Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2)

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Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2) Page 1

by Alora Kate

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – one week later…

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Always My Home


  Alora Kate

  “I hear voices in my head and I love that it’s totally okay.”

  ~ Alora Kate

  Copyright © 2016 by Alora Kate

  Editor: Silvia Curry

  Cover by: AloraKateDesigns, Dollar Photo Club

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction.

  Characters, Names, Places and Incidents are products of MY crazy imagination.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Copyright © 2016 by Alora Kate


  To the ladies in my life, your love and support mean the world to me.

  These are just a few …

  Silvia Curry, Ella Winters, Kim Sutton, Jennifer Taylor, Samantha Menter, Stephanie Bingham, Sarah Darlington, Kimberly Husley, Kim Whaley, H.q. Frost, Mallory Dauphin, Nicole Hite, and Terri George. I love you all!

  Thank you to these amazing BLOGGERS…

  Bloggers For The Love of Authors and Their Books,

  Elusively Ella's Bookishness, Blondies Little Book Life, Undeniably Addicted To Books, Marnie’s Musings and Special Events,

  Abibliophobia Anonymous Book Reviews, and PBC.

  There are so many more, I wish I could list them all.

  And most of all, THANK YOU READERS!

  I love hearing from you.

  Happy Reading!

  Dedicated to

  OTTER! Silvia Curry

  Thanks for everything.

  Always My Home


  Alora Kate


  “Oh God, Rocco.” I gripped his neck harder encouraging the man to go faster.

  It was Adalyn’s wedding reception, he was wearing a suit and I couldn’t resist him. He had me in his arms up against the wall in the laundry room.

  He smirked, buried himself deep inside me, and then stopped. “You drive me crazy.”

  I smacked the side of his head playfully. “Why’d you stop?” I asked breathlessly and squeezed myself around his cock.

  “Jesus, woman,” he grunted and didn’t hesitate to give me want I wanted. He’d been giving me what I wanted for weeks. Slow. Fast. Rough. Any position I asked for, it was mine. The man was right; he was in his prime.

  I fell apart in his arms after we both came, and he slowly slid me down the wall. I adjusted my panties, then my dress, watching him the entire time. He slipped the condom off and tossed it into the wastebasket. I made a mental note to empty that at some point later on in the night. No one knew about Rocco and me. I also didn’t want to cause problems between Adalyn and Rudd. Finding a used condom in the wastebasket of your home just might do that.

  “You’re coming home with me,” he stated matter-of-factly, pulling his blue tie off and shoving it in the front pocket of his black slacks.

  “No, I’m not,” I said with a small laugh while pushing the few stray hair strands back into place.

  “If you’re at my place, you sneak out after I fall asleep,” he reminded me as he ran his hands through his dirty blonde hair, frustrated. “And you refuse to let me stay at your house.”

  “I know,” I said brushing past him, opening the door, and peaking my head out. The house appeared empty. Rocco slipped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder before I was able to leave.

  “I’m changing your rules,” he whispered, then placed a small kiss on my neck.

  “My rules stay, Rocco.”

  A few weeks ago we agreed to my rules. Fuck buddies. Plain and simple. We both get want we want, mind-blowing sex. The best sex I’ve ever had if I’m being honest.

  When I was with Holden we were both young and inexperienced, but it was still good; I still got off. But with Rocco…well…Rocco’s a man.

  He held me tighter and whispered, “I’ll tie you to the bed and never let you go.”

  I twisted in his arms and kissed him hard. I did it because he was a great kisser, but also to shut him up. This was my best friend’s day and we needed to get back to the party. Plus, I didn’t want to talk about something that wasn’t going to happen.

  I pulled back and he let me go. “Nice moves babe, and I’ll let it slide this time. But you have one week.”

  “One week?”

  “Yes, one week to get your head out of your ass.”

  I gasped and pushed myself away from him so I was now standing in the hallway. The house was barely lit and quiet, but you could faintly hear the music coming in from the reception.

  “Don’t act surprised, Madi. You want it just as bad as I do.”

  “Want what?” I asked dumbly. I knew what he was talking about; he’s mentioned it several times, even before we started having sex.

  “This thing with us,” he said taking a step towards me, “it’s more than just sex. I’ve wanted you for years. I’ve never hid that from you.”

  I huffed and started to walk away. “I’m sure there are lots of women who’ve heard that line before.”

  “It’s not a line if it’s the truth, Madi.”

  I knew he was serious but I kept walking. I’ve known him my entire life. He’s not boyfriend material. He’s never been boyfriend material.

  I felt bad for being a bitch towards him but I needed to calm myself down first, relax a little and not think about Rocco for a few minutes. I needed to have a few more glasses of wine with my best friend.

  I got back inside the tent just as my phone went off. It was late and my parents had already left, so I wasn’t sure who would be calling at this hour. It was an unknown number, which I never answer, but something made my finger swipe the green button.


