Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 10-12

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Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 10-12 Page 59

by Marie Force

  “You think I’d find that gross? No way. I think it’s incredible.”

  “You won’t think so when it’s all over you.”

  “I don’t care about that, Janey.”

  “I do,” she said, sounding miserable, and he couldn’t have that.

  He laid her back on the bed. “Don’t worry about anything. Just let me love you. I’m dying for you.”

  Sighing, she stretched her arms over her head, which made her breasts thrust upward. Everything she did turned him on, and that was no exception. He kissed her everywhere, giving special attention to the stretch marks that marred her otherwise flawless skin. “Don’t look at them.”

  “Hush. Close your eyes and relax. Let me have my fun.” As he spoke, he removed her yoga pants and panties and then quickly shed his own clothes.

  “You have an odd sense of fun.”

  “Any time I get to touch any part of you, I’m happy.”

  “My body is different than it was.”

  “It’s better. You’re a goddess.” His words were whispered in a husky voice as he nibbled her hipbone and gently kissed the pink line of her cesarean scar, making her squirm beneath him. “My goddess. This body gave me my son, and it’ll never be anything other than perfect to me.”

  She reached for him, pulling at him to come up to her.

  “I wasn’t done down there,” he said, smiling at her.

  “I need you. Now.”

  “What’d you do with those condoms your brother was good enough to get for us?”

  “Bedside table. Hurry.”

  Joe moved quickly to suit up and returned to her, loving the way she wrapped her arms and legs around him. “Tell me if anything hurts?”

  “Nothing hurts, I promise.”

  He entered her slowly, watching her closely for any sign of distress, but all he saw was the smile that occupied her lips.

  “Feels so amazing,” she whispered. “I’ve missed you—and this.”

  “Me, too, honey. You have no idea…”

  “I think I have a teeny tiny idea.” She combed her fingers through his hair and met his every stroke with the upward thrust of her hips. “Let’s turn over.”

  “Not this time. That’s too much for you.”

  “No, it’s not. Please? I know how much you love that.”

  He could deny her nothing when she asked him that way, so he grasped her bottom and turned them so she was on top. “I wish you could see what I see when I look at you.” Her hair had gotten long—so long it nearly covered her breasts. Her nipples peeked out from between the strands, and her kiss-swollen lips were pouty as she rode him slowly but intently. “So hot, Janey.”

  She started to say something, but her face twisted in distress. “Oh crap.”

  “What? Does it hurt?”

  “No… My breasts are tingling—and not in a good way, at least not for this.”

  “Any way is a good way.” He reached up to cup breasts that were much bigger than usual, running his thumbs over the moisture that gathered at the tips. If the clamp of her internal muscles around his cock was any indication, it turned her on when he did that. So he did it again.

  Her head fell back as she groaned and picked up the pace of her hips.

  Joe pinched her nipples between his fingers, making her cry out.

  “Shhh, don’t wake him up.”

  “You made me forget he was here,” she said with a choppy, breathless laugh. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

  Knowing they were on borrowed time where P.J. was concerned, Joe decided to move things along. He banded an arm around her waist and turned them over, taking control once again.

  “Speaking of hot,” she said breathlessly.

  “You liked that, huh?”

  “I like it all, Joe. Any time we get to be together like this…”

  “I love you so much,” he whispered against her lips as he reached between them to coax her. It didn’t take much to get her there, and he’d been primed all day. They came together, clinging to each other, and he drowned out her cries with hot, openmouthed kisses that had him ready for round two before round one was even over.

  Despite their efforts to be quiet, they’d failed miserably, so Joe wasn’t surprised when P.J. woke with a squawk of protest at having been so rudely disturbed. Joe laughed even as he continued to pulse with aftershocks.

  “Game off,” Janey said.

  Joe withdrew from her to let her up. “At least our boy has good timing.”

  “I hope we didn’t permanently traumatize him.”

  “Nah.” Joe lay on his side, his head propped on his upturned hand, enjoying the sight of her walking across the room naked to bend over P.J.’s bassinette.

  “Are you hungry, my love?” she asked the baby as she picked him up and carried him to the bed. It had taken weeks for her to recover to the point where she was allowed to pick him up, and now she did it every chance she got. She sat against a pile of pillows on the bed and guided the baby to her breast.

  Joe watched her every move, consumed with love for her and the son she’d given him.

  “What?” she asked when she caught him staring at her.

  “You… You’re just…” There were, he discovered, no words adequate enough to describe this kind of love. “Mine. All mine. And nothing has ever made me happier.”

  She smiled at him, her eyes bright with emotion. “Me, too, Joseph.”

  * * *

  “He’s so perfect, isn’t he?” Sarah asked Charlie as they watched Holden sleep on the sofa next to them.

  “He’s beautiful, all right.”

  “It’s funny… Of course I know Owen isn’t his biological father, but that doesn’t make me feel any less like a grandmother than I would if he had fathered him. That’s weird, right?” Sarah had loved watching Charlie play with the baby earlier. He’d been right down on the floor with Holden and his toys until the baby began fussing and rubbing his eyes.

