Treasure My Heart

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Treasure My Heart Page 9

by Altonya Washington

  Oliver looked ready to argue that, but he didn’t. “I should hit the road and slap on a change of clothes.”

  “Ah, yes, for the meeting we missed.”

  He met her tease with a quick smile. “Sorry for not being better prepared. I’m not used to staying the night.”

  Minka nodded, hugging herself as she shrugged. “I hope it was a nice change of pace.”

  “I could be persuaded to show you how nice a change it was.”

  Smiling, she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. “See you later.”

  Oliver eased an arm about her waist a second after her lips brushed his jaw. He released her after almost a minute and said nothing more as he left the kitchen.

  Minka only watched, not making a move until she heard the front door close. “Careful, Minka.” She expelled the advice on a sigh. Men like Oliver Bauer were made to fall in love with.

  She heard her phone chime in with another call. Minka ordered herself to answer and was pleased to find her grandmother on the other end of the line.

  “So when are you coming home?”

  “Well, what’s the rush?” Minka laughed.

  “Mmm, no rush. Just thought I might try to change your mind about all this.”

  “Hmph, and I might let you,” Minka replied without thinking. Her gaze drifted toward the doorway Oliver had just walked out of.

  “Is that right?” Something in the way her granddaughter voiced the sentence apparently sparked Zena’s romantic notions. “Have you met a boy, Mi-Mi?”

  Minka had to laugh over the way Zena phrased the question.

  “No, Gram Z., I haven’t, I’m just...just enjoying the good life I so seldom get to enjoy.”

  “Well, my love, you’ll definitely have time for that once you claim your place at BGI. You’ll be amazed by all the party invites that will shower down like a monsoon! You’re about to become a true jet-setter, Babylove.”

  Minka smiled forlornly. “That doesn’t leave much time for those...more important things you’ve been telling me to give a chance.”

  “ thing doesn’t mean the other is off-limits, you know?”

  Minka leaned against the kitchen island, delighting in the wordplay with her grandmother. “Tell me how you know that? Your one thing and your work pretty much went hand in hand.”

  “True...but Minka, trust me, you’ll know the man when you meet him. You’ll see him for what he is the same way that he’ll see you for what you are.”

  “Right. And what happens when he sees what I have, like other—”

  “Shush, Mi-Mi. The others don’t matter, you hear me? I don’t want to see you grow into one of those bitter women, always comparing each new man to the old weasels that betrayed them.”

  “It’s a valid point, Gram.”

  “Perhaps.” Zena gave an indignant sniff. “Perhaps. But try not to focus so intently on that point that you lose sight of a man who won’t even give it a second thought, hmm?”

  “How’d you get so wise?”

  Zena burst into laughter. “Ah, honey chile, I could tell you some stories.”

  “Really?” Minka faked an amazed tone of voice. “I thought I’d already heard them all.”

  “Hardly! We’ll plan a story session when you get back.”

  Minka giggled. “I look forward to it.”

  “Well, then I’ll let you get on with your day, Babylove.”

  “All right, Gram. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, sweetness.”

  Minka studied the phone once the call ended. Don’t compare a new man with an old weasel. Funny and true, but how realistic was it? Who she was...the all inevitably became an issue.

  Her phone launched into another round of ringing.

  “This is Minka.” She left the island to carry empty coffee mugs to the sink. She was about to start rinsing them when she realized the caller hadn’t spoken. Instead of wasting time with another hello, she shut off the call and made another.

  “Hey, hey, hey, Mini-Mink!” The man who picked up the other end of the line had a gregarious tone and hearty laughter that practically enveloped his words.

  Minka couldn’t resist laughing along with him. “Hey, Mr. Walt.”

  Walter Penner’s contagious humor could set anyone at ease. He and Minka made small talk for a while. She asked about his family, including his seven grandkids. Walt asked about Zena, whom he hadn’t seen in a few months.

  “So have you taken the top spot yet, little girl?”

  “Soon, Mr. Walt.”

  “I tell ya... Bry would be some kind of proud to have you in his chair, honey.”

  Minka felt a rush of appreciation. Coming from Walt, that meant a lot. Walter Penner had been friends with Bryant Gerald long before Bryant began to build his company.

  Walter, a burly, outwardly intimidating man, possessed the gentlest of souls. He had served as the buffer between Bryant Gerald and the world that had scoffed at a black man who thought he could become an entrepreneur, and a successful one at that. Minka knew that Walter Penner had been her grandfather’s most trusted friend.

  “Mr. Walt, I need a favor, and please wait until you hear all the particulars before you agree. can’t speak about any of this with my grandmother.”

  “Minka...” he growled.

  “Mr. Walt, I have to ask this. Gram Z. would worry if she knew, and I’m sure there’s no need.”

  “Uh-huh, yet you’re not quite convinced, or else you wouldn’t be asking me to keep quiet.”

  She winced, bracing herself to continue. “I, uh, I need to have a number traced.”

  Walter’s growl rumbled. “What in Hades have you gotten yourself into?”

