Gathering Storm

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Gathering Storm Page 6

by Jess Parry

  “Siobhan, what’s wrong, there is nothing here?” Jason called as he started walking towards her again.

  Looking back in the direction where the stranger had been the space was empty. She ran to Jason throwing her arms around him.

  “Siobhan, you’re shaking, what’s wrong?” Jason asked as he pulled her closer to him.

  “There was a man standing there, he was walking towards me.” Siobhan whispered into Jason’s chest.

  “Honey, I didn’t see anyone but you standing on the bridge.” Jason muttered running his hands up and down her back, protectively shielding her from the racking sobs that escaped her.

  “God, Jason what is going on?” Siobhan asked trembling

  “I think your just tired, I shouldn’t have left you alone on the bridge” Jason said “I should have just let Sarah continue on her way, as she went straight into this restaurant around the corner planting herself at a table near the window”

  Reaching down, Jason tilted Siobhan’s face up to his, taking in the wild look in her eyes. Leaning down he lightly kissed her before turning with Siobhan in his arms. Walking armed in arm down the bridge; they turned the corner walking into the upscale restaurant.

  The warm arm inside instantly hovered around Siobhan, feeling her muscles relaxing from the tension she had felt moments before as she searched for Sarah among the patrons inside. Sitting at the table Jason described, was Sarah looking over the menu. The place was sleek and chic with pristine tables filled with people artfully sitting around seemingly deep in conversation. Sarah looked up when Jason and Siobhan pulled out their chairs sitting down across from her.

  “What the hell happened to you Becky?” Sarah asked eyes wide

  “She thought she saw a man on the bridge that spooked her” Jason answered before Siobhan could open her mouth.

  “Was it like the thing earlier today?” Sarah asked

  “What thing earlier today?” Jason asked turning his head to Siobhan one eyebrow tweaked questioningly

  “It was nothing, I guess you were right, I’m just tired, in a new environment and getting spooked over nothing” Siobhan replied calmly as she kicked Sarah under the table hard

  “Ow” Sarah winced

  “What the hell happened earlier? Siobhan stop kicking Sarah and tell me.” Jason hissed

  “Jeez, it was really nothing Jason, we were at the Guinness Store and you guys were ahead of me. I stopped to read about the water system there. We got separated and when Sarah caught up to me on the stairs, she made a big deal out of my hands being cold” Siobhan sighed on the last word

  “Your hands were like freaking ice cubes Becky, your eyes were too bright and you were flushed!” Sarah retorted looking at Jason

  “Sarah, my hands are always cold and I was flushed from running to catch up to you guys!” Siobhan huffed

  Before Jason could say anything a waitress in a crisply ironed white shirt and straight black pants had stepped up to the table asking if they were ready to order. Grabbing the menu, Siobhan ordered the first thing she saw, followed by Sarah and Jason. After the waitress had walked away to place their order with the kitchen, Siobhan reached over pulling the envelope off the table.

  Ripping it open, she handed Jason and Sarah their copies of the planned itinerary.

  “So as you can see our parents have planned the next two weeks for us. They have given us two days of freedom before we begin our cultured learning experience” Siobhan calmly said hoping to change the subject off her.

  “WTF” Sarah exclaimed as she flipped the pages glancing over the writing. “This is completed crap, so much for we trust you; you’ve shown us that you are responsible young adults…blah…blah.”

  Jason was quiet as Siobhan watched him read through the entire two pages before him. Sighing, Jason picked up his water glass taking a deep swallow.

  “Looks like we have a project to turn in, as our parent’s told the Dean what we were doing, he assigned us papers to write on our experience here.” Jason took a quick breath before looking at both Sarah and Siobhan “He said he would count it towards a quarter of our European history class grade.”

  Eyes widening Siobhan shook her head “I can’t believe it, what about the other seniors? Do they have to do something similar?”

  “No, it would seem that we are the only ones that have been given this great privilege” Jason said slowly

  “Oh this is just a bunch of bullshit!” Sarah shouted slamming her hand on the table

  A few people around them abruptly stopped talking as they looked in their direction; Sarah turned glaring at each one daring them to say something. A few snickered, before resuming their conversations; one couple shook their heads as they walked quickly towards the front door.

