Gathering Storm

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Gathering Storm Page 18

by Jess Parry

  “Yes, child old one, but we’ll talk more after dinner.” Claire reached over to one of the platters over flowing with potatoes and passed it to Shawn.

  Siobhan shook her head at Sarah when she saw Sarah opening her mouth to speak. Closing it quickly, Sarah took the potatoes from Shawn and plopped some onto her plate. The ritual continued until everyone had a bit of everything on their plates. Eating in silence, Siobhan pushed her food around, her appetite lost.

  “Siobhan, please eat something” Jason asked through a mouthful of food

  “I am Jason”

  “No, you’re pushing it around your plate”

  “Seriously, Becky you need to eat something” Sarah started between bites “Wow, Claire this is really good!”

  “Thank you” Claire responded

  “I’m Sarah, by the way” Sarah spoke quietly between bites

  “Yes dear, I know who you are” Claire responded as she rose to take her now empty plate to the sink

  Sarah’s eyes widened as she choked on her drink and stared at Shawn. Shawn’s body erupted as laughter exploded from him.

  “I called Gran today and told her I was coming home, I didn’t tell her why, but I did mention I wanted her to meet you and that your name is Sarah”

  Sarah slapped Shawn on the shoulder as he continued laughing “Well thanks for telling me that!” Sarah exclaimed “I thought your grandmother had known my name by reading my mind!”

  “Ahem, no I was able to tell who you were when Jason introduced Siobhan, that and your aura is very well so I knew you were not the one needing my help.” Claire responded

  “Oh” Sarah mouthed as she watched Siobhan’s eyes begin to water

  Blinking back tears, Siobhan stood feeling closed in; she wanted to bolt through the back door into their yard. She wanted to breathe in the night air and pretend everything was still normal.

  “I suggest you sit back down” Claire responded sternly “You running off into the night isn’t going to help”

  “How did you know I wanted to run?” Siobhan asked

  “Easy enough to feel the chaos running through you at this moment, you want to run to those woods, but you are not ready to tread into the wild”

  Dropping into the chair, tears silently fell down Siobhan’s face. Claire walked over and put her hands on Siobhan’s shoulders as she sobbed.

  “Child, you are an old soul, but not lost as that damned witch said” Claire squeezed Siobhan’s shoulders “Come, I’ve put some water on for tea. I have just the blend that will help calm you” Turning Claire gazed into Shawn’s face, frowning slightly “Ah I would say you should have some too”

  “Yes, Gran it’s been a long day and the tea will help” Shawn cleared his throat glancing at Sarah’s look of confusion

  “Someone, want to explain what the hell, oops heck, is going?” Sarah replied loudly

  “In time dear” Claire answered

  “How about now” Sarah screeched “We’ve been in the hell the past few days and I’m really tired of all this cryptic crap!”

  “Shawn, you are going to have your hands full with this one” Claire laughed as she pulled the screaming kettle off the stove. Reaching onto the shelf above the sink, she pulled out two glass jars and dropped leaves into two cups from one. Placing the leaves from the other glass jar into the other three cups, she poured the steaming hot water into them.

  Siobhan watched as the steam began to rise towards the ceiling. It’s aroma was a mixture of earthy roots, but she also caught under currents of jasmine and Chamomile. Claire then added a couple of drops of honey into the first two cups before bringing them over and setting them in front of Siobhan and Shawn.

  “Drink” Claire said calmly

  Siobhan picked up the cup automatically and took a tentative sip of the hot fluid. The tea slid down easily down her throat, sending shivers of pleasure through her. She could taste the sweetness of the honey, but not the bitterness of the mug root and wolfs bain Claire had added. Siobhan immediately felt the tension within her dissipating as the warmth spread though her tired body.

  Claire set the other cups in front of Jason, Sarah and sat down next to Siobhan with her own cup. Shawn blew lightly into his cup as he sipped. Silence fell around the room as everyone drank their tea, the occasional single call of an evening bird the only sound.

