Accidental Surprises

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Accidental Surprises Page 77

by Tia Wylder

  “We’ll just have to make a point to be seen in public together. If everyone knows us as a couple, she’ll have no valid reason to doubt us. I’m taking you back out to dinner, maybe even a movie. Look in the papers and see what’s playing, will you?” He prompted, smirking as she considered him from the corner of her eye. Her gaze was clearly locked between his thighs, but he found himself becoming somewhat flustered under her blatant stare. As if suddenly realizing what she was doing, she turned a bright shade of pink again before turning away.

  “I can do that. … You should probably get dressed, Daniel. Don’t you have work today?” She muttered awkwardly. He hesitated, smiling sheepishly before turning to stalk back upstairs. She was very much correct, he did have work that day.

  “Alright, alright. But do see that you look through those papers. I want to take you to see something funny. Or a romance, maybe,” he called as he slipped upstairs. He tried to ignore the pounding in his chest that lingered once he was out of sight of the woman. What was impossible to ignore, however, was the bulge that jutted from beneath his bath towel. Wondering how long he had been so obviously aroused, he slapped a hand to his forehead before shuffling away to get dressed.

  He really had no idea what he had signed up for.

  Chapter Four

  When he returned home from work that evening, Daniel found Tiffany flitting around the house, sweeping and dusting where the home needed it. He smiled fondly, stepping through the front door and easing it shut behind him.

  “Honey, I’m home,” he announced, chuckling when she jolted upright in surprise. She smiled awkwardly at him, putting the broom and dustpan away before stepping forward to greet him. “You do realize I don’t expect you to keep the place clean, right?” He murmured, and she shrugged her shoulders in response.

  “I was just trying to keep busy until you got home,” she clarified dismissively. He grinned, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “What’s with the look?” She inquired, tilting her head curiously.

  “Did you pick a movie for us to see?” Daniel inquired, nearly thrumming with excitement. Tiffany quirked a brow, looking vaguely amused. She stepped towards the coffee table, grabbing the newspaper and flipping to the movie show times. He looked over her shoulder, smiling at the movie she pointed out. “You really want to see a kid movie about bears?” He inquired teasingly, and she pouted adorably.

  “I like animated films. They’re cute,” she fixed him a stare, and he raised his hands to placate her.

  “Alright, alright. My lady gets what my lady wants,” he grinned cheekily, linking their arms together. She hesitated, resisting his pull for the briefest of moments.

  “And you’re sure you want to be seen with me?” Tiffany inquired softly, vulnerability showing in her gaze. Daniel breathed a sigh, pulling her into his arms. He rested his chin atop her head, simply allowing her to relax in his embrace for a moment.

  “One day I’m going find who made you feel so badly about yourself,” Daniel assured her. Tiffany giggled softly, drawing away and rubbing at her eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you how beautiful you are?” He inquired gently, brushing his hand to her cheek. She reddened, taking him by the hand and leading him outside.

  “Oh, you’re too sweet. Come on. The movie starts in fifteen minutes,” she smiled, slipping into the passenger seat of the car. He joined her in the car, revving the engine before pulling out of his driveway. He idly mused that the movie they were going to see was something his daughter would likely enjoy, and wished for a moment that he was able to have a real relationship with the woman in the car with him. He quickly shook off the thought, initially alarmed by the fact that it’d even crossed his mind. He had to remember this was all an act, and once he got custody of his daughter, they wouldn’t enjoy this sort of closeness anymore. He’d have his daughter, but his family would still be incomplete. He glanced towards Tiffany from the corner of his eye, smiling faintly at the excited expression on her face.

  “I can’t believe you’re into things like this,” he grinned, pulling into the parking lot of the movie theater. It drizzled lightly, and her excitement dimmed slightly until he drew an umbrella out from the backseat. “I always come prepared,” he assured her, slipping out of his side of the car and opening up the umbrella. He circled around to her side, opening it up and holding the umbrella over her. She smiled at him with something akin to adoration in her eyes, and the two rushed to get their movie tickets. The teen behind the counter smirked as Daniel ordered tickets to ‘Razz Beary in Funland’, but Daniel couldn’t find it within himself to care what the pimply boy thought. He shot the teen a glare, and the young man straightened up, smiling awkwardly as Daniel and Tiffany slipped away.