  “Great Sarah, we haven’t even got our dinner and you’re going to get us tossed out” Jason hissed

  “Oh screw them, this place is stuffy as hell, but I was starving and cold” Sarah jeered at the waitress who was making her way towards them scowling.

  “Let me handle this, dammit” Jason whispered harshly.

  “Is there something wrong here?” the waitress asked with a considerably brogue accent

  “No, ma’am, my friend and I were arguing over a project we have to do for our class back home. It got a little heated, I apologize if we caused a disturbance, it won’t happen again.” Jason looked up at the waitress his dimples flashing

  Rolling her eyes, the waitress walked away murmuring something about tourists. They watched in silence as she went back to the front leaning in to murmur something to the couple standing there. Siobhan watched, her face flaming, as the three of them were shaking their heads in unison as the waitress lead the couple to another table on the other side of the restaurant.

  Leaning over to Siobhan, Jason whispered “we’re so going to finish this later”

  Turning to look at him with eyebrows arched, before rolling her eyes. Their food arrived a few minutes later, wanting to silence any further conversation Siobhan tore into her food as Jason and Sarah followed.

  “I can’t eat another bite” Sarah exclaimed as she pushed her plate away. Turning in her seat Sarah watched as two guys walked into the restaurant. Smiling wickedly at the tallest one, who looked unabashedly at Sarah in return and winked.

  “I think I found what I’m looking for” Sarah whispered to Siobhan and Jason.

  Rolling her eyes, Siobhan turned to the direction of Sarah’s gaze. The two guys made their way over to their table, looking as if they were late to their dinner party. The tallest one; wore all black his blonde hair with red tips spiked around an angular face. His cool eyes returned Siobhan’s gaze as he grabbed the open chair next to Sarah, turning it around sitting down. His friend who was slightly shorter, with long black hair hanging loosely around broad shoulders, his face turned away from the group only showing a chiseled profile. He pulled a chair over from the opposite table, not even asking the group sitting there if he could. Once he was seated he slowly turned to Sarah, then Jason and lastly to Siobhan. His gaze lingered on Siobhan as she took in his dark eyes reflecting the light bouncing off his eyes it seemed almost afraid to stay too long in the iris.

  “Well, what is the plan for the evening?” The blonde one asked looking at Sarah seductively

  “Dunno, it’s our first night here, what do you suggest?” Sarah asked leaning closer

  “This is a private dinner, who are you?” Jason asked the black haired one sitting next to him

  “I’m here to show the lovelies a good time…what are you here for?” He replied softly

  Giggling Sarah leaned closer to the blonde guy who was currently in a staring contest with Jason.

  “I’m Sarah, that’s Siobhan and this is her boyfriend Jason. Who are you?”

  “I’m Simon, that’s Marcus” the blonde replied to Sarah, but kept his gaze on Jason. “We were on our way to a club and saw you two lovelies sitting at the window. Thought you might like to join us?”

; “Definitely” Sarah replied a little breathlessly

  “Uh, Sarah, I don’t know if we should” Siobhan stammered

  “Oh come on, we’re supposed to be learning the culture here, so I say yes let’s go!” Turning Sarah yelled at the waitress for the check as a soft chuckle came out of Marcus.

  The waitress ambled over, dropped the check and stood there staring at the group before her with a slight frown. Jason pulled his wallet out tossing some bills onto the table as he rose.

  “Keep the change” he said as he stuffed his wallet back into his back pocket.

  “After you” Simon purred to Sarah. Sarah giggled again as she stepped around Marcus, heading towards the door. Siobhan jumped out from behind Jason running to catch up to Sarah, grabbing her arm she pulled Sarah closer to her.

  “What the hell are you doing Sarah?”

  “Getting ready to have some fun, as will you, so get your panties untwisted” Sarah murmured back as she glanced back at Simon. “I must say, Simon is a fine specimen, but Marcus is awfully quiet”

  “Take a right when you walk out it’s about three blocks down” Simon’s voice held a lilting tone that sent a shiver up Siobhan’s spine.

