Onyx Dragons: Jasper (7 Virgin Brides for 7 Weredragon Billionaires Book 5)

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Onyx Dragons: Jasper (7 Virgin Brides for 7 Weredragon Billionaires Book 5) Page 10

by Starla Night

  She choked. “You, Jasper, come to the weirdest conclusions.”

  “Liam isn’t your son and you’re caring for him.”

  “His mom isn’t around. Somebody has to.”

  “Yes, an orphanage—”

  “He’s my blood.” She held up her hand to stop his protests. “And Briar could come back for him at any time, so I’m just a placeholder. I’m not doing anything important.”

  “How long has this Briar been gone?”

  “Briar’s my sister,” Rose clarified, striving to pass the discomfort. She wanted Jasper to know about her life, and saying Briar’s name aloud wouldn’t summon her, but Rose still felt the twinges of superstition. “Twin sister. The day after Liam was born, Briar ran off, out of the hospital, with her then-boyfriend. They left Liam. Just up and left.”


  “Drugs?” Rose shrugged. “Briar never takes them, but her friends do. She’s manipulated by the people around her. I wish I was the one who was close to her. We can’t get along no matter what I do.”

  “But why did Briar leave her child?” Jasper asked a second time. “Did your mother reject Liam to invalidate Briar’s marriage?”

  “Our mother’s dead.”

  “Did a female relative of Liam’s father challenge Briar to teeth-to-claw combat?”

  “I don’t even know what that means.”

  “If Liam’s father’s family disapproved of the marriage, his female relatives would challenge Briar’s claim.”

  “Oh. Uh, no, that didn’t happen.”


  “Briar’s boyfriend at the time didn’t want to care for a baby, so she went off with him rather than staying with her son.”

  The powerful, rich, orphanage-raised dragon shook his head in confusion. “But why?”

  “It happens.”

  “You’d never do that, Rose.”

  “I never hit my head.” She rubbed her even, round scalp beneath the starting-to-frizz locks. “When Briar was in middle school, she dove into the shallow end of a swimming pool and got a concussion. She’s never been the same.”

  “Your sister needs medical intervention.”

  “She got everything we could afford.”

  “But not enough.”

  “Well, anyway, after she left Liam, a social worker called Grandma, but she was in the middle of fighting off breast cancer, so she begged me to go and keep the family together. I filled out the paperwork right there in the hospital saying I would be responsible. At three days old, he was this adorable little chunk with super dark hair.” She let out a sigh. “Then a couple of months later, Briar got a new boyfriend who wanted kids, so she went to court and got her rights back. Legally, she’s his mother. I’m not.”

  He frowned. “Rose, you may not be his mother, but you are not an impersonal caregiver.”

  “Oh? Did my yelling and screaming tip you off?”

  A small smile touched his lips, but the somberness returned. “I was raised by impersonal caregivers. Some screamed; others did not.”

  She was a jerk.

  Rose set her cup on the coffee table and rested a hand on his knee. “I’m sorry.”

  He glanced at her hand. “Mother placed me in the orphanage just after my first birthday, so I didn’t know anything else. My caregivers rotated. Only the orphanage leader was constant, and I was one of many she managed.”

  Managed. Not raised. “Did you see your brothers?”

  “They organized floors by ages, so I knew them, but we never socialized.” He rested his hand on hers. “Do not let anyone take Liam away.”

  “I’ll never let a stranger take him.”

  “This family, Rose, you’ve created is a precious treasure. It hurts my heart to hear you say that Liam could be taken away.”

  She nodded slowly, her own heart taut in her chest. “So, now think about how I’ll feel when his real mom comes back and takes him forever.”

  He looked down at her hand, which he was squeezing, and then up her arm to her face as if seeing her for the first time. “Can’t you fight?”

  “No.” She leaned her shoulder against the couch. “It’s enough that I have Liam for now.”

  His eyes darkened as emotion swirled inside. “Rose…”

  “That’s why I don’t complain. When Briar takes Liam, he’ll be more gone than my car.”

