Shifter Magnetism

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Shifter Magnetism Page 10

by Stormie Kent

  Nic helped Leila to her feet. “It will get easier each time you do it. We should shower and change. My mother is correct. Soon there will be shifters at the door wanting to know what my first orders are.”

  There wasn’t any time to take advantage of his mate in the shower. They washed quickly, and the first knock came just as they both finished putting on pants. It was Jake. He’d been Manuel’s third behind Nic. Since Nic had spent most of his time on police affairs, Jake had actually been acting second. Everyone else’s place in the pack would sort out as dominance challenges happened. For now, each member would take over the tasks of the shifter one step higher than them.

  Jake’s posture was rigid, though his expression gave no hint to his emotions. “Manuel has decided to remain in the pack. Mary is gathering their things now. Your mother is directing the move here. We can send some people over to the alpha female’s home to retrieve her things.”

  Nic turned to Leila and smiled when she simply stared back at him. “He means you. You’re the alpha female.”

  Her eyes widened to a comical degree. “Oh. My name is Leila, and no, thank you. I need to go through all my things to see what I’m keeping at my place.”

  Panic gripped Nic, and he quietly breathed through it. At least she hadn’t balked at staying with him for the moment. “We’ll leave Leila’s things for now. What else is on the agenda?”

  “You already have petitioners. Those who wish to speak with you about their mates have already requested audiences.”

  Nic glanced at Leila. Her eyelids drooped, and he realized she’d been trapped in a cage earlier and then almost killed a man, only to return home to find all her possessions destroyed.

  Leila placed her hand in his. “I’m fine, Nic. I would like to see what you’ll have to do. It might take my mind off the rest.”

  Nic turned back to Jake. “Set it up in the Yard.”

  Jake left, and Nic pulled Leila into his arms. “I didn’t anticipate any of this.”

  She hugged him back tightly. “You have responsibilities. I understand that.” She drew back and smacked him on his bottom. “Let’s go, wolfman.”

  When they walked downstairs, the house was empty. He could clearly hear talk from outside. Stepping out of the house, he stared at nearly every shifter living in their compound. Children laughed and played, running between the adults’ legs. Two chairs were set up in front of Nic’s home, where the Yard’s imaginary boundary lay. He led Leila to the seats and sat her to his left before taking the right.

  Two shifters brought a chair and table and set them up to Leila’s left before Tammi, the pack meeting recorder, sat there with her laptop. Once she was ready, she gave Nic a thumbs-up and a wink. The new third, Devin, waited for his nod before quieting the crowd. The petitioners had been given numbers, and Devin called the first to come forward.

  It was an older couple, Bill and Harriet Stewart. Harriet Stewart played cards with his mother every Friday night. Nic had a pretty good idea what they wanted to petition him for.

  Bill did the talking. “Alpha, our son Ron mated a human woman. He was banished from the pack when he wouldn’t give her up. Prejudice against outsiders isn’t unique to the Coldwell Pack, and they are still looking for a pack to accept them. They are expecting their first pup. Ron is a master plumber. He would be an asset to the pack. We petition to have his status reinstated and to allow his mate to become a part of the pack.”

  Ron was a good guy, and he’d worked at the pack-run plumbing business before Manuel had thrown him out. Wolves without packs were unstable. Nic hoped all the petitions were this easy. “If Ron and his mate wish to join our pack, they may return and file for full membership. Is that all?”

  Harriet Stewart had tears in her eyes. “Yes. Thank you, Alpha.”

  Nic heard five more petitions about pack members being banished for having human mates. His answer was always the same. Then there were the disputes that Manuel hadn’t been taking care of when he’d been trying to track down Nic. It took him another hour to work through them all and call an end to the petitions. He set up another session in two days.

  Then, to escape, he took Leila into town to the strip mall to find some things to wear. When they returned, the shifter on guard duty informed him his things had been taken to the alpha residence. He parked behind the building and gathered Leila’s bags.

  Leila regarded the house with narrowed eyes. “You get Internet out here, right?”

