Mortal Magick

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Mortal Magick Page 18

by Patty Taylor

  Her heart rose to her throat. She took a deep breath. With a slight twinge of regret, she was sorry to see her faithful comrade go. But in her heart, she realized his job as her familiar and protector had ended and he had chosen a new master. She wrapped her arms around herself, slightly bewildered by all of the day’s events. “I’m going to miss you, Samson. You’ve been the best friend in the world.”

  “I’m sorry, Keara. I know how hard that must have been for ye to let Samson go like that. Ye’re a wonderful woman, Keara. I hope Colin realizes how lucky he is.” Duncan came up behind her and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

  “No, Duncan, I’m the lucky one.” She leaned back, his strong chest and strapping arms immediately helping comfort her as they stood holding each other. Together they watched Colin, Samson, and Oriana disappear into a swirling mist.

  Darby cleared his throat, drawing their attention. “I think it’s time ye two spend some time by yerselves. Besides, I need to get back to Griselda’s home and tie up a few loose ends. I promised her a long time ago I’d make sure certain things were taken care of.”

  “I’m sorry about yer friend, Darby. ‘Twas an honorable thing she did, standin’ up and protectin’ Keara the way she did.”

  “I wish you could have met Griselda, Duncan.” Keara sighed. “She gave her life to save me. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look of pain in her eyes every time she came near her own granddaughter. It must have been pure agony for her all these years.”

  “She’s at peace now, Keara. No one can hurt her anymore. Griselda will always live inside yer heart.” Darby glanced down, sticking his pudgy fingers through one of the new ripped gaps in his jacket.

  “Darby, I’m afraid you’re in no shape to be traveling by yourself. Your wounds haven’t even healed.” Keara stooped and tried to straighten the collar of his ragged coat.

  “I’m fine. A few of me own potions will cure me in no time. And it shouldna take me but a few days to finish everythin’.” Darby pulled a brass vial from his pocket, brushing away something green growing on top of the bottle before taking a long swig from it. “I’ll meet the two of ye back at the Fairy Pools in four days. By then, my deeds will be done.”

  Still worried about Darby, Keara glanced up at Duncan for some support, thinking he might be able to persuade Darby to rest a few days, but by the time she glanced back down, Darby had already disappeared.

  “He’ll be fine, love. He’s a tough codger with a stubborn mind of his own,” Duncan said before scooping her up into his arms.

  She wrapped her arms tightly around the back of his neck and nuzzled her face against his fine broad chest. Her gaze rested momentarily on the remains of the huge black beast she’d shot only hours before. She shuddered glancing at the blood stains on the ground.

  Her focus centered on the small branch of the sacred willow tree she planted less than a few hours before. With a smile, she noticed the bark had already grown and that the tree almost doubled in size.

  Drained and exhausted, all she wanted now was Duncan’s body to cuddle next to.

  “Tonight, my love, nothing will keep us apart,” Duncan said, his words a lullaby to her ears.

  Chapter 27

  Keara yawned, stretching her arms in the air. She opened her eyes to find Duncan leaning on one arm while lying on his side and staring down at her. She hurried to cover her mouth with her hand. It was good to see him smile again. She reached over and touched his face. “Good morning, handsome.”

  Duncan pulled her close to him and kissed her long and hard. With his boyish grin she’d learned to love, he made a suggestion. “I was hopin’ ye might be up for tryin’ to finish where we left off, before we got so rudely interrupted.”

  “Well, I’m not sure. I don’t quite remember exactly where we left off,” she teased, biting her lower lip and glancing away.

  “I’ll see if I can help remedy that and try to remind ye, lass.” His steady hand turned her face toward his and he covered her lips with his. His tongue probed inside her mouth with passion. His fingers traced down the concave of her neck to the top of her breasts and stopped.

  “Remember the first time, beneath the waterfall?” She smiled, catching the gleam in his eyes.

