The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever

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The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever Page 28

by June Faver

  The painkiller he had been given at the hospital had worn off, and although he had been issued a small number of those same pills, he was reluctant to ingest anything.

  He was a man, and as a man he should be able to stand up to a little pain. But somehow his shoulder pain was throbbing in time to his heartbeat. He tried to find a more comfortable position, but he really had to stay on his back. He wished he could adjust his pillow, but that was also difficult without the use of both arms.

  Mostly, he didn’t want to disturb Misty. She had been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours. She had lost people she loved in the past, and that was still raw. The thought that she might lose her husband had really stressed her out.

  No, baby. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.

  Colt inhaled… That hurt. He twisted to his uninjured side… That hurt. He raised his head and quietly swung his legs off the bed… That hurt a lot.

  Sitting on the side of the bed wasn’t helping, so he stood as quietly as possible and took a few steps toward the door.

  “If you’re looking for your pain meds, I put them on your bedside table with a glass of water.” Misty spoke quietly without rising.

  “Oh, thanks.” Now he felt like an idiot for trying to fool her. He sat back down on the bed and reached for the container, shaking one of the tiny pills out into his palm. He hated that he was not strong enough to rise above his pain…but he needed to sleep. And he wanted to celebrate Christmas Eve with his family without howling in pain in the middle of the festivities.

  The Garrett family tradition, since the three sons had grown up and branched out with their own families, was to spend Christmas Eve with one’s wife and children and then to go to Big Jim’s house on Christmas Day for a feast and to exchange presents.

  He had an idea that this year, with Misty and Mark, would be special. After his brush with death the previous day, he was especially grateful for the life he had, and for those who enriched it on a daily basis.

  He closed his eyes, glad that the pain was abating. Good drugs.

  * * *

  Derrick had left the Garrett compound early on Christmas Eve so he could check on his own property and take care of his stock.

  Somehow, after he departed, Angelique felt the loss.

  She was still finding it hard to believe that Alphonse Benoit had been taken into custody and that he might actually serve time for shooting Colt and attempting to kidnap Gabrielle. But she knew he was a very powerful man and had a long reach, so she was feeling anything but secure.

  When she was up and dressed, and had awakened her very fussy daughter, she took her to the kitchen to see if a little breakfast would improve her mood.

  “Well, there’s my girls.” Big Jim greeted them by hefting his coffee mug in their direction.

  “You’re always the early bird, Dad.”

  “Gotta get up early to make sure things are set for the day. This time of year is easy. All I gotta do is tend to the stock.”

  Angelique bounced up and down a little, but Gabrielle’s lower lip was jutting out and she laid her head back down on Angelique’s shoulder. “Sounds like work to me.”

  Big Jim set his coffee on the countertop and gestured for Angelique to hand Gabrielle over to him. “There’s my girl. Looks like she’s been sheddin’ a few tears. What’s the matter, honey?”

  Gabrielle sort of melted onto his shoulder.

  “She didn’t sleep well, Dad.” Angelique shook her head. “Neither did I. I kept seeing Alphonse Benoit’s angry face.” She couldn’t repress a shudder.

  Big Jim was bouncing now, and patting Gabrielle’s back. “That is one bad man. But I don’t think we’ll have to worry about him anymore. At his age, going to prison for attempted murder and kidnapping will probably finish him off.”

  Angelique heaved a sigh. How to tell him that Benoit was the devil incarnate? “Um, I don’t think you understand what a bad person he is. He has many henchmen working for him who would do whatever he wants…like kill people. One phone call and someone can disappear forever with no trace.”

  Big Jim’s brows almost met in the middle. “You don’t say? That’s worrisome.”

  Worrisome? He obviously didn’t grasp the enormity of Benoit’s web of evil. “In New Orleans he’s like the godfather of crime. Connected to all kinds of criminal activity.”

  “Well, this ain’t New Orleans. You gotta have faith that the judge and jury will be able to put him away forever.”

