Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 60

by Tia Wylder

  Oh my god, I thought as hot tears spilled down my cheeks and dripped off my chin. My nose filled with snot until I could hardly breathe, but as hard as I tried to work the duct tape off my lips, it wouldn’t come. My hands were uselessly tied behind me, and my ankles were tied to the legs of the chair. I rocked my body as hard as I could to one side, hoping to break the fragile wood with the force of my weight. But it was no use. The chair, rickety as it was, wasn’t budging. Not to mention, everything in my body hurt. My limbs ached and trembled, and the brief adrenaline rush that had hit me upon waking up was gone.

  Barnes, I thought miserably. I was sick with worry about him – worry and anger that somehow, the bad guys had won. What’s going to happen to me, I thought in fright as I looked around the room. And how the hell am I going to get out of this alive?

  Chapter 12


  Gianna giggled as I rolled her over in bed, pressing her soft form into the pillows before crawling on top of her and kissing her.

  “I love you, Barnes,” Gianna said. She winked at me. “Even if you won’t let me call you Barnesy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That’s never going to happen,” I said. Deep down, I wouldn’t have minded – Gianna could call me anything she wanted, even an insultingly stupid pet name. But I couldn’t let her know that. After all, I was a man. I had to retain some sort of dignity.

  “Do you think we’ll be together forever?” Gianna asked softly. She leaned in and nuzzled my neck before throwing her arm over my chest and snuggling close.

  “Baby, of course,” I told her. “We’re married, aren’t we?”

  Gianna nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “But it’s Hollywood. If you’re married for six months, that’s considered a lifetime.”

  “That’s not gonna be us, baby,” I told her, rumpling her hair. “You and I are a match made in heaven.”

  Gianna laughed. “God, if I could see the looks on my parent's faces,” she said. She sighed happily. “I just never thought it would happen for me.”

  “Me, either,” I admitted. “But, god, I’m so glad I found you.”

  “Sir! Sir! Wake up, sir!”

  I was in so much pain that for a moment, I thought I’d died and gone to hell. Everything hurt. My legs hurt. My arms hurt. My stomach hurt. My face hurt – hell, even my hair hurt.

  All I could do was groan weakly. Opening my eyes took a Herculean effort, and I did a double-take when I saw the uniformed official squatting in front of me.

  “What…” I trailed off, too weak to form a proper sentence.

  The officer looked over his shoulder. I followed his glance – that’s when I saw the wreckage of that beautiful vintage car. Smoke was billowing from the ruined hood in fat grey columns, and the exterior was crushed into a hunk of scrap metal that was half the size of the car it had once been.

  “You were in a wreck, sir, a bad one,” the paramedic said.

  I struggled to sit up, but the paramedic put his hand on my chest and pushed down. “No,” he said firmly. “Don’t sit up!” He warned sharply. “We’re worried that you might have internal injuries, and—“

  “Gianna,” I said weakly. “Where’s Gianna?”

  The paramedic stared into my eyes for a moment before turning his head. “He’s delirious! We need help, stat!”

  “I’m not delirious, where’s my wife?” I asked with all the strength I had left. “She was in the car with me, where is she?”

  The paramedic gave me a concerned look. “Sir, there was no one else in the car with you. We arrived at the scene almost immediately – a passing car called 911 and alerted us of the accident.”

  “My wife,” I said weakly. “She has to be here – did she get thrown from the car?”

  “Sir, I have to ask you, please stay calm!” The paramedic was practically shouting in my face. “I need help!” He yelled over his shoulder. “Come on!”

  Another paramedic rushed toward me, and the two men lifted me onto a stretcher. When they hefted me into the air, I felt a staggering pain in my leg that was so great I couldn’t help but cry out.

  “You’ve got a nasty compound fracture,” the first paramedic told me. “Just stay calm.”

  “Fuck that,” I growled as a hot rush of adrenaline flowed through my body. “I want my fucking wife!”

  “Give him something, he’s delirious.”

  “No!” I shouted. “No, I can’t go under! I have to stay awake!”

  I barely felt the needle jabbing me in the arm. Almost immediately I felt like I was being lowered into a black, thick haze of fog.

  “Gianna,” I said weakly. “Gianna, please, where are you?”

  It was the last thing I said before blacking out into a cloud of painkillers.


  “Mr. Harrington?” The sound of a confident female voice penetrated my veil of painkillers and agony. It sounded far away, and I groaned.

  “Mr. Harrington? Are you awake?”

  “He’s been slipping in and out of consciousness all morning. Don’t press him too hard.”

  The voices were growing louder and louder, and becoming steadily annoying, like a nest full of angry wasps. Why won’t they just shut up, I thought as I tried to open my eyes so I could tell them all to go to hell. Why are they bothering me?

  “He’s awake,” the female voice said. “Mr. Harrington, can you hear me?”