  “Kyan’s security team can search for your car.”

  “Don’t bother.” She sighed. “Thanks for saying nice things about me and Liam. It feels like I hardly offer him anything, no matter how hard I try.”

  “You offer him food, shelter, and a place to stay.”

  “Yeah, if you count this as a shelter for raising a child.” It had taken a long time to save up the money, and then even longer to screw up the courage to apply. But she wasn’t an idiot. “CPS wouldn’t. They’d count one bedroom and yank Liam right out of my custody.”

  “You gave Liam the one bedroom.”

  “Well, I’m up later—and earlier—and anyway, he’s in school. His brain is developing, so he needs his sleep.”

  Jasper’s gaze gleamed with melty intensity like he saw through her sputtering and thought she was kinder and more generous than she really was.

  Her heart squeezed against her rib cage. She wanted to be kinder and more generous. She wanted Liam to have a good childhood, a better one than he’d had, more chances to succeed, get out, live a good life. She wanted to be a good mom, a loving mom, and not always a screaming-bargaining-negotiating mom. The fact that Jasper thought maybe she was…it helped, it made her tear up, it did.

  “Yeah, well, anyway, CPS wouldn’t see it that way, so it doesn’t matter what I think.”

  “Then I will help you offer him something better.” Jasper looked pleased like he’d just thought of something he could do.

  Her defenses rose. “Oh, no.”

  “Oh, no?”

  “I can’t trust it.”

  “Trust what?”

  “It. Whatever you’re thinking. Besides, you’re unemployed; you’re in the sights of some dragon lady. You’re going to get sick of me, absolutely, and then you’ll be gone.”

  He rotated on the couch. “How can I convince you I won’t leave?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He tilted his head. “Rose.”

  She backed up. “This was probably a crazy mistake, telling you all this, anyway.”

  He leaned forward, following with a small smile. “If this is your bedroom, does that mean we’re sitting on your bed?”

  Her heart kicked, and the heat kindled in her belly. “Yeah, where else am I going to sleep?”

  “Mm.” His gaze centered on her lips, and her breath caught. She tilted her lips up, fluttering her lashes, giving herself over to the love of a male she wanted to believe in. She wanted the fairytale of Jasper’s sexy interest. She closed her eyes to savor the feel—

  “Can I kiss you?”

  His question jarred her, and she jerked back, hugging herself. “You’re not supposed to ask.”

  “But you said to ask.”

  “Oh, for goodness sake, I meant—when we’re in the privacy of our own home, and nobody’s driving by or honking at us, and we’re on a couch together and you’re making those big eyes and I’m leaning in, it’s obviously okay to—”

  He kissed her.

  She froze.

  His mouth captured and entangled her tongue, unlocking sweet hunger, and transported her into fantasy.

  He slid his arms around her back and lifted her onto his lap facing him. Her knees straddled a long, hard erection.

  She pulled back and licked her lips. “Mm. So you are into me.”

  His eyes gleamed like dark chocolate or the darkest rings of Jupiter. “I want to be into you.”

  She snorted. “That’s a joke?”

  “It’s a wish.”

  “Yeah, and I’ve got a wish for Cristal champagne, Lady Godiva chocolate, and a full body massage, but so far
none of that’s come true.”

  His hands kneaded her back and shoulders.

  Pleasure crooned a love song to her body. She moaned. “Oh…ohhh.”

  He massaged her expertly, releasing stress and fondling her muscles. She lolled her head against his shoulder, yielding to his masterful control. He nuzzled her mouth and once more claimed her tingling lips.

  The pleasure of his relaxation swirled into the heat of arousal.

  His tongue plumbed her depths, and he tasted of salt and heat, masculine safety.

  Her nipples rubbed against his shirt and pearled.

  He palmed her breasts. Cupping, containing her.

  His male arousal rubbed against her hot feminine folds.

  Need pierced her. She wanted him.

  Rose fisted his jacket. “Off.”

