Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2

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Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2 Page 10

by Michelle Howard

  Sylvie hadn’t done anything to personalize the space. Worry took hold. What if she wanted to return to Earth? What if what he felt was all one sided? Nerves already tight, Arak instantly denied the possibility.

  Gentle hands plucked at his shirt sleeve. “Arak?”

  He focused on her beautiful face, way too close to resist. Arak cupped her rounded cheeks and drew her in slowly, giving her enough time to pull away if she chose. Memories of the last kiss they shared assailed him. Her lashes fluttered and lids lowered in a sign he couldn’t ignore. Arak kissed her as he’d longed to do when she first opened the door to him.

  His tongue glided across her soft lips, sucking at the plump flesh. Her hands landed on his shoulders for balance. Still slouched on the edge of the sofa, Arak parted his legs and tugged gently until she stood between them. His hands stroked across her jaw line, down the knobby bones of her collar and grasped her shoulders. Sylvie moaned and pressed closer. The sound of her pleasure took his shaft from half-mast to full prominence.

  Her mouth opened and her tongue teased along his. Arak responded with a firmer touch, locking their hips together as he devoured. Her hips began a hesitant rock against him, enflaming his passion. Fingers twined in the strands of his hair and pulled sharply. Arak couldn’t control his primitive reaction. A growl slipped free and Sylvie tensed in his arms. The sharp waft of fear following the sound filled his nostrils and snapped him from his fierce arousal. He never wanted this female to fear him.

  “Sylvie,” he murmured and nipped at her bottom lip before easing back from a kiss that devastated him.

  Her dazed eyes opened, fingers clenched on the material of his shirt. Blue eyes blinked up at him, filling Arak with a moment of pride. Getting her to admit to the attraction between them would be difficult but nothing about being around Sylvie thus far was easy.

  “What was that for?” Her voice held a breathless quality.

  A smile spread across Arak’s lips and he reluctantly released her. The kiss had served its purpose and blocked out Jaron’s suspicions. Sylvie was an innocent. “Because I needed it.”

  Because Jaron and his stupid words had added to Arak’s rioting emotions.

  Because thinking that she would ever do something to harm anyone had to be the farthest from the truth. He didn’t know much about Sylvie, gleaming what he could from her visits to the Jutak facility to see Faye and the short talks he’d had with her but Sylvie was exactly what she seemed. A nice female with a giving spirit not even the Marenians could crush.

  Blue eyes glared at him for his blithe answer then Sylvie pushed at his chest before stepping aside. His cat howled in protest but Arak restrained the animal with effort.

  “You shouldn’t keep kissing me.” She tossed out over her shoulder as she strolled into the kitchen nook.

  Curious, he followed as she pressed buttons and set the timer on the food unit for a meal. The short skirt and fitted top hugged the lean lines of her tempting figure. “But you like my kisses.”

  Sylvie turned around and leaned her hips on the counter, arms folded over a thin shirt in blue that made her eyes sparkle. The position also pushed her breasts close together, the visible evidence of her puckered nipples pressing against the material. She’d blossomed. No longer the wary female to everyone she came in contact. “I was caught off guard.”

  The statement jerked his gaze up to meet hers. His lips parted, ready to argue that she did indeed enjoy his kisses, almost as much as he enjoyed them but her mouth twitched. Tease. He decided not to tell her he could scent her arousal when they kissed. Arak bit back his second smile. Whenever he spent time with the Earthling he wanted to smile or drag her against the nearest surface and fuck her hard. Today he was hard pressed to decide which he preferred.

  The thought spurred Arak’s imagination and he envisioned her blonde hair splayed across the table, mouth parted as she cried out in passion for him. He’d push her black skirt up to reveal the pink flesh between her thighs and feast on her honey as he drove her up toward a powerful climax, all the while listening to her beg him for more.

  The vision appeared so clear, his pants tightened as his shaft lengthened. No wonder Jaron had voiced his concern. Sylvie had him tied up in knots without trying. Arak pushed away the erotic thoughts of thrusting his tongue deep into her moist entrance to make her scream and controlled the urge to touch her again. “Come out with me. I wish to spend time with you.”

