Bad Boy's In Blue (A MFM Romance)

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Bad Boy's In Blue (A MFM Romance) Page 6

by J. L. Beck

  “I’ll be getting every surveillance video from that hallway in the last hour and you’ll be sitting jail for a while, buddy.” I clenched my jaw and tried to hold my composure, to keep myself from doing something stupid and losing my career.

  He wasn’t going to get away this, not if we had anything to do with it. We would end him.



  I was shaken up because of Luke, my eyes roaming over every person as they walked by. Damon and Davin said they had it covered but Luke wasn’t lying when he said he could ruin their careers as police officers.

  “Hey…” Haley’s voice was soft as she appeared in front of me, coming through the crowded doorway of the only Starbucks on campus.

  “Hey.” I lifted my eyes, meeting her light ones.

  “Everything okay?” Haley’s voice was soothing, and it calmed the spiral of anxiety that had started to form in my belly.

  “It will be soon. I’m waiting to hear back from Damon and Davin on what’s going to happen with Luke.” I sighed, grabbing my Pumpkin Spiced Coffee and bringing it to my lips. The coffee was still hot, and I didn’t want to burn my lips in an attempt to get a taste so I blew into the little hole in the lid to try to cool it down.

  “Everyone’s talking about what happened.” Haley extended her hand across the table. She was the most perfect best friend known to mankind and some days I didn’t think I deserved her. I sipped at the scalding hot beverage, licking the remnants that were left on my lips.

  “I know, I can hear their whispers…” I shrugged. There were cameras all over campus, so as long as Damon and Davin could get access to them all would be fine.

  “I’m here if you want to talk. I know it’s fucked up and everything, but I’m your best friend and I guess I expected you to be a little more unraveled than just sitting in the local Starbucks, sipping on your coffee.” Haley’s comment causes a bubble of laughter to slip past my lips and I stare at her for a long second.

  “I don’t know what it is, but I don’t feel as scared as I should be after an event like that.” I set my coffee down on the table and gaze off into the distance. “I-I have something to tell you, Haley.” I muttered out, tossing the confession around in my mouth. I felt bad keeping secrets from Haley when she was the only person aside from the twins in my life that really mattered.

  “No, you don't have to. I already know.” Haley quipped.

  “You already know what?” My eyes darted back to hers.

  “I already know about you guys… I’ve known for a while now and it’s not something you have to tell me. Though, once all of this passes I’m going to need the gritty delicious details.” Haley grinned mischievously, and I returned a smile.

  Sighing heavily with relief, I grabbed her hand in mine.

  “Thank you, Haley.” I said.

  “For what?” She questioned with a puzzled look upon her face.

  “For keeping your lips sealed, not pressuring me for information, and not judging me. Also, for being the best fucking friend a girl could ever ask for.” A big smile stretched across my lips and I let go of her hand, reaching for my coffee.

  “Of course, duh. That’s my duty as your bestie.” Haley’s eyes were soft even though she was refraining from getting mushy. Haley hated talking about things that made her emotional and I couldn’t really say that I was a huge fan of emotional conversation either. We were the perfect pair of best friends.

  “They’re really really big…” I whispered through a soft giggle, shooting Haley a wink. Her eyes widened with excitement clearly showing interest

  “Ooh! I always figured they would be, lucky bitch.” She bit her lip and flipped me the bird in a playful way.

  “Well you guessed right.” I forced a smile.

  My mood switched quickly, and my face fell.

  “What’s wrong?” Haley reached her hand out and across the table and grasped my forearm once again.

  “What if they lose their jobs because of me? What if people find out that we really are hooking up?” I questioned, my voice laced with concern and confusion. I really, really cared about Damon and Davin and the thought of them losing everything they had worked so hard for because of me didn’t sit well with me.

  “What if? Who cares? You’re an adult, so are they. Who gives a flying fuck? If anyone says anything, it’s because they're jealous that they aren’t either A) pounding you or B) getting double penetrated by them.” Haley furrowed a brow at me and spoke sternly.

