Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 10-12

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Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 10-12 Page 66

by Marie Force

  “What’ll we do if they aren’t here in time?” Laura asked Owen three days before the wedding.

  “We’ll go forward like everything is okay, and we’ll do it again later, by ourselves, to make it official. No one, other than your dad, would need to know it wasn’t entirely legit.”

  “Evan and Grace will need to know why we need them to sign something later as our witnesses.”

  “Then we’ll tell them and no one else.” Owen kissed her. “Try not to worry. It’s all going to be fine. I promise.” It wasn’t an ideal solution, but neither of them wished to postpone the wedding.

  The next night, Evan threw a bachelor party at the marina restaurant that turned into an all-nighter.

  As he and Evan walked back to town early the next morning, Owen was still buzzed from the evening with most of his favorite men and an endless flow of liquor.

  “What a fantastic time,” he said again as they crested the top of the hill near Evan’s parents’ house and headed down the sidewalk that led to home.

  “Glad you enjoyed it,” Evan said. His voice was husky from smoking cigars and singing all night. His dark hair stood stiffly on end, the result of a beer shampoo compliments of his brother Mac.

  “We kinda stink,” Owen said.

  “That means the party was a success.”

  “I can’t believe I’m actually getting married tomorrow.” Later today, his sisters Katie and Julia would arrive, followed tomorrow morning by his brothers Jeff and Josh and his other sister Cindy. Only his brother John wouldn’t make the wedding because he’d been unable to get out of work.

  Though they kept in close touch, especially lately, Owen hadn’t seen his siblings in a couple of years and was looking forward to their arrival.

  “You ready?” Evan asked.

  “To get married? Hell yeah, but only because I get to marry Laura. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t be so ready.”

  “If it was anyone else, you wouldn’t be getting married.”

  “Well, duh. How about you? Ready to get married?”

  “Absolutely. I hate that we decided to wait until January. That was a huge mistake in hindsight. I want to be married now.”

  “I hate that we’re probably going to miss it since Laura will be too pregnant to fly by then.”

  “I know,” Evan said with a groan. “I can’t imagine getting married without you there with me.”

  “She wants me to go without her, but I don’t think I can do that. You’ll understand, won’t you?”

  “Of course I will, but I’ll miss you. I wanted you to be my best man. You know that, right?”

  “You have three brothers, Ev.”

  “So do you, and you still picked me to be yours.”

  “That’s because…” Owen blamed the liquor for the surge of emotion, but in truth, he’d been an emotional mess for weeks now, ever since that day in the courtroom when he’d been officially set free from the past. “You didn’t know it then, Ev, but the time we spent together in the summers, our friendship… It meant so much to me. It still does, but back then… There was no one else I would’ve asked.”

  “Aw jeez, man. You’re gonna make me bawl like a girl.”

  The comment made them both laugh, which eased the knot of emotion that had settled in Owen’s chest. He’d wanted to tell Evan that for some time now, and it felt good to have it out there. It was important to him that Evan know how important their friendship had been to him during an extremely difficult time in Owen’s life.

  “Laura wants us to play tonight at the rehearsal,” Owen said. “You game for that?”

  “Dude, I am always game for playing with you. Always.”

  They parted company at the pharmacy where Evan lived with Grace.

  Owen shook his hand and gave him a bro hug. “Thanks for a truly memorable night.”

  “Entirely my pleasure.”

  “I’m still a little drunk and sloppy here, so you’ll excuse me for what I’m about to say.”

  “No, I will not leave Grace for you. I told you that the last time you asked me.”

  “Shut up, will you?” Owen said with a laugh. “All I was going to say… Well, now it sounds doubly stupid since you want to leave Grace for me, but… I love you, man. I truly do.”

  Evan hugged him. “Love you, too. We all do. We’re so happy to have you officially joining the McCarthy family.”

  He might’ve been drunk and sloppy, but he’d been overwhelmed with more emotion than he knew what to do with since his father’s trial ended, and right now was no different. Before he made a complete fool of himself in front of Evan, he released his friend. “We must never speak of this again.”

  “Ever,” Evan said gravely. “See you tonight.”

  “See you then.”

  “You aren’t going to fall over or find some other way to injure yourself on the way home, are you?”

  “Nope, I’m good. I’m really, really good.”

  Evan smiled and shook his head in amusement as Owen waved and headed toward the Surf and the home he’d found with Laura and Holden. A few early risers were enjoying coffee on the porch when he went up the front stairs and stepped inside. The reception desk was dark and quiet, as was Stephanie’s Bistro and Abby’s Attic. Both would open in a couple of hours to start another summer day on Gansett. Eager to get to his family, Owen took the stairs two at a time, stopping short when he found a large envelope outside their door.

  He picked it up and brought it inside, going directly to the bathroom, closing the door so he wouldn’t disturb Laura or Holden. Inside the envelope, he found a sheaf of papers and a note from Dan. “Thought this might make your wedding day a little more special. It took an act of Congress, but we got it done, and Slim flew the papers over last night. Congratulations and best wishes. Dan.”

