Love Needs Another Chance (Truth About Love #3)

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Love Needs Another Chance (Truth About Love #3) Page 5

by Caleigh Hernandez

  I take a moment to give myself a silent pep talk as I roll the car into park. I shut off the engine and pop open the door. Stepping out, I stretch and turn to shut the door. Turning back around, I am greeted with the most amazing vision ever. Fuck me. Izzy asked what the dress code was like where we were going. I didn’t want to give anything away, so I told her to think Grease. “Girls love that movie, right?” I asked. She laughed.

  Now, she stands before me in an outfit, not unlike Naughty Sandy’s at the end of said suggested movie. “Fuck me,” the words escape and she stops just out of arms’ reach. Rockin’ a low neckline shirt that curved across the swell of her tits in dark orange and skin tight tiny jeans that end halfway down the slender curve of her calves, she twirls for me. My eyes take in the sexy as fuck heels that have her tits and ass pushed out and lifted. Her pretty little toes painted a similar color as her shirt. And I just stand here with my tongue hanging out. I’m mindlessly speechless. The mindless part of her bewitching spell is broken when she closes the distance between us. Her close proximity steals my breath.

  “Hello, Diego,” she says leaning in real close, so close I can feel her even though she’s not touching me. Her breathy greeting flips all my switches and I’m no longer speechless.

  “Fuck, Izzy,” and with that, I no longer deny myself the pleasure of this woman’s lips tangled with mine. Izzy gasps and I’m ready to cancel all my plans if she suggests just staying home. A man has only so much self-control and a better man than I wouldn’t be able to turn down that offer. I twist her a little, cradling her in my arms and deepen the kiss. Still cradled in the crook of my elbow, I trail my free hand from its position at her waste up the side of her stomach and graze the side of one of her glorious tits. She jumps and gasps, breaking our lip lock. Her nails are digging into my shoulders as she tries to regain her balance. The thought plants a very smug smile on my face.

  Izzy catches my shit-eating grin. “Proud of yourself?”

  “That felt like one of my greatest challenges and achievements,” I boast and brag. “I’m quite proud of myself. Especially considering I didn’t let my imagination take over.”

  I caught her squeezing her thighs together trying to tamp down the dull throbbing I can only imagine is charging her pussy. It’s her turn to be grinning not so innocently. And in that moment, saying no to this woman became so much easier knowing she is as affected as I am and damn if it’s not hot watching her try to rein it in.

  “I do believe,” she breaks the silence, “you’re going to be the source of at least a few bad decisions.” And she smiles, big, but the smile in her eyes shoots me with the challenge of her words.

  “Let’s see if I can get one out of you tonight,” I lightly grasp her elbow and practically push her to the passenger side of the car.

  “Nice car. I know it’s not yours,” she sits in and I close the door behind her. “So, what’s the story?”

  I lean in through the open window and place a kiss on her cheek. “I’ve got friends, bella.” I back out of the window and make my way to the front of the car to the driver side. Who’d have thought that Izzy being so fucking breathtaking would be enough to shake my nerves? “And my status as star school athlete means something to me,” I add getting into the car. I swear I feel sparks when I settle into place. “Unlike to some people.” I cough, “hint, hint.”

  And I’m totally patting myself on the back as I back out of her driveway because I made that sound come out of her. “You should really put that beautiful grin away,” she interrupts my mental pride-stroking, “I don’t doubt you could cause an accident with it.”

  There’s no chance I’m tucking away this smile to spare anyone. Izzy is in the car on the seat next to me and she looks as ready for the end of the night as I am. “Do you want to know where we’re headed?”

  She looks like she’s very seriously considering the question. “Maybe you should tell me. No, you want it to be a surprise. You do want it to be a surprise, right?” She’s rambling and I have to wonder if I’m the cause of that.

  “You okay, Izzy? You’re shaking,” I drag a finger up her forearm when we’re stopped at the light. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nervous.”

