Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 18

by Tia Wylder

  As his eyes fluttered shut, his final thought was of holding Kelly in his arms. Pain lanced through his body like electric shocks, but all he could do was grit his teeth against it. He wouldn’t give up. Not quite, not yet.

  The morning found him feeling even less confident than the night prior, and even his son seemed to be holding some sort of grudge against him. James considered him with an obvious pout as Paul descended the stairs, and it was all the man could do not to shout. He rolled his eyes, pouring himself a glass of orange juice and sitting at the dining table with the young boy. Roberta busied herself with washing up some dishes, but it was obvious she was dying to know what had gone so wrong the night before. Paul wasn’t about to indulge his housekeeper’s little fantasy world right now, however. Roberta always assured the navy seal that the perfect woman would fall into his lap someday; it was only a matter of time.

  For a time, he had believed her. It had to be clear that his confidence was on a downwards slide at that point, even to her. He ignored the baleful stare of his son, glancing out the window. Rain seemed to be pouring pretty steadily from the clouds, an ironic change in weather considering how beautiful things had been for the weeks prior. Paul grumbled under his breath, continuing to sip his orange juice until James loudly and obnoxiously cleared his throat.

  “Is something on your mind, son?” Paul said, pointedly. James frowned, but nodded his head in the affirmation.

  “I called to see if Jeffrey could come play today, at our house. Miss Carpenter said that he didn’t feel well, but I feel like they’re mad at me. You said you would apologize today,” the young boy said pointedly, folding his arms over his chest. Paul snorted, gesturing towards the window where rain continued to steadily pitter patter.

  “I’m not going out in this weather. I should at least wait until the rain slackens up a bit, shouldn’t I?” The blue-eyed father demanded. If possible, James’ frown seemed to intensify. “I need to give her a bit more time to cool off, son. I said some… pretty horrible things to her, and I can’t just saunter on over there and expect everything to be okay,” Paul tried again.

  “It sounds to me like you’re making excuses,” James said, bluntly. Paul frowned, but Roberta hummed as if to agree with James. He narrowed his eyes, resting his head in his hands as he agonized over the icy treatment he was receiving from his family of sorts.

  “I know you’re eager to get a word in, so go ahead,” the man said coolly, glancing towards his housekeeper. She raised a brow at him, considering him for a long moment before returning her attention to the dishes. “Come on. Have at me. You wouldn’t hold out any other time, why start now?” He prodded, rising from the table and shifting towards her. Roberta turned quickly, turning a suds covered finger towards him. She pointed almost accusingly at him, jabbing her wet gloved finger against his chest.

  “You love this woman, Paul. I can see it in your eyes. She may be angry at you, and that anger may last some time. But it is the least you can do to offer her an apology. You’re a better man than this. I know it, your son knows it, and you should know it as well,” Roberta boomed, continuing to jab Paul in the chest, as if to punctuate each sentence. Paul grunted with each jab, looking downright sullen when she was finished. She set the soapy dishes in a sinkful of water, removing her gloves and crossing her arms.

  “A good man wouldn’t have said the things I said,” Paul said, grimly.

  “I said you were good, Paul, not perfect,” Roberta said, a bit more kindly than her previous statements. He hummed, nodding his head slowly. Glancing towards his son, he offered the young boy a smile before shuffling to the downstairs closet and grabbing his rain jacket.

  “I’m going to go apologize. If she finds it agreeable, I’ll see if Jeffrey can come over while she and I talk things out,” he offered. James smiled, bouncing in his seat and giving his father two thumbs up. No one seemed to make note of the fact that Paul was still clad in the pants from the night before, and he could only hope that Kelly didn’t clue in on the fact either. A shower seemed less pressing than the need to make things right with her; at least, for now. Slipping out the door, he walked barefoot across the rain soaked grass to his neighbor’s yard. The curtains were drawn on all of the windows, but he could still see a bit of light ebbing from inside, presumably from a television.

