Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 10-12

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Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 10-12 Page 6

by Marie Force

  Jenny smiled in the darkness. He was sweet and funny and sexy and so much more than she was ready for. She’d only recently decided to give dating a whirl. Rolling around naked on the beach with a guy she’d only met that morning was way too far outside her comfort zone.

  He helped her to locate the other half of her bathing suit, kept his back to her while she got dressed, shook out the towels and walked her back to the lighthouse without touching her again.

  Jenny wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed that he’d kept his hands to himself. At the door, she turned to him, his arresting face illuminated by a floodlight. “I’ll, um, I guess I’ll see you when you cut the grass again.”

  His confident smile unnerved her. “If not before.”

  “Alex, really, I’m not in a good place for this sort of thing—”

  He silenced her with a deep kiss that made a total and complete liar out of her. “See you around, Jenny Lighthouse.” He let her go so suddenly that she had to reach for the door to steady herself as he handed the towels to her.

  She held on to the door handle while he started the motorcycle and drove off in a cloud of dust. Her mother had always warned Jenny and her sisters to be wary of men who preferred motorcycles. Alex was exactly the kind of guy her mother had worried about—a bit reckless, a bit devil-may-care and a whole lot of trouble.

  Jenny planned to take her mother’s advice and stay far, far away from him.

  * * *

  By the end of the long, emotional day, Maddie was completely drained and feeling like a jerk for making such a big deal out of not being pregnant when she hadn’t even wanted to be pregnant.

  She cringed when she recalled her breakdown at Syd’s. Like she had any right to be mourning an unwanted pregnancy in front of her friend, who was going to such enormous lengths to get pregnant after losing two children in an accident. “You’re one hell of a good friend,” she muttered to the darkness.

  Her kids had refused to go to bed, and, sensing she was teetering on the edge of losing it completely, Mac had sent her outside with a glass of wine to decompress while he wrestled them into bed.

  I have so much to be thankful for, she thought as she rocked on the deck that overlooked the ocean in the distance. Two amazingly bright and beautiful kids, her wonderful husband, who was so tuned in to her he could tell when she needed a break, a lovely home, her mom and sister close by and happily settled with men who adored them, her adorable niece Ashleigh, a future stepfather she’d come to love, amazing in-laws and the kind of friends she used to dream of having…

  With so much happiness in her life, what right did she have to be so decimated by such a silly thing as a false-alarm pregnancy?

  “You have no right at all to feel this way. None.”

  “Talking to yourself, love?” Mac asked as he joined her on the deck, dressed in only a pair of low-riding pajama pants that left his exquisitely muscular chest on full display.

  Maddie took a long, hungry look at that most excellent man chest and added it to her gratitude list. That chest and the man who owned it were all hers, and he was the best thing in a life full of amazing things. “I’m the only one who wants to hear my woes today.”

  “I want to hear your woes every day. Are you going to tell me what has you so wound up and weepy?”

  “It’s so stupid, and I feel like such a jerk because I bawled all over Syd today when she’s going through so much. I’m an idiot and a bad friend.”

  “Madeline… You’re going to piss me off saying something like that. Who cooked dinner for Joe and Janey at least twice a week while she was on bed rest? Who’s stepped up for Laura to help with Holden while she’s been so sick? Who helped take care of Buddy while Luke and Syd were on the mainland? Who has Ashleigh as much as her mother does? Come on. You’re an awesome friend and sister and aunt and sister-in-law and cousin-in-law.”

  He pulled her up and slid into her chair, settling her on his lap with his arms around her. Nuzzling her neck, he said, “You’re the most awesome wife and mother. You’re the glue that holds our whole unruly crew together, and everyone knows it.”

  Surrounded by him and his all-consuming love for her, Maddie was finally able to confess her deepest sorrow. “I wanted that baby we’re apparently not having.”

  “I know you did. Shockingly, I did, too.”

  She raised her head from his shoulder. “You did? Really?”

  “How could I not want another one just like the two we already have? They’re so freaking amazing, and what’s one more in the midst of mayhem?”

  “I thought you were mad about it.”

  “Why in the world would I be mad when it was my fault in the first place? You were drunk, I was sober, and I forgot the condom. What right did I have to be mad about anything?”

  “Still… I didn’t think it was what you wanted.”

  “You know how I feel about this island and crazy-ass pregnancies, especially after what just happened with Janey and P.J. That’s the part I was freaked out about. Actually having another baby? Not so much.” The chair rocked slowly under them, stirring the heavy air around them. “Goddamn, it’s hot.”

  “So hot. There’s not even the slightest breeze.”

  “Supposed to last another couple of days,” Mac said.

  “Thank God for central air.”

  “I was thinking we ought to shut it off in our room and have sweaty heat-wave sex.”

  For the first time in hours, Maddie laughed. “Leave it to you to want that.”

  “Come on. You know you want it, too. We can work around the monthly thing.”

  “The monthly thing was gone as fast as it came.”

  “Wait… so it only lasted a day?”

  “Less than, actually.”

  “I don’t want you to think I’m overly obsessed with what goes on down there, but doesn’t it usually last a lot longer than that?”