  Closing her eyes, she inhaled taking a quick breath as the smell of cinnamon and cloves surrounded her. A peaceful calm fell over her, the tension she had been feeling fell away as she exhaled. Opening her eyes, she looked back at Simon and Marcus unable to remember why she had been worried around them.

  Jason who was now walking between Simon and Marcus barked out a laugh at something Simon must have said as he winked at Siobhan. Simon bounded up to Siobhan and Sarah, tossing his arms around them as they walked towards the club.

  “Lovelies…Lovelies…what shall we do with you?” Simon’s voice wound around them, pulling them into a tighter group, Siobhan felt the giggles rising up again. Simon pulled them apart spinning them around into a circle, Sarah stumbled, laughing madly as she grabbed onto to Simon to keep from falling.

  “Hang on lovely; we don’t want you to hurt yourself before we even make it onto the dance floor! You must promise to save me a dance” Pulling Sarah closer to his embrace Simon winked at Siobhan “You as well lovely”

  Siobhan felt her face flushing, looking down at her feet, embarrassment washing over her. Quickly, she glanced back up to see an older couple making their way towards them with their dog. The dog was happily trotting in front of the older couple as they ambled along hand in hand. They idly watched the group boisterously laughing before them. Siobhan smiled widely at them eyes twinkling as bent down to pet the dog. As her fingers nearly touched the dog’s head, he reared back growling and snapping his teeth viciously. Squealing loudly Siobhan snatched her hand from the dog’s sharp little teeth before it snapped its mouth shut. In the blink of an eye Marcus appeared next to Siobhan pulling her behind him.

  “Watch your goddamn mutt” Marcus hissed baring his teeth at the older couple. The woman’s old eyes widened in fear as she quickly made the sign of the cross before her. Her husband pulled on the leash yanking their dog closer to him.

  “Devil be off with you” his gravelly voice cut through the fog surrounding Siobhan. Blinking several times the colors around her were not as sharp or bright as they had been. She started to apologize to the couple as Sarah and Simon sauntered over to where she stood next to Marcus. She watched Simon take in a deep breath, then blow it in the older couples direction. Sucking in a breath, Siobhan watched as the older couple’s faces went lax; a dazed look came into their eyes. Exhaling loudly she caught the faint whiff of cinnamon and cloves lingering vaguely on the air.

  “Naughty girl, you missed the best part” Simon pulled Siobhan closer to him blowing a soft breath into her face. Siobhan breathed in the stronger scent of cloves, closing her eyes as the wave of calmness fell over her again. Sighing contently she opened her eyes slowly grinning at Marcus, as Simon’s laughter rang loudly around her.

  “Be off with you, and take your damn dog home. When you get in bed tonight dream of your youth as it’s clearly left you” Marcus cooed at the couple. Smiling at each other, they stepped around Marcus pulling their still growling dog down the street. Siobhan turned around reaching for Jason who stepped up to her pulling her into a tight embrace. Leaning up she kissed him tenderly on the lips.

  “Now…Now Lovely, we’ll have none of that unless it’s Simon or myself you’ll be planting those lush lips onto tonight” Marcus wiggled a finger between Jason and Siobhan breaking apart their embrace. Laughter erupted from Sarah as Simon once again twirled her around him.

  “Hey I thought you said it was just a few blocks to the club” Sarah whined

  “Tis just a little further” Simon returned as he leaned over kissing Sarah lightly on the lips

  Siobhan heard the bass from the music thumping off the buildings before they turned the corner to see line of people waiting to enter an old building. The windows were all painted black, or any sign over the two doors telling Siobhan what the name of the club was. Two burly bouncers stood outside checking I.D.’s and occasionally opening one of the doors to let a couple go through.

  “Seriously, I’m not standing in a damn line; it’s too damn cold out here! Its summer it’s supposed to be hot!” Sarah stopped dead in her tracks staring at the amount of people leaning against the building. Some were talking; a few blew halos of smoke over their heads. Some couples in the back were engaged in a deep lip lock groping between their partners.

  “What the hell is the name of this place?” Sarah asked as she turned towards Marcus letting go of Simon’s hand.

