The Gifts of the Masters

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The Gifts of the Masters Page 10

by Eva Gill

  “This does look as though it might hurt,” he murmured, suppressing his chuckles as she muttered something through the cloth in her mouth.

  He smacked her quite gently the first time, getting his bearings, and saw her body shake with giggles, the laughter obvious in her shining eyes.

  Jonah smirked. “What? Wasn’t that hard enough?”

  The next swing was not a soft one, and nor were any of the ones that followed. He spread the attack over both cheeks until they were good and pink, progressively hitting harder and harder. When Jonah glanced at her face all traces of laughter were long gone; she squeezed her eyes shut and a single, mascara stained tear ran from them.

  Jonah turned the brush over in his hand and ran the rough bristles across her skin, over the edges of her arse and the brightest imprints left by the tool. His cock hardened in his jeans as gooseflesh rose across Alice’s back and she moaned softly.

  Kneeling behind her, he reached for the scarf around her head and untied it. She spat out the panties, while her breath came in short pants.

  “Alice, you are here willingly, and you said that your presence was to serve my needs, also sexually. Are you still okay with that? I don’t ask out of weakness, but I am big on consent.”

  When she nodded to affirm her tearfully uttered ‘yes’, Jonah reached for her hands, pulling them together to hold on top of her back.

  “Keep your hands here,” he instructed, unbuttoning his jeans to slip them down and release his erection. He reached for the condoms which lay on top of the bag’s contents and tore the package open. While he rolled one on, he stroked her arse cheeks alternately and watched her tremble in anticipation. Jonah grasped her small wrists in one hand and slipped easily into her slick sex, feeling himself fill her completely as she tilted her hips to take him in.

  An involuntary groan escaped him as her warmth enveloped him, and something animalistic inside took over. He tangled his fingers in her hair and with a groan started pounding savagely into her. He felt the soft cushioning of her body against the solid table, and found himself not caring whether it hurt or bruised her. Only his release mattered. Under him, she curled her fingers around his hand, holding on tightly, and he saw her bite her lip as she braced herself, the mass of her blonde hair escaping to cover her face.

  Jonah closed his eyes and saw Anya under him, her skin golden against his own, and with the illusion of her in his mind, his orgasm shook him.

  Alice stayed draped over the table, breathing hard, as he wiped sweat from his brow and exclaimed, “Fuck. That was fun.”

  Jonah cleaned up, wrapping the discarded condom in tissue, and buttoned his jeans. Alice straightened from her position and brushed the hair from her face.

  “Well, that was creative,” she commented, red faced.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. Just relax here, I will fetch us some water. I am sure you need it.”

  He left the room, running a hand through his hair when he got to the kitchen. He had never just fucked a girl without an emotional connection, and the sensation was alien. The rush he still had from the sense of being in control flowed through him, in his blood; he felt high. He made his way back to Alice and handed her a glass of cold water. She still sat on the floor, and when she saw his face, she smiled.

  “You okay?” he asked, sitting down on the chair beside her.

  She nodded. “Just have a stinging arse and, unlike you, I didn’t get an orgasm, just bruised hip bones from your table.” She drank some of the water, put the glass down and gazed into his eyes. “Can I put my head on your lap for a while, please?”

  Jonah sat back so she could use his legs as a cushion, and patted his knee. “Thank you, Alice.” He stroked her hair.

  The rush was slowly wearing off and he could see Alice felt uncomfortable and didn’t look entirely happy. He lifted her by the shoulders.

  “Crawl onto my lap and tell me what’s on your mind, you look as though you need a hug.”

  As he held her, she cried softly in his arms. Through her sniffles she snuggled against his chest. “Sorry, I love being a submissive and I had a lot of fun tonight, and I know you don’t like me in a romantic way, which is fine. I guess I just need a bit of release after that, too. You are very intuitive and have great ideas, and I know I am here for your pleasure, as I said earlier. But may I make a request, Jonah, sir?”

  “Of course you may.” He stopped stroking her hair as she looked up at him, teary eyed and cute.