  Arak prepared for the familiar rejections. Sylvie chatted with him freely if he kept the conversation light. If he probed her captivity or plans for her future she shut down. Sylvie made it very clear the topic of her time with the slavers was off limits and going out with him in public ranked up there as well. Arak knew the denials stemmed from her experience with the Singles Program and her fear that something would happen again if she left the safety of the apartment without several of his teammates around her.


  “Sylvia Forrester!”

  They both jumped when the door slammed open and Joni breezed in.

  Sylvie grinned in response not the least bit bothered by her friend barging into her place. In fact, she looked relieved by the interruption. “Joni Miller!”

  Arak shifted his stance and studied the two women as they exchanged hugs. Standing next to her friend, Sylvie didn’t appear as vibrant. Her slim lines leaned toward athletic in contrast to the voluptuous curves of her friend. Joni was drop dead gorgeous. No one could doubt that. Red hair cascaded wildly about her shoulders and her amber eyes lit with humor. He understood why a man would crave a female with her looks.

  She’d taken advantage of the various merchants providing clothing online from other planets and wore a sleeveless, sheer gold Vesuvis top with mesh across the middle, revealing a green, beaded piercing in her belly button. Black shorts in a silky cloth hugged her butt cheeks, revealing her upper thighs and toned, long legs in black boots that almost reached the edges of the shorts.

  Any man would want a woman who looked like her but the female’s jovial manner hid dark secrets. Secrets easily discernible to him by the way her eyes twitched whenever her gaze passed over him. Right now, her full lips coated in a glossy substance tightened before breaking out into a wide smile as fake as the jewels on the large bangles that clacked about both wrists.

  “Hello, Officer Arak,” Joni drawled, sucking on the tip of her pinky as she eyed him from head to toe.

  Arak smirked, not bothered in the least by her sexual appraisal. Joni employed warfare tactics he had to admire. Attack first. He also knew she had no physical interest in him what so ever despite the taunting look. “It’s not officer.” The military drones used those terms but not the Jutaks. “I’m a Jutak warrior. You can call me Jutak O’Tir if you want to be official but I prefer just Arak.”

  “Hmm.” She winked. “Just Arak, what brings you here today to see my friend?”

  Sylvie’s elbow tagged Joni’s mid-section and the woman feigned a groan and wrapped both arms around her middle, all pretense dropped. “Jesus, Sylvie.”

  Sylvie faced Arak and rolled her eyes at the dramatics. “My answer’s yes.”

  Arak stumbled from his relaxed pose and caught himself by bracing a hand on the counter behind him. She couldn’t mean what he thought. “What?”

  Sylvie’s smug grin sent a burst of heat to his loins. She looked proud of herself for getting one over on him. “I’ll go out with you. I have to go out eventually so it’s a date.”

  Date? The translation didn’t match the context of her words. He didn’t know what a date meant but she’d accepted. She didn’t request he call for several of his teammates to escort them as she’d done for visits to Faye. Before Sylvie could change her mind, Arak hit the buttons to deactivate the food unit. “We will leave now.”

  Her voice rose behind him. “Joni’s coming, too.”

  “What!” Joni’s clear outrage gave him a spurt of humor.

  Sylvie gathered a few things. “Arak’s ta
king us out. You love new places so you’re going too.”

  Joni shot Arak a glare as if he was to blame for the events. Instead of complaining and risking Sylvie changing her mind, Arak snapped to attention. “I have a hover car. Faye enjoys the marketplace and says it reminds her of shopping on Earth.”


  “Shopping?” Sylvie hurried to keep up with Arak. Now that she’d agreed to one of his numerous requests to go out, he seemed in a rush.


  “I need money…credits,” she corrected, ignoring the harsh stares from Joni who stood by the door and tapped her foot, amber eyes narrowed on Sylvie. She refused to feel guilty for trapping her friend.

  Arak stopped at her door and reached for her wrist. Sylvie’s skin sizzled from the contact. Their eyes clashed and no way could she deny the hunger reflected there. Arak made no secret of his desire for her. His broad finger lingered over the black watch she’d been issued. Back and forth he rubbed, causing moisture to dampen her thighs. “Your credits are here. Transactions are processed electronically for any purchases.”

