The Shifter’s Nanny

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The Shifter’s Nanny Page 69

by T. S. Ryder

  “Where is he?” he said in a raspy voice as neared her. The man took his hand away from her mouth and she gasped for air. Her body trembled uncontrollably as she cried. She must protect the baby...

  “I... I don’t know,” she sobbed, hysterical.

  “Put her out and take her away. We don’t have much time,” he said as he gave her a disgusted look and stalked away.

  The man holding her pressed something cold and hard into the side of her neck and her skin burned. In the next few seconds, her vision blurred and she fell into oblivion.

  Chapter Ten

  Erdal clenched his teeth and balled his hands into fists, knuckles turning white as he gripped the modular controller of the car. They flew over the peaks and sped through the night toward the castle. The open front door, the ransacked house, the empty bed and no sign of Natalie drove him insane. Then there was the mark carved on the door that signified that the king’s men had been there. His chest constricted as terrible thoughts raced through his mind. What if they were torturing her? What if she were already dead? And what of the baby? He screamed inside. If something happened to her, he would never forgive himself. A splitting headache thrummed at his temples as he tried to control his rage.

  Ornek felt the young man’s distress. The fury surging through his blood was almost tangible. He knew Erdal would stop at nothing. He wouldn’t rest until he found her.

  There was still a long way to go as they flew through the breaking dawn over the horizon.


  Natalie awoke, pain searing her head. She gasped, her breathing labored. She tried sitting up. A wave of nausea hit her and, bending over, she threw up. She tried to focus her blurry vision in the dim blue light of the small room. She recognized the place. It was the same cell they had locked her up in months ago. Her hands were free but her feet were shackled and tied to a chain on the wall. She still couldn’t breathe properly and felt pressure on her chest. The pills – she must take them now... Then it hit her. She wasn’t carrying any. How long had she been there? She wanted water, her throat felt dry. She desperately needed to relieve herself. She wished Erdal were there. With that thought, her eyes pooled with tears and she sobbed uncontrollably.

  The door to the cell creaked open and in stepped Gezek. His heavy boots clomped on the floor as he strode toward her. She cringed and inched back toward the wall, chills running down her spine.

  “Tell me, woman,” he rasped, “where is he?”

  “P-Please... I need the b-blue pills...” she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

  A sharp, burning pain hit her cheek as her head turned sideways.

  “Shut up, bitch!” he snarled. “Answer me first. Where is Erdal?”

  She was shocked by the impact of the slap as blood oozed from her nose and dripped onto the front of her white nightdress. A fit of coughing shook her for a while. When it was over she lay on the floor, only half conscious.

  “Get up!” he barked and kicked her leg. “You pathetic whore,” he spat at her.

  She screamed. “Please... stop... he’s gone,” she gasped, as tears streamed down her face. “He’s gone to meet someone.”


  “His guardian,” she said, wanting to get the ordeal over with. She couldn’t risk the life of her baby.

  “Give me a name!” he barked, bending down and roughly clasping her jaw with his hand. She was forced to stare into his beady, dark eyes.

  “Ornek...” she whispered. “Th-that’s all I know. Please let me go now,” she implored. The hardest of hearts would have melted, but Gezek was blind to another’s pain.

  He let go of her face and slapped her hard, again. She fell on her side, unconscious.

  “Shut up or I will cut out your tongue,” he seethed. “Stupid cunt.” He strode out of the cell, slamming the door behind him.


  It was noon the next morning when Erdal pulled his hood down his face as he followed Ornek toward the throne room. He had slung his Light-Shard over his shoulder and his jaw was clenched. He was late... He should have got here earlier. A strange gleam lit up his emerald eyes, a lethal resolve in his step.

  Zutaar sat upon his throne, talking to Gezek, when Ornek and Erdal were led into the throne room.

  Erdal couldn’t wait any longer. He stepped forward and took off his hood. The king’s guards immediately surrounded them, swords and crossbows pointing at them.

  “Zutaar,” he said, in a cold and demanding voice, “where is Natalie?”