  Angelique gripped her hands together. “That won’t put him out of business. He can manage his empire from inside a jail cell.”

  “And you said this bad man’s son was our little Gabrielle’s daddy?”

  She nodded. “Remy was a totally different person. He was sweet and kind and very creative. We were making a good life together, and Alphonse couldn’t stand that we were not dependent on him or involved in his businesses. He had wanted to groom Remy to take over.”

  “Sounds like you had yourself a good man.” Big Jim looked solemn.

  “He was. We had opened a restaurant, and it was quite successful for such a small place. My mom would sing there some evenings. Remy and I prepared the daily menu and served the patrons.” She shook her head. “Alphonse couldn’t stand that, so he ordered his goons to burn the place down.” Her throat tightened. “But Remy had gone in early to make some preparations for a big party we were catering…”

  “You don’t mean…?”

  “Yes, my Remy perished in that fire… Alphonse killed his own son.”

  Angelique went to the refrigerator and took out a large bowl containing fresh eggs from Big Jim’s own hens. She set it on the counter and sighed, glad that he had never known such evil. “Over easy okay?”

  “Aw, that’d be swell, darlin’.” Big Jim offered an encouraging smile. Gabrielle had fallen asleep on his shoulder. At least one of his “girls” was at peace.

  * * *

  Leah was surprised when Tyler turned on the Christmas tree lights earlier than usual. “What’s up, Ty?”

  He went down on one knee to rearrange the presents. It seemed that he was searching for something in particular. “Just thought I would take this opportunity to have a moment with my beautiful wife.” He rose to his feet. “Where is everybody?”

  “JT’s in his crib, and Gran and Gracie are in the kitchen making biscuits.”

  “Good.” He held out his hand, and when she placed hers in it, he drew her into an embrace, kissing her tenderly. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”

  She grinned up at him. “Yeah. All the time…and I love you right back.”

  “After what happened at the church yesterday, it made me even more aware of how fast things can change.” He squeezed her tighter. “When Colt got shot, it was so sudden…blink of an eye.”

  “I know. It was terrifying. Misty thought she’d lost him.” Leah shook her head. “There was a lot of blood. She was really upset. I understand how she felt, but Colt was incredibly brave.”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t about to admit he was in pain. He’s always been like that. The big brother couldn’t be a wimp in front of his little bros.”

  Leah grinned and shook her head. “Men!”

  But she noticed that Tyler was still grim-faced. “Seriously, Leah. I’m trying to tell you I would die if I lost you. I always took it for granted that we would grow old together, but my mom was killed on a church bus accident after a women’s retreat.” His mouth tightened. “It changed all our lives.”

  Leah stood on her tiptoes to offer her lips and was rewarded with a passion-loaded kiss. “Don’t worry. You can’t get rid of me, cowboy. We’re going to be ancient old people sitting in our rocking chairs, holding hands.”

  He gave a little smile. “Well, I wanted this Christmas to be special for us, and I wanted you to have something that you coul
d look at and know how much I love you.” He presented her with a small wrapped present.

  Leah felt a tightness in her chest. She was so happy in her marriage, and so grateful to have connected with Tyler after the horror of her early adolescence.

  “Open it!” he urged, a wide grin on his face.

  She untied the bow, and the paper fell away to reveal a small box from a jewelry store. “Oh, Ty!” She swallowed hard and lifted the lid to reveal a pair of sapphire and diamond earrings. “They’re beautiful.”

  “Your birthstone, right?”

  “This is far too expensive.” She felt tears sting her eyes. “I mean, I don’t need anything so extravagant.”

  “Honey, I needed to give you something special. You can’t deny me the pleasure of giving my beautiful wife a present.”

  “I love these earrings, and I love you.”

  “I love you more,” he whispered.

  * * *

  Beau was having trouble keeping his happiness hidden from his beloved wife. She had just gotten off the phone with her mother, who had a bad head cold and didn’t feel like driving up to spend Christmas with them.