  He looked over at her and controlled a smile.

  “What? I work from home most days, and I need to stay connected to do my job.”

  Satisfaction coursed through him as he realized she was planning on staying for a while. He would have time to convince her they should be together. “We get Internet. Whatever else you don’t have that you need, I’ll get for you.”

  Each home came with a base set of furniture—couch, lamps, a bed, and a dresser. Pack members could redecorate as they saw fit. Nic noticed all of Mary’s paintings and throw rugs were gone. He led Leila upstairs to the master bedroom. “Good. They brought my bed over.”

  “Like your creature comforts, do you?”

  He drew her close and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I have good taste. I mean, have you seen my woman?”

  His mate’s smile was something to see. She gently pushed her hand into the hair on the back of his head right before she pressed herself closer and kissed him. He enjoyed the feel of her mouth and tongue on his and marveled at how lucky he was to have such a feisty and responsive mate.

  She’d replaced her sundress at the mall, and he broke their kiss, reached for the hem, and dragged the dress over her head quickly. He’d picked out her matching black lace bra-and-panty set and was careful while he removed it, kissing her delicate skin as he revealed each inch.

  She returned the favor, removing his shirt and pants and then slowing when she slid his boxers down his legs. When she went to her knees and reached for his cock, he grabbed her.

  Leila resisted his touch. “What are you doing? I want to taste you.”

  Nic shuddered with desire at her words. He hauled her to her feet. “As much as I would love that, I almost lost you today. I want some time to touch you and reassure myself you’re alive.”

  “We were both in danger, Nic.”

  He lightly kissed her lips when she pouted. “I know. Just humor me, mate.”

  She was everything to him, and he’d nearly lost her twice. It was one of the reasons he’d fought Manuel so fiercely. He knew Manuel would have killed him, leaving Leila and his mother to the other shifters’ mercies. Manuel wouldn’t have been able to resist Leila. She was an alpha female, and her allure was unmistakable. He’d have tried to take her despite already being mated. Leila would have fought him.

  The thought of it caused Nic to press her tightly to his chest.

  “What is it, Nic?”

  He backed her to the bed, lifted her, and laid her down on its center. Searching her gaze, he was satisfied by the desire in her eyes. He climbed over her and braced his arms on either side of her head. He kissed her lips, swirling his tongue with hers, reassuring himself that they would live to love each other another day.

  One of her delicate hands clasped the back of his neck, and he brought his hand over to caress her collarbone. He slid his palm lower and stroked her breast, swallowing the moans she released as he kneaded the soft globe before tugging one turgid nipple. Leila arched into his touch, and he paid attention to each of her responses, lightening and deepening his touch until he coaxed deep sighs from her mouth.

  He dragged his lips away from hers and trailed kisses down her neck and across her breast before taking her nipple into his mouth. She opened her legs under him, and he slid his cock along her hot, wet slit. They both moaned in unison, and Nic paused a moment fully pressed against her to gather his senses. He wanted to enter her now and feel her hot sheath pulse around his cock, but he also wanted to worship her a little longer.

bsp; When he’d regained control, he slid his cheek lovingly across both breasts, absorbing her scent before sucking her other nipple. He caressed every inch of her from her neck to the crease of her knee. He loved the feel of her, soft and supple in his arms. He loved how they fit together. He loved her scent and that she was soaking his cock with her arousal. He pulled away from her breast and looked down into her face, completely softened by desire. She smiled, and his heart tightened.

  He loved this little witch who literally had taken a piece of his soul.

  She moved restlessly under him, and he realized he’d been staring at her for what must have been an uncomfortably long time. He gathered her into his arms, clutched her tightly to his chest. He claimed her mouth again as he withdrew and entered her as slowly as he was able, savoring every delicious wet inch and delightful contraction of her pussy.

  He cradled her in his arms, one hand behind her head as he leveraged into her, making sure his pelvis stroked her clit with each thrust. He released her mouth as she gasped for air, and pressed his lips to the side of her neck. Her nails scraped his back as her other hand squeezed his ass and urged him deeper inside her.

