The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever

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The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever Page 8

by June Faver

  Angelique let that sink in as she pressed a damp paper towel to her eyes. She figured that Derrick would have to side with one of his close friends over a relative stranger, even if he seemed to be attracted to her.

  When they got back to the table, she saw that Misty was still frothing mad, but she sat beside Colt, gripping his arm. They had chosen to sit as far from Angelique as possible.

  Big Jim seemed to have pulled back into himself, as though evaluating the situation.

  Derrick stood as she approached, pulling out her chair. He reached to take Gabrielle, who also stretched her arms out to him. It seemed they had formed a pretty solid bond.

  Having the handsome sheriff acting the gentleman made Angelique feel appreciated. For a woman who had been taken for granted most of her life, this was heaven.

  Leah sank onto the chair next to her husband. She leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. Tyler gave her a kiss on the forehead. He held their baby son.

  It pleased Angelique to see the strong men treating the young ones with such tenderness. She took a sip of her soda, realizing how tense she was.

  Derrick reached over to take her hand. He looked at her questioningly.

  She was reluctant to tell him about the confrontation in the restroom. “Everything looks so festive.” She forced herself to focus on her surroundings.

  There was a giant and brightly lit Christmas tree sitting in a niche beside the raised stage platform. There were Christmas lights strung around the walls too.

  She noticed several men setting up equipment for the band. She liked music. She had loved to listen to the jazz and blues musicians New Orleans was famous for. She also really enjoyed zydeco, the spirited tunes always lifting her spirits.

  At the moment, her spirits had been slapped in the face.

  Angelique stole a furtive glance at the other end of the table. Big Jim and Colt were deep in conversation, while Misty sat tight-jawed and silent.

  The canned Christmas music had been shut off. The musicians began playing something jaunty, and many couples took to the dance floor.

  “Let me take our trash and dump it.” Derrick stood and picked up the tray with wrappings from their burgers and fries. She reached for Gabrielle, but Derrick shook his head. “I got her.”

  She watched him skirt the dance floor until he disappeared. Then he reappeared on the other side, heading back to the table…but he went to the other end and passed Gabrielle to Big Jim.

  For his part, Big Jim was beaming from ear to ear, but Angelique’s insides hit the panic button. Derrick exchanged some pleasantries with Big Jim and Colt before returning to where Angelique waited. She looked up at him. “Why did you hand Gabrielle to Big Jim?”

  He sat down beside her and gathered her hands in his. “For two reasons. First, I wanted Colt and Misty to get a good look at Gabi and to see how much Big Jim loves her.”

  So, he knows. Angelique bit her lower lip and glanced to where Big Jim sat making silly faces for a laughing Gabrielle. She noted that Colt and Misty were paying close attention. “What’s the other reason?”

  He kissed her hand. “I want to dance with you.”

  * * *

  Gabrielle was giving Big Jim sloppy kisses. “My gwampa!” she assured Colt.

  “Isn’t she the sweetest little thing?” Big Jim asked. “Just look at those curls and, of course, her eyes. She’s gonna be a heartbreaker, just like her mother and”—he swallowed hard—“her grandmother. She was a beauty too.”

  A muscle in Colt’s jaw twitched. Misty squeezed his arm, but she looked upset as well.

  Big Jim knew there was tension between his sons, but he refused to buy into it. They would have to work it out between themselves… At least that’s what he was thinking.

  “Dad, you seem to have bought into all this…this…”

  Big Jim turned to give his oldest son a stern glare. “Be careful what you say, Son.” He held up one of his large hands, cradling Gabrielle in his other arm. “I do not know why you’ve got a stick up your—” He glanced down at the young one in his arms. She was gazing at him, her big blue eyes fixed on his face. He lowered his voice. “Up your rear end… But I suggest you reel it back while you’re still in the will.”

  “Dad, I—”

  “Let me explain it to you. I was really in love with Sofie Guillory when I was in college. We had…relations. Can you get that through your thick skull?”

  Colt stared at Big Jim, but he remained silent.