  “Madi Buckle?” a soft woman’s voice asked.

  “This is,” I answered, stepping outside of the tent and covering my other ear with my finger.

  “This is Natalie Ross, from the AND Network. You applied to be on our show, Daydream Designs, a few months back. Do you remember?”

  “Yes, and I also remember getting a rejection email two weeks ago.”

  I cried the day the email arrived in my inbox. Adalyn didn’t know, but her strength and bravery gave me hope that maybe I could also be brave. My bravery came from a bottle the night I filled out the application online, but hey, bravery is bravery.

  “About that,” she paused. “Technically you didn’t make the cut but the woman who did, contestant number twelve, has pulled out.”

  I immediately smiled, my hopes sky rocketing. “So I’m in by default?”

  “Technically, if you’d like to participate-”

  “I’m in!” I screamed as I fist pumped the air.

  “Are you sure? We haven’t gone over any other details of
the show.”

  “I’ll do it,” I said before I could change my mind. “When do I leave?”

  “It’s late. Why don’t I call you tomorrow and we’ll go over everything.”

  “Sounds good, Natalie.”

  “Oh and Madi?”


  “You leave in six days.” She hung up and I ran back into the tent, scanned the room for Adalyn, and took off running. “Adalyn!”

  She was holding a plate with a piece of cake on it.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “Breathe, Madi.”

  “Trying,” I said putting my hand on my chest. This was the first time in my life that my heart raced this much. I was nervous but I was also so fucking excited. The questions and ideas were hitting me so fast. I had to pack. I had to tell my parents. What about work? What about Rocco? My dresses! How many of them could I bring with me? I didn’t even know how long the show was going to take. What if I got kicked off after a week?

  “Are you okay?” Adalyn asked setting down her plate.

  “Oh God.”

  “What?” Adalyn said coming closing to me. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m going…well…when you decided to take that long ass nap of yours…I, um, appliedtobeonatvshow!”


  I tossed my hands in the air. “I’m going to be on TV, Adalyn. TV!” I yelled up at the ceiling with another arm toss. I might have overreacted a bit, but it’s not everyday people get to be on a TV show.

  “What do you mean TV?”

  I lowered my head and stared at her. “I’m contestant number twelve on Daydream Designs!” I yelled in her face. “Reality TV, Adalyn!” I shook her shoulders. “Like building shit and designing stuff.” That’s what I read online months ago; I guess tomorrow I’ll find out if it’s changed.

  “That’s so cool!” she said hugging me and we both started jumping up and down. I saw Rudd and Ian coming our way. So did Adalyn.

  “Madi’s going to be on TV!” she shrieked at Rudd, sharing my enthusiasm.

  “What?” he asked glancing at me then back to his wife.

  “A TV show, honey.”

  Oh shit. What have I done! A TV show. I didn’t have the balls to leave town with Holden, and now I’m leaving to go on a TV show. I don’t even know where I’m going, but I know I’m leaving Aster Lake.

  Oh God.

  I can’t do this.

  I can’t leave.

  This is where I grew up. I have a house, I have an important job; responsibilities. Aster Lake is my home, but I’ve always wanted to leave. Not for good, and I’ve always been afraid to leave. I’ve barely been outside of the state of Montana.

  “Oh shit,” I said fanning myself. It was hot in here. Seriously hot as I tried to breathe.

  “Madi, what’s wrong?” Adalyn asked and I looked into her beautiful multicolored eyes.

  “I’m going to be on TV,” I whispered as I felt myself falling into her arms.

  Chapter 1 – one week later…

  Normally I could hear my shoes clicking away when I walked anywhere, but not here. Not in New York City, where the sidewalks are crammed full of people, talking or yelling into their phones, singing out loud, or humming to the music blasting in their ears. I’ve only been here for one day, but the noise astounds me and the crowds make me feel small. It took a whole day, but I finally made it off the block I live on. The building I call home for however long I survive the show, along with the other eleven contestants, is not only two blocks from where I’m currently headed, but also right in the heart of downtown NYC. Yesterday I tried to leave but as soon as I stepped outside, I was overwhelmed with it all. Instead, I ran back upstairs and stared out the window all day. Today was different though. I got my brave parts together and got my ass out of the apartment; plus I made plans.

  I smiled and nodded to people as I passed while gripping my purse tight on my shoulder. Sometimes I got a smile back, most times I didn’t. I knew every day here would be different. Different people. Different noises. Different smells. I’ve heard more sirens in the last two days than I’ve ever heard growing up in Aster Lake.

  Even though I was overwhelmed and out of my element, I loved it. I felt a rush, a little jolt of adrenaline, just walking on the street and experiencing something new.

