Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2

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Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2 Page 18

by Michelle Howard

  He closed the door and shoved his hands into his uniform pants pocket. She realized that he had his weapon holstered on his hip. “He’s gone then?”

  Was that disappointment in his voice? Sylvie shrugged and headed for the living area. “Yes, something about speaking to Torkel.”

  “Did you tell Arak, Sylvie?” His voice came from directly behind her.

  She didn’t like how close he stood to her. Sylvie eased around the table, wanting some space between them, though she couldn’t explain why. Perhaps the intensity in his eyes as they bore into her. “Tell him what?”

  His lips turned down. “I like you, Sylvie. Earth females have a certain appeal just as the rumors claim.”

  The remorse in his tone made her nervous. She chuckled weakly. “That’s a good thing, right?”

  His hand moved to his side and he unholstered his laser. Sylvie’s stomach dropped. “Wh—what are you doing?”

  She didn’t like his heavy exhale any more than she liked the way his weapon pointed at her mid-section. He grimaced. “You saw me in the lobby earlier.”

  “I see you all the time.”

  He snorted. “Unfortunately, this is one time I wish you hadn’t. I need you to come with me, Sylvie. And please don’t doubt I’ll shoot.”

  She knew he would. Arak had said he was the unit’s best shot, his ability to hit a target with unerring accuracy had been lauded by all of the Jutaks. “What’s going on?”

  And where was Arak when she wanted him more than anything this very moment?

  His blond head tipped to the side and he pursed his lips. “I made a mistake. Got careless.”

  “Mmm.” Keep him distracted, Sylvie. Her gaze swept around the apartment. Stall until a way to escape presented itself.

  He waved the laser at her. “Let’s go. There’s a shuttle waiting to take us.”

  “From Enotia?” She couldn’t let him take her off world. Thoughts of the cages she’d been kept in flashed before her eyes and Sylvie batted down the fear winding through her gut.

  He smiled. “Away from Enotia, yes.”

  Sylvie gathered her mounting courage. From behind, her fingers curled around the cute globe with all the playful images of mosimios swinging inside. Arak’s idea of a joke might very well save her.

  “No.” Resolute. Firm. Her voice like steel. Unlike her heart which decided to pound in time to her rapid breathing.

  “Do you think Arak would prefer to find your dead body?” He snarled.

  Rage flared and Sylvie threw the cube as hard as she could in his direction and ran. He fired a shot over her head, destroying a light sensor and freezing her in her tracks. She spun to face him.

  “I admire you, Earthling. Your bravery and courage.” His eyes darkened. “But don’t fuck with me, Sylvie.”


  Arak sat in his hover car programming the guidance system to return to the Jutak facility when Jaron tagged him on his comm. He fingered the black ear bud. “Go, Jaron.”

  “Where are you?” The question came out layered in urgency.

  Arak tensed, his gaze automatically drawn to Sylvie’s building across the way. His eyes unerringly landed on the window of her unit, the blinds open as usual. How many times did he have to tell her it wasn’t wise? “I’m leaving Sylvie’s.”

  A muttered curse.

  Arak’s cat sat up and noticed. Why was Jaron calling? He had left earlier in the day to visit his parents. Faruk was covering the comm center for him. His team leader wouldn’t contact Arak unless he needed something. “What’s going on, Jaron? Does Torkel want us out and rolling?” He didn’t want to leave without letting Sylvie know. “I can be there in fifteen.”

  Arak’s grip went to the door of the hover car as he climbed out. It should take him less than five to give Sylvie his update in status and cancel their dinner plans. Once more he scanned the multi-leveled building, hair curling at his nape and senses on alert. The last time he’d had a similar crawling sensation his papan’s restaurant had blown up.

  “Kyele’s going to meet you. Don’t go anywhere until he gets there.”

  Arak frowned at the branches on the trees looming above. No breeze stirred. Nothing out of place. He inhaled taking in the scent of each passerby and nearby flora. “Tell me what’s going on, Jaron.”

  Arak moved toward Sylvie’s building, his Argoran half urging him into a trot.

  “I’m on my way back, Arak. Wait for Kyele.”