  Her breath caught, and she exhaled near his ear. “I’m coming.”

  He could feel her body winding up to her climax. Her inner walls clutched at him, begging him to stay. He eased out as far as he could in order to thrust back into her with more enthusiasm than finesse. His fangs descended, and he tried to control the urge to mark her, but his wolf wouldn’t be denied. He loved the witch too.

  Nic sank his fangs into Leila’s shoulder. She froze before she screamed out her orgasm, bucking beneath him. Her nails turned to claws that raked his back, and then he felt her fangs sink deep into his shoulder. His climax was instantaneous and almost vicious in its intensity. He rode her through it, slamming his hips against hers, wringing every last drop of pleasure from the moment.

  He barely remembered licking the wound he’d created on her shoulder and feeling her doing the same to his. He held her close until his body stopped shaking and his heart rate returned to normal.

  He turned his face to Leila and winced as he felt the claw marks on his back. She never opened her eyes as she kissed his cheek and nuzzled his neck. He heard the steady rhythm of her breathing and realized she’d fallen asleep.

  He squeezed her tighter and wondered just how he was going to keep her safe.

  * * * *

  Two mornings later, Nic was busy making pancakes at the stove with his mate cuddled up behind him, her lush breasts pressed into his back and her hands stuffed deep into his pockets. The knock on the door didn’t surprise him one bit.

  Leila lifted her head from his back. “That’s your mom, right?”

  He smiled and caught her hand as she tried to move away. “Your sense of smell is sharpening.” He turned so he could wrap an arm around her shoulders and tapped her gently on the nose. “Come in, Mamá.”

  “Buenos días, my darlings.” His mother was radiant as she kissed them each on the cheek. She stood staring at them with her hands clasped over her heart.

  “It’s too early to be thinking about babies already, Mamá.”

  “Since you brought it up, it’s never too early. Look how gorgeous you both are. My grandbabies will be the cutest pups ever.”

  “Well—” Nic stiffened as he sensed the wolf at his door.

  He gently unwound Leila’s arms from his waist and strode across the room to open the door before the person on the other side could knock. One of the sentries stood there. He lowered his eyes, but Nic could clearly see how anxious he was.

  “Alpha, there has been a murder.”

  Chapter Eight

  Nic scanned the trees, looking for anything he may have missed. The body was in the woods directly outside pack lines. There were no scent markers to indicate the woman had been chased through the woods or even walked through them. Her body had been dumped by the bastard who’d attempted to kill his mate.

  “He’s leaving me another message.” Leila rubbed her arms as she moved around to get a look at the woman’s face. Her gasp had him moving closer automatically.

  “Ametta.” Leila’s voice was barely a whisper. “I just spoke to her the day of the costume party.”

  Nic pulled her to him as the sound of sirens in the distance came closer. He’d kept everyone back so as not to contaminate the crime scene more than it had already been. They wouldn’t find anything with their human equipment. This guy was elusive.

  Nic said, “We’ve checked almost all the rogues in Coldwell. If this last sorcerer on our list, Findor Stevens, isn’t the killer, then we are dealing with someone hiding that he’s completely gone over to the dark side, or he isn’t from around here.”

  Leila hugged Nic tighter. “The other attacks were spaced seven days apart. It has been only six since he attacked me. Has he moved on to other witches, or is this about me?”

  “He’s angry you got away. And he’s bat-shit crazy.”

  The police cars pulled up just then, and Nic watched as the officers exited their vehicles and walked toward where Nic and Leila stood. He shook hands and introduced himself and Leila.

  “Lobo.” The female officer, who’d introduced herself as Officer Johnson and her partner as Officer Boyd, seemed to search her thoughts for where she’d heard his name. “This is your case isn’t it? Word is your fiancée was the only one of his victims to get away.”

  “Looks like he’s leaving you gifts now.” Officer Boyd shook his head at the young witch who would never take another breath.

  Leila squared her shoulders. “I know who she is.”

