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The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama bin Laden

Page 76

by Anthony Summers

  12 Giraldi: Philip Giraldi, “Suskind Revisited,” 8/7/08, www.​amconmag.​com

  13 “manufactured”: int. Paul Pillar for Frontline: “The Dark Side,” www.​pbs.​org

  14 “Unfortunately”/It’s my belief: press release, 6/5/08, http://​intelligence.​senate.​gov, Report, cited above.

  15 reputable estimates re deaths: www.​iraqbodycount.​org, http://​icasualties.​org. In addition to the American military casualties, more than three hundred non-U.S. troops had died as of early 2012 (Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, www.​icasualties.​org).


  1 “led and financed”: Richard Falkenrath, “The 9/11 Commission Report,” International Security, Vol. 29, Winter 04

  2 only three nations: CR, 122

  3 “Pakistani military”/“held the key”: CR, 63–.

  4 financial transactions: Known 9/11-related money transfers were handled out of Dubai in the UAE. In anticipation of pursuit in the wake of the attacks, the al Qaeda agents involved headed for Pakistan.

  5 Rawalpindi, headquarters: Fouda & Fielding, 181

  6 Defense Society: ibid., 15

  7 Zubaydah caught: ibid., 20, int. John Kiriakou

  8 “Pakistani people”: Scheuer, Osama bin Laden, 121

  9 “We found”: ed. Lawrence, 71

  10 “As for Pakistan”: Rashid, 138

  11 called on the faithful: Scheuer, Osama bin Laden, 121.

  12 “the most complicated”: Sunday Times (U.K.), 8/1/10

  13 Kashmir: CR, 58, 63–, Coll, Ghost Wars, 292. China also controls part of Kashmir. The region is a tinderbox.

  14 Hamid Gul: Rashid, 129

  15 trained in camps: CR, 67, Clinton, 799, Rashid, 137, Coll, Ghost Wars, 341

  16 “Whatever”: Scheuer, Osama bin Laden, 121

  17 security system: Coll, Ghost Wars, 341

  18 “shoehorned”: Time, 8/19/08

  19 “always” support: Foreign Policy Journal, 9/20/10

  20 “actually were”: MFR 03012967, 10/8/03

  21 additional cash: Coll, Ghost Wars, 296

  22 “the most influential”: Sunday Times (U.K.), 8/1/10, Salon, 10/18/03, Napoleoni, 82

  23 “shadow government”: Coll, Ghost Wars, 296, NYT, 5/12/11

  24 “helplessness”/tensions: MFR 04021470, 12/12/03

  25 commando operation: WP, 12/19/01

  26 Clinton visit/“the moon”: WP, 12/20/01, CR, 183, 503n64

  27 “people who”/“not persuasive”: WP, 12/19/01

  28 Sheehan: Benjamin & Simon, 515

  29 “influential”: Clarke to Rice, 1/25/01

  30 “loss of urgency”: Tenet, 139

  31 “Full Monty”: NYT, 5/12/11.

  32 foreknowledge: The authors have seen no evidence of Pakistani involvement in 9/11. Soon after publication of the 9/11 Commission Report, however, the distinguished reporter Arnaud de Borchgrave reported that—according to an “unimpeachable source”—former Pakistani intelligence officers knew beforehand all about the September 11 attacks.” This information, de Borchgrave wrote, had reached the Commission only as its report was being printed. UPI, 8/3/04.

  33 “Stone Age”: Musharraf, 201.

  34 demands: There are differences between the language of Washington’s demands as rendered in Musharraf’s memoir—seemingly verbatim—and the version reproduced in the 9/11 Commission Report. Musharraf found a demand to help “destroy” bin Laden illogical, he remembered. How could the United States be so sure that bin Laden and al Qaeda were behind 9/11, he wondered, if it was still searching for evidence? Musharraf, 205, CR 331, 558n37.

  35 reservations/cooperated: CR, 331, Musharraf, 206

  36 “We have done”: Musharraf, 223

  37 3,021: Sunday Times (U.K.), 8/1/10

  38 some 700/369 handed over/bounty: Musharraf, 237, 369

  39 Grenier: NYT, 5/12/11

  40 best-known: Musharraf, 237–, 220, 240–.

  41 “destroy”/“We have done”: Musharraf, 205, 220.

