holidays, because I was swamped at work. But then I thought of Sutton and how she made me feel like I could to be whole again. I knew two things: one, it would never work out between us, and two, I could give her one hell of a Christmas vacation.

  I headed up the stairs to see what she was doing, but when I’d almost made it to the top, she walked out of Mandy’s room holding her cell phone. “I know I called you an ass earlier, but I was wondering if you could turn the generator on for a bit so I could charge my phone?”

  I stopped and stared at her face. Her cheeks were red and rosy from the cold winter air, and I also noticed her eyes had changed color a bit. There was just a hint of green swirling with the most beautiful light brown color I’d had ever seen before.

  “What are you looking at?” she asked in a snarky voice.

  I chuckled a little and shook my head. “Nothing.” I held out my hand, indicating I’d take her phone from her and do what she asked.

  She reluctantly handed it over and spun around and headed back into my sister’s room.

  After the door was shut, I decided to head back downstairs to the garage and flipped on the generator. Her phone would be charged in no time.

  I was reading a short article about a local farmer who had grown the largest ear of corn over the summer and had made it into the Guinness Book of World Records. I laughed to myself about what made the news here, and just as I was about to start on an article about a local pig contest, Sutton finally emerged from upstairs and rushed past me.

  Picking up her phone from the charger, she smiled as she slid the bar across the screen.

  “Is it charged?” I asked, peering over the newspaper,
pretending like I wasn’t keenly aware of her every move.

  She rolled her eyes and started clicking away on the front screen. Assuming she was texting my sister, I lost interest right away.

  When she set her phone back down on the counter, she turned and started to walk toward me, almost making it past me, but I reached out and grabbed her arm. “Hey, did you get ahold of Mandy?”

  “Like I would tell you.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her sass and finally let her go. She stormed off back upstairs, but I decided I wasn’t going to let her sulk in her room the entire time we were stuck together. I needed to man up and finally apologize.

  “Sutton, wait.” I was on her heels in a flash, but she didn’t stall for a second as she tried to shut Mandy’s bedroom door before I could get there.

  I pushed my way through, however, and followed her inside. “Sutton, talk to me.”

  Ignoring me, she walked over to the bed, picked up a book, and laid down on her stomach. Aimlessly, she flipped through the pages. Both of us knew she wasn’t reading a damn word, and when I walked over and grabbed the book out of her hands, I finally had her full attention.

  “Chase, what the hell? Don’t you have anything else to do besides bother me?” Sutton pushed herself up to a sitting position, putting her full cleavage on display.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I had already had a look at her amazing tits, but all of a sudden, I needed to know what she tasted like.

  “Sutton, look, I’m sorry; I am. I never should have treated you the way I did, but you have no idea how much you were affecting me. I had to stop before we took things too far.”

  Her surprised expression told me she had no idea how she made me feel. She made me want to rip her clothes off and show her how it was really done. Never had an orgasm by a man? Shit. I would show her the fucking time of her life while she was snowed in with me.


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