  Laura’s divorce papers.

  Owen’s knees went weak with relief and gratitude for the amazing friends who’d gone all out to make it happen in time for the wedding.

  Chapter 27

  Owen showered, shaved and brushed his teeth before sliding into bed with Laura. His intentions had been good—catch a couple hours of sleep before Holden woke them up. But then he caught the scent of her hair and felt the heat of her body, and the next thing he knew, his arm was around her, his leg was between hers and his face was buried in the silk of her hair.

  “So you decided to come home,” she said in a gravelly, sleepy-sounding voice that instantly turned him on.

  “It was a tough call, but you know, Holden needs me, so I figured I’d better come back.”

  Her hand covered his, which was curved over the round bump of her belly. “I’m glad you did.”

  “Nowhere else on this entire planet I’d rather be.”

  “Mmmm,” she said, her bottom snuggling back against his cock, which was suddenly and rigidly erect. “Looks like you brought me a present.”

  The unexpected comment made him laugh. “He shows up whenever you’re close by.” He kissed her cheek and every other bit of soft skin he could get to as his hand slid upward to cup her breast. Rolling her nipple between his fingers, he teased it until it was hard and tight. “Guess what was waiting outside the door when I got home?”


  “Divorce papers.”

  “Oh God! Really? They really came?”

  “Thanks to Dan and Slim, who flew them over.”

  “Oh my God! That’s the best news I’ve ever gotten.” She let out a laugh full of happiness and relief that was infectious. Their wedding could proceed without anything standing between them and happily ever after.

  He continued to tease her nipple until she strained against him.


  “Do you want me to leave you alone so you can go back to sleep?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Have I told you yet today how much I love you and how much I can’t wait to be married to you?”

  “You just did.”

  He slid his
hand down her side, over her hip and down her leg until he encountered the hem of her nightgown, which he eased up to her waist.

  “Let me turn over.”

  “No, like this. Just like this.” Owen removed her panties and tested her readiness, moaning when he found her slick and hot. “Were you thinking about me before I got home?”

  “Maybe a little. I kept waking up looking for you.”

  Never in his wildest dreams had he ever expected to love a woman the way he loved her. And when she said things like that… “You’ll never sleep without me again.”

  “What about tonight? We’re not supposed to see each other before the wedding.”

  “Screw that. I’m not superstitious. Are you?”

  “I have been in the past,” she said. “I am Irish, after all.”

  “And now?”

  “Screw it.”

  “I do love the way you think, Princess.” Lifting her leg over his hip, he pressed into her slowly and carefully.

  She squirmed, trying to get closer. “I’m sort of digging the way you’re thinking right now, too.”

  He smoothed his hand down over the bump where their babies were and found the heart of her desire.

  She gasped as he went deeper, and her head came back to rest against his shoulder. “Owen, God… Feels so good. So good.”

  “For me, too. Nothing feels better than this.”

  “And after tomorrow, we get to do this forever.”

  “And legally, too.”

  “Bonus.” When he thrust further into her, she groaned. “Speaking of bonus.”

  “Every time!” he said with a laugh.

  “It’s tradition now.”

  “All these complaints… It wears a guy down, I tell you.”

  “I’ve discovered it’s almost impossible to wear you down—or out.”

  “Since you’re going to complain no matter what, I may as well get my money’s worth.” Without losing their connection, he arranged her so she was on her knees, bent over a pile of pillows. Grasping her hips, he moved slowly at first, always concerned about hurting her.


  “Mmm, yeah. So good.”

  “Ready for more?”

  “There’s more?”

  He gave her a teasing tap on the ass that made her giggle. The sound was a balm on his wounded soul, which had finally begun to heal when she came into his life. “Such a brat.”

  “Soooo much more than your share.”

  “There it is. Now we can get really serious.”

  “We weren’t already getting serious?”

  “We were just getting started.”

  She laughed as she groaned, and then he showed her what he was capable of when he got really, really serious.

  * * *

  Lying with Owen in the aftermath of magical morning lovemaking, Laura had never felt so happy or content. He was back. Her Owen had come back to her a little at a time since the trial ended. With every passing day, he’d been less broody and withdrawn. Today, though, he’d laughed freely and loved fiercely. He’d faced his greatest fears and came out stronger on the other side. His demons had been exorcised once and for all.

  “So the party was fun?”

  “It was fantastic. So many laughs. Evan went all out.”

  “Would you expect any less?”

  “Nope. He’s the best.”

  “That’s why he’s the best man.”

  “Yep.” He ran his hand up and down her arm, making her skin tingle the way it always did when he touched her.

  “Do you have a little bit of gas left in the tank?”

  His eyes opened. “Why? You want to do it again?”

  “Not right now,” she said, laughing. “I have something I want to show you before things get crazy around here.”

  “I’ve always got gas in my tank for you, Princess.”