  “Now, why don’t we start at the beginning?” Claire asked

  “Oh where is that exactly?” Sarah responded

  “Sarah!” Siobhan exclaimed

  “Well, I mean where is the beginning… I mean come on, everything started getting freaky deaky the first damn night we arrived. We ran into those two guys, Simon and Marcus, they got us wasted and there was the witch Moira who went after Jason” Sarah huffed

  Claire’s eyes widened in shock as she reached over and grabbed Siobhan’s hand tightly. Siobhan whimpered as she tightened her grip when Siobhan tried to pull away.

  “Gran what is it?” Shawn asked as concern flooded him

  “Shh child, I need to listen” was the only response Claire gave. Siobhan watched as Claire began shaking uncontrollably, her closed eyes fluttered quickly as her lips silently mouthed untellable words. The color drained from Claire’s face as the images flashed before her.

  An image of Marcus standing beside Siobhan, his eyes glisten as he watched Siobhan drinking winter wine. Another flash of Siobhan in a crowded club, desire overflowing as she watched a demon slowing drinking a woman’s blood. A flash of darkness as she felt invisible arms enveloping Siobhan protectively. The sounds of a heartbreaking voice invade Claire, the longing of love filling her with sadness.

  Ripping her hand from Siobhan, Claire whimpered as she rose from the table rushing to the sink. Grabbing a bowl she quickly filled it with water from a bucket before dropping her hand into it. Shawn jumped up quickly, knocking his chair over as he raced to his grandmother’s side.

  “Gran, what the hell just happened?” Shawn asked quickly

  “Oh my boy, you and your friends are in terrible danger” Claire’s voice trembled

  “Oh well for shit’s sake, I told you it’s freaky deaky time!” Sarah cried out

  “Sarah, just shut the hell up!” Jason boomed

  “This is my fault” Siobhan cried out as she rose and started to run to the door.

  “Don’t you dare go outside” Claire’s voice boomed out stopping Siobhan just as she reached for the door knob.

  “God, please let me go, if I get away from you and everyone else you’ll be safe” Siobhan sobbed

  “No, it won’t” Claire answered calmly “Please, sit down; just give me a minute to finish cleansing my body of the spirits. Then we’ll talk”

  Turning away from the door, Siobhan reached over and picked up Shawn’s chair as she made her way back to hers. Falling into the chair, she watched as Jason pulled his chair over to her. Reaching for her, Jason pulled her into his arms tightly.

  “I love you” he whispered

  Shawn walked over to his chair, pulling it closer to Sarah, he sat tiredly into it. Sarah reached over and grabbed his hand. Their gazes fell onto Claire as she returned to her seat. Color was slowly returning to her features, but Shawn noticed his grandmother looked older than he had ever seen her. Her eyes were shadowed, the wrinkles around her face seemed deeper, and her mouth trembled slightly.

  Clearing her voice, Claire raised her eyes to her grandson holding them for a moment before turning to Siobhan.

  “This is all my fault. If my grandparents hadn’t told my parents the only way I could go on this trip was if we went to Ireland, to my grandmother’s home.” Siobhan shuddered “We would be on some beach somewhere now instead of sitting here.”

  “Your family is from here?” Shawn asked

  “On my grandmother’s side” Siobhan responded

  “What is your family name?” Claire asked quietly

  “My grandmother’s maiden name was McAllister”

  “There were M
cAllister’s in this land hundreds of years ago.” Claire suddenly rose

  “Gran, where are you going?”

  “I need to grab my book”

  Claire went into a small room off to the side of the kitchen, they could hear the shuffling of objects. She walked quickly out of the room carrying a huge book in her arms. Sitting the leather bound book onto the kitchen table, she started flipping through the yellowed pages. Siobhan caught beautiful writing on the pages as Claire continued searching. Stopping abruptly, her finger on a single name, she quickly looked at Siobhan, eyes widening.