  I paid attention to my surroundings, making sure I didn’t run into anyone as I gripped my paper tight in my other hand. I had an appointment today, one I couldn’t miss. This was my one and only chance to meet the two ladies who owned Zipper Down. I’ve been designing and buying all of my dresses from them for years. Now, I get to meet them. Them, as in Stephanie and Samantha, but they told me to call them Steph and Sam in their last e-mail. They were thrilled when I contacted them a week ago telling them I was going to be in the city. Their store is about a half mile from where I was staying. According to my directions, if I turn right at the next corner, they would be the last shop on the block. They told me it was the only one with a yellow door, and that advertisements adorned their windows. A majority of their business was done online, so anyone wanting to visit the shop was by appointment only.

  I had an appointment. I, Madi Reese Buckle of Aster Lake, Montana, had an appointment with some fancy dress designers in New York City. I felt important, like a celebrity, and I couldn’t stop smiling.

  I stopped in front of the yellow door and stared. Large windows framed the door on each side. White paper lined the inside of the windows with the name of the shop printed in a black calligraphy design, with the website address below in block print. That’s it. It was plain and simple, yet elegant like their dresses. They didn’t need anything fancy since they weren’t open to the public, I guess.

  I stepped towards the door to knock and it flew open.

  “Madi!” A girl who looked about my age, wearing a white t-shirt and blue jean shorts, stood in the doorway. Before I had time to say anything she yelled into the shop, “Steph! She’s here.” She stepped out, grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me inside. She shut then locked the door with three deadbolts and beamed her pretty white teeth at me.

  “I can’t believe you’re here! Can I hug you?” she asked tossing her arms around me.

  “Don’t suffocate her!” a girl’s voice yelled behind Sam. I looked over Sam’s shoulder and saw Steph walking towards us. I’ve never seen pictures of them and only communicated with them via e-mail, but all the exclamation points and capital letters made sense now. Steph was wearing light gray sweat pants and a pink t-shirt, with her bare feet peeking out beneath the hem. She stood in front of me and glanced at my dress with a proud smile on her face. “That’s one of my favorite dresses.”

  “Thanks,” I said, glancing down to admire it even though I knew exactly what it looked like. It was black, and I picked every color they offered on their site to make one large multicolored flower that covered the entire bottom part of the dress. The material was soft, like silk, and I wore a small jacket to cover my shoulders since it was late October.

  “I made that one.” Sam beamed, coming around me and standing next to Steph. They had the same nose, but their hair and eye color was different. Steph had light brown hair with some highlights and blue eyes. Sam had shorter blonde hair, with darker highlights underneath, and her eyes were green, like Rocco’s.

  Shit! Rocco. I was supposed to call him this morning.

  And Ian! He had decided to move to Aster Lake and was renting my house while I was gone. It wasn’t wheelchair accessible but he was making it work while his house was being built. Rudd allowed him to build a house on his land about a mile from his. Leyton, his assistant, moved with him since he had no family and loved his job.

  “We always fight over who’s going to sew your dress,” Sam said bringing my focus back on them.

  “I usually win,” Steph added. “I check the orders more often than she does, so I search for your e-mail address and work your order first.”

  “I always wondered how I got them so fast
,” I said with a smile.

  “You were our first customer, Madi!” Sam squealed and Steph put her hand on her shoulder.

  “I was?”

  “You were,” Steph confirmed then dropped her hand from Sam’s shoulder. “The website was up a few days before your order came in. I swear we didn’t sleep until we saw that first e-mail order pop up on the screen.”

  “I didn’t know that,” I told them, trying to glance around the store but got pulled back into the conversation.

  “Not only were you are first customer, but you’re our best customer,” Sam explained. “You’ve ordered more dresses than anyone. At one point, I thought someone was going to pass you up, but then you ordered several dresses back in June and asked for a rush. Then with that wedding, well, I doubt anyone could pass you now.”

  “You make high quality, unique dresses at a reasonable price,” I answered honestly. “I fell in love with them as soon as I got the first one in the mail.”

  Sam started jumping up and down, clapping her hands and shrieked, “Tour time! Come on, we’ve got so much to show you!” She hooked her arm in mine and started the tour. The walls were lined with fabric. Beautifully crafted wooden shelves, likely custom built, lined the walls, stretching from top to bottom. The fabric was color coded, varying shades in each row. The bins sitting on the floor lined each side, making a built in walkway leading towards the back. Sam and Steph took turns telling me about why they rented the space, and why they are so private to the public. Sam has ADHD and refuses to take medication, which can be hard to handle at times. It made sense now when I saw Steph touch her shoulder. It’s a simple move and they didn’t need words to communicate. They were cousins; they worked and lived together, and finished each other sentences. They balanced each other out, and I found myself liking them more by the minute.

  “We have six sewing machines and there are actually three of us who sew now,” Steph said as we entered the back room through a small hallway. She pointed towards the back of the room. “Our cutting table is in the back behind the machines.”


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