  “Purgatory” Marcus replied as he pulled Sarah to her whispering persuasively “Have you been naughty lovely? I do lover the naughty ones”

  “Oh yah, I’m a bad little girl” Sarah whispered back to Marcus

  “Well, then lovely, we can walk right in, we’ll skip the line tonight” Marcus pulled Sarah into his embrace, smartly smacking Sarah on the rear.

  They walked past the line, enlisting a few cat calls towards Sarah. The bouncer closest to the line looked up meeting Siobhan’s gaze. A flicker of shock grazed his face, but was gone when Siobhan blinked. He was as tall as Marcus, broad shouldered with lean hips. He was also dressed in all black, with short cropped black hair, his steely brown eyes missing nothing. He was rugged and earthy; if it wasn’t for the scar going down his left eye to his chin he would have been beautiful. Shaking his head, he pulled the door open letting Simon waltz in first.

  Sarah and Marcus followed with Siobhan and Jason behind them. As they entered, the bouncer grabbed Siobhan’s arm pulling her close to him. She caught a faint smell of burnt embers surrounding him, wrinkling her noise as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “Watch who you let touch you in there, a soul is a delicate thing” his raspy voice whispered bitterly

  A few of the people at the front of the line began calling out to the bouncers. The bouncer let go of Siobhan as he turned to the waiting crowd snarling. A hush fell outside as Siobhan walked into the blaring music instantly surrounded by blackness. Jason’s hand brushed against Siobhan’s back as she blindly reached for him. The darkness enveloped them instantly, but Siobhan could feel the bass from the music pulsating all around her. She felt hands pulling at her hair, grabbing her clothing trying to pull her in different directions. Pulsating lights raced around her, craning her head she tried to catch where the lights were coming from, but they darted away as quickly as they came. She squeezed Jason’s hand before looking behind her to see how his reaction was to all this, but couldn’t see anything but blackness.

  It felt as though they had been walking for miles, she knew they were walking down, but wasn’t sure how long they would continue. Stumbling into Marcus and Sarah, Siobhan looked up as the pulsating lights danced across her face illuminating the entrance before her.

  The room was spacious; there were speakers twice the size of Jason scattered throughout with people dancing on top of them. There
were black lights posted sporadically along the ceiling casting an unnatural glow to the neon colors peeking along the floor. The colors would shine brightly before a dancer would cover the space again, shrouding the floor in darkness. There were bodies everywhere dancing to the music. Taking in her surroundings, Siobhan blinked a couple of times feeling the darkness begin to close in. Dizziness began to swim just around the edges of her vision as she stumbled forward reaching her arms out for the wall.

  Simon’s face appeared before her pulling Siobhan into his arms. He leaned in as if he was going to kiss her; Siobhan watched as his mouth opened feeling a cool breeze feather her face. Closing her eyes she inhaled the rich scent of cinnamon and cloves. Her body instantly going limp in Simon’s embrace, he chuckled softly reaching up he brushed a strand of hair from Siobhan’s face, watching her intently.

  “Ah lovely, we can’t have you grasp what is around you entirely” Leaning over softly kissing her forehead before letting her go. Siobhan opened her eyes to gaze at Simon grinning above her. She took in the severe angles of his face, the blonde hair spiked around his head like a halo. The sharp nose slightly crooked. Blinking she focused on his eyes. They were violet; she had never seen violet eyes before. They were a deep purple with light pulsating around the iris. The pull to touch Simon was too much; she reached out a hand tentatively towards his face.

  Simon’s eyes took in her movements, with a smirk he leaned his face closer to her. Siobhan grazed his cheek softly; Simon’s eyes closed for a moment as a sigh escaped his lips. When his eyes opened they were glowing, fisting his hands into her hair he pulled her closer. She could feel the muscles in his body tensing against hers, as heat engulfed her.

  Siobhan closed her eyes in anticipation of the kiss, her lips opening slightly awaiting the pressure of Simon’s lips against hers. The air around her shimmered, coldness encased her as Simon’s embrace disappeared no longer supporting her. She reached out blindly grabbing on to anything to stabilize her, finding only air.


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