  “Look who’s here,” he sneered. “The rat has left its hole.” His laughter echoed through the halls.

  “Where is she?” Erdal demanded in a seething voice, blood pounding in his veins.

  “She’s in the dungeons, Erdal,” he said, calmly. “And I will punish you both as fugitives.

  “My lord, I’m sorry, but please hear me out,” Ornek began. “Erdal here is the rightful heir to the throne. I have evidence to back it up.”

  “And who are you to make such a claim?” the king demanded.

  “I am Ornek Zorlu, Royal Guard to King Bu’Rak Rezan Urquiorra. Lord Erdal here is his son, the rightful heir.”

  Zutaar’s expression shifted.

  “Take them to the yard and behead them!” he yelled at the guards.

  The guards closed in and, with a swift move, Ornek unsheathed his Katana and beheaded the first guard who approached him. He was fast for an old man. He quickly killed off the other three men who came at him next.

  Erdal glimpsed Ornek in combat with Gezek next, as Ornek parried his blow. Then, swiftly, he slit his throat, and Gezek dropped to the floor, dead. Erdal quietly admired the old man’s skills as he quickly made his way toward the throne, jumping over the bodies on his way. His heart thrummed in his chest, rage surging through his blood as he gripped the hilt tighter.

  Zutaar got up and unsheathed his own sword. He lunged at Erdal, blindly swinging his sword at him. Erdal dodged, stepping sideways, and braced himself for another parry. He saw the gleam of madness in the king’s eyes.

  “Gezek tells me the woman is a real weakling,” Zutaar smirked. “And you dare defy me for her?” He snarled as he lunged toward Erdal again.

  Erdal parried the attack by holding his Light-Shard vertically in front of him. The king carried his sword clumsily as he had not taken it up in years, but he was stronger and taller than Erdal. He came at him again and Erdal dodged his lunge. Yet, Zutaar pounded him in the ribs with a small club in his other hand. He then swung again, hitting Erdal in the face.

  Erdal staggered and fell backward. His head reeled and his ears rang as hot, searing pain shot up his jaw and the side of his chest. His vision blurred for a few seconds as he tasted warm, metallic blood in his mouth. A wave of nausea hit him.

  Get up! Get up now! You can’t let him win! The voice in his head yelled as he saw the king advance toward him. The image of his mother and father lying in a pool of their own blood flashed across his mind as he struggled to get up. He grabbed his Light-Shard from the floor beside him and got to his feet. The king clumsily swung his sword again, and this time, as Erdal parried, the blades clashed, metal clanking against metal. He felt the impact reverberate through his arm. Erdal had the kind of strength and agility that the other lacked. His years of experience in the arena had taught him how to survive. He stepped forward and swung his Light-Shard, slashing the left arm of the king and leaving a large open gash in its wake. Dark blood gushed forth and the club fell from his grasp as he cried in pain. The king lunged forward, wildly swinging his sword at him. Erdal moved sideways, dodging the clumsy attack.

  “This is for hurting Natalie,” he said coldly. Quick as lightning, he slashed his other arm, cutting it off. More blood, dark as tar, spilled. He continued advancing as Zutaar retreated, screaming, until he fell backward on the steps leading to the throne. Erdal was upon him immediately, pointing his katana at the murderer’s heart.

  “And this is for father and mother,” Erdal said, tears glis
tening in his eyes, as he raised his Light-Shard. He plunged the thin blade into Zutaar’s chest, severing his dark heart. The pseudo-king convulsed and breathed his last, the light escaping his cold, gray eyes. His body lay still in an ever-increasing pool of dark blood.


  Erdal found Natalie unconscious on the dark floor. She was pale and her skin seemed gray in the dim light. Her breathing was ragged and her pulse faint, but she was alive. He carried her in his arms to the sickbay, tears rolling down his cheeks.

  Dr. Barca took her in. Kissing her forehead, Erdal left her in his care. An hour later he reported she was stable and the baby was fine. She needed breathing pills and was dehydrated. He had given her a sedative to put her at ease. She was stronger than she seemed, the doctor reassured.