  The policeman stopped and focused on Leila. Officer Johnson took out her notebook and pen. “Who is she, Ms. Barclay?”

  “Her name is Ametta Best. Our parents have known each other since they were kids. She owns a new age crystal shop in downtown Coldwell called Crystal Dreams.”

  Nic held on to Leila as she answered questions about Ametta’s phone number and next of kin.

  Officer Johnson looked up from her notebook. “Was she seeing anyone?”

  “She was going to be married.” Leila turned to Nic and buried her face in his neck. Her shoulders shook as she cried, and he ran his hand over her back in an attempt to soothe her.

  Officer Johnson closed her notebook and tapped the pen against the cover. “I think I have enough information from you, Ms. Barclay. We know where to find you if we need anything else.”

  Nic nodded his thanks to Officer Johnson.

  He heard more cars in the distance and watched as the medical examiner and more homicide detectives showed up. He sent Leila back to the house with a guard. He had work to do, and the humans wouldn’t understand her helping him to process a scene.

  * * * *

  Nic felt weary down to his bones as he made his way back to the alpha residence. The sorcerer knew where Leila was. Had he been hiding nearby when they’d come to the shifter town? Why hadn’t Nic detected him then? How was the bastard tracking her?

  When he walked into the house that still didn’t feel as if it was his, Leila sat on the couch talking on the phone. She hung up as he headed toward her.

  “Uncle Kofi has put a warning out to the other Councils about our killer. I’ve been calling the Councils in the surrounding counties. I have a list of rogues here. I’m waiting on a few callbacks. If Stevens isn’t our guy, we have more people to investigate.”

  Her eyes were way too bright, and he responded to her distress by gathering her close. “We will catch him, Leila. We won’t leave him to keep hurting others.”

  “I talked to my mother and Ametta’s parents.”

  When Nic found this guy, he was dead.

  “My mother is calling an emergency meeting. She wants you to speak with the Council.”

  Nic pushed down his natural aversion to the thought of being trapped in a roomful of mages. “Jake is going to crap kittens trying to figure out how to keep me safe against that many witche
s and wizards.” There was no way he would disappoint Leila, though.

  “I didn’t think of that. This is Coldwell; supernaturals here don’t do meet and greets.”

  Nic tried to ignore how good she felt as she tried to snuggle closer to him. It surprised him she hadn’t taken offense at his comment. She surprised him almost constantly.

  Leila ran her palm over his abdomen. “How many shifters is Jake going to be comfortable with you taking?”

  “In his shoes, I would argue against the alpha going at all. If he insisted, I’d suggest a squad of twenty.”

  “My mom will never let twenty shifters in the meeting hall.” She chewed her lower lip, and he struggled to return his mind to the seriousness of the situation and not how sexy it made her look.

  He cleared his throat. “Maybe we could meet in neutral territory. A park would be good. Lowen Park allows you to rent pavilions. Everyone can bring a seat who wants one, and Jake can bring as many wolves as he wants to cover the perimeter.”

  “I’ll call and see if my mother will agree, and you go and let Jake know what is happening.”

  Nic released Leila reluctantly and walked out onto the porch. He didn’t want to talk to Jake; he wanted to continue to hold his mate. Besides, he would tell Jake how it was and let the man figure out the logistics. Once they’d ironed out the new pack structure and he felt more comfortable trusting Jake, he’d discuss more and order less.

  Jake was at work, so Nic called him and told him what he wanted. He could almost hear the man’s head exploding. Then he spent a half hour listening to Jake explaining to him why it was the worst idea he’d ever heard. He listened because he would have said all the same things to his alpha.

  He ended the call at the same moment he felt Leila’s hand on his back. “She agreed, and even allowed me to call to rent the pavilion. I knew you would feel safer in a neutral meeting place.”

  Turning, he captured his mate’s lips. As usual, she started on slow burn and immediately caught fire. Perfect. She was the most perfect woman in the world for him. He needed her right then and began walking her backward toward the front door.


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