  “I’m fine, I’m fine. I promise I’m not in any kind of danger.” Minka paced the kitchen. “I’m just getting some calls that have me a little concerned.”


  “Not exactly. Uh...the person calls and stays on the line without saying anything. Do you think you could put some kind of trace on the calls to see where the weird ones are coming from?”

  “Of course I can,” Walt replied as though the request were child’s play. “Are you calling from the phone now?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Minka heard the man softly reciting numbers on the other end and guessed he was copying her number from the caller ID.

  “All right, there anything else I’m not supposed to do?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Ha! That’s enough, Miss Mink. Zena will skin me alive if she finds out about this.”

  “Thanks anyway, Mr. Walt.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Walter faked his gruffness. “Do you need protection, girl? I can send some guys out to watch over you.”

  “Oh no, no, I don’t think all that’s necessary.”

  “How about lettin’ me provide you with a gun?”

  Minka took time to carefully consider the offer. “I think I’ll be okay. Uh, how long do you think it’ll take to get the trace?”

  “Shouldn’t be long at all. I’ll call when I’ve got something.”

  Minka nodded. “Thanks, Mr. Walt.” She waited for Walter to disconnect before she did the same. Smoothing a hand across her jaw, she scanned the empty kitchen beneath a guarded gaze. “What are you up to, Will?”

  * * *

  The fact that men outnumbered women on the Austin Sharpe trip hadn’t gone unnoticed by Oliver or by any of the other men.

  The events almost seemed to be planning themselves, which put everyone at ease enough to viciously tease Austin about the male-to-female ratio.

  Austin was laughing heartily while refilling his drink at the well-stocked cart that had been placed on the terrace for the early lunch with his senior exe
cs and Oliver’s team. Talk of business had lasted until halfway through lunch, then conversation had turned to more entertaining topics such as sports, music...and women.

  On the subject of women, Oliver wasn’t surprised to hear Minka’s name mentioned more than once. Unfortunately once was one time too many for him. When one of the men asked Austin to saddle him with a few responsibilities that might get him closer to Minka, Oliver shared that she didn’t date guys she had a business relationship with. When the guy celebrated that fact and told Austin to forget the extra responsibilities, Oliver muttered a curse under his breath.

  “Hey, Austin? Do you know if she dates white guys?”

  “Are we done?” Oliver asked before Austin could answer.

  “All right, guys,” Austin said. “Meeting adjourned.” He made his way to the bar. “Looks like Ms. Gerald’s made an exception to that rule of hers about not dating guys she does business with,” he sang when Oliver approached.

  “Her rule hasn’t been broken.” Oliver finished prepping a glass of bourbon. “Just slightly trampled.”

  “Slightly trampled, huh?” Austin chuckled. “Enough for you to already be laying claim to the woman?”

  “Hell.” Oliver winced and downed the drink. “You think anybody noticed?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Austin shrugged. “They can be a little slow on the come-up, especially with a beauty like Minka blinding them to everything else.” He clapped Oliver’s shoulder. “I’m sure they’ll all get the picture after tomorrow night’s get-together, especially if you wear your heart on your sleeve like you did today at lunch.”

  “She’d kill me,” Oliver grumbled as if to himself.

  “Dammit man, I’m impressed.” Austin leaned back to regard Oliver curiously. “You really care about her, don’t you?”

  Oliver offered no response.

  “I get it,” Austin said. “Minka’s more than a beauty—she’s smart and has a business mind few can match.”

  “It’s obvious that Sim taught her well,” Oliver said.

  “Perhaps.” Austin finished his vodka and water, and took it back to the table. “You know I’ve been around folks who’ve been taught the business, and I’ve been around ones who live the business.

  “There’s a seamlessness.” Austin sighed while reclaiming his seat at the table. “Like they aren’t out to prove the same things that the rest of us are.” He shrugged. “Didn’t mean to wax philosophical, it’s just an observation. Whatever it is, Minka’s got it. So do you and I, but she’s definitely got it.”

  Oliver realized then how little he knew about the woman he’d made love with less than twelve hours ago. And they had made love—he refused to accept it as anything less. At any rate, he didn’t know her, and that needed to change.

  Chapter 9

  Minka showered and changed into what would become her attire for the day. The risqué white string bikini had a bottom that consisted of two triangular scraps of material meant to cover her ample bottom. She eyed the garment with high skepticism. The top was also two triangles, which covered her nipples and not much else.

  Minka took one look at herself in the mirror, loving everything she saw. She’d never have worn the piece to a public pool or beach. She wondered if she’d even wear it for another living soul. Oliver, maybe? She smiled while biting on her thumbnail as his captivating image came to mind. He’d already seen the parts of her that were covered by the scraps of fabric.

  Oliver Bauer had taken an almost total possession of her body in the span of a night, and she’d practically begged him for it. She had no regrets. She also had no plans to continue after Miami.

  She’d had no plans... Had things changed? No, Minka, she chided herself. It was obvious that the last thing Oliver Bauer needed in his life was another woman. No matter what his sweet words hinted at or professed. A long-lasting relationship was surely not in his future. Given the kind of social life he had, he’d be a fool to bring himself the agitation of trying to be true to one woman. Still...his words that night had rung with such sincerity.