  He lifted from the couch, one hand cupped under her butt to hold her in place while the other eased out of his jacket; he switched hands and leaned back so his cock rubbed more proudly against her pleasure spot.

  She pulled his shirt far above his trousers.

  His washboard abs had tempted her forever. He’d revealed himself many times after shifting and, finally, she got to put her hands on him. “Wow.”

  He nuzzled her breasts. “You like it?”

  Her pussy throbbed with pleasure. “Yeah, baby.”

  He ground her against his hard cock. “You smell amazing.”

  She tried to think of something smart to say, but the waves of pleasure lapped against a shocking, delicious, oh-so-needed release.

  He growled against her neck. “I want inside.”

  Her heart throbbed and so did her sex. She wanted him too. Inside.


  “Rose?” Liam popped out of his bedroom, squinting and yawning. “I’m not tired, Rose.”

  She shoved herself upright and backward off Jasper.

  He grabbed her waist—which was somehow bare—and balanced her.

  She jerked down her shirt, her heart beating a million times a second, and dropped her sternest tone. “That’s too bad. You get right back into bed.”

  “Aw, but—”

  “No, now, Liam.”

  “But I’m not tired!”

  She zipped up her pants—when had those come undone?—and stomped around the couch. “I’m not hearing from preschool about you throwing another tantrum in class. I’m shutting the door.”

  “You can’t!” he squealed, arching his back like an over-tired four-year-old.

  “I warned you. Go into your bed or I’m locking your door.”

  “No, Rose!”

  “Last warning.”

  Liam groaned and dragged into the room, complaining the whole time. She shut the bedroom door and huffed.

  Jasper waited on the couch as though ready for another round.

  She rubbed her shaking hands and hugged herself. “Well, guess I’ll see you to the door.”

  He headed out, then leaned back in and pressed a short, sweet kiss like a promise. “Goodnight Rose.”

  “Night.” She shut the door and leaned against it, her whole body throbbing.

  Even dating Jasper a short time changed her on a molecular level.

  He thought she was a good parent. He thought she had a reason to fight for Liam, and maybe even a reason to win.

  And his addictive scent lingered in the air. On the mug she washed, in the couch cushions where she rested her head, on her skin where they had touched. Her body shivered and throbbed like an addict. Only one taste and she craved him.


  Chapter Twelve

  Jasper landed on the concrete outside the Onyx Corporation office in the dark, moonless early morning.

  He felt tired but invigorated as he sauntered up to the loading bay.

  Rose had made her breakthrough. She’d sat on his lap and kissed him. He could still feel her breasts pressing against his chest and smell her wild fragrance. His cock hardened against his neatly pressed trousers.

  The loading bay doors remained closed.

  He climbed the steps next to the bay and gripped the handle of the small, human-sized door.

  The handle beeped, and the lock glowed red.

  Security Access Denied.

  His stomach dropped.

  He stepped back, his heart pounding as he looked up at the dark glass building he’d helped construct.

  He’d chosen these windows. He’d helped Kyan install the security systems. He’d sourced the human components, tested them, installed handles. This was his company, his family’s company, and he was locked out.

  A security dragon dropped over the edge of the rooftop and landed on the concrete behind him. Kyan hired his own guards. Jasper didn’t know the male, but the guard recognized Jasper. “You’re not authorized.”

  “I have a meeting.”

  The security dragon sidled past. The door beeped twice, and the lock turned green. The door swung inward. “Next time, call the security access line.”

  “I will.” Jasper followed the security dragon down the familiar halls. The familiar, productive scent of hot glue and plastic seeped into his pores. He paused at the end of the hall. A light glowed in his office.

  Former office.

  The security dragon cleared his throat. “Please stay within five feet.”

  Jasper picked up his pace.

  The security dragon led him to the elevator, and they rode it to the top floor just like any human guest. Jasper had sourced everything inside it—the elevator itself, the historic buttons, the Earth cable that they used only if the dragon hover machinery should fail—which it shouldn’t, not in a thousand years, but just in case.

  At the top floor, Jasper glanced down the hall to see which of his siblings had arrived.