  Arak paused in the lobby of Sylvie’s building. The greeters at the counter smiled in recognition and nodded politely. “No.”

  Jaron cursed again and Arak heard a door slam then the beep of a hover car being programmed. “Vee contacted Torkel. We have reason to believe that the internal traitor may have turned his sights on one of the Earth females. Vee intercepted a transmission. He didn’t get an identity just a voice using distortion software to say he’d been comprised by one of the women. Torkel’s covering Faye and Kyele’s coming to help with Sylvie and Joni. All you have to do is give us time to get in place, Arak.”

  And leave Sylvie? Not in this lifetime or the next. Arak took the glide up to the fourteenth floor, every sense on alert as his cat searched for the danger. When he reached Sylvie’s floor, Arak withdrew his weapon. The only one he’d carried with him today. He held the laser down by his left leg, back to the wall as he made his way down Sylvie’s hall.

  When he reached her door, Arak pressed his ear to the side of the joints. Low and muffled conversation but parts he heard clearly. “-don’t fuck with me, Sylvie.”

  Arak placed the voice instantly. Who else was in Sylvie’s place and why would his teammate speak to her in that manner? Jaron called his name in his comm but Arak couldn’t answer. His cat wanted to storm through the door and it took all of his control to force the urge away. Taking a deep breath, Arak knocked and slid the hand holding the laser behind his back.

  The occupants in the apartment grew quiet. Sylvie opened the door and Arak knew something was wrong. Pale and clammy she refused to meet his gaze. Not crossing the threshold, he tipped his head to the side and kept his voice soft. Gentle. “What’s wrong, Sylvie?”


  He scented the lie the moment it left her lips. What had red hot anger coursing through Arak’s veins was her stutter. Since they got together, Sylvie didn’t stutter any more. It denoted a sign of the fear she’d worked hard to get rid of.

  “Can I come in?” Her body barred the entrance.

  Arak’s hold on his laser tightened. He knew the identity of at least one person in there. He’d caught the scent the moment she opened the door, confirming the voice of earlier.

  At his question, fear burst through her honeyed fragrance. “Umm…maybe not.”

  “Maybe yes, love.” He placed his free hand on her chest and pushed Sylvie back slightly to clear the way. Her heart pounded against his palm.

  Arak entered, gaze searching. His friend stood near the sofa in the living area but no one else. Had Jaron sent him too? “What’s going on, Faruk? I thought Sylvie was in trouble.”

  Arak relaxed and lowered his weapon. It was his first mistake. Faruk crossed the room in rapid strides and aimed his own weapon at Sylvie’s head, his other arm going around her throat. “Drop it, Arak. Don’t make me prove I’m serious. I’ll take Sylvie down.”

  Resistance wasn’t an option in face of the threat to his mate. Arak’s laser hit the floor and he kicked it away.

  Faruk wet his lips. “Remove the ear comm. Toss it my way.”

  Arak did as he asked and Faruk’s black boot smashed the device. “What are you doing, Faruk? What’s this about?”

  For the first time in their acquaintance his friend appeared flustered. Arak just needed to keep him off beat until Jaron or Kyele arrived. Arak bit back his growl.

  Faruk flicked the laser in Sylvie’s direction. “Remove your shirt next, Arak.”

  Arak did so immediately and tossed it toward Faruk. The black fabric hit the
floor and Faruk crushed it beneath his boot. “This should keep Jaron from tracking you.”

  Sylvie stiffened, her mouth falling open in dismay. Arak sensed her surprise. Faruk’s gaze shifted toward her. “All Jutaks have a tracker imbedded in the collar of their uniforms.”

  Faruk toed the shirt back in Arak’s direction. “Put it on.”

  Arak did, fastening the buttons quickly. “Now what?”

  Faruk’s smile held a hint of sadness. “Now we take a little trip.”

  And his former friend, former teammate withdrew a second weapon and tranqued him.

  Chapter 21

  Sylvie’s heart threatened to burst from her chest. The pressure increased as she swallowed past the boulder in her throat. Sylvie knew if she started crying now she wouldn’t stop. This was her worst nightmare come true. Trapped in a cell and back under someone else’s control. Except unlike the last time, she didn’t feel powerless. Not with Arak at her side. Throat tight, she asked. “Are they going to kill us?”

