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Guardian Page 24

by Jack Porter

  I nodded, seeing the sense in what she wanted to do. “Touch your crystals,” I instructed, making sure my own was gripped securely in my closed fist.

  They did, and the change it made was like a whole new world of power. We were connected. And strong. The darkness was pushed out of my body with a brilliant golden light. Layla and Hannah began to glow with shimmering golden light too.

  I felt strong. Power flowed through me like lightning drawn to metal. It was not unlike the darkness’s promise of power, but much more loving. The power was light and protection.

  I set my glowing fingertips in a feather soft touch against the darkness and then pushed the combined power of all three of us at the angry god.

  The dark mist writhed and twisted as if in pain. Zavier tried to escape, tried to pull away, but I was stronger.

  Seconds passed, and soon every single mote of darkness had been transformed. The remainder was a cloud of golden white mist that floated down and settled over me like a cloak. It was warm, like my own coat of sunshine.

  “I guess this energy has changed allegiances,” Hannah said in awe. “It looks good on you, Dex.”

  “Thanks, Hannah. Are you alright?”

  “Yes. The damage to Zavier’s host was so bad he couldn’t go any further, so he dragged me behind the waterfall. Zavier was very angry. I think he was about to kill me when I felt you tug at my mind.” Her lower lip trembled. “Sorry Dexter, it was Zavier who pulled you in. To set a trap for you.”

  “It’s okay, Hannah. It all worked out.”

  She smiled. “Yeah, it did. Now let’s get out of here. You have no idea how much I want to stand and stretch.”

  As if hearing her words, something strong tugged on me. I recognized it as Yua. Feeling at peace, I surrendered my body to her and felt her pull me and the girls across space and time. It was eerie when I woke up in exactly the same clearing as before, only on my back.

  “Welcome to the land of the living. It’s good to have you back,” Yua said, resting a light hand on my shoulder. Our eyes met, and she swiftly drew her hand back and glared at her palm as if it betrayed her. She averted her gaze. “All of you, I mean.”


  The snow had stopped falling, and the valley was sparkling with ice. Somehow, though, I felt warmer than I had. Hannah wasted no time in jumping for joy. Literally. She stood promptly and began bouncing around in the snow like an excited puppy, twirling her large, beautiful wings and holding her arms up to the sky as if to soak in the last warmth from the setting sun.

  We watched her, laughing when one of her own wings would trip her up.

  “How did you know to pull us out?” Layla asked Yua after a while.

  “Lucky guess,” Yua teased. She pointed to me, and I realized the golden mist from the spirit realm was still draped around me. I’d been too focused on Hannah to notice.

  Out of breath and looking slightly sweaty, Hannah came back to sit with us. She held her hand out to Yua. “So, nice to finally meet you. It’s Yua, right?”

  Yua dipped her head in greeting. “Yes. I’ve heard so much about you, Hannah. I’m glad you’re safe.”

  Hannah’s shoulders slumped and her expressive face fell into a worried frown.

  “What’s wrong, Hannah? Are you feeling sick?” I asked, trying to examine her body as Piper would if she were here.

  “No, it’s just—this isn’t over yet, Dex,” she said, bringing her knees to her ample chest and setting her chin atop them.

  “What do you mean?” Layla replied before I could. “Of course it is. You saw Dexter kick that Zavier guy’s ass.”

  “That’s just the problem, Layla. Zavier’s not some burly dude in a bar that can be taken out with a few good swings. He’s a god. That mist was just a small portion of his true power. He’s going to come back. But this time he won’t be so arrogant. He’ll be calculating and more powerful than before.”

  “Kind of like a Hydra,” Layla said grimly. “Cut off one head, and two grow back.”

  Hannah nodded. “Exactly. That’s why we have to get Megan and Piper their crystals and find out where Zavier hid the other goddesses. They are close by here. I know it. I can’t feel them like I did when I was in the dream state, but I know they’re close.”

  “I’ll do what I can to find them, but this land is pretty inhospitable, Hannah. Piper’s sick and I’m not sure the girls without crystals will be able to survive it.”

  Yua chimed in. “Oh, sure they will. The snowy season only lasts a couple of months out of the year. If we can make it through another month or so of cold, we’ll be fine.” At our raised eyebrows she said, “I’m down here often enough to pick herbs and veggies from the garden I’ve been growing here, so you can trust that what I’m saying is true. If you’re worried about food, there is good animal traffic that I’ve seen, too. And, when the snow melts, we’ll find out just how well the island protected my garden from the cold. It’s been good about that all these years, especially in this meadow.”

  Layla smiled at her, obviously impressed. “That’s how you knew your way down so well?”

  “Yes,” Yua answered simply.

  I chuckled. “I don’t suppose you planned ahead and built a cabin down here as well?”

  “No.” Yua’s laughter stretched from her lips to her bright blue eyes. “That’s heavier lifting than what I’m used to. But there are plenty of trees to the west of us. With you three giants walking around, I’m sure we can build a few nice cottages here. A mini village, if you will, since there are so many of us.”

  “Cool, it will be like back in the tents at the ruins. Except with more room, and real beds that Yua can teach us to make.” Layla gave me a nudge and Yua a sly smile. “You’re welcome to join in the rotation too, Lady Monk. Always room for more warmth.”

  A confused expression shadowed Yua’s face. “Rotation for what?”

  “For some fun time with Dexter of course,” Layla responded.

  “Although it’s a lot more fun when we’re all together,” Hannah explained, placing her finger to her chin in thought. “But I don’t think we can make a bed quite that size.”