  “He thought we were idiots,” Tiffany giggled, grabbing Daniel by the arm as they stepped in the theater. He chuckled as well, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Well, you know what they say about fools falling in love,” he teased, and Tiffany’s cheek flushed that pretty shade of pink. She smacked him gently on the arm, allowing herself to be led to the ticket boy. He was much more pleasant than the teen at the window, taking their tickets and giving them the stubs with a smile.

  “I hope you enjoy your movie,” he smiled.

  “Oh, I will,” Daniel grinned, wrapping his arm around Tiffany’s waist. She stiffened against his side briefly, and he wondered if he had gone too far. However, she soon relaxed into his embrace and rested her head on his shoulder. The young man smiled, gesturing down one of the dimly lit halls.

  “Theater ten is the one you’ll be looking for. You’re just in time for the last of the previews,” he grinned. Tiffany laughed, and Daniel tightened his grip on her despite knowing she had no interest in the spindly ticket boy. He had to remind himself that he had no business regarding who Tiffany was interested in, but the pang in his heart made him reconsider what he wanted from this entire thing. He allowed himself to be led to the theater in question, noticing the children of all ages scattered across the theater with their parents. So much for a romantic moment in the theater, he mused to himself, unable to begrudge the situation too much when Tiffany pulled him towards the back of the theater. She placed herself in the center seat in the back, and he sat beside her, fiddling with the arm between them for a moment before realizing it was one that could be raised. He smiled to himself, raising the arm and drawing Tiffany in closer to his side. She smiled up at him, seeming not to question the sudden increase of affection from the man. Truth be told, he couldn’t say whether he’d be the same, were their roles reversed.

  He watched Tiffany’s expression morph into one of giddiness as the previews ended, and he found himself more entranced with her than the movie itself. He was unaware that another presence was looming near them until a familiar voice began speaking.

  “Daddy! Miss Tiffany! You came to see this too? I begged momma, and she finally said yes,” Amanda whispered excitedly before plopping into the seat beside her father. Tiffany stiffened as Melody’s eyes fell upon her once more, but Melody said nothing, simply rolling her eyes and sitting beside Amanda.

  “What on earth would you come to a crappy movie like this for, if a kid didn’t drag you?” Melody grumbled none too politely, and Daniel tightened his grip on Tiffany. “I know it’s not for your own sake, Daniel. Tell me, is your new love a bit special? I wouldn’t be surprised at this rate,” Melody continued coolly, narrowing her eyes as she was shushed by a woman two rows down from them.

  “I actually enjoy movies like this,” Daniel lied as Tiffany fidgeted at his side. “Tiffany isn’t special in the way you’re implying, though being youthful is certainly nice. I suppose you wouldn’t know anything about that,” Daniel continued, staring straight ahead at the movie screen. Melody opened her mouth to bite out a retort, but Amanda shushed her, eyes fixed on the screen. The three adults fell into an awkward silence, and Daniel gently rubbed Tiffany’s arm to soothe her. He supposed that this could be a positive thing, considering the rea
son he and Tiffany were out was so that they could be seen as more of a couple. However, he found himself wishing that Melody was out of the picture, and it was a simple family outing with his daughter and new lover. Tiffany relaxed against his side once more, watching the movie with rapt attention. He could feel Melody’s eyes watching their every move, but tried to pay the woman little mind. Instead, he focused on the utter enjoyment Tiffany was getting from the movie. Occasionally he would glance towards his daughter, somewhat entertained that she and Tiffany were laughing at all the same parts. There was a moment in the movie where Razz Berry admitted to having a crush on Bloo Berry, and Tiffany tightened her grip on his hand, looking entirely transfixed.

  “It’s like you and Miss Tiffany,” his daughter whispered, and he chuckled under his breath.