  My only response was a groan. When I managed to open my eyelids, I saw two doctors clad in blue scrubs standing over my bed. The woman had a clipboard in her hands, and she was gazing down at me with concern. The man was older – he had thinning silver hair around his temples and wire-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.

  “Guh…” I opened my mouth to tell them to speak, but the only thing that came out was a blur of sound.

  “He’s awake,” the female doctor repeated. She smiled at me. “Mr. Harrington, you were in a very bad accident.”

  “Gianna…” Saying her name took almost all of the energy I had. “Where…is…”

  “Mr. Harrington, please, don’t struggle,” the female doctor said. She glanced down at my leg. “You had a very severe break.”

  That was when I looked down and saw my right leg covered in white plaster. There were several silver pins sticking out, and when I shifted in the hospital bed, agony shot up my spine. The pain was dreadful, and I bit my lip to avoid crying out. Sharp blood washed over my tongue, and the doctor frowned.

  “Don’t try to fight the pain, Mr. Harrington – if we need to up your dosage of painkillers, just say the word.”

  As bad as the pain was, it somehow brought me a new wave of strength. Gianna’s face flashed through my mind, and I knew without a doubt that something terrible had happened to her.

  “My wife,” I said, clutching the sheets in my hands until my knuckles turned white. “Something happened to her – she was with me, in the car, when I crashed.”

  The two doctors exchanged a strange look.

  “What?” I demanded. “What is it? Tell me!”

  “Mr. Harrington, there was no one else at the scene,” the male doctor said. He narrowed his eyes.

  “I know that,” I said in exasperation. “She was taken. You don’t get it – someone was chasing us, and I crashed.”

  “You were going over ninety miles per hour,” the doctor said disapprovingly. “The paramedics reported everything.”

  “Because I was trying to get away from the idiot chasing me,” I said angrily. “And then when I crashed, they took my wife.”

  The female doctor’s face turned white, and she gasped.

  “Yeah,” I said drily. “She’s gone. I need to find her – I need to speak to the cops, immediately.”

  “That’s not possible,” the male doctor said. “Not in your condition, Mr. Harrington. You need to rest for a few days, and—“

  “Bullshit,” I snapped. I tried to sit up in bed but the pain was so bad I saw stars in front of my eyes. Gritting my teeth and clenc
hing my jaw, I groaned in agony as I gripped the plastic sides of the hospital bed and tried to pull myself upright.

  “Mr. Harrington!” The female doctor gasped. “Lie back down immediately!”

  I shot her an angry glare. Then I looked down to her left hand. Sure enough, she wore a wide wedding band of white gold.

  “You’re married?” I grunted. The pain was still coursing through my body and sweat had broken out over my forehead.

  The female doctor nodded.

  “And if you went missing, what would your husband do?”

  Her cheeks flushed.

  “You know he’d look for you,” I growled. “You know he wouldn’t stand by and wait. You know he’d do everything he could to find you.”

  “Mr. Harrington, that’s enough,” the male doctor said. He crossed his arms over his chest. “And it’s time for your medicine.” The male doctor didn’t take his eyes off me as he pressed a nurse call button on the wall. Seconds later, a nurse in bright scrubs walked into the room with two paper cups in her hand.

  “What is this?” I asked warily. One of the cups contained water, the other contained a selection of pills.

  “Painkillers,” the nurse said. “And a pill to ward off infection. Your leg was seriously damaged, and you’re at risk.”

  “Go on, Mr. Harrington,” the male doctor said. He cleared his throat. “It’s about time for me to start making my rounds.”

  I looked to the female doctor for sympathy, but she just flushed and gave me an apologetic look before shaking her head.

  “Fine,” I snapped, grabbing the cup of pills. With the eyes of the doctors and the nurse burning into me, I tilted the cup into my mouth. The nurse handed me the cup of water, and I mimed swallowing, shoving the pills under my tongue. They tasted bitter, but it was nothing compared to the bitterness and anger I felt in my heart.

  “Very good, Mr. Harrington,” the male doctor said. “I’ll be back this afternoon to check on you.” He left the room, with the nurse in tow.

  The female doctor lingered behind. She bit her lip. “You didn’t swallow them, did you?”

  I grabbed the empty paper cup from the side of my bed and spat the pills into it.

  She sighed. “I really should make you take them,” she said.

  “But you can’t,” I said. “Not until you bring me a phone. Not until I can speak to someone who can help me find my wife.”

  The female doctor swallowed and gave me a nervous look. “I could lose my job for this,” she said, crossing the room and opening the small plastic cabinet that stood by the wall. Inside was a large plastic bag full of my things. She took out my phone and carried it over to me.

  “Make your calls,” she said. “I’ll come back in an hour and put this away.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “I really mean that.”