  She frowned. “May I please have an orgasm?” She batted her eyelashes at him before hastily adding, “Any way it pleases you, of course.”

  Jonah thought for a moment and then stood with her still in his arms. She really weighed nothing. “Let’s go have a bath and I’ll think about it.”

  He took her to the bathroom in the Master’s suite, and left her standing in the corner while he opened the faucets on the sunken tub. “Would you like bubbles?” He looked at her as she tried to cover her nudity with her hands.

  All the bravado and cheekiness had gone from her. “Yes please,” she murmured.

  Steam filled the room and the water thundered into the large tub into which Jonah poured scented bubble-bath. He swiftly stripped and climbed in before beckoning for Alice to join him.

  “Come sit in front of me, sit with your back to my chest.”

  When Alice leaned tentatively against him he pulled her close. She had loosely knotted her hair on top of her head to keep it dry, and he smelled her shampoo, peaches and citrus in his nose.

  With her body against his, Jonah stroked her soft, flat stomach and ran his hand gently over her lower body, testing her reaction to the sensation. She initially stiffened in his arms, but then relaxed her head back onto his shoulder.

  “So, you think you deserve an orgasm?” he asked, biting her earlobe.

  Alice shook her head. “I don’t think I deserve one, but if sir would be kind to me I would be very grateful.”

  Jonah slipped his fingers between her thighs and parted the plump lips of her sex. He stroked them and listened to her soft little mewls as he increased the pressure.

  She moved slowly against his hand, mumbling, “That feels so good.”

  Her legs parted to give him easier access, and using his index and middle fingers, Jonah squeezed her clit while sliding his fingers vertically alongside the little nub of flesh, which hardened as he handled it.

  Alice ground herself on his hand, moaning louder. “Please, please, sir, don’t stop.”

  At this Jonah bit the side of her neck and increased the speed of his hand, his fingers sliding into her on every downward stroke. She gripped the sides of the bath, and with her head on his shoulder she arched her back and let out a cry. Jonah felt her sex tighten and it seemed as though she clenched every muscle in her body as her orgasm washed over her.

  Alice sighed and settled back. “Thank you. That felt incredible.”

  Jonah soaped a sponge and washed her front, sat her up and repeated the procedure with her back, making her stand to wash her arse and legs. “I am really glad you enjoyed yourself. I had a wonderful time. Let’s get out and dry off so I can rub some cream on your bruises.”

  Before bed Jonah massaged a soothing lotion into Alice’s hips, where they had bruised against the table, and her arse, where deep red brush marks lay evenly spread. He didn’t realise he had hit her so hard.

  “These marks look terrible, Alice, are you okay?” he asked, concern in his voice.

  She turned her head toward him from where she lay on her stomach. “I am just fine thanks, I just have very pale skin and it marks easily, they will be gone in a day or two.” She lay back down, then changed her mind. “You know, you should learn to look at marks on a submissive in a new way. It’s a territorial marking, and actually, I think you’ll like doing this with someone who belongs to you one day…” Her voice trailed off and Jonah put the cream aside.

  “Maybe you are right, I am learning from everyone I meet, and I’m g
rateful.” He raised the blankets so she could crawl into the bed, joined her, and turned off the light beside his bed.

  As he drifted slowly off to sleep, Alice crawled into his arms and Jonah whispered, “Alice, don’t fall in love with me.”

  Chapter 7

  Anya stood at her office window, staring out at the weather, a gloomy and cold Monday. The gloom always depressed her, but she did love the sound of rain on her roof. It was a calming background noise. She took a deep breath as she heard sounds in the entrance waiting area, and tried to mentally brace herself for the next patient.

  There was a soft knock at the door before the girl pushed it slowly open.

  “Miss Bakos?” Anya said, stepping forward.

  A bedraggled and shivering girl moved into the light of her office and nodded. She wiped her long, dyed-black hair across her forehead and tucked it behind her ear.

  “Please call me Carmen.”