  Stepping up to the door, he knocked loudly in order to be heard over the rolling thunder. For several long moments, he received no answer. However, after a bit of waiting, a small and round face peeked out the window nearest the door. Paul waved nervously, and Jeffrey seemed to light up upon seeing the man. He drew away from the window, and the man simply waited on the doorstep until his son’s friend opened the door for him.

  “Mr. Stalone! I was hoping you would come by,” he whispered, glancing furtively over his shoulder. “Mommy has been pretty upset, but wouldn’t tell me why. I was hoping you could cheer her up. She won’t even let me go to your house to play with James,” he mumbled. Paul frowned, gesturing for the boy to step aside. The blue-eyed man took a step into the house, the sounds of melancholic country music resonating through the house. He smiled sadly to himself, leaning in to speak quietly to Jeffrey.

  “You go ahead and run next door. I’ll tell your mom where you are, okay?” Paul murmured. Jeffrey hesitated, glancing from the door to the stairs that led to the next floor. He drew his lip between his teeth, reaching out to take Paul by the hand.

  “Please try to cheer her up. I hate seeing her so unhappy,” the young boy mumbled. Paul nodded, gesturing for him to make his way next door. Jeffrey obliged, rushing out the door and slamming it shut behind him. The sound of the door shutting seemed to echo throughout the house, and Paul winced as he heard a door creak open. Footsteps could be heard crossing the floor upstairs, and soon he could see Kelly slinking down the stairs.

  “Jeffrey? What did I tell you about…,” she began, cutting herself short upon seeing Paul’s scarcely clad form standing in the middle of her living room. The man felt rather silly, especially considering how unhappy the woman was to see him. He raised a hand, waving hesitantly. “Where’s my son, Paul?” She demanded coldly, rushing towards him. The red rings around her eyes made it obvious that she’d been crying for some time, and her voice hitched even when she tried to sound threatening. Paul intercepted her as she slipped past him, towards the door, pulling her to his chest.

  “He’s next door, playing with his best friend like he should be,” the navy seal said gently, drawing away to look the woman in the eyes. Kelly trembled, refusing to return his stare. She sniffled softly, trying to free herself from Paul’s grip. He refused to release her, however, crouching down to get a better look at her. She reddened, obviously embarrassed to be caught in such a state.

  “What are you doing here?” She demanded, though the question came out somewhat weak and strangled. Paul gently brushed her hair away from her eyes, a certain tenderness sweeping over him unlike any he had felt in some time. She blushed even deeper, her throat bobbing as she forcefully swallowed.

  “I came to apologize. I was an idiot, and I had no right to say those things to you,” he said forcefully, grasping her by the chin and forcing her to finally meet his gaze. Her expression seemed to crack when she couldn’t avoid his stare any longer, and tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “I… I thought you would be out at some… singles bar or something. I don’t know, anywhere but here, apologizing to me,” she murmured. Paul frowned, stroking a hand through her hair once more.

  “I only have eyes for you. It’s been that way for some time now, you know…,” he managed. Her eyes widened slightly, and he began to babble without really intending to. “I know you can’t forgive me, especially after how many times I’ve wronged you, but I want you to know that there’s no one else for me…,” he stammered out, cut short as she forcefully pressed their lips together. The chaste nature of their last kiss was completely absent, desperation seeming to radiate from her pores as she gripped h
im tightly, drawing his lip between her own. He groaned against her, resting a hand on the small of her back to brace her.

  “I feel the same. I know… I know you can’t exactly believe me, but you’re the only one I’ve had eyes for,” she blurted, tears running down her reddened cheeks. While Paul knew it wasn’t exactly conventional, it was the most beautiful he had ever seen the woman. He drew her into his arms, and they continued to kiss with all the desperation of a starving man searching for food. She pressed herself flush against his chest, her robe slipping open to expose her bare skin. His fingers ghosted against her slightly, unintended, and a gasp drew itself from her lips. He jolted away, eyes wide and wild as he seemed to realize what had happened.