  42 “still visiting”: MFR 03012967, 10/8/03

  43 McFarland: Fox News, 1/7/11

  44 “I’m convinced”: “Whatever Happened to bin Laden?,” http://​afghanistan.​blogs.​cnn.​com

  45 “You in the West”/poll: Sunday Times (U.K.), 8/1/10

  46 S Section: NYT, 5/12/11

  47 “They were very”: Sunday Times (U.K.), 3/8/08

  48 Better to do/officials: Sunday Times (U.K.), 8/1/10, Fox News, 1/7/11

  49 “We will kill”: transcript, 2nd presidential debate, 10/7/08

  50 no statements: NYT, 10/2/10

  51 “I think”: transcript, Meet the Press, NBC News, 8/15/10

  52 audio messages/still shaped: NYT, 10/2/10

  53 “senior NATO”: CNN, 10/18/10

  54 “sightings”/“years”: NY Daily News, 10/18/10.

  55 intelligence: In late November 2010, Saudi Arabia’s Prince Turki said in an interview that he thought bin Laden was moving to and fro across the Pakistani/Afghan border, communicating by messenger, and still giving orders. “I think they should find him,” Turki said, “I think the United States should call the countries that are of interest, like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, China, and set a plan in motion to capture or—or eliminate him.” Transcript, int. of Turki, Situation Room, CNN, 11/17/10.

  56 “launched”: Courrier International (France), 5/5/11

  57 bulletin/Post: breaking news alerts, WP, 5/1/11

  58 Tonight/Jubilant: text of Obama address, Telegraph (U.K.), 5/2/11, WP, 5/2/11

  59 long article: New Yorker, 8/8/11

  60 Qadir: ints./corr. Shaukat Qadir, “Operation Geronimo,” draft paper by Shaukat Qadir, The National (Pakistan), 3/16/12, Daily Beast, 3/30/12

  61 commission: CNN, 4/18/12

  62 Abbottabad: Musharraf, 39–, Independent (U.K.), 5/4/11, Weekly Standard, 5/2/11, AP, 5/2/11

  63 “involved”/“inconceivable”/“whether there”: Financial Times, 5/4/11, Spectator, 5/7/11, LAT, 5/8/11

  64 “was not anywhere”: Independent (U.K.), 5/4/11

  65 “a bit amazing”: AP, 5/2/11

  66 al-Kuwaiti: e.g., New Yorker, 8/8/11

  67 Musharraf on al-Libi: Musharraf, 258–, 221

  68 “made a”: The National (Pakistan), 3/16/12

  69 “It was decided”: Irish Times, 5/5/11

  70 “a few minutes”: AP, 5/2/11

  71 under surveillance?: Telegraph (U.K.), 5/4/11.

  72 Bush/Musharraf deal reported, et seq.: Guardian (U.K.), 5/9/11. The authors are unaware of any response by either the U.S. administration or Prime Minister Gilani to the report that there had been a deal in place. The All Pakistan Muslim League, however, posted a legal notice denying the reported deal by Musharraf (http://​www.​facebook.​com/​note.​php?​note_​id=​10150198113099339).

  73 Musharraf denial: Indian Express, 5/10/11.

  74 OBL death: Readers seeking the most up-to-date, authoritative, independent account should consult Peter Bergen’s 2012 book Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden—from 9/11 to Abbottabad (NY: Crown, 2012), which reached the authors only as this paperback edition was going to press.


  1 “We are sure”: Miller & Stone with Mitchell, 187

  2 “the noblest”: AP, 9/23/09

  3 “Palestine”: ed. Lawrence, 9

  4 “Crusaders’ ”: ibid., 17

  5 “theft”/“paltry”: ibid., 163

  6 “have surrendered”: ibid., 163, 171, and Scheuer, Osama bin Laden, 155

  7 “Rage against”: excerpt from Rock the Casbah, in NYT, 8/1/11

  8 $144: AP, 9/28/01, NYT, 10/14/01

  9 $100: ed. Lawrence, 272

  10 $146: BBC News, 7/3/08

  11 $103: Detroit Free Press, 4/24/12

  12 permitted: Lacey, Inside the Kingdom, 291, Guardian (U.K.), 4/30/03

  13 a constant: see ed. Lawrence, 4, & refs., Scheuer, Osama bin Laden, 99, 153, & refs.
br />   14 motivation: see pp. 233, 276–77, and 279–80

  15 “We wanted”: Bergen, OBL I Know, 225

  16 bled: ibid., 316, bin Ladens & Sasson, 177, CR, 191

  17 “I am rejoicing”: ed. Lawrence, 208

  18 90,000, etc.: BBC, 5/17/12

  19 second only: NYT, 7/24/10, CNN, 7/20/10

  20 Brown: http://​costofwar.​org

  21 some believe: e.g., “Bin Laden Is a Dying Brand,” 1/7/10, www.​business​insider.​com