  I couldn’t help but laugh a little at how serious she was being and how overprotective she was of me. Holding my hands up in a surrender position, she began laughing. “Okay, well, you know I make a good point.” She said as she shrugged her shoulders.

  “Ugh. I know. I’m just afraid of them losing their jobs, really. That’s all I care about… well and possibly losing my spot on the dean’s list and my scholarships.” I admitted, my nerves building in my belly and making my hands clammy. Anxiety over men wasn’t something I was used to.

  “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” Haley assured me and scooted her chair back; we both stood and grabbed our coffees, my eyes dropping to my phone, as I took in the time.

  “Fuck we’ve got to hustle, girl. We’re going to be late.” Haley spoke up, and we upped our pace as we headed toward our classes parting ways at the quad.

  Walking through the campus halls toward my last class of the day, the stares pierced through me and the whispers echoed in my ears once again. A knot formed in my throat and I choked to swallow it down. Nausea swarmed my belly, and I felt dizzy.

  I can't do this. Not right now.

  Running to the bathroom as fast as I could, shoving past the people spreading rumors, I reached the toilet and all the contents of my stomach came spraying out into the toilet bowl. Sweat clung to my brow my phone chiming in my pocket.

  Everything was getting to me all at once and I needed to make things right with Damon and Davin. I wanted this thing, whatever it was between us to be more than just a hookup.

  The contents of my stomach sloshed around as I pulled out my cell and looked at the text.

  Davin: We need you to come down to the admin building

  I looked at the text for a long second before standing and flushing the toilet. My stomach was still knotted with anxiety but at least did I feel the need to vomit anymore.

  Me: Sure. On my way. Is everything okay?

  I hit send on the message, washed my hands and left the washroom. As I was walking to the administration building fears and anxiety burned through my veins. I sighed with relief, as I pushed through large glass admin doors, and walked into the cool room.

  Davin and Damon were standing in the office area their eyes meeting mine instantly. My core clenched remembering all the insane things they made me feel, not to even mention the things they did to my body. I was at their mercy with or without them.

  “Come with us Elyse.” Damon’s voice was deep like a canyon and they both exchanged a look before heading in the direction of what I assumed was their office.

  I followed behind them, my small legs taking twice the effort to catch up with them. By the time we made it to their office, I felt like I was on the verge of jogging.

  We all shuffled into the spacious office space, where two wooden desks sat, facing each other. They turned, leaning against the desks and suddenly the room got hotter, a lot hotter. Damon eyed me up and down, his eyes roaming over my legs before coming back up to my face.

  “Luke’s been arrested for assault.” Davin started. “We were able to get the surveillance off of one of the nearby buildings showing proof that he attacked you.” I could see the fiery rage in his eyes flickering.

  “Okay, so he’s going to jail?” I blinked. They both nodded together, and I rushed them wrapping one arm around each of them and pulling them both into my chest. My heart was racing, but so were my thoughts. It was a relief that their jobs were no longer at risk and an even bigger relief th
at everything with Luke had become resolved.

  “You’re making me hard as fuck right now.” Davin growled in my ear, while Damon flicked his tongue against the sensitive flesh of my earlobe. I melted into them, trying to remember at time when I had ever felt so full before.

  My heart was full of love.

  My body was overwhelmed with feelings, and for the first time in forever I felt like I might have found my home. Haley was right, who gave a fuck what anyone else had to say about us. They could turn their noses up at me, it didn’t matter, not when I had everything I ever wanted.

  “Before we get to the good stuff, like fucking you senseless we have something we need to discuss.” Damon whispered, and my pulse boomed loudly in my ears.

  “What kind of stuff?” Fear overtook me. I hoped like hell this wasn’t something bad.

  “Oh sweet Elyse, it isn’t anything bad.” Davin assured me his fingers running through my hair softly.

