Toxic New Year: The Day That Wouldn't End: The Day That Wouldn't End (Alex Desephano Series Book 4)

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Toxic New Year: The Day That Wouldn't End: The Day That Wouldn't End (Alex Desephano Series Book 4) Page 19

by Judith Lucci

  Shooter clapped him on the back and said, “No doubt, my man. But, just to clear the air, I like her. She is beautiful … a real stunner.”

  Louis smiled happily and raised his eyebrows. “Yes she is beautiful, but you need to leave her alone. She’s my daughter and I want to monopolize all of her time, at least for now,” he added.

  Jacob Stark listened to the conversation and laughed. He poked Shooter in the ribs and said “Forget it. The last person you want to have angry with you is this gentleman right here.”

  Shooter nodded and said, “Okay, Louis, I’ll leave her alone for now. Just remember that once you guys have had time to make up for the past 30 years, I’m gonna make a play for her!”

  Louis nodded and said, “It’ll take a long time to catch up because 30 years was a long time to miss. By the way, she’s going to dinner with us this evening at Tony’s over in Lakeview.”

  Shooter shook his head adamantly and said, “Louis, I told you that’s not a good place for us to go. You know it’s an old New Orleans Mafia hang out. Why should we go there and look for trouble?”

  Louis shook his head. “Shooter, it’s not anymore. It hasn’t been since Katrina. You know Tony’s an old friend of mine. We’re going and that’s final.” Louis said with a defiant look and a fiery tone.

  Perplexed, Shooter shook his head, but remained silent.

  “Why don’t you guys go clean up and meet us back down here in the lobby. Alex went to my room to freshen up. I’ll stay here and finish my drink and meet all of you in about half an hour.”

  Stark nodded, and he and Shooter left the table, headed toward the elevators. “I don’t want us to go to Tony’s,” Shooter said stubbornly. “I know he thinks its okay, but a lot of the street guys from the mob hang out there, no matter what he said. Tony is too old to know all of the new bosses.” Shooter scratched his head and continued, “Hell, I don’t know all of them anymore since Joey took over. Joey eats there all the time.”

  Stark shook his head and said, “We’ll just have to be prepared for anything. I wish his daughter wasn’t going with us. I sure don’t want him to have any trouble on his first day with her.”

  “Yeah, I hear you. That would totally suck.” Shooter shook his head and shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “Stubborn old goat,” he added.

  Stark was about to reply when his burner phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a text from Mary.


  Stark felt panic pierce his heart. He immediately returned the text.


  Shooter was looking at his friend with concern as he studied Jacob carefully. “Hey man, what’s up? You’re white as a ghost.”

  Stark could barely talk. He finally whispered, “They’ve found Mary and Haley. They tried to kidnap her from school.”

  “Oh, no, Oh my God. What’d you tell her?”

  “To catch the first plane out of there and we’ll send a plane to pick them up and bring them to NOLA,” Stark stated definitively.

  Shooter nodded with assurance. “Not a problem, man. Louis will send his plane. Just tell him when and where.”

  Jacob heaved a sigh of relief as the elevator opened on their floor.

  Chapter 51

  Alex was delighted when she met her dinner companions. They were the same men who’d been sitting near them at the bar. “Wow, how lucky I am to meet my father and two great guys in one short afternoon,” she said graciously as she shook Jacob Stark’s hand. Jacob merely smiled, but Shooter bowed and kissed her hand. She beamed with delight.

  As Louis’s Mercedes traveled slowly down Fleur de Lis Avenue in Metairie, Shooter and Stark were all eyes, scanning to either side and behind them. As the group entered the restaurant, everything was calm. Soft music played and there was a low buzz of people engaged in quiet conversations.

  Shooter immediately walked into the bar to scope it out. He didn’t see anyone he knew, so he joined Louis, Alex, and Stark at their table, which was in a private area in the corner of the restaurant.

  Within a couple of moments Tony Angelo himself came over and embraced Louis in a great bear hug. The two talked quietly for couple of moments while Alex, Stark, and Shooter examined the menu. Shooter was the first to say, “I’m doing ‘Feed Me’.”