  Erdal heaved a sigh of relief as he gazed at the now confused and scared faces of the council members. Half an hour earlier, when he got back to the meeting room, there was chaos among the council heads. Ornek had already briefed them about the situation and showed them the documents that proved Erdal was the true heir to the throne.

  They wanted some time to think it over, but as Ornek said, there was no doubt about it. They had no choice but to agree.


  Erdal sat by the bed in the sickbay and watched her sleep. He had almost lost her. Again. His chest constricted at the thought. If something had happened to her or the baby, he could never have forgiven himself.

  Natalie stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

  “Erdal,” she whispered his name, and he felt a familiar pull toward her.

  “I’m here, my love...” he bent down and planted a kiss on her soft lips.

  “Oh, Erdal!” she cried, as he took her in his arms. “I thought I would never see you again!”

  “Hush,” he whispered into her hair, taking in her sweet scent. “I rule this land now, so everything will be okay.” He smiled down at her, and then kissed her deeply. “And you will be my beautiful queen,” he said pulling apart.

  “You have claimed the throne?” she asked, ever so softly. “What happened to Zutaar?” She saw the side of his face was still slightly swollen, and she could only imagine what he must have endured.

  With Dr. Barca’s treatment, his wounds had healed quickly.

  “He’s dead,” Erdal said darkly. “We don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  “Even if he’s gone, don’t you ever leave me alone...” she said.

  “I promise you, I will always be at your side,” he said as he gazed deep into her eyes. “And, as my queen, I will lay the world at your feet. I will make you feel loved like no man has ever loved you. I will mark your soul with my touch so deeply that you will crave for nothing more. I will ensnare you with my love, touching you in those secret hidden places you don’t even know exist. Only then will you know what it means to be my queen.”

  She gasped, speechless, as her heart beat faster.

  He kissed her again. “Oh, and Dr. Barca tells me that it’s a boy,” he said, smiling his gorgeous smile, as he placed his palm on her belly.

  “Really? What should we name him?” she asked, smiling.

  “Arion,” he said, “he will be Arion Erdal Bu’rak Urquiorra.”


  Six months later, he stood waiting at the steps leading to the pavilion overlooking the sea. It was draped in gold and white with ivory flowers encircling the gold columns. He wore a dark suit with dark pants, the royal cape draped over his shoulders. He couldn’t stop gazing at the beautiful woman who walked toward him.

  She wore a low-cut, backless gold silk and chantilly gown with intricate ivory and gold designs. She held a sleek, gold staff in her hand, a tradition of their race. Her hair was swept up in a loose bun, and she wore an intricate gold tiara on her head. She ambled up to him with a civilized grace gazed into his eyes. The women from the harem were her bridesmaids. They had been set free. Many of them had volunteered to work at the palace while others left for their home planets. One of the bridesmaids held their two-month-old son as she stood by, watching.

  Natalie took his hand and he slid a large sapphire onto her finger. They exchanged their vows and Ornek declared them man and wife.

  After the ceremony, they stood alone at the far end of the pavilion, gazing at the beautiful sunset arcing over the sea. He held her hand and she rested her head on his shoulder, gazing at the horizon awash with golden and purple hues. He turned to her, his emerald eyes full of love and warmth, and she blushed. He could still do that to her. She bit her lower lip, and he bent down and claimed her mouth with his, his tongue demanding and receiving all of her. As always, he took her breath away, and she wondered what she had done to deserve such a man.

  Their hearts beat as one, and the calm sea reflected the peace within their souls. Together they ruled their kingdom and their people loved them. They were remembered long after they were gone.



  * * *

  1 Estion Year 2370 equals Present day Earth.

  Vampire Romance Collection

  The Vampire King's Virgin


  A desperate curvy virgin PLUS a vampire king who needs fresh blood PLUS lethal beasts and enemies out to kill!