  By the end of the hour-long session with Carmen Bakos, Anya felt drained and emotional. The girl’s history so closely mirrored her own it had left her feeling as though she were staring at a younger version of herself.

  She needed to spend a few more hours doing paperwork at the office before heading home to Alex; she wanted to cook him a special dinner as she was feeling a bit distanced from him. Trying to focus was difficult, because her body still held the bruises of Jonah’s flogging lesson, and when she closed her eyes she could imagine his hands, palms flat, running over her skin. His intoxicating smell still lingered in her memory, as did the feel of how hard he was against her that night.

  She knew she and Alex needed alone time as a couple but would not get that with business, the club, and trying to run personal social lives. It was a sad reality that the club, The Realm, pretty much ruled their lives. Unease stirred in her, and she worried, because not once in her life had she thought negatively about either Alex or The Realm.

  “Why is this happening to me?” she asked the universe, as she collapsed with her head on her arms.

  Why was Jonah being thrown into her life? Why did she want him so badly? What was wrong? All she wanted was her inner peace back, to be content with her life, as she had been before Jonah walked into it.


  Alex stirred as the front door opened and Anya struggled in, laden with groceries and a few bottles of wine. He watched as she placed everything on the floor, kicked off her high heels and locked the door behind her before she made her way to the kitchen. The sound of goods being stowed away was loud in the large space, and when Anya appeared in the doorway he stood.

  “Hey, long day?” he asked, when he saw her face. The exhaustion was plain to see. He pulled her into a hug after she nodded. “Talk about it?”

  She shook her head. “Maybe later. I am going to make you a delicious dinner and then maybe we can do something…” Her cheeks infused with colour and Alex chuckled.

  “Let’s see how you feel after dinner, okay? You look fit to collapse unconscious, baby.”

  He walked with her to the bedroom and undressed her, joined her in the shower and washed her tenderly as she groaned under his hands massaging her neck.

  “Oh my goodness, that feels heavenly.”

  He rubbed her down with the scented body wash, using only his hands, no sponges or loofahs. When they stepped out from under the steaming jets Alex wrapped Anya in a thick fluffy towel.

  “So, what is my beautiful little slave going to cook for us?” he asked, while he rubbed her dry.

  She sighed. “I was craving bolognaise. We haven’t had a nice dinner, just the two of us, for a while.”

  “Sounds delicious. I will go and switch on some music while you brush your hair into a ponytail or bun and put some socks on. Stay naked and bring me your collar when you come to the kitchen.”

  He left her, and in the living room, switched on the audio system. Billy Joel played throughout the house when Anya approached him holding out her collar. He fastened it around her neck while she bent her head forward.

  He kissed her nose when she straightened. “There, not naked anymore.”

  While Anya prepared their dinner Alex poured a glass of wine for each of them. “What was so taxing about your day, pet?”

  He sat down on the opposite side of the kitchen’s long counter and sipped at his wine.

  Anya spoke while she chopped tomatoes. “I saw an eighteen year old patient who reminded me so much of myself at that age. It was like looking in a mirror. I guess it was just draining.” She glanced up at him. “What did you get up to today? Sir.” She added the address almost as an afterthought, realising she was slipping and not behaving as he would expect her to.

  “Well, I had a long conversation with Bartholomew about Jonah. He thinks it’s a good idea to set him up with Alice. Apparently the two of them had quite a night on Friday, and Bartholomew said Alice’s feedback was positive. If I didn’t misunderstand him, he said she threw around terms like ‘natural Dominant, slightly sadistic, very good with women’s bodies’ etc.” He watched as Anya’s hand trembled, and saw her facial muscles tighten.

  She spoke while she chopped, getting more vicious as the minutes passed. “Is it really a good idea to throw someone who is still so newly out of a relationship, and inexperienced, into a Dominant/submissive dynamic?”

  Her jaw was tightly set, and Alex felt the jealousy radiate off her. The dread that something bad was coming started taking a hold of him that night, and would only grow in the following months.