  “I’m sorry,” he blurted, eyes widening even further as she smiled mischievously at him. With a brief moment of hesitation, she shrugged off her robe, allowing it to pool on the floor around her feet. She wore no underwear of any kind, no bra and no panties to speak of. His mouth hung agape, all the memories of being with her rushing to the forefront of his mind. However, this moment seemed somehow better.

  It wasn’t in the past. It was in the here and the now, and it was obvious that Kelly wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She stepped towards him, pressing him back against the door he had stepped through mere moments prior. Their lips met once more, engaging in a slow and sensual dance. His hands found their way onto her breasts, gently caressing the curves and swells of her chest. He gently pinched her nipples, in just the way he knew she liked. She whimpered, throwing her head back to expose her neck to him. He leaned in, pressing his lips to the column of her throat.

  “I want you,” she murmured, her words leaving no room for argument. He hummed softly, unable to resist her as she gripped the waistband of his pants, shoving them down his hips. He suddenly wished he had bathed before walking over, but it seemed the last thing on her mind as she slipped her hand beneath his briefs and gripped his swollen manhood. He hunched over a bit, a gasp spilling past his lips as she began to stroke her hand up and down the length of him. She brushed her thumb against the tip, gathering the little bead of pre ejaculate that was already forming. Bringing her thumb to her lips, she tasted him, making a show of moaning salaciously at the taste.

  “Oh, Christ,” he moaned, switching their positions so that she was the one pinned to the door. She grinned, licking her lips slowly as he positioned himself at her entrance. He was hesitant to proceed, unsure if she wanted to proceed in the way he desired. That hesitation flew out the window, however, when she wrapped a leg around his waist and drew his full length inside of her. Her mouth fluttered open, stuttering gasps escaping in a sigh as inch after inch was fed into her. Paul lowered his head, brushing his lips against the nook between her neck and shoulder. He kissed her tenderly there, nipping gently at her skin as he began to move inside of her.

  “O-oh, Paul,” she breathed, her hips moving in a steady motion as he continued to pound into her. Her body slammed back against the door with every rock of their bodies, and the man could only count himself lucky that he had sent her son next door. It was clear that Kelly was drawing agonizingly close to her peak, and Paul shifted his angle to hit her just right as he continued to thrust. She squealed softly, eyes squeezed shut as she was overcome by the sheer emotion and pleasure of her orgasm. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, and Paul dipped his head to kiss away her tears. His heart swelled, as well as the piece of him settled deep within her, when her walls began to flex around him.

  “I… I love… I love you, Kelly,” he gasped out, unable to stop the words as he bottomed out inside of her, spilling himself deep inside of her. She cried out softly, driven to a second and somewhat less intense orgasm. All the same, it was enough to leave her a shuddering mess as she leaned back against the door, unable to support her weight any longer. He pressed against her, kissing her repeatedly on the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, and lips. She giggled softly, tangling her hands in his hair as he continued to lavish her with affection.

  Realizing a bit belatedly what he had confessed as he came inside her, Paul could only hope Kelly didn’t pick up on the claim. As much as he would want to deny it, he wouldn’t be able to. He couldn’t lie and tell her that he was just caught in the moment. He knew, deep in his heart, that he loved this woman with every inch and fiber of his being. However, she simply seemed a bit dazed, meeting his gaze with a tender smile. He drew away from her, his length slipping out of her. She pressed her thighs together to try and stop the gush from spilling down her legs, her cheeks reddening slightly as she seemed to realize what they had just done in the entryway of her home.

  “Can you grab me a towel? The bathroom is upstairs,” she inquired softly, almost nervously. “I know this is entirely unattractive after making love but…,” she trailed off, looking uncertain of herself.

