The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever

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The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever Page 20

by June Faver

  “Of course I do, smarty pants.” She made a snorting noise. “You know we moved here because of the milder winters, and your father has so many old Army buddies here. He gets to go play golf with them a couple of times a week.”

  “That sounds nice, Mom. I’m glad you’re happy there.”

  “So, are you going to join us for Christmas here in our new home?”

  Derrick heaved a sigh and shrugged, although she couldn’t appreciate the gesture. “You see…I kind of wanted to spend Christmas with my beautiful girlfriend, Angelique.” He kissed her fingertips.

  “Oh, Derrick! You have a girlfriend?”

  “Yes, I do, and she’s right here with me. Do you want to meet her?”

  His mother made a sort of squealing sound. “Of course I do. Put that young lady on the phone right now.”

  Derrick pressed the receiver against his chest. “Angelique, my mom wants to talk to you. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but…”

  Angelique had a big grin on her face. Her electric-blue eyes were dancing. “Oh, yes. I want to talk to your mother.” She reached for the receiver, but Derrick let it dangle for a few seconds, uncurling some of the twisted cord, before handing it to her.

  “Hello, Mrs. Shelton?”

  “Oh, you sound so sweet,” Mrs. Shelton cooed. “Your name is Angelique?”

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s Angelique Guillory.”

  “That’s a lovely name. Are you from the Langston area? I don’t recall any Guillory families.”

  “No, ma’am. I’m from New Orleans.”

  There was a loud silence that followed.

  “Oh…I’ve always wanted to visit New Orleans.” She held the phone away from her mouth, yelling. “It’s Derrick’s girlfriend. She’s from New Orleans.”

  Derrick leaned over to kiss Angelique’s temple. “You can give me the phone anytime, you know?”

  “That would be so rude,” she whispered.

  It appeared that Mrs. Shelton had handed the phone off to her husband.

  “Hello? Is this Derrick’s girlfriend?” It was an excited-sounding male voice.

  “Um, this is Angelique.”

  “Hot damn! Are you comin’ with Derrick for Christmas?”

  “Uh, well, I don’t know. We really haven’t, uh…finalized our plans.”

  “Aww. We sure are countin’ on havin’ you an’ the boy come to San Antonio for Christmas.”

  Derrick leaned close to Angelique and spoke into the receiver. “Dad, Angelique wants to spend Christmas with her family, and I want to spend Christmas with her.”

  “Her family?” It was Derrick’s mother who asked. “You’re going to New Orleans?”

  “Her family lives here,” Derrick said. “The Garretts. You know the Garrett family.”

  “Of course we do. Elizabeth was one of my dear friends. So sad.”

  Angelique’s lips pressed together. She looked as though she had been slapped in the face.

  “Angelique and I will not be going to San Antonio for Christmas. Maybe another time.”

  There was a little more dithering on the other end of the line, but Derrick was finally able to hang up. He sat beside Angelique, his arms around her, and gazed into her eyes. “I had hoped to introduce you to my family in a more traditional way.”

  A little smile played around her lips. “You planned to introduce me to your family?”

  He brushed a loopy curl away from her face. “Of course I did. I wanted to make sure you couldn’t run away when I sprang them on you.”

  Angelique burst into a fit of giggles. “Seriously? Your parents sound really nice. I hope I get to meet them in person someday.”

  “You will.” He gazed at her intently. “I know your family will have lots of plans for Christmas. They’re wonderful and you will be all caught up in their plans, but I hope that our first Christmas together can include a little time for just the three of us.”

  “Oh, Derrick. That’s so sweet.” She blinked several times, but a single tear rolled down her cheek. “I guess I needed to hear you say that.”

  “That I have plans for us?” He couldn’t keep from smiling. “Oh, I have plans, all right.” He pulled her against him and kissed her lips, and then her neck. His hands swept over her backside, catching a handful of her firm rear.

  She was wearing a pullover sweater, so he wasn’t sure how to go about removing it, but his hand crept under it to caress the smooth flesh on her back. She pulled away, gazing up at him with her beautiful eyes. In one move, she slipped the sweater off over her head and then tilted her head to one side. “Is this what you were going for?”