  “Personally, Anya, I think they will be fine, it will only do him good, and they will both have fun. We know Bartholomew hardly ever gets his set-ups wrong, look at Blaine and Persephone, they will be having a collaring ceremony soon. You seem upset by the idea, though.” He reached for her hand across the counter.

  She looked into his eyes, confusion and unhappiness pooling in her own. “I think it’s just my tiredness catching up with me. I don’t know, maybe I’m hormonal, sorry.”

  They spoke briefly about business at The Realm, and he saw a deep weariness in her; she really was struggling tonight. Anya gazed up at him. “Do you think we will ever have a time in our life where the club doesn’t have priority? I am so tired of the constant standing on ceremony, running around and rules. So many rules and people, always new initiates, old Masters… Don’t you get tired of it?” She looked ashamed of the words she had just uttered and clamped her hands over her mouth. “Oh my, I am sorry sir, I know I am meant to love everything about us and our lives and our dynamic, it’s just...”

  Alex stroked her hair. “It’s okay, I can see it’s just a tough day.”

  He didn’t mention it again, and they ate their meal in silent company while Billy Joel crooned in the background. Anya fell asleep at his feet soon after, and he carried her to bed, cradled in his arms.

  When he crawled under the blankets behind her she sleepily moved against him. “I am sorry. I love you, sir, so very much.”

  Nothing separated their bodies, and he slid effortlessly into her while he held her folded tightly in his arms. His mouth next to her ear as he moved, Alex whispered the only words which came to mind. “Stay with me, little one, I see you slipping away. It scares me, and I don’t like it…”


  Two weeks had passed and Jonah began to realise something was up when he was faced with a smiling Alice everywhere he turned. He didn’t invite her to dinner when he had his parents over to see the house, now that his furniture had arrived and the décor was finally complete.

  Jonah’s mother walked through the kitchen, stroking the smooth marble. “Jonah, my boy, I am so proud of you, you have a lovely home here and you have made it so nice and comfortable.”

  She smiled when he picked up the bottle of wine to pour a glass for each of them.

  “Thanks, Mom. I am enjoying it, although it feels quite big at times.” He handed her a glass, and when she took it from him he noticed there were fine lines around her mouth, and her hands didn’t look as
young as they used to.

  With a sigh she walked out of the kitchen to find his dad in the living room, speaking as she moved. “Well, at least you won’t have to move again when you get married and have little ones…”

  Jonah smiled as he checked on the roast in the oven and then followed her. She was eternally optimistic that he’d find a wife and have a flock of children. His mom and dad sat together on the sofa holding hands, and when Jonah stopped in the doorway, he was struck by how much he looked forward to having that comfortable kind of love.

  Jonah sat down, and they made small talk about work and pets. His parents had three dogs at home, which had been family pets during Jonah’s teenage years. He gave them a brief tour of the house after dinner, bypassing the basement, and felt thoroughly glad to have seen them by the time he showed them to their car at the end of the evening.

  He loved them and enjoyed their company; he would always be grateful for the wonderful childhood they’d given him. In his reading and research, Jonah had seen so many individuals who thought BDSM was full of broken and damaged people, an image the media had a hell of a good time portraying. This had made him doubt his willingness to enter a world of people who thought only men and women who’d been abused or hurt did these things. Alex seemed perfectly healthy to Jonah, though, as did Blaine and Persephone, and he hoped they could educate their peers about the joys of alternative sex, and kill the image that was so widely known. Through meeting new people he was happy to be open with, Jonah knew he would do his bit.

  He locked the front door when his parents drove off, and settled down in front of his laptop in the downstairs office to do some online shopping. He wanted a butt plug and a gag, to add to his play with Alice. If they were going to be thrown together by everyone around them, he may as well learn which things he enjoyed and how to do them properly. He ended up buying a set of steel plugs. They were beautiful and could be easily sterilised. As for gags, he liked four different ones, so got a silicone ball, a rubber bit gag, a steel spider gag and a harder, plastic ball gag. He shivered in anticipation of putting those to use.


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