  22 Pew: “Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah,” 12/2/10, http://​pewglobal.​org

  23 Aulaqi: Guardian, 9/30/11

  24 same fate: “The Year of the Drone,” www.​newamerica​foundation.​net

  25 were arraigned: Observer (U.K.), 5/6/12, Telegraph (U.K.), 6/6/12

  26 “renaissance”/“Tuesday”/“terrified”: Guardian (U.K.), International Herald Tribune, 6/17/11

  27 pastor/Qur’an: NYT, 4/1, 4/2/11, NY Daily News, 4/2/11, Irish Times, 4/2, 4/4, 4/6/11

  28 new tower: WSJ, 3/30/12, inhabitat.​com

  29 mosque: Washington Times, 8/18/10, WSJ, 8/15/10, NYT, 7/13/10, 8/21/10, 4/1/11, press release, 5/24/10, www.​911families​foramerica.​org, “Proposed Muslim Community Center Near Ground Zero,” 5/21/10, www.​huffingtonpost.​com, Christian Science Monitor, 9/22/11

  30 Museum/​remains/​disagreements: press release, 12/11/09, National Sept. 11 Memorial Museum, AP, 8/10/10, NYT, 4/1/11, 5/12/11, AP, 4/3/11, NY Daily News, 3/4/12, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/10/12, press release, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, 2/12

  31 Phoenix: Arizona Daily Star, 4/2/11, Yuma Sun, 3/29/11

  32 Aeneid: NYT, 4/1, 4/6, 4/8/11.


  This list includes some two hundred books that are cited in the Notes and Sources. It does not include the many other books used for general reference and background only. Nor does it include newspaper and magazine articles or official documents, which are cited in full in the Notes and Sources.

  Aaronovitch, David. Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History. London: Jonathan Cape, 2009.

  Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq. The War on Freedom. Brighton, U.K.: Media Messenger, 2002.

  ——. The War on Truth. Northampton, MA: Interlink, 2005.

  Ahmed, Qanta A. In the Land of Invisible Women. Naperville, IL: Source Books, 2008.

  Anonymous. Through Our Enemies’ Eyes: Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam, and the Future of America. Washington, D.C.: Brassey’s, 2002.

  Ashcroft, John. Never Again: Securing America and Restoring Justice. NY: Center Street, 2006.

  Atwan, Abdel Bari. The Secret History of al Qaeda. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.

  Aust, Stephan, and Codt Schnibben, and the Staff of Der Spiegel, eds. Inside 9–11: What Really Happened. NY: St. Martin’s, 2002.

  Baer, Robert. See No Evil. NY: Three Rivers, 2002.

  ——. Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude. NY: Three Rivers, 2003.

  al-Bahri, Nasser, with Georges Malbrunot. Dans l’Ombre de Ben Laden. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: Michel Lafon, 2010.

  Ball, Howard; Bush, The Detainees and the Constitution. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2007.

  Bamford, James. Body of Secrets. NY: Doubleday, 2001.

  ——. A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies. NY: Doubleday, 2004.

  ——. The Shadow Factory. NY: Doubleday, 2008.

  Barrett, Wayne, and Dan Collins. Grand Illusion: The Untold Story of Rudy Giuliani and 9/11. NY: Harper, 2006.

  Bawer, Bruce. While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within. NY: Doubleday, 2006.

  Begg, Moazzam. Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantánamo, Bagram and Kandahar. NY: New Press, 2006.

  Benjamin, Daniel, and Steven Simon. The Age of Sacred Terror. NY: Random House, 2003.

  Ben-Veniste, Richard. The Emperor’s New Clothes. NY: Thomas Dunne, 2009.

  Bergen, Peter L. Holy War Inc. NY: Free Press, 2001.

  ——. The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda’s Leader. NY: Free Press, 2006.

  Berger, J. M., ed. Ali Mohamed Sourcebook. Intelwire, 2006.

  ——. Mohammed Jamal Khalifa Sourcebook. Intelwire, 2007.

  Bernstein, Richard. Out of the Blue. NY: Times Books, 2002.

  Berntsen, Gary, and Ralph Pezzullo. Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. NY: Three Rivers, 2005.

  Bhutto, Benazir. Daughter of the East. London: Simon & Schuster, 2008.

  bin Laden, Najwa, Omar bin Laden, and Jean Sasson. Growing Up bin Laden. NY: St. Martin’s, 2009.

  bin Ladin, Carmen. The Veiled Kingdom. London: Virago, 2004.

  Bodansky, Yossef. Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America. Roseville, CA: Forum, 1999.

  ——. Target America. NY: SPI, 1993.

  ——. Terror: The Inside Story of the Terrorist Conspiracy in America. NY: SPI, 1994.