  He regarded the beautiful woman wearing a lacy purple bra and swallowed hard. “Um, yeah. I was getting there.”

  She gave him a sassy grin. “Well, I thought I would help you out.” She slid her arms around his neck and delivered a kiss that jolted him like a lightning strike.

  He pulled her closer, embedding her presence into his as their kisses deepened. “Oh, Angelique. I love you so much,” he whispered against her hair. He fingered the lacy fabric of her bra, enticing her nipples to appreciate his attention.

  “I love you, too, but I’m getting a little chilly. I think you need to warm me up.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I can do that.” Derrick scooped her up and headed for his bedroom. “I actually changed my sheets just for you.”

  “I’m honored. What if I hadn’t come home with you?” she whispered in his ear and then playfully nipped his earlobe.

  “I would have tossed and turned all night thinking about doing this.” He eased her onto the bed and managed to unhook her bra at the same time. He kissed and teased her nipples, enjoying her little gasps of pleasure.

  She reached up to grasp his shirt and ripped the snaps open. The popping sound caused both of them to laugh. But when she pulled him down on top of her, her warm flesh set his insides on fire.

  He unzipped her jeans and pulled them off, taking her panties with them. He flung them on the floor and tossed his shirt on top of them.

  She was so beautiful, slim yet curvy and sexy as hell. She watched him wrestle his boots off and slide out of his Wranglers. There was a moment before they coupled that he realized he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything…not only for this moment, but forever.

  Her dimples twinkled as she held out her arms to him. “Come and get me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  * * *

  Colt lay awake in the dark. He had gone straight to bed without ever venturing out to where his wife and young brother-in-law were having dinner. He wasn’t up for talking to her about Angelique Guillory.

  When Misty came into their room, she did not speak to him, but quietly undressed in the dark and slipped under the covers to cuddle gently beside him. She lay her head on his shoulder and placed one hand on his chest. The message was clear, but Colt wasn’t really open to anything. After a few moments she turned her back and embraced her pillow instead.

  Colton was angry. Angry with himself. Angry with his father. Angry with Angelique Guillory, whoever she was.

  He still wasn’t convinced that she was a blood relative…but he had to accept that Big Jim believed she was his daughter. Apparently his relationship with someone named Sofie Guillory aligned with the arrival of her daughter, Angelique. But was this Angelique even related to Sofie?

  The doubts were roiling around in his brain again. The smart thing would be to accept his father’s mindset. If Big Jim Garrett believed Angelique was his daughter, then she must truly be his daughter…conceived before he married Colt’s mother.

  Colt inhaled and exhaled as quietly as possible. If he was feigning sleep, then he couldn’t be huffing out sighs.

  Okay, Angelique was his sister and Gabrielle was his niece. Apparently it was going to be this way from now on,
so he might as well get used to it. Tyler and Leah had bought the entire story from the very start. He had no idea what Beau and his wife, Dixie, thought about the situation. They were playing their cards very close to the chest. Whatever their thoughts, they were polite to Angelique when they encountered her, mostly on Sundays…which must have given Big Jim the idea that they accepted her as his daughter and as a true Garrett, but without actually saying so.

  He should have done what Beau did. Just shut the hell up. But no, he had to make a big deal out of it, telling anyone who would listen that Angelique Guillory was a scam artist…which caused Big Jim to want to protect his so-called daughter and granddaughter, no matter what.

  And now, this very evening, he had been put in a position where he was forced to hold her child and be pleasant to the woman. His own father had manipulated him into interacting with Angelique.

  But now it was done. He couldn’t walk it back. Big Jim had bridged the gap between his two oldest children. She had appeared to be shy but followed through, complying with what Big Jim wanted. Maybe her presence was fulfilling some kind of need his father had.

  Everyone knew how much Big Jim enjoyed being a grandfather. He adored Beau’s daughter, Ava, and had embraced Leah’s daughter, Gracie, even before Tyler adopted her, and now Tyler and Leah had presented him with a baby boy named after both his father and grandfather. Big Jim would walk past adults to get to his beloved grandchildren, and now he had Gabrielle living there with him, close at hand every day.

