The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever

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The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever Page 6

by June Faver

  He blew out a deep breath, trying to clear his brain. He hadn’t dreamed this Angelique would disappear. How could she? She had no money, no resources. Most of all, no friends… At least no one who would help her. Everyone knew Benoit was looking for her, and they wouldn’t risk crossing him.

  He hadn’t heard from either of those idiots Breaux and Fontenot. They probably didn’t have one sober brain cell between them.

  There had to be another way to find her. She had to be hiding somewhere in the Quarter. There must be some friend he didn’t know about who had given Angelique and Gabrielle shelter.

  Benoit’s stomach was in a clench. He couldn’t bear to think of his granddaughter—of Remy’s daughter—not living with him now that Sofie was gone.

  He would find Gabrielle. He would save her. He would give her the life of a princess. Remy’s daughter deserved no less.

  * * *

  Early the next morning, Tyler drove Leah, her grandmother, and Gracie to his father’s ranch house.

  Big Jim welcomed them with hugs, ushering them inside and out of the cold.

  Tyler brought baby JT, in his safety carrier and bundled up so he could hardly move.

  Big Jim took the little one from Tyler. The look on his face warmed Tyler’s heart. He was glad that they had named their son James Tyler, a name Leah had come up with. She wanted to honor the two most important men in her life, and it made both of them feel great.

  “Glad to see you folks.” Big Jim gave Leah’s grandmother special attention. “Miz Fern, you sure are lookin’ mighty fit. And how’s my little Gracie?”

  Tyler watched his father spread his special kind of love on the three females Tyler himself loved beyond reason.

  “What brings you all out so early?” Big Jim asked.

  “We wanted to spend some time with you, Dad,” Tyler said.

  “And it’s almost Christmas, so we wanted to make some plans to celebrate with the entire family.” Leah slipped out of her coat and brushed a few snowflakes out of her hair.

  Gracie hung on Big Jim’s arm. “It’s so fun to have a big family.”

  Big Jim kissed her on the forehead. “You are so right, Gracie. We’re a very lucky bunch. There are some poor people who got nobody in their lives.”

  Gracie made a face. “Aww, that’s sad, Grampa.”

  He patted her shoulder and leaned down for another hug. “It is, baby. It is.”

  “We come ta make sure you got in the Christmas spirit.” Gran was grinning as she held aloft a tin of cookies she had baked the night before.

  Big Jim’s eyes opened wide. “Why, Miz Fern. You sure do know how to make an old man happy.”

  Tyler loved that his father made a special effort to give attention to Gran. He could tell she was pleased, and that pleased him as well.

  Mostly, he and Leah had made the decision to pay this visit so Leah could check out Angelique’s needs. She planned to make a shopping trip to Amarillo to finalize her Christmas gift stash.

  “You all come back to the kitchen. We were just clearing away the breakfast dishes.”

  When they had all trooped to the back of the house, where the cavernous open space housed the kitchen, dining room, and den, they saw Angelique at the sink, rinsing dishes and stacking them in the dishwasher.

  She turned, smiling prettily. “Oh, hi, folks.” She reached for a dish towel to dry her hands. “I didn’t know you were coming over.”

  Gabrielle was seated on the floor nearby, nesting plastic containers and rearranging them.

  Leah laughed. “It was a sneak attack.”

  “My family is welcome to this home anytime they see fit.” Big Jim was smiling, but Angelique took it as a rebuff.

  “Oh, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean…” Her face flushed and she kept her eyes on the floor.

  “Not to worry,” Big Jim said. “It’s just that my home is open to all my kids, and that includes you and Gabrielle.”

  Leah rushed to her side, putting her arm around Angelique’s shoulder. “We’re all so casual around here. Half the time I forget to lock the door. Don’t worry. We’re all here for you.”

  Tyler wished that were so, recalling Colt’s tirade. Looking at Angelique, with her incredible resemblance to the rest of the Garrett clan, he could not understand Colt’s attitude. Nobody could fake those eyes.