  “Yeah, something like that,” he murmured in response. Amanda smiled, looking utterly enchanted when the film ended with Razz Beary and Bloo Beary walking hand in hand through the forest together. The lights cut on, and the other movie goers began to file out of the exit. Amanda gripped her father’s hand, imploring him with her eyes to remain for a moment longer. Tiffany stretched beside him, leaning forward to smile at Amanda.

  “That was sweet, wasn’t it?” Tiffany grinned, faltering as Melody turned a bitter gaze upon her.

  “Yes, absolutely darling. If you’re into furry woodland creatures getting busy, anyway,” she drawled. Tiffany narrowed her eyes, and Amanda looked disgusted by her mother’s words.

  “Not appropriate talk about a movie your child enjoyed, Melody. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you’re shaping up to be a real bitch,” Tiffany announced, and the few lingering people in the theater gasped collectively. Melody’s eyes widened, and she turned her head towards the lingering patrons with anger blazing in her eyes.

  “Mind your own business, maggots,” she snapped before turning her attention back to Tiffany. “I’m a bitch? You think I’m a bitch? How do you think it feels seeing the man I loved pay more mind to some new floozy than he ever did his wife?” She hissed out. Tiffany looked taken aback, but Daniel was the one who was truly wounded by the words. He narrowed his eyes, inhaling a shuddering breath.

  “Well, I never felt for you, the way I feel for Tiffany,” he hissed angrily, feeling only slightly vindicated when Melody’s cruel expression faltered. Tiffany grabbed him by the arm, and he wondered if he had gone too far. However, when Tiffany guided his face towards her own, her smile was warm and enchanting. His breath caught in his throat as she closed the distance between them, kissing him passionately. He moaned against her lips, reveling in how completely soft the woman was. He tangled a hand in her hair, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him in closer. It seemed like he was swept up in a moment of pure heaven before someone cleared their throat and Tiffany drew away.

  “Nice, with your daughter watching,” Melody bantered bitterly, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Amanda rolled her eyes dramatically, catching her father by the hand.

  “I’m just glad you’re happy again, daddy. Momma, I’d like to go home with daddy and Miss Tiffany if that’s okay,” Amanda implored innocently. Melody looked as if she had been struck through the heart, and it was obvious she wanted anything but her daughter going home with the new couple.

  “Honey, it’s technically your mom’s day--,” Daniel began, and Melody laughed once, a harsh and jaded sound.

  “No. It’s alright. I’m not going to deprive my daughter of time with her father, despite how scummy I may think he is. You can ride home with your father and his harlot honey. Give mommy a kiss,” Melody muttered, leaning in for Amanda to kiss her on the cheek. Daniel couldn’t deny the guilt brewing within him as Melody stood, gathering her things before casting a final, lingering glance at Tiffany. “He may seem like the perfect man now. But believe me, he values his job over anything else, even his family and relationships. He’ll start to lose interest in you too, and you’ll see why I shaped up to be such a bitch,” the slender woman sneered icily. Tiffany watched her with something akin to pity in her eyes, and Melody glowered a final time before stalking out of the theater. Amanda wrung her small hands anxiously together, and Tiffany reached out to take the girl by the hand.

  “I made it worse, didn’t I?” The young girl murmured in a watery voice. Daniel’s expression softened, but before he could react, Tiffany had stood and gathered his daughter in her arms. She pressed a kiss to Amanda’s forehead, smiling gently at the girl.

  “Honey, parents fight sometimes. Believe me, when I was little… well, you’re lucky to have a daddy as nice as he is. But when parents fight, and just can’t get along anymore… you can’t blame yourself, okay?” Tiffany attempted to comfort her. Amanda hiccuped, burying her face in the woman’s shoulder. Daniel rose from his seat, exchanging a look with Tiffany. It was obvious that in spite of the power his words had over her, he had messed up big time. Though he had been lying through his teeth and expected that much to be obvious, it appeared that Melody had believed him. It seemed she truly believed that he had cared more about his job than he did his own family. The realization weighed heavily in his chest, causing an ache in his heart.

