Cthulhu Returns

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Cthulhu Returns Page 2

by Jacquel Chrissy May

  “You have allowed three of your students to be in possession of one of my books,” Vulmishi snapped at him in anger.

  “Who? Robert Cassidy, Christine Lawson, and Samantha Fenton?” yelled a person in the back of the room.

  “What makes you think they did it?” yelled another person.

  “Bring them before me!” the Cthulhu bellowed as several frightened students pushed the three students in question towards the monster.

  Robert stared at the Cthulhu, saying, “You are the ugliest creature that ever existed, even uglier than Sierra...”

  “SILENCE!!!” yelled the Cthulhu. “I know who you are and I know what you have done to the student known as Sierra Davidson. She will get her due punishment soon. But as for you three…”

  “We’re not scared of you!” Christine yelled.

  “Yeah, why don’t you eat that stupid bitch?” yelled Samantha.

  “Well, you three are making a very terrible mistake,” said the Cthulhu as he sized up the children. “You dare to challenge the Great Cthulhu and mock him? You will pay for this folly with your lives!”

  As quick as you can say the words “Jackie Robertson sitting on a pile of hay,” the Cthulhu grabbed the three offending children from where they stood and devoured them!

  Upon watching the Cthulhu eating Robert, Christine, and Samantha, the other students screamed in horror, knowing that one false move could cost them their own lives. None of the teachers protested the deaths of Robert, Christine, and Samantha, knowing that the students had deserved their own sad fate.

  However, there were some students who dared to question the treatment of their now former classmates.

  “Why did you eat them?” yelled a girl named Hannah Rignano.

  “Are you nicked in the head? You’ve seen what they did to Sierra,” said another girl named Sabrina Spencer. “They abused her and beat her to the point where she joined those Cthulhu Twins...”

  “So, there’s more of them?” said Vulmishi in anger.

  “Arthur and Myrtle Hill are two of the most insane people who ever existed, said Sabrina. “Last year, they nearly destroyed the library when they burned down the entire YA section and every book that was in the section. They harass anyone who refuses to conform to their way of thinking.”

  “And why weren’t they expelled from the school when this happened,” said Dachith as he glared at the principal in anger.

  “Well, I’ll have you know that Ervin and Lillie Hill are among the richest people living in the city and they made a very generous donation to the library to pay for the damages that their children had done to the library,” said the principal.

  “But that doesn’t excuse the sins that their children have committed against us,” said Dachith. “They will be found and punished along with Sierra for this.”

  “Then let us find the children and destroy them,” said the Cthulhu. “And let the lives of Robert Cassidy, Christine Lawson, and Samantha Fenton be a warning to all of you to never mock the Great Cthulhu.”

  As the Cthulhu and the Brotherhood of the Oceanic God left the school, the principal, teachers, and students quickly fled from the school, with many students calling the police as they left. Yet none of them knew that the police weren’t going to be of any help, especially when it came to Sierra Davidson and Arthur and Myrtle Hill.

  * * * * *

  Meanwhile, back at the clubhouse, Sierra, Arthur, and Myrtle had watched the events on their school unfolding through a magical mirror that someone had left behind. They cheered as they watched Robert, Christine, and Samantha being eaten by the Cthulhu after the three kids had mocked him.

  Sierra cheered even louder than the twins did, since they had bullied her for several years and no one had bothered to stop the bullies or defend her against their attacks. No teacher was able to help Sierra or notify the parents of the bullies about their behavior.

  All the same, that was all over now, no thanks to the angry Cthulhu.

  “Can’t say they didn’t get what they deserved,” said Myrtle as they watched their horrified classmates and teachers running away from the school.

  “I know,” said Sierra, “but we really needed this to happen. No one bothered to help me when the other three began to abuse me. Not even my parents defended me. I’m determined to make sure that everyone who has hurt me pays for it with their lives.”

  Needless to say, the police had swarmed the school, as did several news stations. The teachers and students were questioned about what they had seen, and the parents of Robert Cassidy, Christine Lawson, and Samantha Fenton screamed in horror when they discovered that their children had been killed and eaten by the Cthulhu.

  (Of course, they had no idea that their children’s bulling had driven their victim to joining two children who were obsessed with the Cthulhu and wreak havoc on the school. That was, until it was too late.)

  Nathaniel and Greta Davidson and Ervin and Lillie Hill were also at the school, as someone had reported Sierra, Arthur, and Myrtle missing. No one had seen the children since lunchtime, which was a few minutes before the trouble happened.

  Nathaniel said, “What is going on here? I’d like to know what kind of school that Richard Costello is running here! Where is Sierra?”

