Titus: Luna Lodge #2

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Titus: Luna Lodge #2 Page 12

by Stevens, Madison

  He twisted, and the door broke free.

  Titus stooped down to pick up her shivering body.

  “I will always come,” he whispered to her. “Always.”

  She shook hard in his arms.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  She sobbed into his chest and gripped his shirt.

  “They’ve been injecting me with something to speed up my ovulation,” she said. “Titus, I’m so hot. It’s like my whole body is on fire.” She looked him in the eyes. “I need you.”

  He swallowed. He had been fighting it up to this point, but he felt his own need responding to her.

  Titus shook his head.

  “We need to get out of here, Kate,” he said quietly.

  The sounds of grunts, punches and bodies falling to the floor punctuated his sentence.

  She nodded and held him tighter.

  Titus looked around and found Lucius and Apollo were nearly finished. He refused to think much about the bodies littering the floor. Instead, he concentrated on his plan to get out of there with Kate.

  A roar echoed through the halls, and Kate shook uncontrollably in his arms.

  “That’s our cue,” he shouted to the men.

  Both nodded.

  Titus hefted Kate higher into his arms and moved out of the cage. Lucius and Apollo flanked him on either side, ready to take on the last few hybrids that looked torn on if they should fight or run.

  He moved forward, and his men moved with him. Titus was getting Kate out of there.

  The few stragglers seemed less interested in fighting them as they looked around at their fallen comrades.

  They rushed out the door and back down the long hall. Lucius stopped to smell the air, but they knew what was coming. The Pale Man was on his way, and if they didn’t make it into the light, it might be the last day for all of them.

  The door to the outside came into view, and Titus sighed. It was going to be all right.

  “Titus,” Kate groaned in his arms. “Run,” she whispered. “Run.”

  He looked down at the end of the hall. The Pale Man came into view. The door was still wide open.

  “Run,” he shouted to the men.

  Lucius and Apollo were closest. He watched as they lunged through the open door. Titus kept his eyes on the Pale Man. He was fast, faster than Titus would have ever expected.

  After tossing Kate to Lucius, Titus threw himself through the door just as the Pale Man reached him. He could feel fingers brush him and grunted in pain as something clawed along his calf. Titus jumped to his feet and looked back into the door.

  The Pale Man stared at him from the shadows. Blood dripped from his long, sharpened nails.

  “It’s not over,” he hissed and slammed the door.

  Titus looked down at his bloody pant leg. The Pale Man was far more than they ever thought.

  He held out his arms to Lucius and took Kate back into his arms. She shivered and snuggled into him.

  “What the fuck was that?” Apollo stared at the shut door.

  Titus turned and walked back to the trucks. They weaved through Carter’s men on the ground. The soldiers were ready to shoot anything that came out.

  “I think it’s new,” Titus said. “I don’t know how, but he seems to be changing even more.”

  They found Carter on the phone. “I need that plane back here right now,” he yelled into the phone. They listened for a moment as he talked. “I don’t give a shit what Woods said. He’s not in charge. Now you get it the fuck back here.”

  Titus glanced over to Lucius and Apollo. They needed to get away, and they certainly needed to escape by nightfall. As is, they likely only had a couple of hours.

  “Fine, you call when you’re an hour out,” Carter said. He turned to Titus. “That bastard Woods set us up.”

  “We need to get out of here,” Titus said. “How far out are they?”

  “About three hours. Woods sent them on some wild goose chase.”

  Titus shook his head. “Not enough time,” he said tightly.

  Titus looked off in the distance and thought. There were really no good plans at this point. Kate groaned in his arms and shivered hard. He really needed to get her to a doctor, but that didn’t look like it was going to happen soon.

  “We get as close to the airstrip as we can. Those things come after us, they aren’t going to differentiate between us and civilians,” Titus said to the men. “There are more than a few cabins around. Maybe we can find an abandoned one that is defensible.”

  The major nodded. “Agreed.” He looked at Kate and frowned. “Is she going to be okay?”

  “They gave her something,” he said. “I need to get a hold of Doctor Fisher.”

  Carter nodded. “You all take the Jeep, and we’ll use the rest of the vehicles.”

  Lucius stepped forward. “To be honest, sir, it’s a little hard for us to be around her at the moment, so we’d like to ride with you.”

  Major Carter looked between the three of them. “Why is it hard to be around her?”

  Lucius and Apollo looked to Titus. He sighed.

  “They gave her a drug for ovulation,” he said, glancing away from them. “She’s over-producing certain pheromones.”

  “Oh,” Carter said. He frowned. “Well, okay then.”

  Titus might have laughed if the whole thing wasn’t worrying him. Besides being even paler than before, her shaking was now near constant, and she barely seemed to be aware of the world around here.

  “Titus,” she said, opening her eyes. “Please,” she whispered.

  He felt his body respond to her and quickly moved over to the Jeep. She slipped into the front seat, and he fastened the seatbelt.

  “We’ve got to get you out of here,” he whispered. “Just hang on a bit longer.”