  “Come on, my two princesses. Let’s head home. We’ll grab takeout on the way,” he announced in a voice that was much stronger than he currently felt. Tiffany adjusted her grip on the young girl, shifting to take his hand in her own. She offered him a sympathetic look, and he replied with a weak smile.

  “Maybe we can get milkshakes too, daddy?” Amanda mumbled, her voice muffled by Tiffany’s shoulder.

  “That sounds great, sweetheart. Come on, let’s head out,” he murmured, rising to his feet. He led the two females out of the theater, the ache in his heart only growing stronger as he watched Tiffany settle Amanda in the backseat. Perhaps he had been the villain all along, without even realizing. Perhaps Melody was right about him, perhaps he had been gone too long, too late, too many times. It was far too late to salvage anything with his ex wife, however, as she made it quite clear how she felt about him at that point. However, even with Tiffany, he fell into a pattern of using women for his own gain. Though Tiffany had offered, the only reason they were carrying on this charade was so that he could get custody of his daughter. While his wife clearly wasn’t the best mother, he was beginning to wonder if he was in the wrong trying to get sole custody.

  “I love you, daddy,” Amanda murmured, reaching out to cup his cheeks in her tiny hands. He leaned in, and she pressed a tender kiss to his nose. “And I love you too, Miss Tiffany,” she announced as the woman in question slipped into the passenger seat.

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” Tiffany smiled. Daniel had no doubt that she meant it, either.

  Boy, did he feel like a real bastard.

  Chapter Five

  Daniel was rather irritated to be called in for an emergency at work, but considering the nature of his work, it wasn’t as if he could simply ignore the call. He had left shortly after returning home from the movies, but his daughter had assured him that it was fine. She was eager to spend time with Tiffany more than anything, and despite himself, he couldn’t help but feel the warmth that spread in his heart considering how much his daughter loved his fake girlfriend. It was growing increasingly evident, to Daniel at least, that he was developing feelings for the woman he was carrying this entire facade with. However, he was reluctant to accept the feelings for what they were. He tried to tell himself it was simple lust, nothing deeper than that. Sure, he appreciated her help, and adored the fact that she got on so well with his pride, but it wasn't as if he could pursue a relationship with her. If he didn't have his doubts before, he certainly did after the situation with Melody in the movie theater. The expression on his ex-wife's face haunted him, and though he held her in relatively low regard, he had little choice but to accept the truth of the matter for what it was. He had neglected her, had likely neglected his daughter as well, all for the sake of furthering his career.

  It was a thought that haunted him the duration of the drive to his job, but once he got immersed in his work, he could distract himself somewhat. The emergency was not something easily resolved, and despite how troubling an emergency was in his line of work, it was a welcome reprieve from his own miserable thoughts. It was late that evening, past Amanda’s bedtime before he could pack up and go home. He could only hope Tiffany had put the girl to bed, looking forward to a night filled with relaxation after the trying day he’d had. When he pulled up the house, he noticed that all the lights were off, save the one in his bedroom. That was no surprise, considering he and Tiffany had shared a bed. It was strictly platonic, something he had to remind himself on a regular basis. However, waking up next to the warm body of a lover, farcical or otherwise, is comforting. Shaking off this thought, he parked the car, unlocking the door and stepping out. The night was chilly, the stars shining brightly in the sky. It made for a rather romantic scene, he only wished he had someone to share it with. He inhaled a deep breath, unlocking and opening the door as quietly as he was able. The inside of the house was about as quiet as he might have expected, indicative that Amanda had fallen asleep while he was gone. He smiled to himself, ascending the stairs and moving to peek into her room. She slept peacefully, curled up on her side with ribbons and bows in her hair. He had to swallow a laugh, and could only imagine what she had put Tiffany through in his absence. He pulled the door shut, slinking towards his bedroom.

  When he opened the door, he was not sure what he expected to see. Perhaps Tiffany sprawled on the bed watching TV, or curled up asleep as his daughter had been. What he had not expected, however, was to see the woman lying seductively on his bed in lingerie that left little to the imagination. His mouth hung agape at the sight, and she looked briefly vulnerable, rising up from the bed with the slightest bit of nervousness to her motions.


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