  The low murmured words took a moment to sink in because of the evocative images his accent always created. Sylvie remembered Faye explaining something similar when she and Joni received the clunky watches. “Alright.”

  At least she didn’t stutter her response. It shouldn’t be easy for his every touch to arouse her. Considering her experience with the slavers, Sylvie thought it would take forever to think about a man in that way but Arak’s solid presence pushed back any anxiety about being around him.

  “This should be fun,” Joni muttered, oblivious to the fire coursing through Sylvie’s veins as Arak walked ahead of them. “I love being a fifth wheel or seventh wheel even.”

  “Quiet,” Sylvie whispered as they both skipped to keep up with Arak’s long strides down the hall and to the glide.

  “What exactly are you doing, Sylvie?”

  Joni’s question gave her pause. They stepped onto the steel foot pads of the descending glide, a few steps behind Arak. The view from the back didn’t compete with the view from the front but her position enabled Sylvie to ogle to her heart’s content the way his dark pants enhanced the flex and shift of muscular buttocks. The white shirt molded to a body that was dang near perfect in her eyes. Short, dark hair curled over the edge of his collar tempting her to play with the strands.

  “Earth to Sylvie. Or should I say Enotia to Sylvie.”

  Sylvie’s lips curled and she glanced at her friend. “You’re always going on about how I should go out and learn more about this place.”

  Joni huffed. “Yeah, but I didn’t mean drag me with you on your…date.”

  Sylvie froze. “I was kidding about that part. It’s not really a date.”

  Joni rolled her eyes. “Not with me tagging along.”

  Frustration ate at Sylvie. She wanted to get to know the charming soldier better but her mind constantly buzzed with the fear of being kidnapped or snatched again by the Marenians if she ventured too far. Forcing away the wariness attempting to overcome her, Sylvie focused her attention on her friend. “We could always see if Kyele can join us to make you feel better.”

  The pink tint of color added on Joni’s cheeks couldn’t hide the way her face paled. “You wouldn’t be that cruel.”

  Sylvie tapped a finger against her chin as if in thought. “Maybe Arak, oh wait. Maybe Officer Arak,” she mocked, “could call him and invite the green-eyed wonder. I have to admit his scar is kinda hot, yet scary.”

  Joni lunged and Sylvie squealed as her friend wrapped her fingers around her throat and shook her. Sylvie laughed and cried out as the glide reached the bottom and they stumbled off, bodies entangled.

  “Let go!” Sylvie begged in between laughing.

  “Take it back,” Joni threatened, freeing one hand to yank on Sylvie’s hair.

  “Arak, I have a quest—” Sylvie didn’t get to finish speaking.

  Joni let her go with a scream and slapped both hands over Sylvie’s mouth. She leaned close. “You suck, Sylvie Forrester. I’ll go.”

  Heart pumping and sporadic snickers escaping, Sylvie managed to mumble, “And you’ll have fun?”

  Joni uncovered Sylvie’s mouth and glared. “Don’t push it, little shit.”

  Arak watched the both of them, a curious light in his eyes. Standing to the side with his arms folded, he hadn’t interfered in their minor scuffle. Sylvie cleared her throat, face hot. She hoped he hadn’t heard their conversation. “Sorry. Joni needed cheering up.”

  A dark brow lifted and his mouth curved up at the side. His twinkling eyes had her wondering if he’d caught everything despite his casual pose. “Is she in need of assistance? I can contact Dr. Maku…or Kyele.”

  Joni groaned beside her.

  “I think she’s fine now,” Sylvie said as they made their way outside, adrenaline pulsing through her veins from the small tussle but heart truly light for the first time in months.

  Onlookers of the Enotian variety stared at their small group but Sylvie managed to squash down the feelings of embarrassment. Excitement replaced the dread she’d initially experienced when Arak invited her to go out. Now she looked forward to the trip.