  Yua’s mouth dropped open, then closed a few times as she finally caught on. The tips of her ears burned bright red. “I, well—” she swallowed and looked at her hands. “It’s a kind offer, but I don’t want to.”

  Confusion furrowed my brow.

  The vision I’d seen told me otherwise, but I kept my mouth shut tight in front of Layla and Hannah, who both glanced at me, and then gave each other a look as if to say, who could refuse him?

  Layla shrugged. “There’s no pressure to join the harem. If you ever change your mind, we’ll welcome you with open arms.”

  Yua smiled sadly. Something was upsetting her that went beyond what I’d seen in the vision. We were obviously into each other, so why did she hold back? I put the topic aside. There would be time to talk with her alone later.

  Instead, I moved the conversation to a safer territory. “I can’t imagine this place in the summer.”

  Yua accepted my olive branch, giving me a thankful glance. “Oh, it’s beautiful. The grass is as green, if not greener, than what surrounded my shrine by magic. Plenty of fish swim in the stream.”

  “If you have a garden, I’m sure Piper would love to plant some medicinal plants for various things,” Layla said. Then her tone grew excited. “And I’ll have someone with actual experience in the ancient world to discuss languages with!”

  I smiled at her enthusiasm. “Is there anything we should look out for?” I asked Yua. “Any setbacks to living here?”

  “Hmm, aside from the occasional blizzard, not much,” Yua answered. “Sometimes you have to watch for bears, but it’s nothing a good scare can’t handle.”

  Yua gave her staff an exaggerated shake and the jingle it produced rang off the boulders in an ethereal way before adding, “Although, I don’t think you three will have much to worry about in that department.”

nbsp; “I think a permanent place here would be as lovely as Two-Step Friday’s at the country club,” Hannah drawled. “It would be nice to have somewhere to return to after searching for the rest of the crystals and the other six goddesses. I’m tired of sleeping on the cold ground.”

  “Amen to that,” came a female voice from the woods. We all turned and watched Megan walk out of the bushy pine trees and into the clearing.

  Piper came stumbling in a little afterwards. I stood and walked over to the group healer immediately. She looked still too pale for my liking, but seemed better than what she had a few hours ago. “I am worried” must have been stamped in bold letters across my forehead, however, because she looked up at me and giggled. There was a new light in her eyes that I’d never seen before.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. “I thought you’d be resting in the igloo.”

  “Well hello to you too,” Megan snarked, before she literally fell on top of Hannah, giving her gentle pecking kisses all over her cheeks.

  “Not that I’m not glad to see you, but Piper, are you okay?”

  “Fine.” She grinned. “I’m just fine.”

  Megan pulled away from Hannah and put her hands on her hips. “She said she figured out what was making her sick, and it’s not dangerous and that it will pass. We packed up and left soon after. Got a little lost, but then we heard Yua’s staff ringing and found our way.”

  My frown only deepened as Piper’s grin grew wider.

  Layla said, “I’ve never seen someone so happy to have upchucked their guts all over some poor defenseless rock.”

  “Twice,” added Megan, eyes narrowing at Piper in irritation. “She took one bite of the cooked rabbit I’d caught for her and tossed her cookies all over the fire I’d just started. And she’s been smiling like that ever since. So spill, Pipes, what shroom did you eat and where can I find it?”

  Piper took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I looked into her gleeful eyes and tried to puzzle out the extra spark I saw there. “It was no mushroom that made me—as Megan so eloquently put it— ‘toss my cookies.’” She made quotations in the air with her free hand. “In fact, I’m kind of surprised I didn’t figure it out sooner. Look at all the signs. I’ve been tired and grouchy for nearly a week. My stomach’s been aching and I’ve felt nauseous for the past couple of days, and now I get sick because of something I ate? Don’t you guys see what this is?”

  Megan, Yua, and Layla’s mouths all hung open in shock for a moment. Then, just as quickly, they were making a screeching sound and swarming Piper. All four girls jumped up and down with large grins plastered on their faces.

  “What?” I asked, glancing from one girl to the other, thinking maybe they all took some shrooms. “What am I missing?”

  They stopped jumping to look at me for a moment like I’d grown another head, then they were all laughing. “Just like a man,” wheezed Hannah, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “What?” I said, spreading my arms out wide, then crossing them in frustration. This only made them giggle harder.

  Finally, Piper walked over to me. She took my hand and placed it on her belly, and said, “Dexter, you’re going to be a father.”

  The End

  Thanks for reading!

  There’s much more story and adventures awaiting Dexter and the girls. Look out for book 2 very soon.

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  Thanks in advance for your help, and be watching for book 2’s announcement!


  Books by Jack Porter

  Champion: Training

  Champion 2: Tournament

  Champion 3

  Monster Girl Hunter

  Saving Monster Girls

  Jungle King

  Jungle King 2

  Wraith King

  Wraith King 2

  Wraith King 3

  Wraith King 4

  Incubus Hitman: Rise of an Incubus Overlord 1

  Incubus Mini-Boss: Rise of an Incubus Overlord 2

  Incubus Kingpin: Rise of an Incubus Overlord 3

  Incubus Overlord: Rise of an Incubus Overlord 4

  Rogan’s Monsters 1: Wastelands

  Rogan’s Monsters 2: Below

  Rogan’s Monsters 3: Temple

  The Bastard

  The Bastard 2

  The Bastard 3

  For an updated list of titles, please visit




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