  “I aim to please, my love.” He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the falls. She squealed in delight and began to giggle while she squirmed inside his beefy arms. “Wait. We can’t go in that water now, it must be freezing. We’d catch pneumonia, for sure.”

  “Do ye trust me, woman?” His gaze locked with hers.

  “Always.” She reached her arms around his neck. Her mouth met his lips.

  Duncan lowered her feet to the ground, pressing his fingers against the small of her back, and pulled her close. His mouth covering hers, he devoured her lips.

  The flow of heat surged through her entire body. The undeniable magnetism that connected them together from their first touch raced through her bloodstream, becoming even stronger than before. The intoxicating musk of his body filled her senses, sending shivers up her spine. Her body tingled where his hands touched her. A soft, inviting moan escaped her lips.

  Duncan loosened her robe and tossed it to the ground. His gaze wandered from her face to her breasts, as he unfastened his kilt and let it drop around his ankles. He gripped the bottom of her chemise and pulled it over her head, leaving her body exposed to the cold air and the heat of his flesh. Her soft naked skin was as smooth as silk beneath his fingers. Her scent intoxicated his senses. He lifted her in his arm and cradled her close to his chest.

  “Hold on, lass.” Duncan held her close and lunged for the waterfalls.

  She held her breath, expecting an icy bath, but was pleasantly surprised to find their plunge was more like skinny dipping in a hot spring. The steam rose, enveloping their bodies. Like a butterfly encased inside a cocoon, her heart fluttered wildly, eagerly awaiting the release of new desires to explore and unfold.

  Her pulse quickened, her heartbeat hammered inside her ears, and waves of excitement flooded through her loins. An urgency of cravings raced through her bloodstream like she’d never felt before. His nearness made her senses spin.

  The water vibrated over their flesh like a pulsating shower head. Duncan had thought of everything, surprising her and handing her a small bar of scented soap. He lathered his experienced hands with a small sliver and began washing her hair. His agile fingers massaged her scalp, skillfully working their way down her neck and the rest of her body. Keara tilted her head, and closed her eyes, letting warm beads of water run over her eyelids and face. The invigorating hot shower felt wonderful. They took turns washing each other, awakening new desires and enticing needs. Keara leaned back as her hands grabbed his outer thighs. With the full strength of his body supporting her, she felt his groin harden and press against the concave of her back. She let out small gasp and cried out his name.

  With mounting arousal, they rinsed each other off. Duncan bent down and his arms slid behind her slippery knees so he could carry her from the spring and lay her on top of several downy sheepskins now covering the ground.

  Duncan lowered himself over her and kissed her long and hard again. Keara opened her eyes, amazed at the colorful display lighting up the sky. Duncan turned his head and followed her gaze. Like magick, shades of green, purple, and red lights started dancing and waving above their heads like the aurora borealis. Duncan smiled and resumed the ardent kiss.

  With their bodies embraced and their fingers intertwined, they were entangled with heated passion. Keara cried out in pleasure as they joined together as one. Waves of ecstasy throbbed through her loins.

  Their bodies united. The lost pair of kindred spirits were finally bound in mind, body, and soul. Like dazzling fireworks soaring high, Keara’s body burst from pleasures she never dreamt possible. A tidal wave of pass
ion washed over her like crashing whitecaps rushing to the shore.

  His gaze locked with hers. No words needed to be spoken. Their connection became stronger. Their minds and emotions in harmony, their bodies kept in rhythm with one another. Both recognized each other’s needs and fulfilled the other’s desires, taking them to a height of wanton passion and euphoric pleasures.

  Duncan’s breathing quickened as the ardor of his passion was mounting. Their bodies moved in sync with each other as he finally succumbed, refusing to hold back any longer. His hot flesh pressed against hers. Totally consumed and deep in passion, she waited anxiously for his release. Her entire body quivered, filled with fiery sensations, and she gasped in sweet agony from his final thrust.