  She gives me a sidelong glance and a guilty smile. I decide to not say another thing until we get to the next stop on our second date adventure. When she starts squirming, I reach over to hold her hand. Ten more minutes and we’ll be there.

  She must have relaxed a little more because she’s humming along to the song on the radio. It’s Elvis Presley singing about fools rushing in and falling in love and Izzy joins in. Her voice is like silk, harmonizing with the rockabilly crooner and I can relate to the words she sings.

  We’ve reached our first destination, but I can’t pull myself away from the husky-voiced vixen that constantly surprises me. When the song ends, she has the audacity to look embarrassed. “Damn, Izzy, your voice is like chocolate that melts the instant it touches your tongue.”

  She rolls her eyes and says something about being shrill. I disagree but jump out of the car before allowing her the chance to argue. I open the door and offer her my assistance up from the seat. She grabs my hand absently as she takes in the sign on the building we’re parked in front of.

  I can tell she’s having a hard time making heads or tails of our location because she’s scrunching up her nose like she’s confused. “C’mon, you’ll see when we get inside.”

  We step into the small dance studio that Lito visits a couple nights a month for special events and the like. Tonight isn’t anything special; it’s their regular Friday Night Mixer. “After hearing about your performance at the frat party with Baz and seeing you inside the gym, I decided I must experience you for myself,” I whisper once we’re inside.

  “You can dance?” she asks as if the thought is the funniest, most impossible thing of all time.

  “Raised by a single mother that insisted on chivalry and romancing a woman.” I offer as an explanation. “She was always trying to convince me that I’d thank her when I was older.” The want to thank her right now squeezes my heart a little. “Care to give me a go?” I don’t mask the possibility of a second meaning to the question.

  “A warning in advance: Your skills on the dance floor and the number of times you crush my toes will directly affect your final grade for the date.” She pairs her warning with a challenge I am more than up for. “I’m game if you are?” She throws her hands up waiting for me to take them. I grab one and twirl her into my embrace. We start with a cha-cha and I feel Izzy’s pulse quicken as she realizes that I’m better than advertised.

  After several dances together, Izzy couldn’t turn down the invitation to dance with one of the studios long-standing members. The slight, older man gracefully pushes my Izzy around the dance floor in a two-step.

  My? Where the fuck did that come from?

  I send the sentiment away with a shake of my head and redirect my attention back to Izzy and her current dance partner. She’s smiling and graciously thanking him for their dance. When he hands her back to me, he warns me that he’s waiting for me to mess up. “The young ones always mess up,” he says as he winks at Izzy.

  She bestows him with a heartfelt laugh and she makes my heart jump. I step behind her, my chest pressed against her back, the evidence of what her voice does to me pressing into her luscious ass. I press my lips to the space on her neck just below her ear and speak, “If that old man was even a year younger than his actual age, I’d fight him for unleashing that dick-stirring laugh from your mouth.”

  My caveman antics are rewarded with a groan and I’m ready to move our date along. While Izzy was dancing with the lucky old man, I checked my messages. Baz called fifteen minutes ago and said dinner would be ready in twenty-five. If we leave in the next few minutes, we’ll be at Lito’s place before he�
��s finished packing it up for me.

  “Ready?” I tug at the hem of her shirt, resisting the urge to pull her into me and grind my needy cock against her ass.

  I could be reading this wrong, but her wordless answer with a nod of her head, says Izzy is as quick to get to the after-dinner activities as I am. Oh, and I love leaving her speechless.

  I have her tucked into the passenger seat when we back out of the parking spot. Before we’re out of the lot, she’s scooted over on the bench seat and she’s pressing up against my side. I want to pull this car over and devour her every which way, but we’re about thirty minutes from getting to her place where we won’t be interrupted or risk public indecency. So, I settle for placing my hand on her leg just above her knee. I feel her shudder with the light squeeze I give it and the knuckles on my hand grabbing the steering wheel go stark white under the death grip.