  “How about some coffee?” Big Jim invited, gesturing toward the table.

  “That would be great,” Tyler said. He took the baby carrier from his father and sat down at the table before he began removing layers of warm clothing from his son.

  JT stared at him with the same eyes as Angelique’s child, who had come to watch what Tyler was doing to his son.

  Big Jim looked on as Tyler stripped his son down to a one-piece fleece outfit. “There’s my boy.” He held his hands out to take the squirming baby.

  JT gazed rapturously at his grandpa and grunted several times.

  Big Jim was delighted, certain that JT was talking to him, but Tyler figured he was filling his diaper.

  Gabrielle was gazing at JT with a wide dimpled grin. “He gots eyes like me.”

  “And me,” Big Jim said. “You got the same eyes as me too.”

  When they were all seated around the table with coffee or cocoa, Leah made it a point to engage Angelique in a low conversation meant to be “girl talk,” but Tyler was close enough to hear.

  Leah leaned close to Angelique. “So, how is it going? Are you getting settled in okay?”

  Angelique smiled. “Well, I’m really so happy to be here, to have found my father. I never thought I would know him.”

  Leah reached out to squeeze her hand. “That’s really wonderful. We’re so glad you’re here with us, especially at Christmas. Family should be together for the holidays.”

  Angelique nodded fiercely, maybe to keep from tearing up.

  “Do you have everything you need?” Leah shrugged. “Sometimes when Ty goes on tour with his band, I go along. It’s a real family adventure, especially with the baby. Somehow, I never remember to bring everything I need.”

  Angelique sucked in a breath and huffed it out. “I had to make some choices when I left New Orleans. I could only fit a few things in my car, so I made sure I brought along the things I cared about the most.” She spread her hands. “I mean, if I never go back, I wouldn’t miss the rest of the things I left behind.”

  Tyler couldn’t understand this kind of thinking, but Leah seemed to understand completely.

  “I know what you mean,” Leah said. “When I came here, I was running away from a bad situation, so I grabbed the essentials and hit the road.” She turned to look at Tyler. “And then I met the most wonderful man in the whole wide world. He…he gave me what I needed most.”

  Tyler leaned close and whispered in her ear. “No, baby. You gave me what I needed most.” He brushed a kiss against her cheek, and when she turned to face him, he kissed her lips.

  They sat smiling at each other, Tyler wondering how he could have found this perfect woman.

  “Those two are just crazy ’bout each other,” Gran said. “Don’t you pay ’em no never mind.” She was laughing, her face crinkled into a thousand wrinkles.

  Angelique nodded. “I think it must be wonderful to have someone love you like that.”

  Tyler heard this quiet exchange and wondered about Angelique’s child. Did someone love her? Where was that someone now?

  Leah turned back to Angelique. “So, am I understanding that you aren’t planning on returning to New Orleans?”

  Angelique seemed genuinely disturbed by this inquiry. “Um, I don’t plan to go back. I hope I can stay here… I mean, around here. Maybe I can find a job?”

  Leah’s face contorted into a frown. “Really? What kind of job would you look for?”

  Angelique shrugged. “I�
��ve been a waitress, and I was a bartender before that.” She shrugged again. “I know it’s not much.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Leah said. “I’m sure you were a wonderful waitress and bartender.” She reached out to squeeze Angelique’s hand. “I don’t think you need to worry about it right now. It’s almost Christmas. Just relax and enjoy the season.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “I’m going to go to Amarillo to shop for Christmas presents, and I thought you might like to go with me.” Leah grinned her encouragement. “We could make a day of it. Want to come?”

  Angelique’s cheeks took on some color. “Oh, I-I don’t have much money.”

  “Not a problem. You can come with us and have lunch in the city. Learn about the area.”

  Angelique gnawed her lower lip. “Well, I guess I could do that.”

  Big Jim leaned closer. “I’m so glad you two girls are gettin’ along so well. It makes an old man’s heart swell up to see two of my favorite ladies makin’ friends.” He beamed at both of them.