  Colt had to accept it. Live with it. He turned over, facing away from Misty.

  It might, he reasoned, be a good thing. Having someone living in the Garrett ranch house would probably be good for Big Jim. He wouldn’t be lonely. He would make sure to eat three actual meals a day if he had someone to eat with. Big Jim was known for sucking down cup after cup of coffee or, alternately, uncapping a beer.

  Okay, he would try to adopt Beau’s attitude. He would be overtly accepting of Angelique and Gabrielle Guillory. But if it turned out that she was truly a scam artist, he would be on hand to expose her and protect his father.

  Now all he had to do was figure out how to make it up to his wife. She was supportive and loyal. Misty was not one for subterfuge. She had espoused his idea that Angelique was not related and had not been subtle about it. There seemed to be a breach between Misty and Leah, who had once been the best of friends. Now, Leah appeared to be close to Angelique. Maybe because they were both outsiders, having been born and raised in other states. Whatever the reason, Leah and Angelique were thick as thieves and Misty was the odd woman out.

  Colt would have to find a way to heal all these wounds. He had no idea how he could bring this about, but he had to. It was almost Christmas, and families were supposed to be together after all.

  He turned over again and gathered Misty in his arms.

  Tomorrow he would have to set about mending some fences. He would have to eat a big serving of crow, and he would have to find a way to make it up to his wife for being such a jackass.

  * * *

  “Listen, to me, Cormier.” The veins in Alphonse Benoit’s forehead were standing out and his complexion was a dark, murderous red. Not a good way to start the day. “You are police chief only because I say you are police chief. I did not put you in place to sit on your ass all day. By now, you should have found her. By now, this whole miserable business should be over.”

  “Um, yeah, I understand, Mr. Benoit.” Cormier’s voice was thin and quaky. “My men done been scouring the countryside for this here Angelique Guillory, an’ I’m tellin’ you she cannot be found.” He coughed and cleared his throat. “I sent out an alert with her picture on it, saying she done stole some jewels. That’s what you accused her of, wasn’t it?”

  Benoit’s jaw couldn’t get any tighter. With effort, he took a breath and blew it out. “That’s what I told you. She stole all the pretty trinkets I gave her mama…and some other things that were very valuable. She’s a thief!”

  “Well, I ain’t got even one nibble from any police department in any state in these United States,” Cormier said.

  “You idiot! She’s hiding somewhere. Somewhere an idiot like you can’t find her. Why can’t you perform the simplest act?” He made a disgusted sound. “I’m sorry I put you in office.”

  Cormier blathered on for a moment. “Sir, I’m tryin’ my very best, but there’s only so much a man can do, especially if this woman got herself hunkered down somewhere.”

  Benoit’s voice dropped an entire octave and came out as an oily caress. “But, trust me, my friend. You may not make it to the next election.”


  “Do you understand what I’m telling you, Cormier?”

  “Uh, yes, sir. I do understand an’…” His voice was just a squeak now.

  “It would be so sad if a man such as yourself were to be killed in the line of duty. So sad, indeed.”

  “No—no, sir. Don’ you even think about that. I-I be doin’ my very best, but there ain’t been no sightin’ of this woman, or a woman travelin’ with a young child, by any means of public transportation. Everyone who has ever known Miss Guillory has been contacted and interviewed… Interviewed quite thoroughly, I assure you. None of her contacts had any idea that she was gone, an’ no idea where she would go. It’s like she evaporated.”


  “Evaporated… Now that’s an interesting choice of word, my friend.” Benoit chuckled. “I mean, when a man evaporates, it leaves so many questions unanswered… Like the family. Will they just go on forever wondering if the old man took off, or lies rotting in some gator’s belly?” He smiled, thinking of how his threat must be affecting Cormier. “They would have to appoint someone else to take his job, and his pretty little wife would eventually find someone else.” Benoit guffawed. “An’ his kids wouldn’t even remember him. What you think about that?”