  She gave herself another stronger shake as though that effort was sure to rid her of the man’s disturbingly appealing image.

  Clearing her throat, Minka straightened on her chaise and tried to focus on the portfolio of work she’d brought down with her to the pool. When her cell phone rang, she didn’t take offense to the intrusion.

  She read the name on the display as a curious frown tugged her brows.

  “Mr. Walt? No way are you that good.”

  Walt Penner released a brash sound akin to laughter. “Little girl, little girl, the stories I could tell you!”

  “Oh, I’m sure.” She laughed, as well. “So how long will you keep me in suspense?”

  “Well, I’ll tell you, you might think the suspense far more interesting than what I found.”

  “So you found nothing?”

  “Not unless you call a hotel in Salinas something.”

  “Well, did the call come from a specific room in that hotel?”

  “Lil I told you the suspense was more interesting than the real deal, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah...yeah you did.” A hotel room at least had the potential to be connected to a hotel guest, specifically Will Lloyd. Minka thought if she could tie him to the calls, that’d be tangible proof of...something. It’d be a beginning that, with any luck, might show Will Lloyd the inside of a jail cell. Which was where Qasim should’ve sent him, instead of just letting him off with a slap on the wrist.

  “Are you ready to tell me what in blazes that was all about?”

  “Mr. Walt, did all the calls come from that hotel?” Minka asked instead.

  Walt sighed. “All but one, and I couldn’t get a lead on the number, which most likely means a disposable cell.”

  Minka nodded, disappointed. “Thanks, Mr. Walt. I’m sorry for sending you on a wild goose chase and for not being able to tell you more.”

  “You just be careful, you hear? And if I have cause to suspect anyone truly sinister following you around, I’m goin’ straight to Z. Understood?”

  “Understood.” Minka heard the click of Walter’s phone line. She resumed her study of the portfolio and discovered that although work was a poor distraction from the likes of Oliver Bauer, it was a superb one for the likes of Will Lloyd.

  * * *


  Oliver arrived at the condo later that afternoon. He’d knocked and waited almost a minute at the front door before he grew impatient and headed around back. He’d noticed the car she’d rented parked along the street. She was there, just not answering the door or...perhaps out. He wondered if the hypothetical outing was business or pleasure, and the thought only fueled his need to investigate until he had a solid answer.

  “Mink?” He’d gone around back and heard her laughing.

  The high gate shielding the pool area was unlocked, and Oliver grimaced, agitated with himself for not making sure that it was secure during his last visit. He heard Minka laugh again, forgot his agitation and eased the door open. He followed the palm-lined walkway that zigzagged along the shaded patio and discovered that she was on the phone.

  Oliver couldn’t have been more pleased when he saw Minka standing from the lounge. She missed his arrival, thereby giving him the opportunity to observe her unaware.

  Minka was in the throes of laughter and thoroughly enjoying her phone conversation. Some of the possessiveness in his inspiring eyes made room for softness when he realized she was talking to her grandmother. The easy singsong manner of her voice stopped him somehow. Her tone was patient yet carefree, with a loving reverence for the woman.

  His gaze fixated on the tiny pieces of material that served as her bikini. His need to touch her, to feel her on his skin, was so intense that the nerve
endings tingled in his palms.

  Oliver slowly followed her into the house to make good on his desire. Her responses to her grandmother were wider spaced, softer, as though the conversation were winding down.

  Minka had strolled through the house, oblivious to the man following her through the vast condo. She’d ended the call with Zena by the time she returned to her bedroom. With one hand cupped near the bikini strings tied at her hip, she used the other to massage the small of her back. She cast a longing look toward the bed.

  “To hell with it,” she muttered, climbing onto the bed and crawling to the middle. Then she saw Oliver, and everything went still for a moment.

  Minka eased down to rest her bottom on her calves, where they were bent beneath her. “I didn’t expect you back—” She curbed the sentence, spotting the signs of his temper. It was well-restrained temper, but temper all the same rising in his eyes. “I expected Austin’s meeting to go on for at least five more hours.”

  “Fortunately, it didn’t, or I would’ve missed...all this.” His gaze coasted over her thighs and back to her face.

  She shrugged faintly. “But you’ve already seen it.”

  He smiled. “And you thought once was enough?” He sounded both curious and amused.

  She gave another shrug. “Isn’t it usually?”

  “You’re not my usual.”

  “Oliver...are you trying to tell me I’m different?” she teased.

  Oliver seemed to be turning the word over in his mind. “ are.” He moved to the bed, took his time scanning her body again and said, “But in more ways than the one currently running through your head.”

  “And you believe all those ways are going to keep you occupied for the rest of our trip, and beyond it?”

  “Minka, suspicious of my motives. Isn’t my word good enough?”

  “Sure.” Her smile reciprocated his cunning. “You’re very good with your words.”

  “I’m good with all sorts of things. Or have you forgotten already?”


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