The Silver Fang

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The Silver Fang Page 11

by Silver Fang (NCP) (lit)

  He grabbed his arms holding himself. "My brother will die and my father will kill me for what I have done. Tonight we will go get Trevor. We must keep you both safe." He was standing immobile in the middle of my bedroom looking vulnerable.

  Slipping out from under the covers, I attempted to get up. As I moved off the bed, a wave of dizziness and nausea hit me and I toppled to the floor taking all the covers with me. I couldn’t stop shaking, as I lay cold and naked on the floor.

  Siön Baptiste sprinted to my side. He knelt, sweeping me up in his arms, laying me on the bed. "Stay put, my sweet, you are still very weak." He waved his hand, "Sleep." I just looked at him. "Sleep." He waved his hand again.

  "No, I’m sick of sleeping."

  His smile deepened. "You resist me, good." He kissed me lightly on the head.

  He entered the bathroom and started a bath. I can’t believe I got myself into this mess. The sexiest man I had ever met running around my house naked as if he owned the place. Twice now, in two nights we had slept together. Twice now, in two nights he had saved my life. Why did he even care, it was a question I would ask one of these days.

  Humming from the bathroom made me laugh aloud. He was humming again. Well one thing for sure he was the happiest vampire I had ever met. The bathroom door opened slightly and he peeked out. "I am going to take a bath, want to join me?" He smiled flashing his handsome grin.

  I can’t say that I wasn’t tempted. "No, I am going back to sleep."

  "Okay, you cannot say I never asked you, my beau l’orage." The door shut and a second later all I could hear was splashing in the tub.

  What the heck, it sounded like Moby Dick was beached in there. I chuckled at the thought. After seeing him naked, I realized he was definitely a Moby. With that disturbing but delightful thought I tossed my head into my pillow and started to relax.

  Chapter 11

  Sevastian came walking up to me. He was dressed in jeans and a black shirt. His auburn hair flowed over his shoulders, bringing my attention to his face. He smiled, causing my heart to jump as he slid his arm around my waist. His emerald green eyes churned with passion and I couldn’t break his grasp. He tucked my hand in his and brought it over his rapidly beating heart. "Our hearts beat as one." I could hear the low thumping of a third heartbeat.

  "We are connected," he sighed. "We will always be connected until you die."

  He released his grip only to offer me his hand. He led me down a hallway. I felt warmth and sunshine as we strode unexpectedly out into the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. The walls of the garden were stone with lilacs draped over everything. The aroma of lilacs filled the air, hovering all around and over my skin. A fountain in the middle of the garden flowed quietly, spraying us lightly. He sat me down by the flowing water.

  "I am sorry for taking you, it was wrong." His eyes were gorgeous. I could only stare, nothing came out. "You must know by now I almost killed you." He turned away as if he felt guilty for harming me.

  He looked back holding my hands in his, eyes glowing with emotion, and said, "I don’t know what came over me. I couldn’t stop, it was like nothing I have ever felt before in my life. Please forgive me." He paused as if to say something else and then stood before me watching my face. "Say yes, Samantha."

  His energy flooded my body. I tried to breathe and speak but nothing came out. Nodding my agreement, I tore my eyes from his gaze as he hovered over me. He was an angel asking me to forgive him and I wasn’t sure I could refuse. How could I refuse? His eyes were earnest, and utterly gorgeous. He was perfect.

  Smiling he knelt placing his lips over mine. He slid his tongue across my lower lip, drawing it into his mouth. He tormented me, teasing with his skilled mouth and tongue. My hands slid up to his silky hair tugging him closer. I groaned softly as he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

  He was dark, mysterious and absolutely the best-looking man I had ever seen. My stomach was churning with excitement. I felt my inner thighs burning with desire as I trembled with each gentle nudge of his tongue. His power filled me once again rolling within my body as he moved his hand over my throbbing nipple. "Oh God!" I whispered in his mouth. He stole my breath away as he continued to kiss me. I could feel a tight squeezing and rolling as the orgasmic sensations quivered through my body.

  Sevastian wrestled me to his lap as he leaned against the fountain. Cradling me safely in his arms, he laid my head on his shoulder and said, "I am sorry, Samantha." Tears were rolling down his face.

  I scooted up so I could look him in the eyes. His lips so firm and soft beckoned to be touched. Emerald globes stared back at me melting my heart. I shivered at the thought of the control he so easily wielded over me. "I can’t say that I am happy about what you did." I wiped his tears with my hand.

  "Nicholi made it clear if one of us did not turn you, he would kill us all. I thought it would save your life and ours. I knew Siön Baptiste would never force you." He paused. "And I knew my father would have no qualms killing you if he could not use you. Do you understand why I had to bind you to me?" he asked.

  I was lost in his eyes as they swirled green sparks flying. He was telling the truth and the tears in his eyes gave his feelings away. "Thank God Siön Baptiste stopped you," I said.

  "He did not stop me. He might think he had something to do with my release, but I deemed so or else you would be one of us already. You must drink our blood to turn completely. I have only enhanced your tie to our race," he confided, waiting for my response.