  Keara definitely wasn’t herself the next morning. She’d been nervous and fidgety since Duncan had gotten up. He was laying still, watching her pace back and forth like a small trapped animal. When he stood up and approached her, she turned, refusing to meet his gaze.

  The last three days were filled with lovemaking, eating, more lovemaking, and short naps. Puzzled by her abrupt change in mood, he had to find out what was bothering her.

  “Keara, I can see there’s somethin’ troublin’ ye, lass. Can ye not trust me enough by now to confide in me?” He held her arm, his fingers brushing against the side of her face.

  “Duncan, I don’t even know where to begin. I have something to tell you.” Keara wrung her hands and began pacing again. “I discovered the way to get back home.”

  His stomach clenched. It felt like she plunged his sharp dirk deep in his gut. So she couldn’t see his face, he turned his back to hide his hurt and frustration. “I’m happy for ye. I know how much that means to ye. When do ye plan to head back?”

  “I’m afraid you don’t understand. There’s someone very special waiting back home that needs my help.” Her voice wavered.

  “I knew it.” Duncan ran his fingers through his hair, picked up his tin, and tossed it in the flames.

  “Do you always throw things when you’re mad?” Keara turned and faced him, a flash of annoyance written across her face.

  “Aye, like ye when ye put yer hands on yer hips,” he thundered. “Ye’re still in love with Dennis.”

  “Dennis?” She paled then started giggling. She put her hand to her mouth, trying to stifle her amusement. “Please, you must be kidding. Trust me, there’s definitely no comparison between the two of you, I promise.”

  “I dinna see the humor about ye gettin’ ready to leave me for another man. I thought the bond we shared meant something and nothing would come between us. I guess I was wrong,” he replied in anger, letting his emotions get the best of him. He tried lowering his tone. “I’m not proud to admit that I know ye’re too good for the likes of me. I’m afraid I canna give ye the things yer Dennis can provide ye with.”

  Keara stood with her hands placed firmly on her hips and stared at him. Her face turning a bright shade of red. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to fill you in with a few facts. First of all, I’m afraid Dennis’ mother would beg to differ with your opinion. She never thought I was good enough for her son. Second, I can’t even stand the sight of that man. Even Samson was a better judge of character at the time than me. The very thought of Dennis sends chills right through me.” She wrapped the shawl tighter around her shoulders and rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

  When he thought she was finished, she blurted out, “And last but not least, if you dare think that—”

  Seizing her against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her, covering her mouth with his. Her body relaxed and slumped next to him. “I’m sorry for ever doubtin’ ye, woman.”

  Her expression softened. She grabbed his arm and peered up at him.

  “You foolish Highlander. You give me something more important than anything I could want in the future. Your love is all I’ll ever need.”

  He grasped her shoulders and gazed into her sparkling eyes. Her fresh scent filled his head. “Then who is this person ye yearn to go back for?”

  A strong gust of wind came out of nowhere. A smoky haze swirled from behind them.

  “Uh-hum.” Duncan turned his head to see his friend Darby swatting away at the white mist with his cap.

  The wee codger grinned, flashing his golden tooth and winking at a tall lass standing beside him. If Duncan didn’t know better, he’d swear his friend was blushing. Darby appeared as if he’d been smitten by this stranger.

  “For Beth, of course,” Darby’s voice interrupted. “Ye weren’t the only one Keara was destined to help, ye know.”

  A woman several years older than Keara was standing next to Darby. With a closer glance, her likeness to Gabrielle was uncanny. Duncan gripped Keara’s arm.

  “It’s okay, Duncan. That’s Gabrielle’s identical twin. She’s a good witch,” Darby said.

  Keara squealed, breaking loose from Duncan’s grip and kissing him on both cheeks before dashing toward her sister. Beth shrieked and darted toward Keara. Tears streamed down their faces while they embraced each other.