  “With any luck, your daughter is hopefully someplace safe and away from the chaos that has happened here,” said Wyanet Gonzales, who was the school counselor. “But right now, I’d like to have a word with you and your wife about Sierra. Something tells me that you two have mistreated her and yet treated your son better than you have treated her. I’m not afraid to report child abuse and have you sent to jail, you know.”

  Nathaniel stared at Greta and she glanced back in horror; both of them knew that there would come a day when their cruelty toward their only daughter would come to light. Then, it was much too late to save Sierra from her own twisted mind…

  * * * * *

  As for Sierra, Arthur, and Myrtle, they had no idea of how much trouble that they were going to be in, especially when they looked up and saw the Brotherhood of the Oceanic God and the Cthulhu standing in the entryway to the clubhouse. All of them were very angry, and they were eager to punish the children for messing with what they shouldn’t be messing with.

  “Look, guys,” said Arthur. “It’s the Cthulhu! He’s finally here!”

  He and Myrtle quickly bowed before the Cthulhu, yet Sierra refused. She had seen what the Cthulhu had done to her tormentors, and although she was happy that Robert, Christine, and Samantha had gotten what they deserved, she never envisioned that the Cthulhu would actually come to life, let alone devour anyone.

  Not until it actually happened.

  The Cthulhu took note of the three children who were standing before him. Two of the children were wearing black hoodies with his image on the backs of the hoodies, yet the third child was wearing a pair of black slacks and a tank top with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it.

  These could not be the children who summoned him, and yet, they were.

  “Get up, you fools!” the Cthulhu growled as he stomped his foot into the lake. Arthur and Myrtle jumped to their feet, crying out, “Oh Great and Mighty Cthulhu, how we have longed to meet you!”

  “So you were the ones who brought me here, were you not?” the monster snarled at them. “You knew not of what you have done! Your ignorance and stupidity has led three children to face their demise!”

  Sierra continued to stare at the monster in complete horror, knowing that she was now finished. The Brotherhood of the Oceanic God was coming to get her and she knew that she had known way too much.

  “I guess that this is it for me,” she thought to herself as the monster advanced upon the trio. “I’m finished. No one is going to come and save me now, not if they refused to save me when I needed help. Might as well die now and get it over with.”

  She then said, “If you are angry, then destroy me. I was the one who decided to summon you, not them. If you wish to take away a life be
cause you are angry, take mine.”

  “Why should I take away your life?” The Cthulhu rounded on her.

  “Because I am a retarded fool who has no business existing,” said Sierra. “No one cared about me; not even my parents wanted me around. I know if anything, they would be glad if I were to suddenly disappear and/or be found dead.”

  “I see,” said the Cthulhu as he continued to stare at Sierra. “Your family will be destroyed for not caring for you. On the other hand, these two here have committed the ultimate sin of playing with magic, and there are some things that humanity isn’t meant to know about. Therefore, they must die.”

  “And what about Sierra?” said Vulmishi. “What is going to happen to her?”

  “We must take her away,” said Dachith. The brother stared at him. “She knows too much. Besides, what will our god think if we allowed her to run around spreading wild stories about us?”

  “It will do us no good if she is allowed to return home,” said the Cthulhu. “Her parents will force her to tell them about us, and then they will possibly lock her away in a place where she won’t be a bother to them.”

  “And the twins?” said Dachith. “What shall we do with them?”

  “They are a danger to society,” said Vulmishi. “I remember them burning down part of the school library last year because they didn’t like the books that their fellow classmates were reading. They have also used magic to force their classmates to do all kinds of horrifying things. It wasn’t until yesterday when a girl named Tanisha Johnson finally summoned up the courage to inform me of who they were and what they have done, and why they have done what they have done.”

  “And where does the girl named Sierra feature?” said Geelt.

  “I asked her to find and bait the twins, even loaning her a copy of “The Call of Cthulhu” behind the librarian’s back,” said Vulmishi.

  “And what was the price that you offered her if she succeeded,” said Cheirk.

  “I would help her disappear,” said Vilmushi. “She would disappear in a way that no one would ever find her. I knew that her parents mistreated her because of her disability and they didn’t allow anyone to help her.”

  “Indeed,” said the Cthulhu as he stared at his followers, then at the twins and Sierra. “It shall be as you have foretold. The twins Arthur and Myrtle Hill will die as the fools that they were, but Sierra will be relocated to a place that no one will know about.”

  “Let this be done, O Great and Mighty Cthulhu,” the Brotherhood chanted.

  “OK, let’s get this over with,” said the Cthulhu. “I’m losing my patience.”