  “Nope it’s good. Good for both of us, all of us actually.” Damon’s voice dipped low as his fingers slipped beneath my skirt. Davin was messaging my scalp, and Damon was burning a path of pleasure up my thigh.

  “Please don’t stop.” I purred.

  “Do you want it hard sweetness?” Davin growled. A moan of pleasure swallowed up my response before it could leave my lips.

  “Do you want us to be yours, and you be ours?” I caught the question as soon as it was spoken, my mind analyzing the words.

  “Like boy… boyfriend...and... girlfriend?” I stuttered, the pleasure still running through my veins.

  They both smirked at me like the naughty boys they were. “Yes like our girlfriend, you’ve got to be fucking crazy if you think we’re going to let you go that easily.” Davin’s eyes burned into mine.

  “Nor would we let you go. You’re ours baby girl, and we plan on keeping you for a very, very, long time.” A shudder worked its way through my body and my heartbeat pounding loudly in my ears. Did I want this? To be shared by Davin and Damon the naughty as hell McGuire twins?

  I licked my lips; of course I fucking wanted this. I just couldn’t believe they wanted it with me.

  “What about your jobs, and the school? The professors…” I trailed off Damon’s fingers grasping my chin and forcing me to look up at him and his brother.

  “We love being cops baby girl, but we can get a job anywhere we want, and if the professors give you any hassle, then you let us know baby, and we will do whatever the hell we can to make it better.”

  Their words were all I needed to hear in that moment.

  “Then yes I want this, if you guys want it, that is…”

  “Fuck…” Davin took my hand and placed it against his steel hard cock. “Feel that and tell me I don’t fucking want you right now? I could fuck you against this desk right now, while you suck Damon off….”

  My pussy clenched, and my cheeks reddened at the thought.

  “You’d like though, wouldn’t you?” Damon snickered; pressing his lips against mine well I rubbed my hand up and down Davin’s steel length.

  “Be ours, forever…” Davin whispered in my ear, and I pulled away from Damon long enough to whisper the words I knew they were longing to hear.

  “Yes. Yes I’ll be yours.” As soon as the words were said, the bond was completed. Damon and Davin were my Bad Boy’s In Blue.


  Three Months Later


  Elyse with her sexy curves was everything. Elyse with a pregnant belly had my cock exploding every time I saw her. It was an understatement when we said we loved her. We more than loved her. We fucked worshipped her. Her body was our temple, and we did everything possible to protect and love her, as she deserved.

  “Kiss me.” She ordered as I tried to feed her another piece of bacon. Davin and I had just finished making love to her, one of us in her ass, and the other in her pussy, stretching her, and filling her to the max.

  “Shhh. You’ve had your fill for the day baby girl, you need to eat.” My eyes dropped to her swollen belly. She was glowing and absolutely fucking gorgeous in every way.

  “Where’s Davin?” She pouted. “He’ll kiss me.” I snickered shaking my head at her. She was naughty, and later I would spank her ass till it was beat red for that comment, but right now, right now we were about to give her what any woman would want.

  “Davin ain’t going to give you anything that I won’t. Don’t try that card baby girl or I’ll take you across my knee right now.” I nipped at her earlobe, feeling her melt into my hands. Davin and I didn’t know who the father of the baby was, nor did it matter to us. We were all one. There was no single person in this relationship.

  “I might like that.” She whimpered wanting more of me, and less of the food I was offering. She was hungry, but entirely for something else.

  “Oh I know you would, but Davin and I have a surprise for you so get off my lap, and be a good girl and close your eyes.” I adjusted my cock as soon as we stood, guiding her outside into the back yard. We each had a ring for her, and mine was burning a hole in my pocket.

  “What do you two naughty boys have planned?” She giggled like a little schoolgirl.

  “Oh don’t worry baby girl we will have the handcuffs on stand by.” I muffled my laughter moving her hands over her eyes while guiding her outside through the back sliding glass door. Davin was setting everything up, and from the looks of it, he was doing a damn good job.