  “Yeah. It’s probably the heat or something.”

  “Or something.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “What if you really are pregnant, and the one-day period was a false alarm?”

  The possibility hit Maddie like a lightning bolt to the heart. “That doesn’t happen. Does it?”

  “Might be time to pee on a stick, my love.”

  All of a sudden, tears were flowing down her cheeks in a flood that couldn’t be contained.

  “Hmmm, nonstop crying, emotional ups and downs…” Mac cupped her breast, making her startle from the almost shocking sensation that tore through her from the simple caress. “Sensitive breasts… I’m not a detective, but it seems like I might’ve witnessed these signs once before.”

  “Don’t get my hopes up. I can’t bear to not be pregnant twice in two days.”

  “Tomorrow we’ll buy a test and get an answer.” He kissed her neck and jaw, blazing a trail to her lips. “Since there’s nothing we can do to resolve this dilemma tonight, how about I try to get your mind off it with some sweaty heat-wave sex?”

  “That might help as long as you don’t care if I cry the whole time.”

  “As long as you’re crying from the pleasure, I’m fine with a few tears.” He kissed her and patted her bottom to get her to stand. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  While he was gone, Maddie leaned against the rail, looking down on the yard as she thought of the possibility Mac had suggested. It was odd for her period to only last a day and not even a full day at that.

  Mac returned carrying the handheld baby monitor, which he set on one of the teak tables that was part of their deck set. Then he set about removing the pads from two of the lounge chairs. He put them on the deck and held out his hand to her.

  “Right here?”

  “Right here.”

  She snuggled up to him on the makeshift bed, resting her head on his outstretched arm.

  “I hate to see you sad about anything,” he said.

  “I’m sorry. I’m being crazy, and I know it—” />
  He kissed her soundly, silencing her words as much as her worries. “You’re not crazy. You’re adorable, and I love you.”

  “Don’t be nice to me, or I’ll start crying again.”

  “Fine then. You’re a shrew and a hag, and I still love you.”

  She laughed even as tears filled her eyes. “How did I land such a fabulous husband?”

  “You were very, very, very lucky.”

  “Yes, I was.”

  “We both were. And I’ll tell you what, if it turns out you aren’t pregnant, we’ll try again next month.” As he spoke, he removed her T-shirt and panties as well as his own pajama pants.

  “I thought you never wanted to go through that again.”

  “I never again want to see you in any sort of pain or danger. That’s the part I object to. Not the baby. So we’d do things differently this time. Make sure we’re where we need to be way before you’re due so there’s no chance of any drama.”

  “Do you have any idea what it’d be like to have three kids under the age of five?”

  “Worse than having two kids under the age of five?”

  “I’ve heard it’s way worse.”

  “You go from a man-to-man defense to a zone.”


  “Sorry, basketball joke. Basically, it means they’ll outnumber us.”

  “Yes, they will. And how about when they’re all teenagers at the same time? What will that be like?”

  “Will you be here with me?” Mac asked.

  “Where else would I be?”

  “Then it’ll be as fantastic as the rest of our lives will be. It’s all good, honey. As long as we have each other, they can’t defeat us.” As he spoke, he arranged them so he was behind her, his arm secure around her waist and his cock snug against her ass.

  Maddie squirmed, trying to get closer to him, the position new and unfamiliar to her.

  “It’s getting sweaty around here,” he said as he slid against her, the movement aided by the slight sheen on their skin.

  “Mac… Hurry.”

  “I’m not in any hurry tonight.”

  The combination of the stifling heat, his nearness, the glide of his erection and the erotic thrill of making love outside had Maddie reaching for completion before he’d even touched her. He flattened his hand over her belly and worked his leg between hers. His hand slid from her belly to play with her breasts, tweaking her nipples and setting her on fire.

  Her breasts were so sensitive that she almost begged him to stop touching her there, but he moved on, sliding his hand down to cup her mound as his cock nudged at her from behind. Maddie gripped the corner of the lounge pad, looking for something to hold on to as he inched into her in small increments that were nowhere near enough.

  “Easy, honey. Relax against me.”

  “It’s so hot,” she said, moaning as the warm air heated her from the inside with every breath she took.

  “Yes, you are.”

  She pushed her bottom backward, aching for more. “I meant the air is hot.”

  “That, too.”

  No matter how hard she pushed back, his hand on her hip ensured that he remained wedged just inside her. And then his fingers slid through the dampness above where they were joined, teasing and coaxing her toward release. He made her crazy with a combination of shallow thrusts and the small circular movements of his fingers.

  She was on the verge of pleading when he rolled them to the left until she was facedown and he was on top of her, plunging into her now with deep thrusts and insistent fingers that swiftly took her straight to heaven.

  He collapsed on top of her, both of them sweating profusely and breathing hard as he continued to throb inside her.

  “Anything you want, sweet Madeline,” he whispered in her ear, his breath making her shiver. “I’ll give you anything you want.”

  Completely surrounded by him, she sighed with contentment. He always knew how to make her feel better. “I have everything I need as long as I have you and our family.” As she said the words, she decided that no matter what the pregnancy test showed, she’d remember to count her many blessings.