  Curvy Sofia Velásquez is desperate and poor. So when the vampire king offers her a million dollars a year to be his new blood donor, she doesn’t hesitate.

  She just needs to make sure she doesn’t faint every time he flashes his firm abs and delicious V. Her virginity needs to be protected at all cost.

  Vampire king Aaron is every woman’s fantasy. Tall and square-shouldered, his body radiates power and confidence. He gets everything he wants. And what he wants is his new blood donor and her curves. He can just claim her, right?

  Um, wrong. Turns out the path to love is paved with curses, potions, witches, and beasts. And all of them are out to get Sofia and Aaron.

  Can Aaron protect Sofia against evil? Will they risk everything for a chance to live? And can Sofia stay a virgin and get pregnant at the same time?

  It’s time for Aaron to show what he’s worth. He’s the king, and they’re about to find out what that means.

  Chapter One – Aaron

  Bright blue eyes glowed in the dark as the vampire king slipped into the sleeping woman's bedroom. He crept up to the canopy bed and brushed aside the filmy curtains. As always when he saw her, his heart swelled. It was times like this that he almost expected it to start beating again, and for the love warming his chest to spread throughout his body with a rush of blood flow.

  But of course, that didn't happen. His witch-physician could help diminish some of the traits his kind were cursed with, such as letting him walk outside in the sunlight, but she couldn't give him back a heartbeat. There were certain strains of magic that could allow a vampire to become human again, but if that happened to him, the whole kingdom would destabilize.

  Aaron slipped under the blankets, curling his body against his sleeping bride's. Well, fiancée for right now, but soon Sofia Velásquez would be his wife. She was beautiful, all curves. Her Colombian heritage showed through in her beige skin with its warm, earthy undertones. Her thick, shiny hair fell in a mess around her face, a few strands fluttering in the breeze created by her breathing.

  The vampire pulled her tightly against him, loving how soft and warm she was in his arms. A fierce grin lit his face as he nibbled at the back of her neck. His actions were rewarded with a moan. As usual, his woman turned her face to him, smiling sleepily as she welcomed his kiss.

  "Good morning, my love," Aaron whispered, moving his hands down her curvy body to grasp her hips. "How did you sleep?"

  "Good." Sofia smiled at him, her eyes still half-shut. "Now get out."

  Aaron chuckled and kissed her neck. "Why?"

  "You know darn well why. I'm not sleeping with you until after the wedding."

  "I think I might die if I have to wait that long to taste your blood. Just one a little

  Sofia pulled away from him, shaking her head. Though she tried to look stern, the corners of her mouth twitched. "I know what drinking my blood will lead to. I promised my mother when we started seeing each other that I wasn't going to let your vampire wiles convince me to surrender my virginity to you before we were properly married, and I am going to keep that promise. So get out, Aaron. You've lasted a year, you can wait a few more days."

  Aaron sighed, exaggerating his disappointment. He didn't expect her to change her mind… and honestly, after getting to know her like he did, if she did change her mind, he'd be suspicious that there was some sort of magic at play and she wasn't in control of her actions.

  "Okay, I can be patient," the king conceded. "But I need help to decide what charity I'm donating to today."

  Sofia pulled her blankets over her chest, even though literally nothing showed. She'd taken to wearing old flannels rather than any of the copious nighties that he had bought for her. It was her rebellion, she said. She also insisted that he donate as much to charity every day for a month before the wedding as he was spending on the wedding.

  By the time they were wed, he was going to be almost three billion dollars poorer. Even for him, it was a significant amount of money. But he wasn't just a king. He owned nearly fifty businesses, in everything from the development of renewable energy to electronic technologies. Depending on how stocks did, he would get the money back within a year. It wasn't like he really needed that much money, anyway.

  Sofia tilted her head as she studied him. "Have you given to the Food Bank Association yet?"

  "Just the normal monthly donation."

  "Well, give them something extra, then," his human fiancée said, nodding as though it was decided. "The food banks kept my brothers and sisters from starving when Papa broke his back and Mama went through chemotherapy. They deserve our support."


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