  Stark looked surprised and asked, “What are you talking about?”

  “Feed Me. It’s the best food you’ll ever eat in your entire life,” he promised. “They just keep bringing dishes until you can’t eat anymore.”

  “How many dishes? I’ve never had more than a four course meal.” In truth, this was a stretch for Stark since he was strictly a meat and potatoes kind of guy.

  Shooter was uncertain. “I don’t know, maybe 13 or 14 or so. You’ll be able to handle it,” he assured his friend. Shooter turned to Alex and said, “Alex, have you been here before?”

  She nodded and said, “Yes, I have, but only for a buffet dinner. I’ve never had ‘Feed Me’ here, but I hear it’s fantastic.”

  Louis heard her as he returned to the table. “Well, Alex, you will be having ‘Feed Me’ tonight. It’s something everyone must experience and believe me, I’ve waited to have this again – waited for a very long time,” Louis said with a faraway look in his eyes.

  Alex started to protest, but he waved away her objections.

  “Give it a try, Alex, you’ll love it,” Shooter assured her, “and I’ll eat what you don’t.”

  Two waiters appeared and Louis ordered a bottle of white wine, a bottle of red wine, and ‘Feed Me” for all four of them. Dinner and the conversation were wonderful, and Alex didn’t think she had ever eaten anything quite so good.

  Stark was in his glory. “Louis, this is absolutely the best dinner I have ever had. Can we eat here tomorrow as well?”

  Louis laughed and said, “Yes, my boy. We will eat here any time you want, Jacob. For as long as we are in New Orleans.”

  “How long will that be,” Alex asked, wondering how long she would be able to see her newly found father.

  Louis shook his head and seemed uncertain. “A few more days at least. I plan to go abroad. I have a home in Europe I need to oversee. It would mean everything to me if you would come for a month or so … maybe longer,” Louis stammered, aware that he was asking Alex, the daughter whom he’d avoided for thirty years and just met, to travel abroad with him. It was a stretch, but he wanted to put it out there.

  Alex looked uncertain, and thought quickly before she answered. She was aware that Shooter and Stark were watching her carefully. “I … I don’t know if I can do that. I haven’t been back to work for very long.…” She turned to Shooter and Stark and said, “I was injured the first of January in an explosion on my grandfather’s farm in Virginia, and only returned to work several weeks ago.”

  The wheels were turning in Shooter’s mind and the realization registered on his face. “Oh my God, Alex. Was that the terrorist attack against the Congressman, on New Year’s Day?”

  “Yes, it was,” Alex said quietly. She felt monumental pain stir through her heart as she remembered the day and the devastation. She was hardly able to talk about it. The reality of what had happened was foremost in her mind, and she was being treated for PTSD and nightmares.

  Shooter was explosive. “Those sons of bitches, how dare they come and attack a man, I don’t care who he is, and his friends and family at a party.” He slammed his fork down and noticed that the conversation around him had stopped. He looked at Alex and she was pale as a ghost.

  He gave Louis and Alex a sheepish look and apologized, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to go off like an idiot.” He took Alex’s hand and said, “I’m so sorry.”

  Alex squeezed his hand and said, “It’s OK, Shooter. It’s been so recent that it still hurts
to talk about it. I am pretty much OK now. I just have some bad dreams.”

  Louis patted Alex’s hand and said, “I vote for Bananas Foster and Cognac. Who’s in?”

  Alex and Shooter raised their hands, but Stark looked distressed and distraught. Clearly, something was troubling him. Shooter shook Stark’s shoulder and said, “Wake up man, it’s time for dessert. We’ll take care of that other stuff later.”

  Stark managed a weak smile and said, “I’m in.” Then, he turned to Louis and said, “Thank you. This has been a great dinner … and a memorable one.” If I didn’t have to take care of Haley, I’d end it all now. Look what I have done to this beautiful lady and her family. He couldn’t bear to look at Alex, even though she was smiling at him brightly.

  After a memorable dessert of Bananas Foster, the four headed to the parking lot, laughing and talking.

  “Stark, do I need to breathalyze you or are you able to drive?” Shooter laughed.