  “Well, Big Jim, these two are gonna run off to Amarillo to do some Christmas shoppin’,” Gran offered.

  Big Jim’s brows rose. “They are? Well, Ty, I’m a-gonna let you change your son’s poopy diaper, and I’m a-gonna go get a little something to help these girls do their shoppin’.” He passed JT to Tyler and rose from the table.

  Tyler chuckled and carefully took JT to change the offending and odorous diaper. When he returned, his dad was just getting back to the table.

  Big Jim took his place at the head of the table and flipped a card to each of the two young females. “Here you go. I want you girls to have a good time. Buy yourselves something nice, have a great lunch, and get the presents you want to give out.”

  “Oh, Dad,” Angelique said. “I couldn’t possibly use your card. People will have to understand that I can’t afford to buy presents this year.” She pushed the card back toward him.

  Leah held out the card he had given her as well.

  But Big Jim held his hands up and shook his head. “You two can most certainly accept a little shopping spree on your old man. I would consider it an insult if you don’t take these cards and have yourselves a great day.”

  Angelique sat frowning and gnawing her lower lip, but Leah grinned and nodded. “I hope you have a lot of money to pay this off, Dad. I’m going to make you cry.”

  Big Jim rolled his eyes and hooted with laughter. “You go ahead on, young lady. Miz Fern and I will be your babysitters while you’re out spendin’ me into the poorhouse.”

  Gran laughed and clapped her hands together. “You betcha we will.”

  Tyler smiled, bouncing his son on his lap. He figured this was his dad’s way of making sure Angelique had some spending money for Christmas presents, knowing that Leah would be on hand to steer Angelique’s spending. Way to go, Dad.

  * * *

  Angelique had lots of reservations about this proposed shopping trip. First of all, she was not feeling comfortable about accepting Big Jim’s credit card. Nor was she really comfortable leaving Gabrielle in anyone else’s care. But Leah was so excited about having a girls’ day out with her.

  It felt good to have someone welcome her to the family with open arms. Angelique appreciated that Big Jim and Tyler accepted that she was truly a blood relation, and she found it amazing that Tyler’s wife seemed to want to be best friends. Angelique had never really had a best girlfriend.

  There had been Remy. He was always her best friend, until…until…

  “Are you ready?” It was Leah, looking very ready herself.

  “Um, yes. Just let me grab this coat that Big Jim lent me.” Angelique shrugged into the coat. “I don’t know who it belongs to, but it’s nice and warm. I hope the owner doesn’t mind me wearing it.”

  Leah tilted her head to one side. “From the hall closet?” At Angelique’s nod, she sucked in a big breath and blew it out. “I think that coat belonged to Elizabeth, Big Jim’s wife…Ty’s mother.”

  “Oh, no! I shouldn’t be wearing it.” Angelique started to take it off.

  “No. It’s only a coat. I’m sure Big Jim wanted you to be warm.” Leah made a motion for her to follow. “Let’s get on the road.”

  Remembering her nosedive into the snowbank, Angelique shuddered. “Um, do you think the road crews have put sand on the road?”

  “It’s not a problem for us. We have snow tires on the truck.”

  Angelique wasn’t sure what that meant, but Leah sounded so assured, she felt safer and followed her outside to the truck. She was surprised to find Tyler in the driver’s seat and the truck running.

  Leah opened the front passenger door and told Angelique to climb in.

  “I didn’t know we had a chauffeur,” Angelique said.

  “I’m just along to carry your packages and drop you by the door,” Tyler said. “I’m here to serve.”

  “Don’t you want to sit up here by your husband?” Angelique asked.

  Leah grinned. “I want you to sit up there by your brother.” She hoisted herself up into the seat behind the passenger seat.

  Angelique had to flash a grin. To be acknowledged as Tyler’s sister was a major step. She stepped up on the running board and seated herself next to Tyler, thankful that the heater was going. “Hey, Bro.”

  Tyler gave her a little salute. “Strap in, Sis.”