  It could be said that I made it to Baz and back to Izzy’s house in record time. The constant charge I feel when she’s next to me narrowed my focus to the singular task of getting us here. “You sure you’re okay with dinner being served in your backyard? If you want we could drive down a couple miles and eat dinner on neutral ground.”

  She balks at the suggestion. “You can’t be serious,” but then she must think of something because she’s giving me this grin that she’s on to my secret. “I’m beginning to think you’re nervous about being alone with me Mr. Santo.” Sitting on the seat smiling as if she just cracked the case, I forget about our dinner sitting on the backseat and decide that Izzy’s mouth requires my attention.

  I claim her next breath as mine as I lock us in a kiss that at its crest could make the Rockies come tumbling down. I was about to suggest a late dinner when Izzy’s tummy growled through our kiss. “Oh, Izzy. If only I didn’t care if you ate or not. But first, I must feed your tummy before I can occupy your mouth and engage your tongue.”

  She groans in frustration but doesn’t argue. The matching growl from my own stomach makes Izzy chuckle and slide out of the car behind me. It hasn’t escaped my attention that since she scooted over in the car and I placed my hand on her leg we haven’t been disconnected once. The need to stay connected jerks us to a halt when I turn back to retrieve the picnic basket from the backseat and she proceeds towards the house. She takes the couple steps back with me, acknowledging the spoken agreement that our fingers and hands will remain intertwined.

  “Lead the way, bella preciosa.” She leans into me once more before she guides me down to the indoor-outdoor patio where she laid and watched the sunrise until she fell asleep while talking to me on the phone the other night. I only get a glancing look, but it looks like money. I jerk my shoulders back, forcing myself to not worry about that right now. If money were an issue, we’d have never even started this second date.

  We’re down the narrow stairs from her patio to the beach in her backyard before we reluctantly release each other’s hands. Izzy takes responsibility for laying down the blanket while I arrange the foldable tray Baz gave me with one of his specialties: tacos de carne asada. “Are those tacos I smell?” It amuses me that she’s still shocked with all that I’m capable of.

  “Good to know that even with proof, you’re still a skeptic. Don’t worry, Izzy. I’m gonna make it my mission to always surprise you.”

  “You know what would surprise me, right now? If I could actually eat one of those divine smelling tacos.” I love that she’s at ease teasing me. Not too worried about impressing the star athlete. It’s quite the change from other girls. Then again, I haven’t really tried dating…ever.

  “Your wish is my command, muh lady,” I bow my head, presenting her a plate with three tacos, some lemon wedges, and Spanish rice.

  The next string of sounds and words that came out of Izzy’s mouth was torture to my balls. The fact that it was Sebastian’s tacos— “What’s wrong with you?” I look up to see Izzy carefully studying the pained expression on my face.

  Begrudgingly, I tell her the truth…the whole truth. “I’d give anything to be the reason those sounds came from your mouth. The fact that Baz beat me to it and he’s not even here really fucking pisses me off.” I laugh at my own ridiculousness and Izzy joins me.

  “What do you mean Baz beat you to it?”

  With a mouthful, I gesture to the spread of food in front of us. After swallowing the food, I explain. “Baz has these mad skills in the kitchen. I’m certain he could have his own restaurant. We, Lito and I, are always trying to convince him that’s what he should be studying, but he gives us a version of the same answer every time. ‘Cooking is a hobby. I don’t want to ruin it with making it something I have to do to earn a paycheck.’”

  “Well,” she talks around the rice in her mouth, “the next time I see him, I’ll be sure to tell him how fucking delicious this dinner was.”

  She moans again and I beg her to stop. “A man can only take so much, Izzy and the sound of you moaning is about to snap what little control I have left of my libido.” She giggles and I roll my eyes that her response was to give me another one of those sexy as hell sounds.

  The water is receding and crashing back down on the shoreline a few yards from where we sit. I finish my fifth or sixth taco and rice on my plate. I look up to Izzy and she appears to be lost in thought staring out at the horizon. “You want some more, bella?” When she answers with a shake of her head, I finish packing up the uneaten food while she finishes what’s left on her plate.

