Owning Her: Beautiful Domestic Discipline

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Owning Her: Beautiful Domestic Discipline Page 58

by Susan Sass

  “So about your story,” he said as he put the spoon down. “What is your experience in the lifestyle?”

  Her eyes flew open and she raised her hand to her lips to clear her throat. A blush colored her cheeks and she quickly took a sip from her coffee. He watched her as she regained her composure. He could tell she was irritated with the change in mood, but he couldn’t tell if she was irritated with him or herself. However, as quickly as the flash of irritation crossed her face the cool calmness that was there before resurfaced.

  “What is there to tell? I’m interested in experiencing it, that’s all.”

  “But I got the impression that you were very much a part of the lifestyle,” he said confused.

  She only shook her head. “No, I only had that one experience in the lifestyle with that one night stand I told you about,” she said as she took a sip of her coffee. “I’ve done my homework though. You know, watching the BDSM porn sites and reading, but to go up to any of the previous men I was with and tell them that I wanted them to do anything I really wanted done would have spelled disaster very quickly. Hell, I asked one of them to blindfold me once and he got defensive.”

  Her mood got very dark as she reflected on that memory. Alan didn’t know if he should be disappointed or excited. It almost seemed like she was waiting for him without realizing it.

  “So you’re a submissive at heart?” He asked, again watching her intently.

  She eyed at him for a moment. “I suppose so,” she said. “I mean, with my career and the various things that demand my attention and direction, I spend a great deal of my life as a dominant woman. I guess it just seemed like it was too much to ask to have that control taken from me at least for a little bit.”

  “Well, you do realize that even as a submissive you still have the control of the situation,” he said as he looked over the rim of his coffee cup. “I mean, a dominant only has the power that the submissive is willing to give.”

  She leaned onto the table towards him smiling. “But that is the beauty of it. A submissive gives them selves over for the pleasure of the dominant expecting their power to be used to pleasure themselves. I believe that some submissive’s simply give themselves over to a dominant just so somewhere in their lives the choices can be made for them.”

  “Is that what you are looking for then?” he asked her.

  She sat up again and looked way, biting her lip. At least he had his answer now.

  “There isn’t anything wrong with that.”

  “Why is that?” she asked looking back at him, coolly. “This is the first time I have spoken about it to anyone, and for some reason it…”

  “It feels so natural?” He finished her sentence for her. Her eyes grew wide.

  Quickly, he reached into his wallet and left money for the waiter then took her by the hand and pulled her gently but firmly out of the seat. She stood so close to him, her breast brushed up against his chest sending shivers down his spine. It was getting harder for him to keep his own composure as he looked down at the look of desperation in her eyes. He wanted to kiss those lips of hers so bad but again he fought the urge. It’s still too soon he felt. Gathering all of his self-control he could muster and smiled down at her.

  “Come with me,” he said and with her hand still in his, he led her out of the little bistro.

  Chapter 2

  The sun was starting to set and the shadows played across the cobblestones of the city as they walked together along the sidewalks. It was a cool, late spring evening. All the flowers blooming in the gardens of the houses they passed by just added to the beauty of evening. They walked together quietly just enjoying each other’s presence. She seemed to relax since their previous conversation and a smile played across her face. They came up to a pier that overlooked the harbor. Alan had been watching her look out over the water when she turned to him and smiled. Without thinking about it, he took her hand and kissed it. It wasn’t until his lips touched her hand did he realize what he did. He watched her reaction and too his surprise, she smiled softly at him and squeezed his hand in return.

  They left the pier and walked the few blocks to a house that was just outside the heavily traveled part of the city. Alan shared this place with a close friend and fellow Dominant who used the place as playhouse. The people who lived on one side of the house were never home and the people on the other were a sweet, old couple that was hard of hearing. Alan and his friend had renovated the place to its original splendor with a few modifications like fortified, insulated walls and the cellar redone into a dungeon on one side and a wine cellar on the other.

  “Where are we?” She asked as he opened the iron gate for her.

  “Oh, we are just a place I share with a friend of mine. I come here from time to time to get away,” he said as he walked ahead of her to open the front door.

  She stopped dead in her tracks and stared at him.

  He opened the door and turned to her noticing that she hadn’t moved. “What?” he asked.

  She shook her head and continued towards the house. “Nothing. The way you said that, it just reminded me of something from a long time ago,” she said as she walked past.

  Once inside he shut and locked the door then ushered her into the den area.

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that it would,” he said as he offered her a seat.

  Startled she looked at him as she sat down. “Is that supposed to be a joke?” She said as she looked at him coldly.