  “I have no doubt that Angelique is my daughter and Gabi is my granddaughter… No doubt at all. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Dad. I understand.” Colt’s mouth was tight, and Big Jim figured he was not convinced.

  Big Jim watched as Derrick led Angelique out onto the floor and they danced to a slow song. It was easy to see that Angelique was new to country-western dancing. But she seemed to be confident in Derrick’s arms.

  A slow smile stretched across Big Jim’s face. It seemed that Derrick really liked his daughter. Big Jim knew Derrick was a good man, but he also knew that Angelique was vulnerable. He had not asked her any questions about the father of her child. He figured she would confide in him when the time was right.

  But it seemed that Derrick Shelton was falling for his daughter and granddaughter at the same time.

  Derrick was from a good local family, and he had a little ranch, but Big Jim wasn’t sure he should be encouraging this relationship. She had only just arrived in the neighborhood, and Derrick was the first man she’d met. She should take it slow. She was so beautiful she’d have the pick of the local bachelors. No need to make a swift decision. Besides, he wanted her and Gabrielle all to himself for a while.

  He surveyed the couple whirling in circles around the dance floor. The grin on Angelique’s face warmed Big Jim’s heart.

  Maybe he would give Derrick a chance. Maybe the sheriff wanted to entertain Angelique? Maybe he wasn’t serious about the relationship? Maybe he was just being nice to the newest members of the Garrett family?

  But Big Jim couldn’t ever recall seeing Derrick Shelton with any particular girl before. Maybe his intentions were sincere.

  * * *

  Angelique was having a great time. Derrick didn’t seem to mind that she stumbled sometimes, but she was getting the hang of it.

  Although having Derrick’s strong arms around her made her feel protected when they were dancing to a waltz or what he called a two-step, she most enjoyed a funny stomping and shuffling dance called the “Cotton-Eyed Joe.”

  Derrick danced beside her and led her around the floor, kicking and stomping alongside. It was a lively tune, and she was laughing by the time the song ended. She collapsed against Derrick, giggling. “That was so much fun.”

  He twirled her into a dip, and when he raised her back up, he kissed her. It wasn’t a passionate kiss. It was a fun kiss. But it was still a kiss.

  Derrick walked her back to the table, his arm around her.

  Angelique glanced over to see that Big Jim was watching them. She didn’t think he looked too pleased. But Leah and Tyler were grinning, while Colt and Misty glared. No guesswork needed with this family.

  Angelique told Derrick she needed to check on Gabrielle.

  Big Jim gave her up grudgingly. “But we’re getting along so good.”

  Angelique laughed out loud. “Well, if you would like to take her to potty…”

  Big Jim held his hands up in surrender. “No, thanks. I did my share of potty duty with the three boys.”

  Leah walked with her to the ladies’ room, JT in her arms. “Good idea.”

  Angelique sighed. “It’s gotta be done.” She pushed into the restroom with her backside and held the door open for Leah to enter.

  There was a changing station, and Leah nodded and placed JT on it. “Going for it.”
/>   Angelique peeled Gabrielle out of her fleece leggings and placed paper towels on one of the toilet seats. Then she held her daughter in place while she relieved herself.

  Leah changed JT while Angelique washed her hands as best she could, one at a time. “I’m glad to see that you and Derrick are getting along so well.”

  Angelique laughed. “You could say that.”

  “It sure looks like it. I wanted you to know that Ty and I are happy for you.”

  Angelique shrugged. “I don’t know what I am. He seems to be such a nice guy.”

  “That he is. Ty and his brothers have known him since childhood. Ty said he had never known Derrick to be so openly…uh, affectionate.”

  That pleased Angelique. But with all the things she had left behind in New Orleans, she thought maybe she had left behind her ability to care deeply… Do I have the capacity to love again? She tried to search herself but couldn’t find an answer for this question.

  “Well, you do like Derrick, don’t you?”

  Angelique sucked in a deep breath and released it. “Of course. What’s not to like? He’s a thoroughly beautiful specimen.” She nuzzled nose to nose with her daughter, delighted when she giggled. “I’m so new here. I need to find some kind of job. I can’t stay with my father forever.”