  The security dragon cleared his throat.

  Jasper hurried to match the pace of his escort. He arrived early even on days when he didn’t hold a peace-shattering announcement. He entered the conference room and went to the espresso machine—which he’d sourced, installed, purchased supplies for, and maintained—and flicked on the power.

  The security dragon flicked it off with a long claw. “You cannot operate any technology inside the building.”

  “But I always make the coffee…”

  Another weight piled on his shoulders. He’d paid no attention to security protocols. That was Kyan’s role, and he had no interest or desire to learn.

  But not being able to make coffee?


  The guard stared at him without compromise.

  “I understand.” Jasper took his usual seat and folded his hands.

  The security dragon stood just inside the doorway watching him like he was a stranger inside the building.

  For all intents and purposes, he was.

  His siblings joined the meeting in their usual order. Mal stormed in first, ignored the security dragon, and slammed his files on the conference table. “On top of the next launch, the instability on Draconis, and now your marriage, this is a terrible week for early meetings. My wife suffers morning sickness, and whenever I wake to come here, no matter how quiet, she always startles and feels ill.”

  “How troubling. Has she seen a doctor?”

  “Yes, and they swear it’s normal, but it’s not right!” He sat with a huff. “Where’s my coffee?”

  Pyro swaggered in next cracking his knuckles. “You ready to lose your top spot, Mal?”

  “I’m ready for anything!”

  “Good morning to you, too,” Jasper told Pyro.

  Pyro swerved away from Mal to greet Jasper and assume his seat. He rubbed his eyes in almost the same pose as Mal from moments earlier. “Amy’s getting hot flashes. I’m waking up half the night with her sweating, freezing, and then sweating again.”

  “That sounds unpleasant. Has she seen a doctor?”

  “Her OB says it’s normal. After today I can at least tell her we’ve hit number one on the charts.” He rested his radioactive red palms on the tab
le. “No coffee this morning?”

  Mal growled over the non-functioning espresso. “The coffee machine’s broken.”

  Jasper rose, caught the warning eye of the security dragon, and sat again. “Try the power button.”

  “Power button?” Mal flipped the switch, and the lights flashed. “That’s weird. It’s always on. I didn’t know you could turn it off.”

  “I turn it on every morning and turn it off at night.”

  “So why didn’t you do it this morning?”

  “I’m restricted.” Jasper swallowed the sudden roughness in his throat as Mal carried his drink away and Pyro took over. Kyan entered next and nodded at the security dragon, who left. “Security reasons.”

  Pyro sat with his drink. “That’s extreme. Can we do something about that?”

  Jasper turned to Kyan.

  Kyan made his own drink and sat. “We do not want Adviser Wrathmoda operating even our coffee machines.”

  “Can’t be too careful, huh?”

  “I guess.”

  Alex strolled in, made his own drink, and beside Jasper. “Cutting back?”

  “No.” Jasper folded his fingers in front of his empty spot. “I’m restricted from operating any technology in the building, even a coffee maker.”

  “Hmm. Did you want your usual?” Alex asked.

  “That would be great.”

  Alex made the drink and brought it to Jasper. Black coffee with a single shot. Jasper took it with a smile, even though it was Mal’s favorite, not his. “Thanks.”

  “I always see you make this in Mal’s office,” Alex commented. “Powers of observation, Jasper. A well-placed barista could take over the Empire.”

  Mal slurped his coffee and smacked his lips. “This isn’t the usual. Are we out of the beans I like?”

  “Are we?” Jasper started to stand. “I’ll check…oh.” He sat again. “Send a note to Peridot.”

  Mal scribbled a note. “It’s going to be weird without you around, Jasper.”

  “You will be missed,” Alex agreed, while Pyro and Kyan nodded.

  A lump formed in his throat.

  He cleared it. “Yes, well, there’s been a change on…”

  The view screen shimmered. Everyone turned away from him and faced the screen.

  “…that front.” He cupped the mug. No matter. The announcement would come in time.


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