  "What is this all about, Sevastian? I don’t understand why your father wants me so badly." I sighed, placing my head against his chest. The methodical beating of his heart soothed me.

  He ran his hand through my hair, pressing me closer to him. "Your hair is like fine silk," he said, while twirling a curl around his finger. "If we do not take you, other vampires or worse, werewolves will see you as a threat and destroy you. They will not care whether it is painful or pleasurable. Most prefer pain but I can make it pleasurable, Samantha. It’s either now or later and your choice is only with whom." He sighed.

  "You’re telling me I will be hunted by vampires to create this master race?" I asked, my hands tightened around his shoulders. The idea sent waves of fears down my body.

  "Yes, and not just vampires, my dear. The werewolves will be after you also. They do not want vampires to gain such power over them. They already hunt my brother and me relentlessly," he explained.

  "Well, let them come, I will be ready."

  "You are very entertaining." He grinned widely as if the thought of me fighting the werewolves excited him. "When I first saw you, I knew our paths were destined to entwine. It is a gift of mine to see lifelines and ours is entwined for eternity. I cannot argue with destiny, but I promise to give you a choice. If you choose to live then I will ensure your safety. However, my sweet, if you were a vampire, your life would be much more difficult to extinguish and my job would be easier." He laughed.

  "I really don’t think this is funny. At least my life was somewhat normal before you and your brother slammed into me." I snuggled closer to him, smelling leather and lilacs intermingling with his masculine scent.

  "Siön Baptiste is with you?" he asked.

  "Yes, he brought me home," I answered.

  He pulled my face up to his and kissed me gently. Then his eyes went literally green with envy. "I can feel him." He looked angry and I didn’t want him angry. I just wanted to please him any way I could. I stood and wrapped myself around him to take away the pain. "I will come for you," he said confidently.

  Then he asked in my ear, "Who is Trevor?"

  My body tensed as the realization of his name hit me like tiny nails under my skin. "No!" I screamed. He pulled away from me smirking. "Is this a dream?" I asked.

  "Yes," he answered, still smiling.

  I tossed my head back and forth. "How, are you here? I feel you, taste your kiss."

  "And I taste you, my darling." He beamed as he placed his arms arou
nd my waist lifting me to him. I stood on wobbly legs looking at this man towering over me, his silky hair brushing my face. "We are one," he said, brushing the hair away from my face as a warm breeze blew gently in the garden. Lilac petals fell around us and the smell of flowers surrounded us while the cool wind blew over our skin. The feel of our bodies entwined intoxicated us both as we held each other. He moved his mouth to my hair and whispered, "Do you care for him? Is he your lover?"

  I reluctantly tore myself from his embrace. "Yes, I care. He is like a brother to me."

  "Do you love my brother?"

  "I don’t know your brother, how can I love him."

  "I sense something between you. I will not give up that easily, my darling. I will fight for you. No one will stand in the way of our destiny." His eyes were flashing widely as a man consumed. "I will find you," he promised.

  The wind began to blow violently and the water and flowers flew hitting us like stinging bees. We were being separated as our bodies lifted into the air.

  Chapter 12

  "Samantha, Samantha." Someone caressed my head forcing me to wake.

  I slowly opened my eyes. Siön Baptiste was leaning over the bed trying to move me. I shot straight up like a bolt of lightning and screamed. Tears were running down my face, and I could still taste Sevastian as the smell of lilacs lingered in the room. I glanced around looking for any sign of him. If this was a dream, it felt all too real.

  I was shaking, my stomach pulsating still remembering his touch. His power lingered, sending exhilarating sensations around me.

  "He will not have you." Siön Baptiste scowled. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Shake it off. He will find you. You have opened yourself to him," he yelled. He got off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I could hear water running. He returned sweeping me out of bed.

  "Put me down now," I screamed.

  Once we entered the bathroom, he slid me into the tub. I yelped as my body dove under the chilly water. I tried to get out but he held me firmly in place. "I’m freezing, let me out!" I croaked, hitting him as he tried to trap my hand. I managed to slap him in the arm but his other hand quickly captured me. He was so strong I couldn’t break his hold.

  "Calm down, Samantha, this is for your own good. Nicholi will find you if you connect with Sevastian. He will read his mind." I started kicking as my teeth began to chatter from the icy cold water.

  "I’m going to get hypothermia if you don’t let me out." I was holding back the tears as I pushed him, trying to pry my hands from his.

  He held my body completely submerged as his eyes filled with anger. I couldn’t tell if he was upset at Sevastian or me but he was scaring me. My body began to shiver uncontrollably. "I am so cold."

  The emotion displayed earlier now disappeared and concern took its place. "I had to break the connection. Do you understand?" he asked.

  I nodded, too cold to talk. I definitely couldn’t taste Sevastian or feel him anymore. I could barely feel my body let alone anything else. Siön Baptiste’s hands slid off mine and I slipped further into the tub. He turned the hot water on.