  Leah frowned. “I’m sure Big Jim is completely happy to have you there. It’s such a huge, rambling house. He gets lonely by himself. The brothers try to make sure to spend time helping out around the ranch. Lots of jobs to do.”

  “I’m sure. Glad they’re around to help.”

  “I mean, Big Jim isn’t all that old. Mid-fifties, I think. And he’s very healthy and active.” Leah bit her lower lip, then shrugged. “He was dating someone last year…a teacher in Langston. I thought it might lead to something, but it sort of fizzled out.”

  Angelique tried to think of Big Jim going out on dates. He was a very attractive man. He looked like his sons, who were all very handsome. They all shared the same unusual eye color as Angelique and Gabrielle, and all four men were tall and broad-shouldered with thick hair. But Big Jim’s once-dark hair was now silver. All in all, a very fine-looking man. Angelique could understand why her mother had lost her heart to him.

  “Shall we join the gentlemen?” Leah had gathered JT and was heading for the door.

  “Coming.” Angelique followed her back to the table, wondering if the relationship between her father and the schoolteacher could be rekindled.

  Chapter 7

  Derrick and Tyler had been conversing while their ladies were in the restroom together.

  Tyler seemed to be truly happy that Derrick was seeing Angelique. He had reminded Derrick that his Leah had had a daughter when they had first met and that he had adopted Gracie after they had married. “It worked out fine. I love Gracie like she was my own.”

  Derrick had punched Tyler’s arm. “Are you trying to tell me something, bud?”

  “Naw. Just wanted to let you know that marrying a woman with a child could work out really well. It sure has for me.”

  “So I see. It’s a little early in this relationship to be shopping for rings.” Derrick smiled as he saw Angelique and Leah emerge from the ladies’ room. He was glad that Angelique had a friend. She needed one.

  He stood up and reached to take Gabrielle from Angelique while also pulling out her chair. With all the adults milling about he was afraid Gabi might get stepped on.

  Gabrielle reached for him as she was being handed off. For some reason, the smile and reaching of small arms never failed to stir him.

  Gazing at her, Derrick could imagine becoming her father and watching her grow up…with Angelique by his side. He tried to wrap his brain around that… Couldn’t. He’d been a bachelor too long.

  Maybe he needed to slow things down. But there was something about this woman that made him want to be with her all the time. When he was not with her, he was thinking about her.

  “I don’t know how long this evening is supposed to go on, but Gabi is yawning and I’m used to going to bed pretty early. Would it be dreadful to leave early?” She gazed up at Derrick, her big blue eyes imploring him.

  “Of course not. Let’s tell Big Jim that we’re leaving. He may have something to say about it.” In his mind, he wondered if Big Jim would want them to be alone in the ranch house. He had caught Big Jim’s expression but couldn’t read it.

  Angelique pushed her chair back and stood, ready to call it a night.

  Derrick scrambled to his feet, helping Angelique into her coat and finding Gabrielle’s knit cap, jacket, and blanket.

  They said good night to Leah and Tyler and then braved the crowd at the other end of the table.

  Big Jim had been observing their preparations, his countenance unreadable. But when they approached, he stood, embracing Angelique and Gabrielle in one big bear hug. “Aww, you folks aren’t gonna be party poopers, are you?”

  Angelique planted a kiss on his cheek. “Sorry, Dad. I’m really tired.”

  “Well, the back door is unlocked,” Big Jim said. “Be careful driving my daughter home, young man.” He offered a hand to Derrick, though his grip was very firm when they shook. If ever a handshake could convey a threat, this was it.

  “Yes, sir. I’m always careful.” Derrick grinned at him. “I’m the sheriff now, remember?”

  Big Jim slapped him on the back, seemingly jovial. “Oh, yeah! I forgot that you replaced our old sheriff. We got some young blood now.”