  “Here now, let me take a good look at you.” Beth stepped back, holding Keara at arm’s length, her gaze studying Keara from head to toe. “You’ve changed, sis. I can tell by the sparkle in your eyes.”

  “But how did you get here, Beth, and when? Samson and I went searching for you the night of that terrible storm right before I got knocked on the back of my head. Did you get hurt? Did someone find you?” Keara gulped and threw her arms around her sister.

  Both women stood hugging each other, wiping the tears from each other’s faces. They laughed and cried at the same time.

  Darby stood grinning, taking his pipe from his coat.

  “You can thank your friend, Darby.” Beth nodded toward Darby and reached inside the purse strapped over her shoulder and handed a collar to Keara. “As soon as your friend walked through the back door carrying Samson’s collar, I prayed he could tell me where you were and that you were both safe.”

  “The charms. Of course. Why didn’t I recognize it?” Keara rubbed two silver charms between her fingers. “And why would Mom put the amulet on his collar in the first place?”

  “I still remember Mother fastening it on his necklace not long before she fell ill.” Beth grabbed Keara’s hands in her own. “I never thought much about it, particularly with how fond Mother was of Samson. She mentioned at the time that this charm was a gift chosen specifically for one extraordinary cat.”

  “Yer mum was verra smart to put it somewhere safe where no one would dream to look,” Darby chimed in. “Griselda stitched the amulet inside Beth’s clothes. ‘Tis how she got the child safely to yer family years ago. She must have known yer mum would recognize it straightaway.”

  “I was only little, but I can still remember Mom holding your hand and bringing you into my bedroom and telling me you were my new big sister. A few years later when you asked her about your own family, Mom said a distant relative left you in our care because she had to go far away for a very long time.” Keara grabbed her sister’s hands. “I guess Mom was afraid to tell us the truth before she passed for fear your evil twin might discover where you were.”

  “My evil twin,” Beth said, shivering. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to hearing that.”

  Keara wrapped her arm around Beth’s shoulders. “I still shudder remembering the first time I met her. I thought she was you at first. The resemblance was uncanny. Except for her eyes. I can’t explain it, but they seemed distant and almost dead. It was almost as if she was hollow, with no trace of existence other than an evil shell.”

  “Darby was gracious enough to explain what happened to her. And to you and Duncan. I apologize for my twin, and I’m sure it must have been hard for the both of you. I still feel sorry for her and just pray to the Goddess that she’s found peace
now. I must admit, I sensed something terrible was happening, and assumed it had something to do with you.” For the first time, her gaze met Duncan’s, her eyes locking with his. “I owe you a debt of gratitude, sir, for taking care of my sister. My sister and Samson mean the world to me.”

  “I’m afraid I haven’t introduced the two of you properly with all the excitement. Duncan McCord, this is my sister, Beth.” Keara held out her hand to him.

  Duncan stepped toward Beth, taking hold of Keara’s hand. “I believe ‘tis yer sister we both owe our lives to.”

  “Please, stop.” Keara beamed, her face lighting up as she glanced from her sister to him. “Duncan, if you don’t mind excusing us, I can’t wait to tell Beth about everything that’s happened since Samson and I got here.”

  Beth scanned the surrounding area. “Speaking of which, where is that rascal, anyway? I want to give him a hug, too. I’m anxious to see how he gets along with Duncan.”

  “Keara was gracious enough to allow Samson to go with me young nephew. Colin had to leave for a spell and the cat and lad both seemed to take a likin’ to each other. I’m afraid ‘tis me fault, I let the cat follow after the boy,” Duncan tried to explain, noticing a few tears rolling down Keara’s face.

  Beth placed her hand on Duncan’s arm and gazed at Keara. “Don’t blame yourself, Duncan. Your nephew must have needed Samson’s perceptive gifts right now. Samson chooses to stay with the people he knows need him during their most difficult times. Keara knows how much that cat loves her. He’ll come back when the time is right.”


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