  “So it is true”

  “What is true Gran?” Shawn asked quickly glancing at Siobhan

  “The curse” responded Claire so softly they almost didn’t hear her

  “Curse…what damn curse!” Sarah wailed

  “Your name, how did you get it?” Claire asked Siobhan

  “My mother said the name just popped into her head after a long labor with me” Siobhan whispered

  “Yah, like you believe that” Jason snorted

  “Oh no boy-o she was telling the truth, but that name only appears every hundred years” Claire responded as she flipped several pages before stopping again “Here it is again, but this girl died at a very early age, she died of sickness”

  Turning a few more pages, Claire stopped putting her finger on another name “This one died in a tragic accident at sixteen” Clearing her throat, Claire set down and sighed heavily.

  “I still don’t understand what this has to do with Siobhan?” Jason asked

  “Siobhan is the name of the girl that died hundreds of years ago, she was a McAllister, a curse was placed on her before she died. Over the years any daughter of a McAllister that was named Siobhan died at a very young age.” Turning to Siobhan, Claire took her hand, she jerked slightly as the icy touch of Siobhan’s skin against her warm skin.

  “You are a descendent of that family, so with your name comes that curse”

  “Oh this is just bullshit!” Jason roared

  “Why was she cursed?” Siobhan asked trembling

  “She fell in love with the one person she never should have met”

  The finality of the statement rang through Siobhan’s core. Blinking back tears, she turned to Jason as he squeezed her hand. His finger grazed the ring on Siobhan’s hand, a shooting pain shot up his arm, rearing back he let go of Siobhan.

  “Dammit, that ring zapped me again” Jason shouted

  Claire grabbed Siobhan’s hand, she felt the ringing pulsing as it shot currents into her hand, gritting her teeth, she continued to turn the ring reading the inscription. Shawn could feel the power emanating off the ring into his grandmother as he held her shoulder. Shaking, he felt the chaos within him begging to be released, but he was unable to let go of his grandmother.

  “What the hell is happening?” Sarah hollered as she watched Shawn and his grandmother vibrating

  “I don’t know” Jason reached for Siobhan’s hand, snatching it out of Claire’s grip. Claire and Shawn immediately slumped into their chairs.

  Sarah pulled Shawn into her arms, running her hands down his shoulders. “Are you ok? Shawn talk to me please.” Sarah begged

  “I’m ok, but wow, that ring sure has some powerful magick in it” Shawn’s voice shook slightly “I’m glad I didn’t get the full effect in the hotel room earlier.”

  “You touched this earlier with no effect on you?” Claire asked her grandson


  “Blasted witch” Claire muttered “When she put that ring on you, she told you it was to protect you, but it wasn’t.”

  “How did you know that?” Siobhan asked

  “When I held your hand earlier, I saw flashes of the past few days. One was of that cursed witch in the shop, I, that was a simple trick she played on you, with help of course.” Claire reached for her now cold cup of tea, taking a deep drink to calm her nerves before she continued. “I can’t give you the exact details of the curse, it was sealed from us years ago, but I can tell you a little of what I am to.”

  Thunder rumbled in the distance, followed by the booming sound of lightning striking the earth. Everyone, but Shawn and Claire jumped as the deafening clap shook the house. A minute later rain pelted against the house, angrily pinging against the windows. The power flickered before going out, Sarah screeched as she blindly grabbed onto Shawn.

  An audible click of a lighter brought a glimmer of red into the darkened room illuminating the faces slightly around the table. Claire brought the flame down to the candle wick, a small popping noise sounded as the wick caught. She then raised the candle taking the little light with her into the next room.

  The kitchen fell into darkness again with the absence of the candles light, Siobhan shuddered as coldness began seeping into her just as a flash of lightning brought a quick blaze of light into the room. Luminous green eyes just outside the back door’s glass caught Siobhan’s gaze. Sucking in a breath, she watched as the eyes continued to stare into her. She watched as wind whipped golden hair around the strangers face obscuring his features. She caught streaks of blue and blank woven in between the pale strands. She felt a scream begin to bubble up through her, opening her mouth she started to expel the ear shattering fear that was consuming her.

  Lightning raced across the sky before darkness blanketed the room. Blinking Siobhan tried to adjust her eyes to the sudden darkness; she looked back at the door expecting to see the figure there, but only caught the shadow of the woods in the distance as lightning rocketed across the sky.