  “Oh, sweetheart, don’t worry about how you look. I know how it is with a kid. I’ll help you get cleaned up, okay?” He warmly assured her. She smiled abruptly, squealing as he swept her up into his arms. She kept her thighs pressed together, but he swiftly moved towards the stairs, heading up towards the bathroom. “We can get a shower, then let the boys know we’ve… made up, as it were. They’ll be thrilled to know they can still play together,” he murmured. Kelly grimaced slightly, giving his shoulder a slight shove.

  “Don’t bring our kids up so soon,” she mumbled, though it was clear she was mostly teasing. He rolled his eyes, carrying her into the bathroom and placing her on her feet on the tile floor. “You’re right, though. Jeffrey was crushed by the idea of never getting to see James again. And well, of course, he wasn’t too keen on the idea of never seeing you again, either,” she murmured, turning on the water in the shower. As it began to heat up, she sat on the edge of the tub, staring up at Paul with adoration shining in her gaze.

  “I would have missed him as well. But more than anything… I would have missed you. I’m still so sorry about the things I said to you, Kelly. If there is anything I can do to make up for it…,” he trailed off as she slid into the tub, standing under the shower stream. She extended her hand to him, a wry smile curling on her lips.

  “If you want to make it up to me, get in here and scrub down with me. Then, we’ll go next door and let everyone know that this whole thing has blown over,” she murmured. His eyes alit with delight, and he slipped into the shower with her, with little argument.

  Now that this misstep was behind them, Paul was confident that he could move forward with the love of his life at his side. So what if she had maybe been with someone else. It was something he could come to terms with… he was sure of it.

  Chapter Seven

  Things settled into a comfortable sort of routine for Paul and Kelly. Jeffrey idolized James as much as ever, and the time the boys spent together gave their parents plenty of time to get to know each other again. It was a process, but it was one that Paul was content with. Though he didn’t expect Kelly to be so forgiving, he certainly wasn’t complaining with the way she cozied up to his side when they took their sons to the park, or on some other ventures of sorts. Things couldn’t be better, as far as the blue-eyed man was concerned.

  Which is why, when James burst through the door in something of a tizzy, Paul could only wonder what was wrong. The boys had been out playing, as was the norm for them. Paul hadn’t quite gotten ready to face the day as of that moment, so he had sent James ahead to tell the neighbors that he would be over as soon as he got dressed. However, James’ face was flushed, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as he slammed the front door shut behind him. Paul rushed over to him, crouching in front of his son and reaching out to touch his shoulder.

  “Are you alright, little man?” He inquired gently, brushing the tears away from his son’s eyes. James wasn’t one to get upset easily, at least, not upset to the point of tears. He managed to remain more stoic than his father on most days, at least as far as negative emotions went. When James was upset, however, it was like a hurri
cane striking the shore with gale force winds. His body shook with barely repressed anger, and he reached up to wipe his eyes in frustration.

  “Jeffrey is upset with me,” James said bluntly, slipping past his father to sink into the couch. Paul raised a brow, following his son with his eyes. It certainly didn’t sound like the younger boy to be upset with his older brother figure, but Paul knew things were rarely as cut and dry as they may have seemed. Breathing a sigh, Paul strode towards the couch, dropping into a crouch in front of his young son. He had hoped James might have settled down a bit once he got away from the situation, whatever the situation may have been. However, James only seemed even more upset than when he’d stepped through the door.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Paul inquired, gently. James met his father’s gaze, bottom lip trembling. He seemed to weigh his options, shaking his head and averting his eyes. Paul tilted his head curiously, reaching out to ruffle the young boy’s hair. James shifted away from his father, obviously trying very hard to rein in his emotions. It seemed to be working, if just barely. “Why don’t you wanna talk to me?” Paul pressed a bit, careful to make sure his son didn’t break altogether. James chuckled hollowly, wiping his eyes again. The boy seemed all the more frustrated by his own tears, and the fact that no matter what he did, they didn’t seem to slow.


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