  She nodded and shook. “Hurry.”

  Titus shut her door and looked back to the men. “Let’s find a place now.”

  * * *

  “Rachel,” Titus said into the phone. “Where’s Doctor Fisher?”

  “He took his lunch and didn’t come back,” she said. “It was slow around here, so I’m not surprised he cut out.”

  “Well, that’s great,” he grunted. “I need your help.”

  He glanced over to Kate. Her head rested against the window. She panted and shook in her sleep. He could smell her need. It was driving him insane. He glanced down and noticed how she gyrated her hips in the seat, creating friction to help with the need.

  “Titus, make it better,” she moaned.

  He took in a few deep breaths.

  “Calm down there, tiger,” Rachel buzzed in his ear. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s Kate,” he said and tried to keep his voice calm. “They gave her something.”

  “Gave her something? If they poisoned her, you need to take her to a hospital right now,” Rachel said hurriedly.

  “It wasn’t poison,” he said.

  “Well, what are her symptoms?” she quickly asked.

  His cheeks flushed as he spoke. “They gave her something for ovulation,” he said quickly. “She’s horny.”

  He growled at her laughter. “Is that really a problem? Go get her, big boy.”

  “Enough,” he shouted. “You need to take this seriously. We’ve just escaped the most powerful hybrid there is and will likely have to face him down again before the night is over. Kate is in pain over this, and all you can do is laugh,” he spat out at her.

  She quieted. “I’m sorry,” she said after some time. “The most I can really offer is to make her as comfortable as you can and let it pass. As inconvenient as it might seem, if you help her work it out of her system, it could very well pass faster.”

  He glanced over at her. Her eyes found his and pleaded for some sort of relief.

  “How can I?” he said quietly. “When she’s like this, it’s just not right.”

  “Titus,” Rachel said softly to him. “She knows you love her. Tell her, and it will be fi
ne. She needs you right now and more than just in the physical form.” She sighed. “I might joke and make fun, but I was worried like everyone else for her. It’s just how I deal with things. Kate is my friend, and I just want to see her happy. You do that, and it will all work out.”

  His hands tightened on the steering wheel as a campground came into view.

  “Thanks, Rachel,” he said quietly. “Send someone over to Fisher’s house and have him call me.”

  “Will do,” she said. “And, take care.”

  Titus hit end and looked back to Kate. Even if she forgave him, he didn’t know how he’d ever be able to forgive himself.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kate sat on the bed and watched as the men walked around the cabin and talked. It was pissing her off. Mainly because not one of them would even look at her. Here, they had come all this way to rescue her and no one would even acknowledge she was there. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to stop shaking, as waves of heat pulsed through her.

  She took several deep breaths trying to concentrate. “Do I stink like him?” she said.

  Several of the men near hear jumped away as if they might catch her awful smell.

  Titus cleared his throat. “Maybe you should all clear out for a while,” he said.

  Kate watched as the men filtered out of the room.

  Titus walked over to Lucius. “Just call if you see anything or if the plane is in.”

  She watched as he shut the door and locked it. He went from window to window and pulled the curtains tight.

  He sat down heavy on the bed.

  “Titus,” she said softly and crawled over to him. “Do I smell?”

  He jumped when she touched him. She frowned.

  H got up quickly as his eyes started to glaze over. “God Kate, you smell so good.”

  Titus moved across the room. Kate looked down at herself. She was still wearing the silky red dress from earlier. She wanted nothing more than to burn it.

  “What’s wrong?” She stood and walked over to him. He backed up until the back of his legs touched the chair. He dropped into it without his usual grace.

  Kate straddled his lap.

  “Titus,” she whispered. “Why does everyone keep moving away from me?” It was so hard to keep her mind focused. Romulus and the cage seemed distant, so long ago. She ached in need. The need was consuming her mind.

  He stared at her mouth as she spoke.

  “Remember? They gave you drugs, Kate,” he growled. “Right now every part of you seems to scream sex.”

  She shivered. “That’s exactly how I feel,” she moaned. “Touch me, Titus. Make me feel better.”

  He groaned as she shifted her weight onto his hard length.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Kate.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “They gave you drugs,” he nearly shouted. “What kind of man would I be if I took advantage of you like that?”

  Kate leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his. Her hips twisted in his lap, and she knew she was winning.

  She pulled back to stare at him. “The man I love,” she shouted at him. Surprise took them both. She hadn’t really meant to let that out. She smiled at his surprised face. “The kind of man that I love,” she said softly, the warmth of her love pushing back the fog in her mind. “The kind of man that would risk everything to find his woman. Who would resist being with her just to save her.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the mouth.

  “I already know exactly the kind of man you are,” she said.

  Kate leaned her forehead on his as another wave of need coursed through her. She knew even if she didn’t have the drugs in her system, she’d still want him badly.

  “Please, Titus,” she whispered. “Make me feel better.”

  He roared as he took her mouth, his fingers ripping the dress off her body.

  “I fucking hate red,” he bit out.

  She grinned and nodded.

