Beauty Loves the Beast

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Beauty Loves the Beast Page 7

by Robyn Peterman

  “I know you,” I whispered into her hair. “And I want to know more—need to.”

  She leaned back and smiled up at me. If I’d had her smile and laugh to think about in my darkest hours, I wouldn’t have needed The Sound of Music. She made what had saved my sanity pale in comparison.

  “Come with me,” I said, opening the door and waiting.

  “Always. I will always go with you.”



  “Umm… this is probably a weird thing to say, but you don’t have to worry about birth control or anything like that,” I said as my voice got so soft I could barely hear it.

  This was mortifying. I mean, I’d bitten the man and poisoned him into a coma for three days, and now I was acting like this was a normal conversation that two normal people should have before sex. There was nothing normal about either one of us. I wanted to ease out of the room and pretend I hadn’t started the discussion.

  His chuckle lessened my embarrassment, but I still wanted to hide—and die.

  “I’m clean. Haven’t been with anyone for a long time and I’ve always used condoms. Are you on the pill?”

  “Umm… no. I was sterilized,” I whispered. Shit. How much more broken could I be? “I can’t have children.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly, taking me into his strong arms. “Was it awful?”

  I shook my head and let my body mold to his. It wasn’t remotely sexual. It was comfortable and protective. Carter was so wrong about being cold and dead inside. “I don’t remember. I was out for so long. They told me months after they did it. It’s better that way. I’m not fit to be anyone’s mother.”

  “You would be a good mother,” he argued. “A child would be lucky to have you, Georgia.”

  My name on his lips was the most wonderful sound I’d ever heard, but his words tore at my heart. He was wrong about me being a mother. I’d had no positive maternal influence in my life and I’d never been a regular child. But this was not what I wanted to discuss. It was useless and moot and it made me sad. Right now I wanted him—all of him. I wanted to steal my moments of happiness. Changing the subject was necessary. Sobbing about lost opportunities was not sexy—at all.

  “So umm… we’ve had the talk. Which was every kind of horrifying,” I said, wrinkling my nose and trying not to laugh with embarrassment. “What should we do now?”

  “Impatient?” he questioned, his brow raised in amusement.

  “Possibly,” I shot back with a smirk.

  “Pretty sure I can do something about that,” he replied in a tone so sultry, it made my heart skip a beat as he lazily pulled me toward him.

  Carter’s hand slowly moved to my breast and his eyes sought mine for permission. A soft moan and happy sigh from my lips was all the encouragement he needed. My brain flashed warning signals, reminding me about my earlier selfless decision, but when Carter moved his other hand to my ass, pressing his hard body flush with mine, all thoughts of selflessness evaporated.

  Visualizing my hands without claws and my mouth without fangs, I let myself go and hoped for the best. So far so good. I knew my eyes had changed, but since I couldn’t see my own eyes, that was more difficult to control.

  My head dropped back and his lips brushed the tender skin of my neck, sending a shudder of delight through my body. My breathing came faster and I pressed my body even closer to his. Carter’s hands tangled in my hair and his mouth came down over mine—hard and needy.

  He sucked at my lips and his tongue demanded mine with an urgency that stole what breath I had left. I responded as if being with him was the most natural thing in the world—inviting him in and making damned sure I didn’t use my chompers on him. Having him pass out right now would be every kind of sucky.

  Without thought, I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered his name like a prayer. His hands caressed my breasts and pinched my nipples through the thin fabric of the dress.

  “So fucking sexy,” he muttered as he stepped back and yanked the dress over my head, tossing it to the floor.

  My first instinct was to hide—to cover my ruined body—but he was having none of that.

  “No,” he said in a harsh tone. “Don’t ever hide from me.”

  Holding my arms at my sides, he replaced his hands at my breasts with his mouth, and I was sure I was going to faint. With each pull from his lips, my body clenched with a desire so fierce I knew I could orgasm from what the man could do with his mouth alone. The sensations racing through me were intense and freeing. I felt like I was flying.

