Saving Grace

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Saving Grace Page 9

by Avery Gale

  It had been so hot that whole summer and that day’s more moderate temperature had seemed like a heaven-sent invitation. She loved walking along the beach. There was something about the rhythm of the never ending surf that seemed to settle everything within her, almost as if it were resetting her soul…bringing everything back into synch.

  Micah stood abruptly, and with her cradled safely in his arms, he made his way back down the hall. Over his shoulder he spoke to Jax, amusement obvious in his tone. “I don’t know what we’re going to do about our woman. One minute, she is racing toward a panic attack like she’s driving a Formula 500 race car and the next, she is gazing off into space as if she were remembering her favorite childhood hideaway. I have a couple of suggestions to remind her of the importance of staying in the moment when she is with us, but I’m not sure she’s ready for the paddling she deserves.” She felt his chest vibrate against her as he chuckled at her gasped indignation. “I don’t know, Jax, maybe you just need to fuck her senseless. And then when she is too tired to wiggle, and her mind won’t work on more than one track at a time, we’ll be able to reason with her. It’s suddenly becoming crystal clear what all four of the Wests mean when they say their women tended to float off in their own thoughts.”

  If Gracie hadn’t spent these last few weeks getting to know Micah and Jax, she might have been worried by his words, but she could easily hear the teasing in his voice. And if she was honest, she’d admit that his words sent tingles to all her girly parts in very short order.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sitting in Kent and Kyle West’s office the next morning waiting for everyone to assemble, Gracie lost herself in sweet memories of the night before. Jax had been so thoughtful, yet hadn’t let her hide, even from herself. And Micah had more than made up for laughing at her comments. And then after the break they’d taken, the two of them had actually made her come twice before Jax had even attempted penetrating her. She’d been grateful because even though they were both large men, the fact was Jax was huge, and not just in height. Her body had stretched to accommodate him, but she had known his patience had certainly been tested. Gracie could still close her eyes and see the strain in his expression as he leaned over her. His slow penetration had let her tissues welcome him with warmth, and she’d been nearly wild with need by the time he was pressed against her cervix.

  It hadn’t mattered how much she’d begged, he’d stayed in control. Pulling from her body with excruciating precision and then sliding back in with tortuously slow strokes, Jax had sent her over the edge of release again before he’d finally fucked her with enough force to catapult her back into the abyss of a screaming orgasm that had stolen her ability to move. She was so lost in the naughty memory that she hadn’t even noticed Tobi sitting next to her until her friend laughed. “Holy harp playing Hannah, if that isn’t the look of a well fucked woman, I don’t know what is.”

  Kyle’s stern voice sounded from the doorway behind them, “Tobi, that’s one.”

  Tobi cringed and said, “Dam…s and reservoirs, I swear he has dog ears.” Gracie was fairly sure she’d heard Kyle growl but she resisted the urge to turn and look at him. “I know we can’t talk here, but I want you to know you aren’t off the hook. I want details later, and you better not leave anything out.” Tobi West was a bundle of pure energy wrapped in a petite blonde package and Gracie thanked God each day for her friendship. Watching Tobi struggle with everything life had thrown at her had kept things in perspective for Gracie, and having her close as the men started discussing security measures was reassuring. The entire security team had let the two of them sit together and talk quietly while they’d explained the situation to two deputies and Parker Andrews. Gracie recognized Parker as one of the club members, but she hadn’t known he was a police captain until Tobi had whispered it to her.

  “Isn’t he a cutie? We have to find him a sub.” Gracie could already see Tobi’s matchmaking set itself in motion and a part of her almost felt sorry for the man. She’d never seen either of the deputies before and they seemed nervous about being there so Gracie was sure they weren’t members of Prairie Winds Club. Tobi must have noticed her unease with the other two officers because she leaned close and whispered, “They are friends of Kent and Kyle’s. I think they are interested in becoming members also. Don’t worry, honey, you know my husbands wouldn’t have them here if they didn’t trust them. Besides, it was some sort of jurisdiction issue so Parker can only advise. I don’t care about those details, I just want you to be safe. Don’t you even think about leaving here, I swear I’ll hunt your ass down myself.”