  Derrick couldn’t tell if Big Jim was joking or being sarcastic. He suspected the latter. He ushered Angelique to the front of the Eagles Hall and left them while he trudged through the newly fallen snow to the truck. The motor growled into wakefulness, protesting the cold. “Atta girl,” he muttered. “We have some very important passengers to pick up.” He let the engine idle a few moments and then turned on the heater and defroster.

  When he drew to a stop in front of the hall, he left the truck idling while he brought Angelique and Gabrielle outside, carefully installing the child in her safety seat.

  “Oh, it’s snowing,” Angelique commented as she climbed into the passenger seat.

  “Just a little.” Derrick rounded the vehicle to take his place beside her. “Just relax and I’ll have you home in no time.”

  But Angelique was wide-eyed, making comments about the feathery snowflakes. “I don’t ever recall it snowing in New Orleans.”

  Derrick chuckled. “Well, it always snows here in north Texas. We usually always have a white Christmas.”


  “Sure. We enjoy each of the four seasons in turn, and each has its special beauty.”

  When they arrived at the ranch house, Derrick went around to the unlocked back door and walked through the eerily quiet house to admit Angelique and Gabrielle through the front. Gabrielle had fallen asleep during the drive, so he carried her inside and to the bedroom Angelique directed him to. She removed the child’s outer layers and arranged her comfortably before quietly tiptoeing out of the room.

  “Thanks for a wonderful evening, Derrick,” she said. “I’m sorry I flaked out so early. I guess the past few days have finally caught up with me.”

  “Thanks for spending the evening with me.” Derrick leaned over to deliver a quick kiss to her cheek. “I hope we can do something together again soon.”

  “Me too.” She stifled a yawn.

  “You get some rest. I’ll let myself out.” He turned to leave, but she caught him by the arm.

  “More kisses, please.”

  * * *

  Big Jim had been seething since his lovely daughter, Angelique, had left the Eagles Hall with Derrick Shelton. Derrick might be the new young sheriff, but that boy had been a running buddy of his son Colt. His two younger sons had tagged along.

  What a ragtag crew! He recalled their summer f
aces, suntanned and usually a bit dirty, considering what boys can get into… Derrick had been a part of his own sons’ exploits, so he had grown up as an almost-Garrett son—like an extension of the family.

  Big Jim clenched the steering wheel, his knuckles white with the force of his grip. His jaw was tight as he drove toward the ranch house. It was late, or early morning, whichever way he considered it, but he’d had both Colt’s and Tyler’s families at his table and couldn’t really leave them any earlier.

  The moon shone white and full in a black, starry sky, lending an opalescent glow to the countryside. The new-fallen snow embraced the landscape like a fleece blanket.

  He hoped Angelique was all right, alone at the ranch by herself, with Gabrielle for company. At least he hoped they were alone. What if that Derrick Shelton had taken liberties? Derrick was a good-looking young man by anyone’s standards. It would be easy for him to take advantage of Angelique. He was obviously taken with her. But what if he had made unwanted advances in the absence of any other family members there to protect her?

  He thought about Derrick as a young boy, always polite and ready for fun with the three Garrett sons. And even though he liked and respected Derrick Shelton as a man and as the recently appointed sheriff, Big Jim wasn’t about to trust him with his newly discovered daughter.

  Big Jim knew he had a lot to make up for, having had no knowledge of her existence until recently, but he found that all his fatherly emotions were coming to the fore.

  Sure, Angelique was a grown woman with a child of her own, but Big Jim was experiencing a delayed feeling of their relationship and a certain sense of protectiveness.

  That emotion had been present when his boys were younger, but since they had reached adulthood, he had allowed them to fight their own battles…mostly.

  But Angelique was a whole different story. She was a girl and, as such, deserved to be treated with respect. She exuded a sense of vulnerability, an aura of fragility as though she was afraid of something…something bad.

  Big Jim turned off the highway and drove through the big horseshoe-shaped arch over the entrance to the Garrett ranch. The tires of his truck bumped across the cattle guard, jarring his back teeth together. It was a long drive to the Garrett ranch house, with Colt’s and Tyler’s much newer houses erected further back into the property.


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