  He ignored her for the moment and sat down himself. He looked at her for a long moment before he continued. “You know that story you told me of the guy that left you on the dance floor after having a one night stand?”

  She sighed and slumped into the chair then nodded. “What about it?”

  “Well what if I told you it wasn’t supposed to be a one night stand?”

  “And how would you know that?” she asked. “It isn’t like I gave you a whole lot of detail of that story.” She looked coldly at him. “You know I was perfectly willing to let you take advantage of me until now. But you have to turn this around and try to bring up something like that.”

  She stood up to leave but he got in front of her.

  “Why is that such a tender subject for you?” He asked.

  “It’s none of your business,” she said as she tried to push past him but he grabbed her by the arms and stopped her.

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “Why?” She snapped. “So I can tell you what happened that night and you repeat the process and I’m left alone all over again? No!”

  “I don’t need you to tell me what happen other than why didn’t you follow him across the dance floor?” he said to her.

  Her eyes grew wide, momentarily stunned with his question. She yanked her arms from his grip and paced the room.

  “Because, it didn’t seem like he wanted me to be with him when he walked up to his friends there,” she said quietly. Then she looked at him. “Besides how did you know about that? You don’t even know where it happened.”

  Alan stood there. This wasn’t apart of the plan. It was spiraling out of control fast, and it was getting ugly. He watched her pace the room as he tried to read her mood but it was difficult. Was she angry or hurt?

  Alan sighed. “Before I answer that, and I swear I will truthfully, just tell me what it is about that night that upsets you so much?”

  She crumbled into the chair and sighed. “Have you ever been with a person, even if it was for a very short moment in your life, and felt that this was the person for you? Even if you didn’t know them before that moment and never saw them again after that?” She asked looking up at him, with tears threatening to spill down her flushed cheeks. “Well, that’s what it was like for me. It left a hole in a place in me that I didn’t know existed until that point and I haven’t been able to fill since.”

  Alan advanced across the room and pulled her into his arms, holding her close to him. Before she could protest, he lowered his lips to he
rs and kissed her deeply. After a sharp intake of air, she slowly melted into his arms. The kiss he had been fighting since he met her at the bistro finally came out and her reaction was rather unexpected after the conversation they were having. He savored the scent of her hair and the sweet taste of her as his tongue forced itself past her lips and explored her mouth. His hands ran up her back up to her neck but he stopped himself before doing anything else. He broke the kiss and stepped away from her. She stood there stunned as she touched her lips. The look on her face was one of remembrance and disbelief.

  “It’s an experience that was difficult for me to get over, too. Ever since I’ve attempted to recreate that night and nobody has come close,” he said as he took off his jacket. Slowly she looked up at him and stared. “It was late September and it was at a night club off King Street. We kissed at the club and I took you to a college buddy’s apartment up the alley across the street from the club. I stripped you naked and tied you to the bed railing then fucked you. We then laid there together for a little bit, got dressed and came back to the club. After that I never saw you again until we met at the bar.”

  Tears streamed down her face. “I think you have me mistaken for some one else,” she said quietly as she looked away. “You don’t look like the man I was with.”

  “You don’t look the same either,” he countered pointedly his brow arched. “You had short hair that was dyed a dark red. You looked like a little sexy goth chick.”

  She flinched as she looked back at him. More tears streamed down her face as she started to take a step towards him but stopped.

  “Then why did you walk away from me?” She said wiping the tears from her face. He walked up to her and kissed the tears from each cheek then kissed her lips softly.

  “I didn’t,” he said looking down at her smiling. “I thought you were right behind me. When I turned around…you were gone.”

  She pulled away from him gently. “I still don’t know. How do I know it’s really you? And how will I know you won’t walk away from me again?”

  Alan laughed. “Woman, if I knew I could get away with it I would tie you up in my bedroom and keep you there.” He embraced her again. “Besides, we have each other’s emails now. I’ve been talking to you for weeks now, and after discovering that the one that got away is standing right in front of me, not married or with another man just makes this even sweeter for me.”

  She smiled up at him, but he could tell she was still unsure of the whole situation. He took her purse and rummaged around until he found her phone. He laughed out loud when he looked at it. It was the same model as his, which made navigating the contacts even easier. After typing in his number and address into her phone and returned it to her purse he handed his phone to her. She looked at it and laughed too. After typing her info into it, she handed it back to him shyly.

  “Now,” he tipped her chin up so she looked up at him. “There is no way we can lose each other again.”

  He kissed her again.

  “By the way, do you have any plans for tomorrow?” he asked looking down at her.