  “Oh God, this is a bad idea,” I said, not meaning a word of it. I was certain my happy little gasps didn’t really back my protesting, either.

  His smile was wide as he checked in to make sure I was still on the same page. My frown of displeasure as his lips left my breast made him chuckle.

  “It’s a very good idea,” he shot back, pulling his t-shirt over his head and then making quick work of his sweats. Stopping my giggle with a kiss that made my toes curl, he managed to sweep me into his arms and walk us to the bed without missing a step.

  “However,” he informed me, “this is a better idea.”

  He tossed me on the bed and laughed when I squealed. His stare was so full of unabashed need and lust, I all but forgot about my damaged body. Carter Wylde made me feel beautiful—wanted—desired.

  His huge hands made short work of my panties and his boxer briefs. I literally gaped at his beauty. Every inch of him was lean, delicious muscle. And as my eyes moved down, my entire body tingled with burning desire. Crawling to my knees, I ran my hands over his chest and arms. Carter stood still and watched me through hooded eyes as I explored him. The light sprinkling of dark hair on his chest tickled my fingertips.

  His breathing grew labored, and I was well aware of the control it took for him to stand still and allow my exploration. The tension in his body and the carnal look in his gaze made me feel heady with power. The fact that I could give this beautiful man pleasure with my tattered body and soul was electrifying.

  My hands grew bolder and wandered down his body. His sharp intake of breath delighted me, and I ran my fingertips over his erection and cupped him in my hand. The low moan from deep in his chest was the sexiest sound I’d ever heard and my smile grew wider.

  In a jolting rush of awareness, I realized my fangs still hadn’t dropped and my claws were nowhere to be found at the moment. I froze. My mind raced and I was torn between wanting to scream with joy or sob with relief. There was no stab of pain in my gums. No burning pinch in the tips of my fingers to alert me that my nails would soon become weapons that could kill. However, I knew my lavender eyes were definitely gold. My vision was sharper and clearer when my eyes changed.

  “Don’t stop,” he begged. “Feels so good.”

  “I’m a freak,” I choked out on a whisper as his eyes met mine and his brows went up in surprise.

  “Not even close,” he said, gently pressing his forehead to mine. “The gold is as beautiful as the lavender. You’re just a little broken, and I’m pretty fucking close to irreparable.”

  He was right and he was wrong. I was broken, but he wasn’t irreparable. I was sure I could help him be less broken like he was helping me. He just had to let me.

  “Let me show you,” I said, realizing this could end what was happening very quickly.

  “Show me,” he whispered, not moving an inch.

  “Umm… you might want to back up.”

  “Nope, I’m good,” he said with a grin. “Gotta say I was a little jealous when Nancy told me she saw your gifts.”

  “My gifts?” I choked out. “Are you insane?”

  Carter laughed. “Actually, yes. You have a problem with that?”

  “Umm… no,” I said slowly, loving the man more if that was possible. “But I’m insane and broken.”

  “I sure know how to pick ’em,” he said with a wink and then sobered. “Show me, Georgia.”

  And I did. As easily
as I was able to retract my claws and fangs when I was with Nancy, I was also able to bring them forth.

  Carter’s eyes grew wide and his smile grew wider.

  “Goddamn, those would have come in handy in the jungle,” he said, running his fingers carefully along the sharp talons that protruded from my fingertips.

  He wasn’t appalled. He wasn’t scared. He wasn’t disgusted. He was impressed and awed.

  Carter Wylde was definitely crazy, and I was the luckiest screwed-up girl in the world.

  “I’m broken,” I whispered again as I retracted my deformities.

  “Nope. You’re perfect. You’ve got built-in weapons,” he said in a serious tone with a nod of approval. “And if you think you’re broken, then I’m demolished.”

  The man was not demolished. He was nowhere near it. However, I was very aware that he believed what he said.