  Arak leaned back against the stone wall and met her gaze, eyes filled with deadly intent. “They can try.”

  Her laugh held a nervous edge. “I’d prefer they didn’t.”

  Arak shifted his weight and cupped the nape of her neck, his stare burning through her. “Trust me, Sylvie. I’ll get us out.”

  Goosebumps prickled her flesh and Sylvie rubbed at her arms to ward off the feeling this might not end well. She struggled to stay calm. To not let paranoid fear keep her from helping Arak if he needed it.

  A tear slid free. He caught it on his fingertip. “No more of these.”

  She sniffed and laughed. “Alright.”

  The lock on the door twisted.

  “Someone’s coming.” His nostrils flared. “One guard.”

  Arak nudged her chin with his knuckles and smiled. The smile was edged in ice. Sylvie buried her hands under her armpits and backed up a step to give him room. He stretched his arms out to his sides, claws exposed on his fingertips. The door creaked open and the guard entered.

  One side punch from Arak and he folded. A swipe of claws and the man ended up on the floor moaning. Arak went to one knee and stripped the belt from the pants. He roped the guards wrists behind his back.

  Arak turned to Sylvie, extending his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Not the least bit afraid, she hurried to his side. As soon as their fingers touched, the claws on his left hand retracted. His other arm dropped to her waist and palmed something hard down her pants beneath her shirt tail. Sylvie frowned, lips parted but Arak’s hiss stopped her. They burst through the door of their prison together.

  “Stay close to me, Sylvie.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. He squeezed her hand once and together they raced down a hall, stopping every few steps as Arak paused. He tipped his head to the side and listened. A frown pierced his brow. She waited until he tugged on her hand, leading her down the hall at a fast clip.

  When they neared the end of the darkened path, he crouched low and Sylvie knelt next to him. Both hands reached up and cupped her face. “Listen.”

  Sylvie shook her head and blinked when her tears welled. “Nope. No throwing me.”

  His lips twitched. “I’m going to scout ahead. Sound is distorted in here, making it hard for me to hear and I want you safe.”

  Her eyes burned. Sylvie gripped his shirt and pulled him forward. His hands caught on the wall behind her. “You listen to me. I want you safe.”

  He kissed her. It was the last thing Sylvie expected and exactly what she needed. “Stay here.”

  Then he removed his clothes and shifted. Before she could blink, the white cat disappeared around a corner and Sylvie was left with her back to the wall in the small alcove where he’d stashed her. In that moment she decided to devise all the ways she’d make him pay for stashing her in the corner. Seconds ticked to minutes and minutes dragged on longer than she wanted.

  A wisp of air caused her to rise to her feet, fists ready. Lips brushed her cheek. “It’s me, love.”

  Sylvie smacked Arak’s bare chest and exhaled in relief. “Together, Arak. We do this together.”

  He nuzzled her neck and inhaled. “Alright.” When he pulled back, he began dressing quickly. “There are guards everywhere. Marenians, too.”

  Fully dressed, his intense stare pinned her to the spot. “I won’t lose you.”

  Sylvie’s lips quivered but she held on to her sanity by staring at into his blue eyes and trusting him. “Let’s do this.”

  He grinned and grabbed her hand. They doubled back the way they’d come. Shouts sounded behind them as their absence was discovered. Arak shoved her ahead only for Sylvie to end up face to face with a familiar figure.

  “Nice effort. Follow me and don’t try anything, Arak.” Faruk stood in the doorway, his weapon aimed at Sylvie’s head. “You know I can drop her before you move.”

  Arak cursed, a low growl rumbled from his chest but he placed his hand on Sylvie’s lower back in reassurance. Two guards joined them, taking position behind Sylvie and Arak. She forced her limbs to move, allowing Arak’s presence to give her comfort. Faruk stopped at a door at the end of another passage and flicked on sensors, turning the dark space light.

  “Leave us,” Faruk ordered.

  The guards left without speaking a single word.


  Heat rose from Arak’s body, his anger a living thing. Faruk had ordered his men to tie Sylvie’s hands together. No one wanted to risk dismemberment by getting too close to confine Arak in a similar manner. “Traitor.”