  “I unnerstan’ what you saying, Mr. Benoit, but—”

  “Friday. I give you until Friday. Don’t you let me down, y’hear?”

  Benoit disconnected without giving Cormier a chance to respond.

  He heaved out a gigantic sigh. Why couldn’t he have competent people? Why did he have to put up with these fools?

  Speaking of fools, he thought he should check in with the other idiots, Breaux and Fontenot. He presumed they would not be sober enough to respond coherently this early in the day. From what he could tell, they spent their nights crawling around various New Orleans night spots, asking about Angelique, but according to them, no one had seen the missing wench who had stolen away his Gabrielle.

  What was left to do? Put her picture on milk cartons?

  * * *

  “You’re up an’ crackin,” Fern said. “Is there somethin’ happenin’ I’m supposed ta know about?” She had entered the kitchen planning to make coffee and start breakfast, but Leah was already in place.

  “Morning, Gran.” Leah consulted a recipe from the old index card file she had collected over time. “I wanted to get some goodies made. You know, for Christmas. It’s always nice to have some treats ready to take to a social occasion or just to have on hand. I’ll bet I gain five pounds without even trying.” She let out a little giggle.

  Fern nodded. “That’s a fact. We both will.” She poured herself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the kitchen table. “What do you got in mind?”

  “Well, after breakfast I was thinking I should go on a cookie-making binge…and get Gracie to help. She likes to bake, and I want her to grow up loving to cook.”

  “Yup. Not like yer poor sister-in-law. That Dixie girl sure is a purty ’un, but it’s a wonder Beau an’ that lil’ redheaded girl don’t pass out from starvation.”

  Leah shook her head, but smiled. “Aw, Gran. She’s coming along. Don’t forget she has a business to run in town. I wouldn’t know the first thing about managin
g a feed store. She’s got her hands full.”

  “I guess ye’re right. An’ yore papa-in-law lays on a big spread every Sunday, either at a restaurant in town or he bobbycues up a storm.” Fern sipped her coffee, looking quite thoughtful.

  “He does, bless his great big old heart. Big Jim loves it when his family gets together.” Leah was setting ingredients out on the counter, along with measuring spoons and cups, bowls, and a whisk. She looked so serious, Fern had to smile. Such a good girl.

  “An’ how ’bout that other sister-in-law o’ yorn? Misty. I ain’t seen her around here in a while.”

  Leah raised her head, pressing her lips together for a moment. “I’m staying out of that one. Misty has been giving me the deep freeze since Angelique and Gabrielle arrived. She sure has made it clear she isn’t going to offer Angelique her friendship anytime soon.”

  “Aww, she jus’ got a stick up her butt because her husbin Colt got one up his.”

  Leah was lining ingredients up on the countertop now. The dry ingredients, plus eggs and butter. “I suppose you’re right, but I’m hoping it just blows over. I mean, it’s almost Christmas and I’m sure not going to let their bad attitudes ruin Christmas for the people I love. It’s the time of year for families to get together and show that they really care about each other.”

  “That’s my sweet girl.” Fern beamed with pride at the young woman she had helped raise.

  “I’m so glad Angelique is here and that she has Gabrielle. I know Big Jim is thrilled to have them with him. It’s really sad that she grew up without him.” She shrugged. “But if it hadn’t worked out exactly as it did, I wouldn’t have my spectacular Tyler and he wouldn’t have grown up the middle Garrett boy with the mother he adored. I’m just happy that Angelique found her father after all this time.”

  “You always look on the bright side.”

  “Yep. Mom’s always got her sunny side up.” Gracie came into the kitchen wearing her pajamas, robe, and huge fuzzy slippers. “Can I help you make breakfast?”

  Leah paused in what she was doing to give Gracie a welcoming smile. She opened her arms, and Gracie went to be enfolded in a loving hug. “Of course you can help me. We’re going to make some awesome cookies in a bit, and maybe brownies. But first we have to feed this house full of hungry critters, so how about if you heat up the oven and open the tube of store-bought biscuits. I swear they make ’em so light and flaky now it hardly pays to make them from scratch.”


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