  “Maybe together we could be broken pieces that make a whole,” I told him softly.

  Carter cupped my face and his eyes met mine. For what felt like an eternity we stared at each other—not moving a muscle. Slowly, a smile pulled at his lips, and I released the breath I wasn’t aware I’d been holding.

  “I’m a really bad bet, Georgia from Georgia.”

  “I’m even worse,” I replied, wiggling my claw-free fingers.

  He paused and reverently ran a calloused fingertip across my kiss-swollen lips. “Then maybe you’re correct. Maybe two wrongs can make a right—or maybe not.”

  “For today, I’m going with yes,” I said, letting my hand travel back down his naked body until I found what I was searching for. My mouth replaced my hand and my tongue darted out and tasted him. My golden eyes stayed glued to Carter’s. He swore when I wrapped my lips around him and sucked. His hips began to move involuntarily.

  “You have a very nice thingie,” I said, coming up for air.

  His laugh filled the room and I went back to work. Taking him as far back into my throat as possible, I felt sexier than I’d ever felt.

  “Stop,” he said gruffly, backing away. “As much as it pains me to make you stop—and trust me, it pains me—the first time I come today is going to be inside you.”

  “The first time?” I asked with a raised brow and a grin.

  “You heard me,” he growled, reaching between my legs and teasing me with his talented fingers. “I do believe you’re wet, Georgia from Georgia.”

  “It’s your fault, Carter Wylde,” I said on a moan as I rubbed my body against his hand.

  “Bet I can make you wetter,” he said, laying down next to me on the bed.

  “I dare you,” I challenged with a giggle.

  With the heel of his hand on my clit, he pushed two fingers inside me and curved them, finding the spot that made stars dance across my vision. I gasped and was pretty sure I was going to implode.

  “Need you now,” I begged, taking him into my hand and stroking him.

  “Not a problem,” he replied, sounding sexier than hell.

  Pushing me back, he used his knee to part my legs.

  “Put me inside you, Georgia,” he directed.

  Guiding him, I felt the head of his cock enter me. Gasping in pleasure, I lifted my hips and silently begged for more.

  “Tell me what you want,” he rasped into my ear.

  “You,” I moaned. “I want you.”

  “You’ve got me, baby,” he said as he thrust into me, burying himself to the hilt.

  His hands moved to my ass so he could hold me exactly where he wanted, and I was totally on board. He made me feel so good I was having a hard time keeping my heart to myself. I was ready to hand it to him on a platter. I knew he didn’t want my heart, but he already had it. I felt whole with this broken man and it was more erotic than the sex act itself.

  “So fucking perfect,” Carter ground out as his hips began a lazy rhythm of filling me and teasing me.

  I was falling apart in the best way possible and I tried to memorize every single moment.

  “I’m close,” he said as his eyes went unfocused with lust and the speed of his thrusts increased. “Come with me, Georgia.”

  He didn’t have to ask twice.

  My back arched to meet his body, thrust for gorgeous thrust. His muscles were taut and his lips were pressed together in concentration.

  “Kiss me,” I begged on a gasp.

  And he did. My insides contracted in an orgasm so powerful, I thought I might faint. Carter swore as his body went rigid with pleasure.

  “Jesus Christ,” he hissed as he continued to come.

  I held him like a vise inside me and wanted this moment to last forever. But all good and beautiful things must come to an end.

  “Never in my life,” he mumbled as he buried his face in my neck.

  Our bodies were slick with sweat. Little aftershocks rolled through me as he stayed inside my body.

  “Perfect,” he whispered.

  His lips found mine, and he pressed little kisses all over my face. For a badass, broken killer, he was as soft and as romantic as they came.

  “Nope. You’re perfect,” I said with a giggle.

  “Noooo, you are,” he shot back with a wide grin, looking like he didn’t have a care in the world. “How about we take a little water break and then try that again?”

  “Seriously?” I asked.