  “Tobi, that’s two.” This time it was Kent’s admonishment that had Tobi cringing.

  “Well froggy farts, I hate it when they tag-team.” Gracie could only shake her head at Tobi’s antics. She also knew full well that her sweet friend was acting out as much to keep Gracie distracted as she was because cursing was a large part of Tobi’s vocabulary. How the woman’s ass was going to survive long enough to break the habit was lost on Gracie.


  Jax leaned against the wall and listened to the discussion about increasing security around the Prairie Winds property but struggled to keep up because he was riveted by the woman shifting nervously on the sofa. Gracie had been lost in thought when Tobi had plopped down next to her, and Jax would have bet his entire inheritance that she’d been remembering last night. Her beautiful face had flushed and even from across the room he’d been able to see her eyes dilate. Watching the flush deepen and her breathing accelerate, he’d barely held back from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her right back to their bed.

  When Gracie had tuned in to the discussion about her mother and brother she’d visibly paled and started fidgeting but Tobi had managed to curse enough to earn herself a couple of punishments, but she’d also managed to distract Gracie. Jax didn’t doubt for a minute that his little pal would get her ass paddled, but he was sure her husbands knew exactly what the imp had been up to. Jax made a mental note to thank Tobi, he was grateful Gracie had such a sweet friend. At Kyle’s nod, Kent pulled Tobi to her feet and led her to another chair and Jax sat next to Gracie. He took her hand in his and spoke quietly, “Cariña, we need you to tell the team everything you can remember about Raphael Baldamino, his estate, and anyone who worked for him. Can you do that?”

  Jax listened with pride as she gave a detailed description of each person she’d interacted with while she’d been locked away in Baldamino’s estate. Even though it was obvious she was uncomfortable with the discussion, she pushed through her fear and spoken calmly despite the death grip she had on his hands. He pried her hands open and began massaging circles in her palms and smiled as the muscles in her shoulders seemed to relax. Her insight about the people the man had surrounded her with had been impressive, particularly considering how young she’d been at the time. Gracie had also given them enough detail about the estate that it would be easy to locate on the Sat images their government contacts would provide.

  She’d been speaking for several minutes when he felt a tremor move through her. When he asked her about it she’d gone completely still, hell, he didn’t even think she had taken a breath for several seconds. Her voice had gone soft and the haunted look in her eyes told him what she was about to say was something she’d just remembered. “I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this sooner, and…maybe it isn’t important, it was actually only a rumor I heard from the staff.”

  When she stopped speaking, they all waited for her to gather her thoughts, and it was Kyle West who finally broke the silence, “Gracie, every detail is important. Please don’t hesitate to tell us anything and everything you remember. There is no such thing as too much information when it comes to the safety and security of those we love, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Jax barely managed to suppress his smile, because Kyle had so blatantly hit Gracie in her most vulnerable spot. She was a true submissive because her deep desire to please, serve, and pro
tect those she cared about was at the core of her personality. This was the side of Kyle West that Jax had seen so many times when they were SEALs. This was the team leader that had earned the respect of each man he’d worked with. And this was the Dom that every sub at the club knew to obey without question. The only submissive who had ever challenged Kyle was his wife.


  Tobi sat on Kent’s lap and listened as her friend dispassionately described the people who had held her captive for months and the beautiful home and grounds that had served as little more than a prison. Gracie had also told them about the rumors she’d hear regarding other women being held in the compound. She’d never seen them, but had seen vans with dark tinted windows coming and going several times. Tobi wondered how Gracie was able to depersonalize the experience because she sounded almost like she’d been talking about someone else’s experience.