  Arthur and Myrtle screamed as they were tied to a huge slab of concrete and set adrift onto a raft full of burning wood. “You tricked us!” Myrtle yelled in anger.

  “I thought we could have been friends!” Arthur said in turn.

  “You have no one to blame but yourselves,” said Sierra (who was a very clever actress). “As if I could truly be friends with two monsters like you. You’re bullies, and I don’t like bullies. You’re no better than Robert, Christine, and Samantha; if I could choose between them and you, I’d choose them, because I know that no one likes them and they won’t hesitate to call them out on their crap. But you? You’re nothing more than a bunch of stupid wannabes.”

  The raft carrying Arthur and Myrtle began to burn and eventually sink into the lake, with the Cthulhu Twins screaming as the raft went down. Sierra watched the scene with a grim look on her face, knowing that they had chosen their own fate when they decided to ally themselves with her. Plus, she realized that like it or not, she had no place in the human world, not with her Asperger’s, that was.

  “Now that that’s over, we shall return to our headquarters and deal with the issue that is at hand,” said Dachith. “Vulmishi must leave his job at the school and Sierra must never again be seen in the city.”

  The Cthulhu said, “I must leave now, but I will return at the end of the world. And when I come, you must be ready to greet me.”

  The Brotherhood chanted, “It shall be as it is decreed.”

  The Cthulhu then left the lake and silently returned to the ocean. No one saw him leaving save for the Brotherhood and Sierra, as they were too busy focusing on the incident in Westwood High School. Three students had been killed in an unusual incident and there were rumors of bullying being reported. No one really had time to know about the Cthulhu twins, and Sierra’s disappearance was reported as a possible murder.

  To make a long story short, Alex Mullins soon vanished from his apartment and no one saw him since. The Brotherhood of the Oceanic God had relocated to an abandoned town that was closer to the ocean. After the incident in the city of Westwood, none of them dared to return to the city at all.

  As for Sierra Davidson, no one ever saw her again, as she was reported missing. The lake by the now-destroyed clubhouse was drained, and the bodies of two people were discovered on a burned-out raft. The bodies had been reduced to mere bones and were eventually identified as 15-year-old twins Arthur and Myrtle Hill. Their parents did not mourn their deaths, and they quickly left town soon after the twins were found.

  Nathaniel and Greta Davidson were arrested for abuse after the story about Sierra had been reported. After the body of a young girl was found in the destroyed clubhouse and was identified as Sierra, the couple was charged with murdering their daughter. After a brief trial, in which the abuse of Sierra was highlighted my many children and adults, Nathaniel and Greta were found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. (At the time of this writing, they are still in jail.)

  As for life in Westwood High School, things had changed drastically. Over 45 students had been expelled and four teachers, the principal, and the librarian had been fired from their jobs. The school library was shut down after the incident and the gym hadn’t been used since Robert, Christine, and Samantha were killed.

  Yet what no one knew was that the Cthulhu had been watching the city for several years and he was planning to return to wreak havoc on humanity. And no one knew when he was going to return (for no one knows these things), but when he did, the city of Westwood would be utterly destroyed.

  That is another story to be told.


  Well, this one was quite a freaky story, if truth be told.

  I feel that I must give some credit to H. P. Lovecraft and the writers who followed him in creating the Cthulhu Mythos, as they have paved the way for stories about Cthulhu to be written.

  Also, I hope you enjoy this short story, and look for more short stories from me.

  About the author:

  Jacquel Chrissy May is a writer and lifelong fan of fantasy and science fiction. She grew up reading everything from “The Lord of the Rings” to the Redwall series. In the seventh grade, she once slapped the class bully across the face because he didn’t know what a Cthulhu was. In high school, she invented the stories of the Teen Rebels and Temmy & Venus, both of which have evolved to the teen fiction that she has began to favor in recent years.

  The kinds of stories she generally write (besides fan fiction) are drama, mystery, science fiction, and fantasy. Most of her stories are just watered-down versions of real life, and the problems that come from it. Unlike the main protagonist in Cthulhu Returns, Jacquel has never faced a mythological monster.

  Other Works by Claire Violet Thorpe

  Life, Sin, & Blood

  Magical Compositions

  The Summer of Our Discontent

  Janette Lennox

  Harry Moffer & the Dumbest Story Ever!

  Confessions of a Fan Fiction Writer

  Connect with Me Online:

  Twitter: http://twitter.com/sparkles4edward

  Facebook (profile): http://facebook.com/jacquel.c.may

  Facebook (author page): https://www.facebook.com/pages/Claire-Violet-Thorpes-Works/182518045131470

  Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/claireviolet

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  My blog: http://clairevioletthropeexpress.wordpress.com/




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