  Stark grinned and said, “I’m a lot better than you, Buddy, the way you’ve been throwing ‘em back.” He turned toward the others. “I think we’ll be alright,” he assured Louis and Alex.

  “I’m not worried,” Alex assured him.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Shooter taunted as held the back door for Alex, and then slid into the passenger seat.

  Stark skillfully maneuvered the car out of the parking lot and as they pulled on to Fleur de Lis, three cars with bright lights and screeching tires stopped within inches of their vehicle.

  “Down, down on the floor board,” Shooter hollered to Louis and Alex. Jacob and Shooter grabbed their weapons just as the other three cars backed up and roared away.

  No one spoke in the car. Finally Alex mustered, “What was that all about?”

  Stark cleared his throat and said, “No idea. It was probably some good-for-nothings looking for excitement.”

  “Or gang bangers. Who the hell knows,” Shooter added. “Kids these days ain’t got no sense or manners.”

  Alex reached for Louis’s hand. “Are you OK?”

  He smiled at her and said, “Yes, I’m fine. And you?”

  “The same,” she assured him. She thought she saw a flicker of pain pass over his face at the same time he touched his chest.

  Her heart sank. There was something wrong. “Are you sure you’re OK?” She noticed Stark looking at him via the rear view window.

  Shooter turned around and asked, “Louis, do we need to stop somewhere?”

  Louis shook his head. “No, I’m really fine. Just had a little chest pain, probably from anxiety or too much good food. It’s probably indigestion,” he added as he laughed it off.

  Alex was still concerned as he walked her to her door. It was almost eleven. “Sure you’re OK? I’ve got an ‘in’ with the best hospital in town,” she teased.

  Louis smiled at her, thinking how lovely she was, even this late at night. “I promise. I had some problems with my heart earlier this year, but I feel great now.”

  As Alex leaned in to hug him good night, Louis asked, “Tomorrow?”

  She nodded. “Call me. Sleep tight,” she murmured as she gave him a hug.

  Alex entered her home, headed toward the kitchen, and made herself a cup of sleepy-time tea. She checked her cell and saw that Monique had called her three times and sent her three texts. Robert had called as well.

  As she sat sipping her tea, her mind was racing. She was wide awake as she reviewed the afternoon and evening conversations in her mind. It was perfect. I had a wonderful time, but I wonder if the Mafia is still looking for Louis or if they have a score to settle. If those were hoodlums or gangsters, they surely had nice cars. Nevertheless, she planned to meet her father for dinner again the next night. It just felt right.

  Chapter 52

  The tension in Louis’s black Mercedes was palpable. Shooter had moved into the backseat with Louis and Stark was driving.

  “Louis, I told you that we shouldn’t go to Tony’s. It’s a mob hang out. Someone saw us and ratted us out,” Shooter’s voice sounded frustrated, but mostly he was angry.

  Louis was silent for a moment. Then, in a calm voice he responded, “Yeah, you’re right, Shooter. I should have listened, but I didn’t. What do you suggest we do now?” Louis’s voice was terse. He was mad at himself, and probably embarrassed because this had happened with his daughter in the car.

  Shooter shook his head and said, “Get the hell out of here as soon as possible, man. Get out of New Orleans. They’re coming for you, Louis. You know how they operate. You got to leave here, now!”

  Louis nodded and patted Shooter on the shoulder, then turned to Stark. “Jacob, what do you think?”

  Stark shook his head and replied, “Louis, you should take Shooter’s lead on this. I have never worked with these people and have no idea how they operate. My best judgment is that we do as Shooter says and get out.”

  Louis slowly nodded his head, not at all happy with the consensus of his two friends. “Okay, what’s the situation with your mother-in-law and daughter, Jacob?”

  Stark looked at his watch and said, “They should get into New Orleans about two in the morning. In about three hours.”

  Shooter interrupted, “Yeah. I talked to the pilot before we left Tony’s place.”

  Louis thought for a moment and said, “Why don’t you drop me off at the Palm Court, and then go to the airport to pick up Jake’s family?”

  “Not gonna happen,” Shooter said, his voice sharp and defiant. “What’s going to happen is that we are all going back to the Palm Court and get some shut eye for a couple of hours. Then, Stark is going to the airport to pick up his family and I’m staying with you, Louis.”