  Glancing up, she noticed Dan Deal leaning against a bookcase off to the side watching Gracie intently. Knowing that Dan was not only a club member, but also a well-respected psychologist, Tobi felt sure he was here to help Gracie if needed. Turning, she whispered in Kent’s ear, “You brought Dan in to help Gracie, didn’t you?” When he gave a quick nod she hugged him tight. Her eyes filled with unshed tears and she brushed her lips over his cheek as she spoke, “You and Kyle are the sweetest men ever, you know that?”

  “Sweetness, you’re pretty special yourself. And just so we’re clear, we know why you were cursing earlier. Your attempts to distract your worried friend were admirable, and the only swats you’ll be getting will be erotic. As long as you quit while you’re ahead, that is.” His soft chuckle vibrated through her and she sent up another prayer of thanks for the gifts she’d been given. Tobi laid her cheek against his shoulder and just let his warmth surround her as she tried to block out her own traumatic memories.

  Despite her attempts to stay in the moment, Tobi’s mind slowly moved back to the dark time in her life when she’d been her father’s target during his drunken rages. Being bound to large nails in the walls while he’d beaten her had left her with enough emotional scars to last a lifetime. Kent and Kyle had helped her work through many of the triggers and she still talked to Dan on occasion, but overall she felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. She’d even lost weight now that her self-image wasn’t tied to her dad’s and brother’s criticism.

  After her brother’s wife had tried to kill her and her sweet mother-in-law, the public relations smear her politically connected brother mounted had been a work of shear genius, even if it was completely misguided. She and her brother had only recently resumed speaking on the phone, but Tobi knew things would never be the same between them. Kent had obviously sensed her unhappiness because he’d shifted her so he could kiss the sensitive spot behind her ear. “Sweetness, I don’t know where you’ve been, but I want you to come back to me. Those sounds of sadness have no place in your life now, baby.” Boy, truer words were never spoken, my love.

  Tobi smiled at him and whispered her thanks as she wondered what she and Gracie could do that would be fun, but wouldn’t involve them leaving Prairie Winds. Deciding that a picnic down at the dock would be fun, she started working out all the details in her mind as the meeting wound down. The jet skis were still out and it would be fun to have one last blow out before everything was put up for the winter. They wouldn’t get the really harsh weather that other parts of Texas often experienced, but it would certainly be too cold to play in the water soon enough. By the time the meeting was over, Tobi had a plan in mind and it was just a matter of getting her friends on-board for a bit of stress relief and fun.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Regi immersed herself in her work to the point Tank was giving her questioning glances. She and Tank had become fast friends when they’d begun working together a few years ago, he’d become a “standin big brother” fixing her kitchen faucet, taking care of her when she’d been ill, and teaching her to play poker. Even though Tank wasn’t into the BDSM lifestyle, he was the most nonjudgmental person Regi had ever met. She felt guilty for snipping at him and hated how sharp her barked “What?” had sounded the last time she’d caught him looking at her as if she’d sprouted horns. She was skirting perilously close to an emotional edge and the hell of it was that she wasn’t even sure why.

  “Nothin’, Reg. I was just wondering what crawled up your ass tonight, that’s all. You’ve been snip-snapping at everybody since you got here today and that ain’t like you at all.” If he’d been indignant or belligerent, Regi would have whipped out one of her usual barbs, but the fact he’d actually sounded worried and a bit hurt sent feelings of guilt bubbling to the top, and she suddenly found herself fighting back tears. The sad truth was that she didn’t know what had set her off today…at least she didn’t know specifically what had triggered today’s emotional firestorm, but it had been brewing for a while.