  Boyd, James. After September 11. Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003.

  Bradley, John. Saudi Arabia Exposed. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

  Breitweiser, Kristin. Wake-up Call: The Political Education of a 9/11 Widow. NY: Warner, 2006.

  Brisard, Jean-Charles, and Guillaume Dasquié. Forbidden Truth: U.S.-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy and the Failed Hunt for Bin Laden. NY: Thunder’s Mouth, 2002.

  Broeckers, Mathias. Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of 9/11. Joshua Tree, CA: Progressive, 2006.

  Bronson, Rachel. Thicker than Oil. NY: Oxford University Press, 2006.

  Bugliosi, Vincent. The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Cambridge, MA: Vanguard, 2008.

  Burke, Jason. Al-Qaeda: The True Story of Radical Islam. London: Penguin, 2004.

  ——. On the Road to Kandahar. London: Allen Lane, 2006.

  Bush, George W. Decision Points. London: Virgin, 2010.

  Carrington, Patricia, Julia Collins, Claudia Gerbasi, and Ann Haynes. Love You, Mean It. NY: Hyperion, 2006.

  Chomsky, Noam. Imperial Ambitions: Conversations with Noam Chomsky on the Post-9/11 World. London: Hamish Hamilton, 2005.

  Clarke, Richard. Against All Enemies. NY: Free Press, 2004.

  Clarke, Torie. Lipstick on a Pig. NY: Free Press, 2006.

  Clinton, Bill. My Life. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004.

  Cockburn, Andrew. Rumsfeld. NY: Scribner, 2007.

  Coll, Steve. The Bin Ladens. London: Allen Lane, 2008.

  ——. Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 11, 2001. NY: Penguin, 2004.

  Collins, Aukai. My Jihad. Guilford, CT: Lyons, 2002.

  Cook, David. Understanding Jihad. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.

  Cooley, John. Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism. London: Pluto, 2002.

  Corbin, Jane. The Base. London: Pocket, 2003.

  Davis, Jayna. The Third Terrorist. Nashville: WND, 2004.

  Dean, John W. Worse than Watergate. NY: Warner, 2004.

  DeYoung, Karen. Soldier: The Life of Colin Powell. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.

  DiMarco, Damon. Tower Stories: The Autobiography of September 11, 2001. NY: Revolution, 2004.

  Duelfer, Charles. Hide and Seek: The Search for Truth in Iraq. NY: PublicAffairs, 2009.

  Dunbar, David, and Brad Reagan, eds. Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can’t Stand Up to the Facts. NY: Hearst, 2006.

  Dwyer, Jim, and Kevin Flynn. 102 Minutes: The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers. NY: Times Books, 2005.

  Ehrenberg, John, et al., eds. The Iraq Papers. NY: Oxford University Press, 2010.

  Ehrenfeld, Rachel. Funding Evil, Chicago: Bonus, 2003.

  Emerson, Steven. The American House of Saud. NY: Franklin Watts, 1985.

  ——. American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us. NY: Free Press, 200

  ——. Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the U.S. NY: Prometheus, 2006.

  Esposito, John. Islam: The Straight Path. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

  ——. Political Islam. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1997.

  Faludi, Susan. The Terror Dream. NY: Metropolitan, 1985.

  Fandy, Mamoun. Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent. London: Palgrave, 1999.

  Farmer, John. The Ground Truth. NY: Riverhead, 2009.

  Feith, Douglas. War and Decision. NY: Harper, 2008.

  Fenton, Kevin. Disconnecting the Dots. Walterville, OR: TrineDay, 2011.

  Fisk, Robert. The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle East. London: Fourth Estate, 2005.

  ——. Pity the Nation. NY: Thunder’s Mouth/Nation Books, 2002.

  Fleischer, Ari. Taking Heat: The President, the Press, and My Years in the White House. New York:

  William Morrow, 2005.

  Fouda, Yosri, and Nick Fielding. Masterminds of Terror. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 2003.

  Franks, Tommy, with Malcolm McConnell. American Soldier. NY: Regan, 2004.

  Freeh, Louis. My FBI. NY: St. Martin’s, 2006.

  Freni, Pamela S. Ground Stop. NY: iUniverse, 2003.

  Friend, David. Watching the World Change: Stories Behind the Images of 9/11. NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2006.

  Frum, David. The Right Man. NY: Random House, 2003.

  Fury, Dalton. Kill bin Laden. NY: St. Martin’s, 2008.

  Gellman, Barton. Angler: The Shadow Vice Presidency of Dick Cheney. London: Allen Lane, 2008.

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  Gold, Dore. Hatred’s Kingdom. Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2003.


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