  His mouth sought her hard nipples, and she groaned at the feeling. He bit gently, and she came hard from the feeling.

  “I can’t wait,” she moaned.

  She burned for him.

  Kate yelped when he stood and carried her over to the bed. He dropped her onto the bed and flipped her roughly onto her stomach.

  “See I wasn’t the only one feeling it,” she whispered.

  Titus tore her panties from her body.

  “They smell like him,” he grunted. “You should only smell like me.”

  She felt his fingers prod her and groaned when he brushed her clit. It wasn’t going to take much if he started to rub her again.

  She gasped when his fingers moved back, and he plunged his cock deep inside her.

  “Yes,” she moaned and bucked her hips back onto him. It was exactly what she wanted.

  He reached his rough hands around and grasped her breasts as he thrust hard into her. Kate pushed back hard against him. She increased the pace and smiled at the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

  “Fuck, Kate,” he bit out.

  “I’m so hot for you,” she moaned. She reached down and rubbed her clit.

  The first parts of her orgasm shook her deep inside. She squeezed deep inside and knew he felt it as well when his hips slapped faster against her ass.

  She moaned when he pulled out.

  “More,” she groaned.

  He chuckled as he flipped her onto her back and pushed back in. Her legs wrapped around him, and she groaned again.

  Titus gripped her hips and lifted up. She felt him reach deep inside her at the new angle and tightened each time her cervix was bumped. He slammed into her faster than she thought anyone could move.

  If it hadn’t felt so good, she might have felt a little embarrassed with the noises her pussy made as he drove into her.

  He pushed her legs onto of his shoulders and plunged in even faster at the new angle.

  “Oh,” she grunted.

  He slammed in hard and ground himself deep inside her. His head brushed her cervix several times. She shivered at the feeling as another orgasm ripped through her.

  “Fuck,” he grunted. “I can’t hold off much longer,” he said. “You’re coming so hard.”

  “Come, Titus,” she whispered. “Come for me.”

  He shook as he exploded in her, shouting his release as he came.

  Kate moaned when he pulled out and climbed on the bed beside her.

  She scooted next to him and placed her head on his chest.

  He was quiet for a moment before rolling over on top of her.

  “I love you too,” he said. “I wanted tell you earlier, but I just couldn’t hold back any longer.”

  She placed her hand on his face and kissed him softly. “I thought you had a pretty good way of showing it.” She grinned. The ever-present need that had been consuming her finally had dulled somewhat, but her body still burned with desire. “Although, I don’t really know what I’m going to wear when we leave here.”

  He nodded to his bag. “You’ll wear something of mine,” he said. “But we’ve got time.”

  She gasped when he nudged her with his already growing cock.

  “Again?” she groaned.

  “Has the drug been worked out yet?” he whispered into her neck.

  She moaned and ground her wet pussy down on him.

  “No,” she said softly.

  Titus sat her up and lifted her hips.

  “Ride me, Kate,” he said gruffly.

  She lowered herself onto his throbbing cock. She was surprised with how easily she slipped down on him.

  Kate leaned down and kissed him softly. Unlike earlier, this time she moved slowly, enjoying the feel of his touch as she moved.

  She sat up and watched his face as she moved on him. Fully seated inside her, she rocked her hips a few times, creating the same stimulation he had earlier.

  “God, I love you Kate,” he whispered.

  “I know.�

  She gasped as he chuckled and rolled her over.

  “I know?” he raised an eyebrow. “Apparently I’m not working hard enough if that’s the response I get.”

  He continued her leisurely pace, sucking her nipples hard into his mouth.

  “Titus,” she groaned.

  He bit gently, and she hissed at the sensation. Kate bucked her hips.

  “Faster,” she moaned.

  “Hum,” he said and pulled away from her breasts. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  She frowned at him. “Go faster,” she said and stared at him.

  He grinned and slowed his movement even more.

  “Did you say slowdown? I’m having trouble hearing you,” he said.

  Kate huffed and rolled them until she was on the top.

  She slammed hard on top and grunted as he pushed in deep.

  Her hands found his, and she slipped her fingers through his.

  “I love you too, Titus,” she whispered.

  Kate gripped his hands as she bounced quickly on him. Her climax was so close.

  “Tell me again,” he whispered. His hands slipped away from her and rested on her hips.

  “I love you, Titus,” she said.

  He gripped her hips and slapped himself up into her. His thumb found her clit and rubbed quickly.

  Kate leaned forward to grip his arms and steady herself.

  He grunted and slammed hard into her, causing her own release.

  She groaned as she slipped off him and under the covers. All she wanted now was to sleep for a solid night.

  He moved in beside her, and she sighed at his warmth.

  Whatever might come, he was the one she wanted beside her, the one that would fight for her and, ultimately, the one she wanted to fight for.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kate woke up warm and cozy. She felt far more rested than she should be.

  “How are you feeling?” Titus rumbled from beside her

  “Better,” she said with a smile. “Unless you feel like going a few more rounds.” She glanced over the window. Dusk was almost ready to give way to true night.


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