  “I hope we’re talking about the same kind of gas,” she said dryly as she got out of bed to retrieve the photo album she’d located the night before.

  “Ha-ha, very funny.” He sat up against the pillows, watching her as she walked around naked.

  Laura hated how ungainly she felt as her pregnancy progressed, but didn’t dare move to cover herself because she knew he loved her au naturel. She brought the album back to bed and sat with him against the pillows.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “The album from my first wedding.”


  “I know it may seem inappropriate to break this out the day before our wedding, but I’ve been thinking about something, and I wanted to share it with you.” She flipped open the heavy embossed cover to a photo of her dressed for her wedding. Her hair was pulled back in an elaborate style that had taken hours to get just right. Her makeup had been professionally done and every detail seen to by a wedding planner with meticulous attention to detail.

  “Wow,” Owen said, gazing at the photo. “You look incredible. So beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Her throat tightened. “I wanted you to see this because that’s not me. That’s not the real me. The real me is the one you will see tomorrow. Far less perfect and far less polished, but all me.”

  “That’s the only you I want, Laura.”

  “I know, and that’s why there’s no hair stylist or makeup artist or wedding planner this time around. There’s only you and me and Holden.”

  “Which is all we need.”

  “Last time, with Justin, all of this felt necessary. I don’t feel that way with you, and I wanted you to know how comforting it is that I can be completely myself with you—no pretense, no artifice, no charade. Just me.”

  “There’s nothing you could give me that would mean more to me than that, Laura.” He cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

  His tenderness brought tears to her eyes.

  “Could I see the rest of the pictures?”

  “I didn’t intend to show you the rest. I just wanted you to see that one.”

  “I’d like to see the others if that’s okay.”

  She hesitated, but only for a moment, before she handed the album over to him. What did it matter now? He knew she didn’t love Justin anymore—if she ever had to begin with. He knew she’d never loved Justin the way she loved him, and that was all that mattered to either of them.

  Owen flipped through the pages, studying each photo with intense concentration. The wedding had been glamorous and elegant and classy—all the things she’d once thought mattered so much. Until her elegant classy marriage went up in flames a month after the “I do’s.”

  “You’re spectacularly beautiful,” he said after a long period of silence. “I still can’t believe you picked me to spend the rest of your life with.”

  “That day,” Laura said haltingly, “I knew something was wrong. I didn’t know what, but I knew it was wrong.”

  “I can see that in some of the pictures.” He pointed to a photo of her with Justin. “You’re glowing and radiant, but I still see the sadness in your eyes.”

  “I was sad, but I didn’t know why then. I do now. It was because I was always meant to be with you, and I’ve known that for almost as long as I’ve known you. Please don’t look at those photos and think that’s what I really want. It isn’t.” She took his hand and brought it to her lips. “This is. You are. We are.”

  “I know, baby.” He leaned over to kiss her. “I know that.” Closing the book, he put it on the bedside table and then turned to face her, putting his arm around her. “Thanks for sharing that with me, and thanks for giving me the real you. That’s always going to be exactly what I want.”

  “Thank you for accepting me as I am, for the incredible way you take care of me and Holden, and for giving up your carefree life to take on an insta-family.”

  “Best decision I ever made. I was thinking about that day recently, watching the boats leave and remembering last Columbus Day when the last boat left without me for the first time in years. I knew then that I
was committing to forever with you, and I haven’t regretted it for one second. I never will.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “You didn’t wonder, did you?”

  “Not really, but it’s still nice to hear.” With her hand flat on his belly, she kissed his chest. “I thought you’d be exhausted after being up all night.”

  “I’m too excited to sleep. My sisters get here today, the others tomorrow. We’ve got our rehearsal dinner tonight and the wedding tomorrow.”

  She was thrilled to hear him say he was excited. “And you’re going to be facedown on the table tonight if you don’t get some sleep.”

  “My little man will be awake soon.”

  “I’ll take care of him this morning so you can sleep.”

  “I don’t want to sleep when I can be with you guys.”

  “You get to be with us every day for the rest of our lives.” She kissed him. “Close your eyes.”

  “Don’t wanna.”


  His devilish smile lit up his face. “Make me.”

  She lifted herself up and over him, kissing each eyelid until he closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “Now keep them closed.”

  He put his arms around her, bringing her down on top of him. “Stay with me. Can’t sleep without you.”

  “Only until Holden wakes up.”

  “I’ll take whatever I can get.”

  She placed soft kisses on his eyelids, his cheeks and lips, stopping only when she felt him begin to harden beneath her. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “I don’t have to think about it. Just happens.”

  “I’m out of here.”

  “No! I’ll behave. I promise.”

  “That’s an empty promise if I’ve ever heard one.”

  “Stay,” he whispered.

  Only because he kept his eyes closed did she rest her head on his chest, listening as his breathing deepened and his arms loosened around her. She stayed until she heard Holden stirring in his crib, and then she extricated herself from Owen’s embrace, leaving him to sleep while she went to start her day.

  * * *


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