  “Nah. I get it. I’m not Steph’s real father, but I’m the only one she’s ever had and she’s the only kid I’ve ever had. Biology doesn’t matter when you love someone.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed a line across her knuckles. “She asked me to give her away at her wedding.”

  “Oh, Charlie. That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you—for both of you.”

  “You know,” he said tentatively, “after all this business with the trial is over and your divorce is final… I mean, it’s probably way too soon and all, but really, when you think about it, we’ve been together a while now. Ah geez, I’m making a mess out of this.”

  She turned to face him, surprised to see his normally relaxed expression twisted with unusual tension. “Making a mess out of what?”

  “Afterward, when you’re free… I hope you might consider… Well, I’d like to marry you, Sarah. I’d like to live with you and wake up with you every day. I’d like for your family to be my family and for my daughter to be your daughter. Would you, I mean, down the road when you’re ready… Do you think you might want to—”

  Laughing and crying, she kissed him. “Yes, Charlie, I will want all of that.”

  “You will? Really?”

  “Yes, of course I will. The time I’ve spent with you has been the happiest time I’ve ever spent with a man. Until I met you, I didn’t even know there were men like you out there. I was so accustomed to a whole other kind of man.”

  “You’ll never have to worry about anything like that again. Not as long as I’m still drawing a breath.”

  His fierce assurances were nearly as endearing as his bumbling proposal. “Does this mean we’re engaged?”

  “This means we’re pre-engaged,” Sarah said. “Let me get past the trial and get the divorce finalized. Then we can talk about it again.”

  He put his arm around her and drew her into another kiss.

  Sarah was amazed by how quickly she’d gotten over her hesitancy to be touched by him. In only a few days, she’d become addicted to
his kisses and the way he held her. He made her feel safe and protected and desired and loved, all things that were so new to her. Her only other romantic relationship had been violent and unpredictable, so being with Charlie was a revelation in every possible way.

  When he began to pull back from her, she curled her hand around his nape, keeping him from getting away. He looked at her for a moment before he continued the kiss, this time running his tongue over her lower lip.

  Her mouth opened to his tongue, and Sarah pressed against him shamelessly as the need took over and every thought fled her mind except for one—she wanted him. Their kisses had become more heated over the last few days, and the desire had grown to the point where it couldn’t be denied any longer. In bed the night before, they’d kissed until her lips were numb and swollen, but he hadn’t pushed her for anything more.

  Sarah didn’t know if she could handle another night that began and ended with kissing, but she lacked the ability to come right out and tell him what she wanted. She knew he was being careful with her because of her past, and she loved him for that, but she wanted much more of the edgy, needy way he made her feel.

  “Charlie,” she gasped as she broke the kiss.

  “What, honey?”

  “We shouldn’t do this in front of the baby.”

  Laughing, he nuzzled her neck, firing her senses with kisses and nibbles to the sensitive skin there. “He’s asleep, and I doubt he’d remember even if he was awake.”


  Sighing, Charlie withdrew from her, holding up his hands in surrender.

  Sarah rested her head on the back of the sofa and took a good long look at the man she loved. His cheekbones were slashed with color, and his eyes were heavy with arousal and desire. The lips she loved to kiss were slightly swollen and still damp. Sarah zeroed in on his mouth and licked her lips.

  “Sarah,” he said with a groan. “Don’t look at me that way if you’re going to tell me I can’t kiss you in front of the baby.”

  “What way am I looking at you?”

  “Like you want to have your wicked way with me.”

  Though she was embarrassed to realize she was so transparent, she summoned the courage to tell him the truth. “I do want that.”

  He seemed to stop breathing for a second. “What? What do you want?”

  “You, Charlie. I want you. I want more than just kissing. I want everything.”

  Releasing a deep breath, he studied her in that thoughtful, intense way of his.

  “Say something, will you? Don’t leave me hanging out here all by myself.”

  “You are certainly not out there all by yourself, but you need to be sure you’re ready, honey. You’ve been through a lot, and I’d hate to do anything to set you back or upset you.”

  “You wouldn’t. You couldn’t. Everything about this, about us, is different. I’m not afraid of you, Charlie, and you don’t need to worry about me. I’m okay. I really am. Except for the fact that all I can think about is you and kissing you and touching you…”

  His groan echoed through his chest as he put his head back against the sofa and closed his eyes. “That’s all I’ve thought about for months—kissing you and touching you. I was so hoping you’d let me someday.”

  Sarah’s cellphone chimed with a text from Owen. Back from the party. Want us to come pick up Holden? “Owen and Laura are offering to come pick him up,” Sarah said.

  “Why don’t you let them come get him, and then you can stay here with me? If you want to, that is.”

  “I want to.” She replied to Owen, letting him know it would be fine if they wanted to come get Holden.

  Be there shortly, Owen replied. Thanks again for watching him.

  Loved every minute of it.

  “They’ll be here soon,” Sarah said, resting her head on Charlie’s shoulder.

  “And then what?”

  “Then we’ll have all night to spend together, if that’s okay.”