  “Here we are, that’s better” Claire said she came back into the kitchen illuminating the room in brightness of candles burning brightly on a tray.

  The edges of fear receding from Siobhan, she watched as the rest of the group slowly calmed.

  “Did any of you see the figure at the door just now?” Siobhan asked hoarsely

  “What figure” Sarah squealed as she turned quickly to look at the door

  “I didn’t see anything or anyone” Jason jumped up and ran to the door

  “Don’t open it, they can’t enter my home without permission, which I have never given, but to one” Claire turned to look at Shawn briefly before setting the tray of candles onto the table. “I have protected this house for years, they will not enter, but they will always get as close as they possibly can.”

  “Who?” Sarah squealed

  “Gran, are you sure?” Shawn asked

  “Oh hell no, I’m not staying here, this is just going beyond batshit crazy voodoo shit” Sarah wailed as she rose from her chair.

  Shawn grabbed her arm pulling her sharply back into her seat “If you care as much as you say you do for your best friend, then sit down and be quiet.” Shawn barked before shaking his head and adding softly “please”

  “My grandson is right.” Claire spoke directly just as the chimes of the grandfather clock upstairs began striking. Claire counted to ten as she listed to the clear chime of the hours past. Twice more the hilting clock announced the witching hour and Claire gritted her teeth.

  “It’s the witching hour on the eve of the summer solstice” Claire’s lilting voice broke the silence that had fallen over the house. “The storm will blow over before morn, but without power, I suggest we call it a night.”

  “Oh no, I’m not tired, I want to get to the bottom of this crap” Jason’s voiced boomed over the grumbles from Siobhan and Sarah.

  “No, we’ll not talk about this anymore tonight. Shawn, take everyone upstairs and show them their rooms. I have a couple of things I need to tend to before turning in.” Claire started towards the little room off the kitchen before turning back to eye each one still sitting firmly “This is not option for negotiation”

  “Come on, I’ll show you where we’re sleeping” Shawn grumbled as he started toward the stairs.

  15 CHAPTER Fifteen

  Ash stood inside the shelter of the woods shaking with rage as he felt the chaos running rampant within h
im. The storm he had summoned had done little to disperse the hoarfrost yearning to rupture out of him. He could feel the sharpness of the bitter cold snapping through his fingertips.

  Pacing he stared at the darkened house yards in front of him, roaring in anguish his voice was hidden by the sudden burst of thunder echoing in the night sky. He stopped suddenly as he felt the shimmer of air scatter around him.

  “Go away” Ash snarled not bothering to look at Marcus

  “No” Marcus replied calmly as he walked towards Ash. Watching as hoarfrost slowly began creeping towards him, he lithely stepped around it. Growling, Ash flicked his hand in the direction of Marcus shooting hoarfrost directly onto the path Marcus stood.

  A chilling laughter escaped Marcus lips as he brought the chaos within out, flicking his hand, he shot a shimmering bolt of energy onto the oncoming hoarfrost. The sound of hissing steam erupted around them as the hoarfrost seared into the night air.

  “That wasn’t very nice Ash” Marcus calmly replied as he continued to walk closer to Ash

  “Dammit, why won’t you go back to the darkness?” Ash grumbled

  “You are losing control, I can’t let that happen”

  “The hell I am!” Ash boomed

  “The hell you are! Look the bloody hell around you!” Marcus voice resonated powerfully “You have a damn storm running rampant against that house.” Sighing he turned to the house watching a single candle illuminated the blackness within. “You know you can’t get in, there has only been one who was ever granted access”

  “Yes I know, your damn son, who I told you was taking my beloved here” Ash whispered hoarsely “I can’t even penetrate that damn house with a push”

  “There is a way, you have already started the dreams, you can still reach her through them” Marcus turned back to Ash watching the emotions flicker over his friends face

  “I have to touch her to bring the dream memory forward you damned fool”

  “No, you gave her the book, your essence is in the words, it will call to her”

  “I don’t know if she still has the book or if that damn boy has it”


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