  The nurse smiled. “I know,” she said. “And then, Mr. Harrington, promise me something?”

  I frowned. “What?”

  “That you’ll take your pills,” she said. “Okay?”

  I nodded. Now that I had my phone back in my hand, I was eager to get started. “Yeah, sure, whatever,” I said. “Thank you.”

  The female doctor nodded before leaving the room. She closed the door most of the way, and I sank back against the starchy pillows, exhausted from my brief interaction with the hospital staff. I pressed the button on my phone until the screen turned bright white. As soon as I had reception, I called the very first person I could think of – Thomas Winsell.


  “It’s Barnes,” I said quickly. “I need your help. Gianna and I – we were in a bad wreck, and she’s gone missing. Someone kidnapped her, I know it.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Thomas muttered under his breath. “Have you called the cops?”

  “I don’t know, I mean, no,” I said quickly. “I…I didn’t think they’d be able to do anything.” For a moment, I was too ashamed to mention that it was my fault Gianna had been kidnapped. If only I had been so stupid and pigheaded, the cops would have already been watching us.

  “Barnes, you need to call them,” Thomas said. “This is dangerous – anything could happen to her.”

  “I know,” I said miserably. I took a deep breath. “Thomas, there’s more. Someone has been stalking her, and I kept telling her that it was nothing – that it would pass, you know?”

  “Jesus!” Thomas exclaimed. “Barnes, how could you do something so stupid?”

  “I know,” I groaned. “I know. But this isn’t the time, I have to find her.” Emotion washed over me, and for a horrible moment, there was a lump in my throat that made me feel like I was going to cry. “If anything happens to Gianna, I’ll die,” I said quietly. “I couldn’t forgive myself.”

  Thomas sighed. “I know a good private investigator,” he said. “She mostly works for women who suspect their husbands are cheating and other family cases, but she’s the best in LA.”

  “God, that would be amazing,” I said.

  Thomas gave me the woman’s name and phone number, and then we hung up. I was still feeling panicked and scared and helpless, but I knew that I had to keep my shit together. This wasn’t a time to break down – I had to stay strong if I was going to help Gianna avoid what I feared would be a grisly fate.

  With shaking hands, I dialed the number of the private investigator.

  “This is Jessica Norris,” a sharp female voice said. “How can I help you?”

  “I need to hire you to find my wife,” I said quickly. “And I need to speak with you, in person, as soon as possible.”

  “Sir, if you’re afraid that your wife is stepping out—“

  “My wife has been kidnapped,” I said sharply.

  There was a long pause.

  “Can you come to my office in an hour?” The woman gave me an address located in downtown Los Angeles.

  I laughed humorlessly. “I’m in the hospital with a compound fracture in my femur,” I said. “I doubt I’ll be going anywhere any time soon.”

  I gave Jessica the address of the Malibu Memorial Hospital and then turned my phone off, lying against the pillows as my heart thumped frantically in my chest. I felt relieved to have a good private investigator on my side, but I wouldn’t feel better until there was good news of Gianna.

  A little over twenty minutes later, a petite woman wearing a suit walked into my room. She had bright blonde hair twisted into a knot at the back of her neck and sharp brown eyes.

  “Barnes Harrington?”

  I nodded.

  “I’m Jessica.” The blonde took a chair and set it by the side of my bed. She offered me her hand to shake – to my surprise, her grip was as firm and strong as a man’s.

  “I’ll need you to tell me everything,” Jessica said. “Starting with the beginning.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before launching into the story of Gianna. I told her everything – the fights we’d had, my stupid, bullshit promises to protect her…and of course, the photographers outside of our home and in Malibu. When I’d finished, Jessica looked ruffled.

  “And you didn’t once think to call the authorities?” She narrowed her eyes. “That was very dangerous, Barnes.”

  “I know,” I said. I shuddered. “I feel responsible for her kidnapping.”

  Jessica’s silence indicated that she agreed with me.

  “Well, the best way to start is to get out there now. Does Gianna have any enemies? Anyone who would want her out of LA?”

  “No,” I said. “Nothing like that. Everyone likes her. She’s doing very well here – she’s brought new attention to the show.”

  “What about another actress?” Jessica raised an eyebrow. “Is anyone jealous of her?”

  “I don’t think so,” I said. “Or at least, I don’t think anyone would be crazy enough to attack her because of jealousy.”

  “There has to be something you’re not telling me,” Jessica said. She pursed her lips. “Think, Barnes.”

; “Well…there is her family,” I said slowly. “She was…very sheltered growing up, and even though she’s legally an adult, she ran away from home.”


  “Yeah,” I said, feeling lame. “They’re unhappy that she’s here now, but it’s not like they can force her to come back home.”

  “You may be onto something,” Jessica said slowly. She closed her notebook and got to her feet.


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