  His smirk of pure male ego was almost as sexy as his foreplay skills. “Very seriously. Completely and totally seriously. Deadly serious.”

  Holding up my hand to stop his serious talk, I laughed. “I’m in.”

  “I was hoping you would say that.”

  “And tomorrow I’ll bake you a cake,” I promised.

  “I’m in,” he shot back with a wide smile.

  “I was hoping you would say that,” I repeated his words, and then squealed when he grabbed me and tickled me. This was the best night of my life, and I was going to savor every single moment.

  Tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed, but tonight was.

  It was the hardest decision I’d ever made in my life, but it was also the easiest.

  Watching Carter sleep in the predawn hours was something I would carry with me to my grave. He looked so innocent and carefree in slumber. No signs of his painful past. No evidence of the hurt he’d endured in his life.

  What I really wanted to do was crawl back into the bed and fall asleep in his strong arms, but I was in love with him. And because I loved him, I had to leave.

  I went into the mode of methodical, super soldier killer freak that I’d been trained to be as I silently searched the house and found what I needed. The most important was the land mine remote, which Nancy had left on the kitchen counter. Pocketing it, I found my laptop, duffle, and a few remote cameras I borrowed from Caleb. After gathering my stash, I went back to Carter’s room. It was lucky that Caleb hadn’t blown the vehicle sky high yet—also good I knew how to hotwire a car, considering we hadn’t borrowed the keys.

  If Carter woke, I could say I was indulging in my addiction to Candy Crush and then remake my plans, but it was very clear he was a heavy sleeper. Part of me wished he wasn’t—wished that he would wake up and stop me from what I was about to do. But most of me was grateful that he would live to see many more days in his life—even if they were without me.

  Sean having problems getting us out of the country was very telling. Sean never had problems, from what I knew about him. The fact that he did meant the government surveillance for us was enormous—and therefore as dangerous as hell on fire. I comforted myself with the thought that Carter was with people who loved him and whom he loved back. He would be okay… I hoped.

  Honestly, I had no clue if his feelings matched mine. While I wanted him to have fallen for me as well, it would be far better if what we’d shared had only been sex for him.

  Hacking into the CIA’s main board was easy. Sean was good. Caleb was good, but I was outstanding. I knew I could end the careers of Sabrina Wenbo and Don Jarred. That would be easy and most certainly
a kind of living death for the egomaniacal monsters, but I wanted more.

  I wanted to end their lives, and if I died in the process, so be it. If they had me, I was sure they would leave Carter alone. And they would no longer be able to harm innocent people like I used to be. Plus, if I were out of the picture, it would be easier for Sean to get Carter safely out of the country.

  Uploading all the damning material—the test results and the death count of the innocents who had been murdered at the hands of Wenbo and Jarred—took me all of ten minutes. It was going straight to the top. Even if I died before I could kill the bastards, it would be over for them. I was sure the CIA would handle the punishment severely; not as severely as I would, but I’d still accomplish my goal of stopping the atrocities.

  My next move was riskier and I had to figure out a safe, unpopulated place to put the rest of my plan into motion, but after a few tries I’d hit pay dirt. It would take the monsters about two hours by plane and then another forty-five minutes by car. And just because I was nice, I booked their plane tickets and rented their car—with their own personal credit cards. Hacking freakin’ rocked.

  While I was at it, I emptied their many legal and illegal bank accounts into the accounts of underfunded charities for children, and smiled as I did it. I was sorely tempted to dig into Carter’s past to understand more about him, but I didn’t need to know what had happened before. I knew him right now, and I loved the man he had become. He might look in the mirror and see a monster, but I could see him clearly. He was as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside. If I’d given him hope of living a somewhat normal life, then I could die a happy woman.

  I also dumped all of my bank accounts into Carter’s. Dead women didn’t need money and mine was spread all over the world. But now it was deposited into Carter’s account. That made me happy in the midst of my heart being torn to sheds.


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