  Beau felt like whooping with joy. Mamie was not the nicest person on the planet, having lied about everything to keep him and Dixie apart. Not his favorite person.

  “This one’s for you, Ava.” Dixie handed a present to their daughter. “It’s from your grandmother.” She leaned against Beau’s shoulder as they watched Ava tear into the large package.

  The package was filled with clothing, which was good since Ava was a young clotheshorse. She held up each item for her parents to appreciate. “I like this one best.”

  “Gorgeous,” Dixie said.

  “That will look great on you, baby.” Beau leaned back on the sofa, his arm around Dixie. He kissed her on the temple. “What did I get you?”

  Dixie roared with laughter, her eyes twinkling. “A Ferrari.”

  “I was feeling generous, wasn’t I?” He leaned over to give her another kiss.

  “Well, I’m pretty sure I’m worth it.” She snuggled closer. “Seriously, what did you get me?”

  “A suntan.” He let his head loll back on the sofa, looking particularly smug.

  “C’mon. I looked at all the presents under the tree, and I didn’t see anything from you to me. Have I pissed you off?”

  He chuckled. “All the time.”

  She punched him on the arm.

  “Here. I got you this card.” Beau shuffled some magazines around on the coffee table and unearthed a fat envelope.

  “A card? You got me a card?” Her green eyes were scorching him. “I got you a new Stetson, a great western shirt, and a subscription to Farm and Ranch magazine.”

  “You are a great shopper, and I love everything you got me.”

  She glowered at him, but held out her hand for the square envelope. She opened it, and her eyes opened wide. “Wow!”

  “What do you think? Is there enough sunscreen on the planet to keep my favorite redhead from getting burned in Aruba?”

  “We’re flying to Aruba?” Her eyebrows had almost reached her hairline.

  “For a week. It’s the honeymoon we didn’t get to take.”

  “But what about Ava?”

  “Dad will spoil her rotten…or she could stay with Mamie. That way I wouldn’t have to spend much time with her.”

  Dixie heaved a big sigh. “You’re never going to forgive her for lying to us, are you?”


  * * *

  Angelique’s first Christmas Eve as a part of Big Jim’s family had been exciting. He’d told her that all of her half-brothers and their families would be descending on them Christmas Day, but generally, his sons spent Christmas Eve with their wives and children.

  Big Jim loved the treats she had made for him.

  He had told her that he had given each of his sons a section of land when they had married, but since she wasn’t a rancher, he knew that wouldn’t be something she could use. “I just want you to be happy, honey.”

  “I’m really very happy, Dad.” She sucked in a deep breath. “I’m trying to believe that Alphonse will really serve time and not pose a threat to me or Gabrielle.”

  “That is one crazy old sumbitch.” Big Jim shook his head. “But don’t you worry. You got your whole family here to keep you two safe.”

  “Thanks, Dad, and thanks for the annuity you set up for Gabrielle. I appreciate that you’re thinking about her future.”

  “She’s a smartie. I want to be sure she can go to any college she decides on.” Big Jim cleared his throat. “But I had a hard time figuring out what my only daughter might like on our first Christmas together.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “You don’t need to give me anything. I have everything I need, thanks to you.”

  Big Jim’s face morphed into a parody of surprise. “What? Now you tell me. And here I was thinkin’ maybe you might want to open a little restaurant in Langston. Misty has been checking out available locations.”

  Angelique let out a scream that brought Gabrielle to her side. “Mommy’s fine, sweetie. Your Grampa just made me very happy.” She smushed both Big Jim and Gabrielle together into a giant hug. “I can’t think of anything better. Oh, I’m so excited.”

  “I know how much you enjoy cookin’, and I thought maybe you could bring a little variety to our town. Lord knows we all been eatin’ at the same three places forever.”

  Angelique spent the rest of the afternoon making notes and contemplating menu items. She couldn’t believe the joy bubbling up in her chest. She had operated for so long on fear and anger, but now she was filled with hope.