  The word came out garbled in a low snarl, his fangs prominent. He thought of the missions the teams went on, the disadvantage they worked under because Faruk sold them out.

  “Is there anything you didn’t tell them?” Arak asked, his upper lip curled.

  Faruk’s lips firmed. “I didn’t betray the Jutaks. I’ve told them no secrets about us individually. This is strictly about Torkel Alonson.”

  “You gave away operation details. That’s a betrayal. You let Faye take the blame and didn’t speak up when all of us turned on her.”

  Faruk scrubbed at his hair with one hand. “None of that matters now.”

  “At least tell me why, Faruk?” Why would his friend betray the Jutaks? Why would he turn on Arak even now?

  Faruk’s smile held a sad droop in the corner as he shook his head but answered, “Because despite what you think, having a Marenian on the Jutak teams isn’t a good thing. His people are slavers. He could turn any day.”

  “You’re shitting me!” Arak couldn’t help it. The very thought was too ridiculous to even consider. Torkel would never.

  Faruk’s blue eyes darkened and his lips firmed as he raised the laser higher aiming directly for Arak’s chest. “It’s not personal, Arak. I like you. I like most of the teams. Did you know Alonson considered making Kyele team lead over me?”

  Arak didn’t know. “So this is revenge? Jealousy?”

  “No!” Faruk barked. “It’s just more evidence that he’s not fit to be a good leader if he can’t tell that Kyele’s not sane. Maybe the two of them are working together to bring down Enotia.”

  Now this was going into fantasy land. “I can’t accept that, Faruk. No more than I can accept that you would turn on men who’ve been like brothers to you.”

  Faruk shifted his stance. “I’m sorry it has to be this way, Arak but I can’t let you ruin this for me. My partners could have pushed to have the governing council remove Torkel if his Chosen had gone to trial for her actions but he managed to use his friendship with the Commander to get around the law. More signs he’s closer to his Marenian heritage than you think.”

  Arak fought the desire to roll his eyes at the wild claim. Torkel had fought tooth and nail to have the charges against Sylvie dismissed. Sweat dampened his palms as he kept his arms up where Faruk could see. He needed to make sure Sylvie walked away from this unharmed. Chances of him doing the same looked slim. “We all know w
hat happened to Faye. She’s innocent in this.”

  Faruk frowned. “This is true. They tried to get her to tell what she knew but surprisingly the Earthling didn’t crack.”

  Every muscle in Arak’s body stilled. “What are you talking about?”

  Had Faruk admitted involvement in Faye’s kidnapping?

  “She was questioned extensively. Too bad she didn’t give anything we could have used against Torkel.”

  Arak’s stomach pitched. Faye had been in bad shape when they rescued her, physically hovering between life and death. “You risked Faye’s life to get at Torkel.”

  “She was an unfortunate sacrifice to reach my end goal,” Faruk argued. “Don’t forget she gave away secrets for a price.”

  The determined light in his eyes proved Faruk believed the words he said. Still, Faye had nothing to do with this. “I can’t believe you’d betray all that being a Jutak stands for.”

  Faruk’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t talk to me of betrayal. Torkel is Marenian scum and eventually his blood would bleed through.”

  “So you’re working with Marenians…because you don’t want to work with a Marenian in charge of the unit? One who’s proven to be loyal and honorable.”

  A rough chuckle sounded behind Arak and a familiar Marenian entered the room. Arak shifted his weight, keeping his body as a shield in front of Sylvie. He recognized the Marenian by his crooked horn. Arlo. One of the slavers they’d caught once before.


  Sylvie recognized the Marenian who entered the room. Never would she forget the evil in his brown eyes or the twisted horn protruding from the side of his temple. The few times their paths crossed, she’d witnessed his disregard for the slaves he sold.

  “I should have gutted you when I had the chance instead of letting you go,” Arak growled.

  “But you didn’t Jutak.” Arlo stood next to Faruk and his gaze shifted to Sylvie. “And you. You’ve been nothing but trouble.”

  Her hands clenched on the waist of Arak’s pants. Another growl rolled from his chest at the threat. “Leave her out of it.”


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