  Chapter 5

  “That was freaking amazing,” Josh Harrelson said through the microphone that linked the soundboard to the studio where Evan McCarthy had just recorded the first song for release under the Island Breeze label. “That’s the one, man.”

  “You’re sure?” Evan’s insecurities were never far from the surface, especially when considering his own music.

  “Ab-so-freaking-lutely. If that’s not a huge hit, I don’t know jack shit about this business.”

  “I thought you’d given up swearing,” Evan said, relieved by the praise and amused as always by Josh’s colorful dialogue.

  “What did I say that was a swear?” He seemed genuinely baffled, which made Evan laugh.

  “Not a damned thing.” Evan checked his watch. Crap, it was getting close to two in the morning. “I gotta split before Grace sends out a search party.”

  “Wait till she hears that song you wrote for her. You’re gonna get so lucky, dude.”

  Evan couldn’t imagine getting any luckier than he already was, engaged to the most beautiful woman—both inside and out—he’d ever known, running his own business and getting ready to launch his own record label, right from his home on Gansett Island. Life was as good as it got, and Grace was the reason for most of his contentment these days.

  High off the successful recording session, he wanted to see her and be with her and breathe in her intoxicating scent, even if she was sound asleep. He’d take her any way he could get her, he thought as he rode his brother Mac’s ancient motorcycle home to her. Another bike went by in a blur on the other side of the road, passing him at high speed on the island’s winding roads. Evan hoped the driver was someone local who knew the twists and turns, or he might end up wrapped around a tree if he didn’t slow down.

  Evan’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket, but he left it there until he pulled into the parking lot at the pharmacy Grace owned in town and parked the bike at the foot of the stairs that led to their place behind the store. He pulled the phone from the front pocket of his jeans, and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw a text from his manager, Jack Beaumont. He hadn’t heard from Jack in months, since his once-promising recording career blew up in a mess of bankruptcy filings, leaving his debut album locked in a court battle.

  Are you up? Jack’s message said. If so, call me. Urgent.

  Evan glanced at the stairs, longing to be with Grace after sixteen hours at the studio, but he knew he’d never sleep until he found out what was so important that Jack had to text him in the middle of the night. He found Jack’s number in his contacts and placed the call.

  “Hey, Evan. Sorry to reach out in the middle of the night, but I just got the most incredible call, and I didn’t want to wait to get in touch.”

  The unusually effusive tone to Jack’s voice put Evan immediately on guard against whatever he might say.

  “Are you there?”

  “Yeah,” Evan said. “I’m here. What’s up?”

  “I heard from reliable sources that the judge is going to issue some rulings tomorrow in the Starlight Records bankruptcy case. One of the rulings is about your album. He’s going to allow it to be acquired by Long Road Records.”

  Long Road Records was owned by Buddy Longstreet, the reigning king of country music. A year ago, Evan would’ve sold his soul to the devil for this news, but everything was different now.

  “Evan? Did you hear me?”

  “I heard you. I’m just trying to process it.” Visions of Grace, their incredible life on the island, surrounded by family and friends, the studio he’d poured his heart and soul into, the friend he’d persuaded to come to the island to be his sound engineer, the artists they’d booked through October to record there, the plans to turn their indie studio into a major hit machine… All of it ran through Evan’s mind like film on fast-forwa

  “I thought you’d be ecstatic.”

  “I am. Of course I am. It’s just that I’m not sure what it all means.”

  “It means that Buddy Longstreet is going to get behind your album and your career and make you into a star like we always planned. That’s what you want, right?”

  Evan suddenly felt incredibly nauseated as memories of crippling stage fright came back to remind him of one of the reasons he’d been so relieved to watch his career go in an unexpected direction. “Um, I…ah… Listen, could we talk in the morning?”

  “Sure.” Jack sounded baffled and rightfully so.

  “I’ll talk to you then.” Evan ended the call and sat on the bottom step, his mind racing with implications and scenarios and complications he hadn’t anticipated. He’d considered the recording a lost cause and had tried to let it go during the months when he’d been too busy getting the studio off the ground to think about things he had no control over.

  “Ev?” Grace’s sexy, sleepy voice permeated the silence. “Are you down there?”

  He stood and started up the stairs. “I’m here, baby.”

  Under the light of the moon, he saw her yawn as she tied a silk robe tighter around her waist. “I heard the bike, but then you never came up. I thought something was wrong.”

  At the landing, he hooked an arm around her and lifted her. “Nothing’s wrong when I get to come home to you.”

  She squeaked with surprise and looped her arms around his neck, holding on tight.

  Inside, they landed in a jumbled mess of arms and legs on the bed that was still warm from her body. The heat fired him up and cleared his mind of everything except for her.

  “You’re all charged up tonight.” She ran her fingers through his hair in a gesture intended to calm him, but all it did was feed the fire. She knew his moods so well. Often after performing or recording, he was high on adrenaline. Tonight, he was high on her and everything she brought to his life.

  “It’s you. You do that to me.”

  “Right,” she said, laughing. “It’s all my fault.”

  In the faint glow of a nightlight, he gazed at her, drinking in every detail of her gorgeous face. “You know I love you more than anything, right?”


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