  “Yes, Sarah,” Charlie said with a laugh, “that’s more than okay.”

  Chapter 20

  As the clock ticked closer to six, Linda’s nerves became more frayed. How did one greet the child of one’s husband? The child neither of them had known about until a few hours ago? What would she say to her? How would her presence threaten the family Linda treasured above all else? Not to mention the marriage that was the center of her life.

  Her husband was everything to her, and she’d always tried to give him the support and encouragement he deserved. From the very beginning of their relationship, she’d embraced his desire to build a business and a life on the remote island they called home. And it had been a good life, the very best life she could’ve ever hoped for. She would do anything to hold on to that, which was why she’d encouraged him to invite Mallory to dinner.

  Even knowing she’d done the right thing for her husband, that didn’t mean she wasn’t nervous and worried about what would happen when their children found out they had another sister. She couldn’t begin to guess how they might react. She suspected Mac would be put out to learn he was no longer the oldest, and Janey might have something to say about another girl in the family.

  Her husband came into the kitchen, looking handsome in the clothes he’d worn to the engagement party. “Can I do anything to help?”

  “You never help in the kitchen.”

  “That doesn’t mean I’m not willing to, especially tonight.”

  He was hard to resist most of the time, but never more so than when he was being sweet. “I’m nervous, Mac. I don’t want to be, but I can’t help it. It scares me to think of someone coming into our family and changing things. I hate myself for even saying that—”

  “Shh, honey.” His arms encircled her from behind, and his lips brushed against her neck. “It’s okay to be nervous. I am, too. But she’s really nice and made a point of telling me she’s not looking for anything from me—or us. She just wanted to meet me. Anything else that happens from this point on is up to us, and we’ll decide the next steps together. Okay?”

  She relaxed against him, buffeted by his assurances as well as the way he wrapped her up in his love. Turning, she looked up at the face she’d loved for so long, she could no longer remember her life before Mac McCarthy had changed everything. As always, he looked down at her with love in his eyes.

  “You have nothing at all to worry about. This doesn’t change anything between us. It doesn’t change anything that really matters. Perhaps, maybe… It might give us one more person to love in this world. And that wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”

  When he put it like that, it wasn’t so bad at all. “No, it wouldn’t.”

  “All I’m asking is that you meet her and make her feel welcome here.”

  “I can do that.”

  “I know you can, honey. And I want you to know I appreciate it. I appreciate the way you reacted earlier and that you invited her into our home. You’re doing that for me, and don’t think I can’t see that.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Mac. You know that.”

  “And vice versa. That’s what’s made us work so well for so long. But I’m asking a lot of you this time.” When his phone rang, he checked the caller ID and saw it was Adam. He put the call on speaker so Linda could hear, too. “Hey, bud. What’s up?”

  “I have some news for you. Is Mom around?”

  “We’re both here, and the phone is on speaker.”

  “Hi, honey,” Linda said.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “What’s your news?”

  “Since I’d never want to be accused of pulling a Grant, I wanted you to be the first to know that Abby and I are engaged.”

  “Oh, Adam!” Linda said. “That’s wonderful! Congratulations to both of you.”

  “Thanks, we’re excited.”

  “When did this happen? We just saw you a little while ago.”

  “I popped the question on the way home.”

  “So it was totally spontaneous?”
Mac asked with a smile for her. She knew he was just as thrilled as she was to see their kids settling down with mates who were perfect for each of them. Not that long ago, Linda had worried that none of their sons would ever marry, and now one was married and three were engaged.

  “Not totally. I’ve had the ring for a while and was waiting for the right moment.”

  “Abby must’ve been thrilled.”

  “She cried, so I guess that’s a good thing.”

  Linda rested her hand on her heart, moved at the thought of the young woman she adored crying over her son. “I’m so happy for you both, Adam. Thanks for calling us.”

  “Make sure you tell Grant that you were the first to know.”

  “I’ll do that,” Linda said with a laugh. Her kids were incredibly close but still enjoyed one-upping each other every chance they got.

  “Congrats, pal,” Mac said. “We love you both and can’t wait to dance at the wedding.”

  “We can’t wait either. Love you guys, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, honey.” To her husband, Linda said, “What wonderful news!”

  “The best news. They’re great together.”

  “I was afraid they’d never get around to getting married since they moved in together.”

  “He told me a while ago that he’d been thinking about it.”

  “And you never said a word to me?”

  “Private conversation with my son, babe.”

  “Private…” She attempted a scowl that probably failed because she was too happy with Adam’s news to be mad. “You still should’ve told me.”

  The doorbell rang, and they both went still, looking to each other for reassurance. He bent his head to kiss her. “I love you. Everything is fine. All right?”

  “Yes. I love you, too.”

  With his hand on her lower back, they walked to the entryway to welcome their guest.

  Mallory wore a pretty summer dress and carried a bottle of wine. As Mac had said, she was tall and striking with dark hair that fell in curls to her shoulders and pretty brown eyes. Though their coloring was completely opposite, Linda saw a hint of Janey in her and could see the distinctive resemblance to her late mother-in-law that Mac had mentioned.


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