  And then she lets out that ball tingling, dick stirring collection of sounds again. My eyes snap to her face and she knows exactly what she’s done. I shove the paper plate from her lap and cover the length of her with my body. The heat radiating between us enough to cause sweat to form and glisten across our skin.

  I plunder her mouth with my tongue and she lets out a feral sounding moan. When she arches into me, she puts my hands in motion. Unable to resist the push of her tits into my chest, I bring my right hand to palm as much of her fullness in one hand. I massage and squeeze as she writhes beneath me.

  “Staahhp,” she says through our locked lips. Oh, fuck! She’s not really stopping this is she? “Let’s go to the patio. We can turn on the fire and not worry about interruptions.” She’s breathless and her eyes are begging me to say yes. She pulls me back down; it’s her turn to attack my mouth.

  “But I brought dessert Izzy,” the statement somewhere between a matter-of-fact and a plea. My dick might hate the halt I’m about to bring to our situation, but I’d be willing to bet money that when dessert lands on her tongue she’ll be making those sounds again and it’ll be worth the wait. “It’s Baz’s cheesecake.”

  Her body reacts before she says anything. Her back straightens and she pushes me up from her. “Did you just say cheesecake?”

  I fall to the blanket in the space beside her, laughing hysterically. My hand closest to her plays with the hem of her shirt, my fingers graze the soft skin found just beneath and her skin pebbles with a chill and hopefully anticipation. “So that’s your kryptonite, huh? Cheesecake?” She gives me a baffled look and I don’t have the patience for her to make the connections. Her out-of-sorts state of being is because of me and I like it. “I mention cheesecake and you don’t hesitate to stop.” I drag my hand from the hem of her shirt up to the side of her and proceed further up. She whimpers when I move past her perfect tits, pretending I didn’t register the slight thrust of her chest into my hand attempting to get more contact. At her collar bone, I drag my fingertips across to the opposite side and snake my hand up the curve of her body where neck meets shoulder and she shudders. “Izzy,” I whisper into her ear on the side opposite of where I have her neck in my grip, “let’s move this to your patio.” I let her go with a hearty laugh, meanwhile, my dick twitches in pain and she groans in frustration.

  With our dinner wares packed in the picnic basket, the bl
anket we were on tucked under Izzy’s arm, and my free arm around her, we make our way back up to her house. She punches in a code in the keypad off to the side of the glass walls of the patio and after a series of whirls and clicks, the walls start sliding back into each other on three of the four sides of the room.

  Izzy appears perfectly at ease as she goes about lighting candles and starting the fire. I’d considered pounding my chest when she did the latter, but really, she turned a knob and clicked a button. I could find better things to get macho over. Besides, I don’t think she’d be too happy with that sort of display.

  Armed with a lighter, she makes her way to the far corner where a set of couches and a coffee table are set up. I hadn’t noticed but this could easily be two rooms in a not so small house, but one smaller than hers. A flickering shadow dancing across the floor catches my attention, Izzy has lit the candle on the table in front of her and the effect on her skin is damn near intoxicating.

  The light behind her casts her body in shadows. When she turns to the side, her gorgeous shape is framed in a halo of amber light. Headiness takes over and I can feel gravity pulling me to my knees. I imagine myself worshiping at her feet. I regain control over my knees, but my eyes are now focused on her feet. She’s barefoot and I’m watching her move around. She makes the act of illuminating the room look like a dance. Her cute painted toes twinkle in the flickering flames as she makes her way back toward me. I’m so mesmerized by the sight before me and the images flickering through my mind, I fail to notice the cute painted toes stopped right in front of mine.

  She shifts her weight from one foot to the other. I hope that I’m the one causing her to nervously move. I test the theory and painfully slowly drag my eyes up the short length of her body. I take the path up the side of her neck and land on her eyes with my most disarming smile. Her knees shake, her skin pebbles and I am drunk knowing I am responsible for the shudder that follows.


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