  It was late afternoon when Derrick knocked on the door. When she opened it, he stepped right in and swept her into a passionate kiss.

  “Wow! That’s the way to say hello,” she said.

  “That was Merry Christmas and I love you, all rolled up into one.” He gazed down at her intently.

  Angelique felt a wave of warmth sweep through her body. “That is even better. I love you too.”

  “I was counting on that,” he said. “And I’ve got a very important question to ask you.” He dropped down on one knee right inside the doorway and pulled something out of his pocket. “I am hoping that you will marry me and spend the rest of your life being loved.” He produced a diamond ring with an antique-looking setting.

  “Oh, Derrick. Yes, I will marry you.” Her throat felt tight, and she could hardly speak as Derrick slipped the ring on her finger. “This is so nice.”

  “It was my grandmother’s ring. My parents brought it with them when they drove in last night. They can’t wait to meet you and Gabrielle in person.”

  She swallowed hard, blinking away tears. “I-I hope they like me.”

  He picked her up and swung her around. “They’re already in love with you.”

  “Dad!” Angelique let out a loud yell.

  Big Jim came to the front door at a trot. “What’s wrong, honey?” He eyed Derrick suspiciously. “Did this yahoo do something to you?” He gestured to Derrick.

  “Yes, he did.” She extended her left hand for him to admire.

  Big Jim examined the ring. “So, are you gonna marry this guy?”

  “I am,” Angelique assured him.

  Chapter 24

  “Wake up, Angelique. Santy Claus musta come down the chimney last night, ’cause there’s a whole bunch of presents under the tree.”

  Angelique had had trouble getting to sleep the previous night. She went to bed wearing her engagement ring and kept twirling it around. Somehow, she was afraid to take it off for fear it would disappear. It was all the more valuable in that Derrick’s grandmother had worn it and that his parents had wanted him to place it on her finger.

  But when she finally slept, it wa
s a deep and restful sleep.

  Now her father had to rouse her out of bed. “I’m coming, Dad.”

  Gabrielle was on her bed, but was wide awake.

  “Oh, you big girl. I’m going to get you right up.” Angelique slipped out of bed and put on her robe. When she lifted Gabrielle, her daughter wrapped her arms around Angelique’s neck, giving her a fierce hug. “Good morning, precious girl.”

  Angelique was haunted by the thought that Alphonse Benoit had come so close to kidnapping Gabrielle. She wondered how safe they would be, now that he knew for sure where they were living. He could still reach out to his many goons. His money would buy him anything. There were so many people in New Orleans who were terrified of the man.

  She hugged Gabrielle closer, and stepped out into the hallway, surprised to find Big Jim leaned up against the wall, his arms crossed over his broad chest. “Dad?”

  “Good morning, ladies.” He reached for Gabrielle. “How did you sleep?”

  Angelique laughed. “Like a dead thing…” She swallowed hard. “Sorry. I know it’s not a laughing matter, and I’m really sorry Colt got hurt.”

  “Me too, but he’s a tough guy and he’s on the mend. They’ll be over a little later. We usually have a late breakfast together with the whole family. Miz Fern is bringing her biscuits.”

  He hung an arm around Angelique’s shoulders and walked her down the hall to the living room where a large Christmas tree was brightly lit and seemed to be embedded in a sea of presents.

  Big Jim squatted down with Gabrielle, allowing her to gaze at the glowing tree in delight. “I think Santy Claus brought a little somethin’ for you, honey. Look at that big box with the red bow on it.” He pointed to it and nodded when Gabrielle looked at him.

  She ran over to drag the box away from the tree. “Gwampa, you help me.”

  “Sure thing, baby girl.” Big Jim helped her wrestle the oversize bow off and ripped the paper to reveal a doll house. It was obviously scaled for very young girls and made of sturdy plastic, the better to withstand a small child climbing on it.

  “What a nice present.” Angelique clapped her hands together. “Perfect for a little girl.”


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