  * * *

  Derrick thought he should have called, but at the end of the day, he found himself taking a detour on his way home. He pulled in at the Garrett ranch and his tires bumped over the cattle guard. The trees that grew close to the road were bare, giving punctuation to the starkness of the landscape. Fence posts lined the fields on either side of the private road. When he came to a stop in front of Big Jim Garrett’s ranch house, he was still trying to come up with a reason for his impromptu visit.

  Derrick was the sheriff now. He had a standing in the county, and he didn’t want to do anything to mess that up. Certainly not anything to offend one of the most powerful men in the area.

  While he was sitting in his truck, the motor idling, someone turned on the outside light. Busted.

  Derrick killed the motor and got out. He climbed the steps to the porch.

  “Hey, Derrick.” Big Jim held the door open. “C’mon in and get warm.”

  “Thanks a lot.” Derrick stamped off his boots before stepping inside.

  “Glad to see you, but I hope you’re not here on official business.”

  “No, sir. I was driving by and thought I’d check in.” He followed Big Jim into the kitchen. “And I might as well confess I was hoping to catch sight of your beautiful blue-eyed daughter.”

  Big Jim grinned from ear to ear. “That’s not a bad thing. She is a beauty, isn’t she?”

  Derrick huffed out a big sigh. “That she is, sir.” He took off his leather gloves and stuffed them in the pocket of his jacket, but shed the jacket, placing it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs.

  Big Jim gestured for him to take a seat as he brought the coffeepot and another mug. “This should fix you right up.”

  “Might I inquire as to the whereabouts of the lovely Miss Angelique?” Derrick accepted the mug of steaming coffee gratefully.

  Big Jim sat down and lifted his own mug in a salute of sorts. “My beautiful daughter and beautiful daughter-in-law have gone to Amarillo to shop for Christmas presents.”

  Derrick felt his brows draw together. “It’s getting dark, Big Jim. Do you think they’re okay?”

  Big Jim smiled and sipped his coffee. “I’m pretty sure they’re having a good time with Tyler to herd them around. He drove them into Amarillo and will make sure they come home after they’ve shopped the stores out.”

  “Then they’re in good hands.” Derrick’s gut relaxed. Surely the ladies would be well taken care of with T
yler along.

  The two men silently sipped coffee.

  Finally Big Jim set his mug on the table and leaned back, crossing his meaty arms over his chest. “So you like my daughter?”

  Derrick managed to swallow his coffee without choking. “Yes, sir. I think she’s really nice.”

  Big Jim nodded. “I think so too. Maybe you want to get to know her better?”

  Derrick’s throat felt dry, and his voice sounded raspy. “That would be great.”

  “Well, you know I think the world of you, Derrick. You’re a good man.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “But this whole thing…you know, being father to a daughter? That’s all new to me, and I’m feelin’ pretty protective.”

  “I understand, sir.” Derrick thought he would be asked to leave soon.

  “So, I want to get it out in the open, right up front…”

  Derrick braced himself.

  “If you hurt my little girl, I will have no problem burying you so far in the ground even the wild hogs won’t find you.”

  The threat hung in the air between them.

  Derrick wondered if Big Jim realized he had just threatened an officer of the law. Probably not. He eased out a breath. “You must know I would never do anything to hurt Angelique. I’m not that kind of man.”

  “Didn’t think so.” Big Jim finished off his coffee and reached for the pot. “Need a refill?”

  Derrick offered his mug and watched Big Jim pour. “Thanks.”

  That’s when the front door burst open and the noisy shoppers entered the house. Angelique and Leah rushed into the kitchen, giggling.

  “Oh, you’re going to be so sorry you gave us these cards, Dad.” Leah was grinning and her cheeks were rosy.

  Also rosy-cheeked, Angelique looked surprised to find Derrick there, but smiled. “Where is my baby girl? I’m never away from her for this long.”

  Derrick thought she looked even more beautiful than he recalled. He winked at her and she nodded shyly.

  “Leah, your grandmother was tired so she and both babies are bedded down together.” Big Jim rose from the table and hugged each woman in turn. “You ladies must have emptied the stores.”


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