  “Okay,” Louis agreed. “There’s a parking area below ground for the Palm. Let’s park down there and take the elevator,” Louis suggested.

  “No can do, or perhaps hell no is a better way to put it. Jacob is pulling up out front and I’m taking you in through the front door. He’ll park the car.”

  Louis nodded and Shooter looked behind them. “Any sign of a tail, Jake?”

  “Negative,” Stark responded. “I’ve been watching since we left. No one is behind us.”

  “I just hope to hell they’re not waiting for us at the Palm,” Shooter muttered as he ran his fingers through his mop of hair.

  Louis shook his head, “Nah, they won’t be. They’re just trying to scare me. We both know that.”

  “I’ll get him up to the suite and then you can park the car, Jacob,” Shooter said. “Does that work for you?”

  Stark nodded his head. “Yeah. Can you get our stash of weapons out of the trunk of the car,” he asked as he pulled off the road.

  “Yup, no problem” Shooter assured him as he jumped from the car, returning quickly with the case. “You know they’re watching the hotel don’t you, guys?”

  Stark nodded, but said nothing.

  The trio navigated the hotel without incident. When they were safely in the suite, Louis went to prepare for bed and Shooter and Stark headed for the bar in the living room of the suite.

  The two sat drinking silently on the couch and Stark asked calmly, “How do you see this going down?”

  Shooter ran his hands through his hair and said, “Not sure. The mob doesn’t have the best Intel, and I’m hoping they don’t know about Louis’s plane. I want us to get out of here as early as we possibly can tomorrow.”

  Stark nodded in agreement. “Yeah. We have to let the pilot get some sleep. I sure as hell don’t want you flying us to France, old boy,” Stark joked, peering at Shooter out of the corner of his eye.

  “Why? I’m pretty good in the cock pit. Don’t you trash my reputation,” Shooter teased.

  Stark shook his head. “Not nearly good enough.”

  Shooter laughed and made a decision. “I’m coming with you to France. I’ll help get Louis settled and we can plan security around his Chateau,” he announced.

  “Cool buddy, I like that. Everyone needs a vacat
ion in the French Alps. You been before,” Stark asked, relieved to have Shooter around for a while. Protecting Louis from his enemies and his own family from his was going to be tough.

  Shooter nodded. “Yeah, it’s beautiful. He’s got a great place. Haley will love it. She can learn French.”

  “That’d be cool,” Jacob admitted as his heart constricted with the loss of Helen. If only she could be there too.

  There was only the tinkling of ice cubes as the two friends finished their drinks. Finally, Shooter spoke, “Jake, gotta tell you this.” Shooter’s voice was quiet and tense, his face suffused with anger.

  “Yeah,” Stark encouraged, “go on. Spit it out.”

  “I saw Fredrico briefly at Tony’s tonight. He was there. He’s behind all of this stuff with Louis. I’m sure of it. It must be his hit,” Shooter surmised.

  Stark said nothing as he digested this info. Finally he said, “So, what does that mean? Can you predict what he’ll do, how he’ll proceed?”

  Shooter shook his head. “Hell, no. No way. I told you, man, he’s a psychopath. He doesn’t even know how he’ll proceed. He’s crazy.”

  Great, Stark thought to himself. Calmly he replied, “Don’t worry, Shooter, we’ve been through a lot more than this. We’ve had dozens of enemies coming after us and we’ve managed to survive. We’ll get through this.”

  Shooter offered no response. Setting his tumbler down with a thud on the glass table, Shooter said, “I’m going for shut-eye. Wake me when you leave.”

  Stark nodded, and set his phone alarm for 2:00 a.m. He wondered what Shooter would do if he knew Jacob had been a main part of the attack at Wyndley Farm. He shook his head and lay down on the couch, ticking off the seconds in his mind as he waited for his alarm to ring.

  Chapter 53

  Monique Desmonde paced the length of her kitchen. She was worried about Alex. She had promised to call last evening after she met her father, but so far Alex had not called nor had she answered her texts. Dawn was beginning to break over the horizon as Monique dialed Alex’s house phone.


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