  Just as she opened her mouth to apologize a deep voice rumbled just over her left shoulder, “I know exactly what she needs, don’t I, pet?” Regi froze. She hadn’t been expecting either of the good docs this evening and a part of her wondered if that wasn’t part of her edginess. Kirk Evans was six feet two inches of pure male temptation wrapped in a warrior’s body. His dark complexion and hair were testaments to a heritage of Native American lineage that appeared to have gifted one man with all its best traits. What she’d been told, he and his medical practice partner had been friends since childhood and it had been the death of Brian Bennett’s sister while giving birth that had prompted both men to specialize in the care of women. From bits and pieces she’d picked up over the past couple of years, both men had been in medical school when she and her child had died because of undiagnosed problems and they’d made it their personal mission to help other families avoid the same pitfalls.

  Regi had been unable to stop the whole body shudder that pulsed through her when Kirk’s words moved like a warm, moist breeze over the sensitive shell of her ear. She felt her sex flood and clench despite her intention to steer clear of the two Doms she was scared would be everything she couldn’t ever have, it seemed her body had different ideas.

  Brian Bennett whispered, “I can smell your arousal, darlin’, so don’t even try to deny it,” against her right ear just before he used his tongue to trace its shell. Regi worried her knees were going to fold and placed her hand against the counter to steady herself. She hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes until they fluttered open and she saw her boss, Kyle West, standing in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest looking at her as if he was studying and measuring her reactions.

  When she jerked under his perusal, his sharp, “Stop,” made her freeze instantly. Kyle nor Kent used their Dom personas with her often, but when they did, it was damned effective. Kyle didn’t say anything for several seconds, he just watched her with the single-minded focus of a predator sizing up its prey. Regi could feel her heart beating frantically under his watchful gaze and she suddenly had a deeper respect for her bosses’ sweet wife. She and Tobi West had become fast friends when the blonde bombshell stole the owners of the Prairie Winds Club hearts several months ago. Being the focus of Kyle West’s attention when he was in full-on Dom mode was disconcerting as hell.

  Regi had always dreamed of finding a Dom who would be strong enough to make her give up the control she held on to so tightly. And even though she respected her bosses and knew they were both fully capable of earning her submission, none of them had ever felt that way about the others. Their relationship had moved quickly from co-workers to friends and she was grateful none of them had been foolish enough to try to push the relationship in another direction.

  Both Kyle and Kent had talked to her a number of times about what they felt she needed in a Dom, they hadn’t always agreed, but Regi knew they would always have her best interests at heart. Their biggest points of contention were the men standing behind her. The simple truth was, the docs scared Regi to death.
Not that she believed they’d ever hurt her physically…but they’d steal her heart, and Regi was terrified of the heartache that would follow when they found out she wasn’t at all what they believed her to be.

  In her peripheral vision, Regi had seen Brian and Kirk hand their membership cards to Tank. He’d quickly run them through the e-scanner logging them into the club, but she could feel them still standing behind her. Fearing that she was standing with her mouth gaping open looking like a fool, Regi finally managed to blink and bring her thoughts back to the moment. Obviously Kyle had sensed her return to the present because he smiled and nodded as if to acknowledge she’d returned her attention to him. His head tilted to the side ever so slightly and she could sense how closely he was considering his words. “Do you trust me, Regi?” When she nodded, he simply raised his brow and waited.

  “Yes, Sir.” She had always addressed Kyle and Kent as either Sir or Master whenever the club was open, and she knew they had both appreciated her respect for their positions as club owners and Doms.

  Nodding once, he simply said, “If you three would come with me, please.” He turned and headed down the short hallway to the office he and Kent shared. Regi followed, but her mind was racing and she wasn’t sure if it was with fear or anticipation.


  Kyle West had gone to the club’s front entrance because two different club members had expressed their concern about Regi’s unusual behavior. Knowing that her surliness was completely out of character had worried him and he’d made his way quickly in hopes of finding out what was troubling her. Just as he’d stepped into the foyer, he’d heard her exchange with Tank. The lines of emotional pain etching her sweet face tore at his heart. She was obviously struggling and there was only one way Kyle knew to get a wickedly bright submissive out of her head. And as luck would have it, the dynamic duo at the top of his “go to” list for this was already present and accounted for.


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