  There were lights strung, and little tea-light candles in glasses. The entire thing was utterly romantic, and I was beyond grateful that he could handle the mushy shit and leave me to the more disciplinary things.

  “Ugh, Damon.” Elyse grumbled and I couldn’t help but laugh. She was so adorable when she was being a pain in the ass.

  “We’re almost there.” I maneuvered her right where I needed her to be in the center of the yard. She wiggled her toes beneath the grass and Davin and I gave each other a look before pulling the two black boxes from our pockets.

  “Don’t move baby girl.” I ordered. A smile peeked out from underneath her hand. Davin and I both let out a deep breath before dropping down to our knees in front of her.

  “Open your eyes.” We both said at the same time. My entire body lit up as she took both of us in on bended knee. She lifted a hand to her mouth, stifling the cry that ripped from it.

  “Oh my God, you boys are so, so, bad.” She shook her head, dropping down to her knees on the ground in front of us.

  “Would you do us the honor…?"I started.

  “Of being our wife.” And Davin finished. She nodded her head yes; her dark eyes swimming with unshed tears. She was beautiful and swollen with our seed. There was nothing more in life we could want or need.

  We had the girl, we had the baby, and we had each other what more could a man want?

  “I love you two. I fucking love you. Both of you. You make me whole. You make me happy, and you make me, me.” She whispered kissing each of us on the lips, well allowing us to slip the one, carat engagement rings onto her hands.

  Read On for a Sneak Peek at Daddy’s Best Friend



  I had never thought I would be that girl. The girl who fantasized about her dad’s best friend and wants nothing more than to be taken by him, but there wasn’t any denying that I was, in fact, that girl it when it came to Reid. With his buzzed dark black hair, sharp jaw line covered in a dusting of scruff, and piercing blue eyes, with a dazzling smile, I always seemed to be weak in the knees whenever he was around.

  It helped immensely in the looks department that he was an ex-marine, making his body bulky with muscles all over. The cords of his neck were built, and he still had that boyish grin even though he was over forty-years-old. His forearms were thick and veiny, and I imagined his cock being just the same and that thought alone caused a wetness to form between my thighs.

  Reid had always been a member of the family though lately he seemed to
be more distant. He’d only been coming around during holidays and birthdays as of late, and I suppose it didn’t really help that he lived a couple hours away.

  I nibbled on my bottom lip, trying to stop my thoughts from turning dirty. I knew the obsession I had with him had to stop, at least some day, but I was still young and hadn’t found a man to curb my needs just yet and a part of me wondered if Reid would be able to help with that.

  If he would be the man to claim my virginity like I wanted him to.

  “I’ve arranged for you to stay at Reid’s for the next two months while I’m gone.” My father was all business like even when it came to parenting. You did as you were told and you were treated like a good little worker bee. You didn’t, and you got… well, I’m sure you get it.

  “Are you sure Reid isn’t upset about this? I don’t want to cramp his style, or invade his privacy.” I licked my lips, the anticipation killing me. I couldn’t let Daddy know how excited I was to be seeing Reid for the first time in nearly a year.

  If he knew my plan or about the excitement that coursed through me he’d pitch a fit and probably send me off to a boarding school.

  I was eighteen now, and ready to take my feelings to another level. I just needed to get a feel for whether or not it was something he would be interested in?

  “I’ve discussed everything with him and he’s fine with it.” Daddy’s eyes softened. I knew he was taking this whole overseas business trip a lot harder than he should have been. I could manage to care for myself after all I was going to have to here soon.

  “Don’t be sad, Daddy. You know Reid will make sure everything is okay, and that I don’t do anything that is against “Dad’s” rules.” I smirked, wrapping an arm around his mid-section. Dad wasn’t much for hugs, stating there was a time and place for them, but today must’ve been a time because he wrapped an arm around me pulling me into his side, the scent of his cologne filtering into my nostrils.


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