  “I have to go home to feed a cat,” she said in a questioning tone.

  “Oh, good so do I, well we can do that later.”

  Alan took her by the hand and led her out of the room. He felt like a kid in an amusement park getting ready to ride the newest most talked about ride in the park. Leading this woman into the upstairs bedroom began to still something within him that he hadn’t felt in a long time. The passion that has been stirring in him was threatening to spill over as they entered the room.

  “This place looks a lot different than the first place,” she said as she looked around the room. He looked at her as she walked around and admired the place. Is this a test, he thought to himself.

  “Well yes, it’s very different,” he started as he walked up beside her. “See, the last place was practically a frat house and close to the club. A friend of mine and myself owns this place. We redid this whole place inside and out, back to its original design.”

  The house was lovely as far as he was concerned but this room was he pride and joy. It was the largest bedroom in the place, decorated completely in 18th century décor complete with a four-poster rice bed and an oak chest at the foot of the bed. The windows on the east wall over looked the harbor while the windows on the south wall looked over the historical portion of the city. In the corner was a full-length dressing mirror refinished back to its original state. For him it tied the room together and that is where they both stood. Her eyes settled on him standing behind her in the mirror the look of doubt was still etched across her face.

  “Tell me you are not using me,” she asked softly.

  “Why and how can I use you?” he asked puzzled by such a statement.

  “As you said that memory was a tender subject. I’ve been haunted by that night and I can’t handle another repeat,” she said. Tears welled up in her eyes.

  Alan came close, looking at her through the mirror and pressed his chest to her back. “I told you already. If I knew I could get away with tying you up in my bedroom I would,” he said softly. “I mean it too. I don’t want a repeat of last time either.”

  She turned to look at him straight in the face. “But how do I know it’s really you?” She asked.

  Alan was at a loss for words on that question. He thought about it for a moment. “Just ask me anything about that night that you think nobody else would know about that night.”

  She too thought about it. “How many orgasms did I have?”

  “Two and you soaked the sheets with the second one,” he stated.

  “How did the sex end?”

  “By me cumming in your mouth,” he stated. “And you wouldn’t let go of my cock either.”

  She smiled. “What about after that?”

  “I untied you and held you to me with a blanket over you until you were rested,” he stated.

  She relaxed a little and looked down. It was clear that she was torn by the circumstances and he figured that he would be too if he doubted her as much as she doubted him.

  Doubt or no doubt, this back and forth had gone on long enough for him. Alan turned her around to face him and kissed her deep. She inhaled sharply again and moaned against his lips. Then it hit him, she didn’t just doubt his presences but her role with him. All she has experienced has been a vanilla lifestyle except her experience with him. What was she to do? He broke the kiss abruptly and spun her around to face the mirror. He stared at their reflection as he lowered his lips next to her ear.

  “I have something else I would like to through at you about that night,” he said softly. Their eyes trailed each other as he lifted away and came up to her other ear. “I thought you had the tastiest pussy I had ever gone down on, and I told you that. You even almost cried because you said no one had ever said that to you.”

  Doubt was replaced with astonishment. She whirled around and threw her arms around his neck, sobbing. He held her close until her body ceased to rock. She then took a step back and sniffled. Alan pointed to the door the left of the room.

  “Go freshen up,” he said to her. She smiled weakly behind her hand as wiped away the tears and turned towards the bathroom.

  Alan watched her walk away. He had to admit to himself that he had always been sexually attracted to the goth chick he remembered, but the woman she has become is amazing. Shaking his head walked over to the chest at the foot of the bed and opened it. Within the chest were an assortment of toys, restraints, and implements of pain and pleasure. He dug out what he was looking for, stuffing it into his pocket, and set aside a few other things within the chest for easy reach when he was ready for them. When she returned from the bathroom, he closed the lid and turned to her with a smile on his face. She looked questioningly at him but didn’t say a word as she returned his smile.

  She stepped up to him and timidly looked into his eyes. Her desire showed in her eyes and the way she looked up at him but she was clearly nervous.
Alan’s mood darkened as he looked down at her. The time he had been fantasizing about had finally come.

  Chapter 3

  Alan directed her to the corner of the rice bed, backing her up against the poster. He turned and moved the full length mirror to stand a few feet in front of her. He stood between her and the mirror, looking back and forth, then tilted the mirror up a little for a better view. He took her by her arms and pulled her away from the bed by a few steps. Standing her in front of the mirror again, Alan stepped behind her and looked at her reflection.

  “I want you to watch everything in this mirror,” he said in a low husky voice next to her ear, as he pushed her hair to the side.


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