  Chapter 11

  The market place resembled an outside bazaar. Vendors set up an array of rainbow-colored tent-like structures feet apart from one another. They featured everything one could possibly imagine. Tables displayed food, clothing, jewelry and other artistic creations on both sides of the streets. Women, men and children strolled along in open camaraderie.

  A smell reminiscent of a greasy burger wafted toward Sylvie and she moaned in delight. Joni caught her eye and they both grinned. Excitement and the rush of potential sales drummed on the air. Sylvie exchanged another smile with Joni, noting the glitter in the other woman’s eyes.

  “Cool, right?” Sylvie asked.

  “Very cool,” Joni agreed, gaze darting from one stall to the next as they walked down the busy street.

  Arak walked in the middle, his arm brushing Sylvie’s with every step they took. Goose pimples broke out along her flesh and her heart rate sped up.

  “What does cool mean?” he asked, his accent adding an exotic quality to the question.

  Joni spared him a glance. “You’re kidding right?”

  His brow crinkled. “Kidding?”

  “These translators are for shit,” Joni grumbled then looped her arm through Arak’s and fluttered her lashes at him. “Don’t worry. It’s all Earth slang.”

  Arak’s blue eyes deepened and his smile almost caused Sylvie to trip over her feet. The jealous monster reared its ugly head at his ease with Joni. The redhead had an air of sexy Sylvie couldn’t match if she tried. As if reading her thoughts, Arak untangled his arm from Joni and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Sylvie’s ear. All of it seamless and unhurried.

  “Faye says we’ll get used to it if she talks enough.”

  Sylvie laughed with him, envy falling to the side. She liked Faye. “She’s probably right.”

  Sylvie’s steps slowed as they neared a purple tent with cages and crates set up on a long cloth covered table out front. Baby animals chirped from the wire frames, tiny furred faces pressed upward. A pair of large brown eyes with gold rings caused her to stop. The blond man behind the table waved when he caught her staring.

  “Welcome. Please come and find something for your entertainment and pleasure,” he called out.

  A low growl rumbled from Arak’s chest. The sound surprised Sylvie, causing her to glance up only to freeze. Hate bled from blue eyes narrowed in concentration, full lips twisted into a snarl.

  “Arak?” She tentatively reached out to touch his arm. Joni reacted to the deadly sound as well, the glitter of fear reflected in her gold gaze.

  “They sell animals,” he bit out.

  Sylvie looked from the cages back to Arak, not understanding. “Pets?”

  “Explain pets,” Arak snapped and his head tipped i
n her direction.

  The demand had her responding instantly. “On Earth we keep pets. Dogs, birds…” The reason for his anger suddenly became apparent as Sylvie finished weakly. “Cats.”

  Joni cursed under her breath.

  Sylvie ran her hand down Arak’s arm. The corded muscles tensed beneath her touch. “We can leave.”

  As if sensing the undercurrents, the vendor kept quiet. Arak shook his head and though his lips lifted, the smile held none of the pleasure his previous smiles had. “We can look at pets. You can’t buy any though. On Enotia it is illegal to own non-farm animals of any kind.”

  The vendor flushed and rushed to pull out a silver disc from the pocket of his wide-legged pants. “I have a valid license. I don’t make any trouble and never sell to Enotians. Off worlders purchase my animals and some like to look.” His brown eyes darted to Sylvie. “You’re welcome to look.”

  Her pleasure at the animals spoiled, Sylvie started to refuse but Joni squealed from her left. “They have baby monkeys!”

  Sylvie turned. At the end of the table in a cage without a top sat a cream and brown monkey the size of a rabbit with a pushed in face like a pug. Long arms curled around its waist and brown ears perked up at their attention. Sylvie couldn’t resist and joined Joni.

  Arak came up behind them. “This is a mosimio. They come from Alua. Very rare and dangerous when provoked.”

  The creature actually smiled up at them as it bounced around on the straw at the bottom of the cage. Large, brown eyes stared at them and it mewled. Sylvie’s heart melted. “It’s too pretty to be dangerous.”

  “My papan showed me a vid on how to feed them once.” Dark thoughts gone, Arak seemed interested in the little animal. “They’re deadly in the wild.”


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