  Siön Baptiste knelt by the tub. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and I was immediately aware of my own naked body. I could feel the blush move up my neck to my face. Siön Baptiste shifted his hand to my forehead removing the hair from my eyes. The cuts on my arms and stomach were burning in the water.

  "I am sorry I was so rough," he whispered.

  He was handsome even while holding me in a tub of freezing cold water. His lips were fuller than Sevastian’s and his eyes were gorgeous sage green oceans. I watched his eyes move from mine to my lips. He deliberately slid his tongue across his lips as his gaze fell to my breasts. I quickly covered them with my hands, leaving him a perfect view of my lower body. His eyes left a trail of heat as his glance traveled from my waist to my hips, resting on the soft hair between my legs. He licked his lips again, sliding his hand down my arms, cascading slowly to my stomach. He fondled my stomach, sending a burst of warm sensations moving between my legs. His hand was so warm despite the cool water.

  "If everything is okay now, you can go and I will finish up in here." My voice was raspy as I looked away from his heated gaze.

  I kept my eyes on the tile wall hoping that by the time I turned back he would be gone. He stood beside the tub and his towel dropped to the floor. I don’t know if it was curiosity or just plain stupidity but I turned to see his fully erect member in my face. He slid into the tub with a splash. With one fluid motion, he maneuvered his body under mine. "Relax, Samantha, I won’t bite. Well maybe just a little." He chuckled, forcing me to rest in his grip while his legs made it impossible to move. I sat in between them, feeling his engorged area against my buttocks.

  "God, you’re huge." I couldn’t believe my ears. I felt him against my back thick and hard and now I made it known I was thinking about his special part.

  He laughed softly in my ear. "You are so extraordinary, Samantha."

  I struggled to get up but his grip tightened, holding me firmly against his now extremely erect member. His strong arms and legs made it impossible to move. He had effectively trapped me. His legs wrapped around mine, pulling me into him. Whatever cold I’d felt a minute ago had dissipated, leaving behind a burning desire to feel Siön Baptiste inside my body. He pulled my hair back and over to one side leaving my neck bare. I jumped when his tongue slowly caressed my pulse, moving its way up to my ear.

  "I am sorry," he whispered, sliding his tongue into my ear. My hands escaped from his grasp, pushing on the sides of the tub as my body reacted to his touch.

  "Oh, don’t do that, Siön," I groaned.

  "Why not?" he innocently asked, pushing and nibbling on my ear, causing my body to clench below.

  He placed his hands on my hips lifting me over his shaft. I could feel him pushing at my opening. I cried out at the aching to have him in me. He slid his tip in while I tried to push down with all my might. I wanted him deep inside me. He stopped and then raised me back off him, panting against my back. "Not yet, my sweet. We have time." He licked my back up to my neck, kissing me gently.

  I settled back against him, my breathing rapid as I fought for control. "I really am fine, you can let me go," I cried out as his fingers glided between my legs, prying them apart. He grazed my soft hair, moving lower. I caught his hand but he quickly positioned his over mine, tugging my fingers closer to my heated opening. He grabbed my other hand as I tried to break free.

  "Relax, Samantha, I won’t hurt you," he coaxed.

  "Please…" I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to stop or continue.

  He maneuvered our fingers down to my swollen slit, pushing his, and mine inside the wet tight opening. I groaned and squirmed as he moved our fingers in unison within me. He traced my lids, entering me again, causing my legs to pull together. He wrapped his legs around mine, dragging them further apart, opening me fully. He released my finger, but held me in place with his arm so I could feel him pulse within. I couldn’t move. He was relentlessly thrusting inside me, immobilizing my body in pleasure. He nudged my neck closer, bringing my face to his with his free hand. His lips covered mine as his long fingers made love to me. Never had a man done anything like this with me. I was tall, making this hard for a normal man but this very tall talented vampire was beyond his years. He swooped down eagerly, suckling and kissing me with his mouth. His tongue parted my lips, slipping into my mouth as his fingers danced below, shoving inside ferociously. We moaned together as the pleasure rode our bodies. I could feel his heartbeat quicken against my back as he moved his tongue and fingers. His free hand took mine, forcing me to rub and tease my nipple with his direction. He was tantalizing me in three different locations, causing our bodies to blaze out of control. I thought for sure the tub would boil as our own bodies simmered to the point of pain. I wanted him so badly I could taste it. He released my hand and reached for the soap. Normally I would have been embarrassed but I was beyond those feelings. The fier
y ache rushing through me caused irrational thinking as he claimed my mouth, rotating his fingers in small circles. The hand with the soap clutched my breast, washing it gently. I cried into his mouth as his tongue continued to explore deeply. His fingers quickened the pace as I tightened around them. The suds washed over my skin causing my nipples to ache with every slippery satin touch. He shoved his two fingers in harder, thrusting deep inside. I gasped as I came so suddenly, my legs moved together trapping his hand. The warmth that flooded my body was incredible. My stomach writhed as the orgasm shook my entire being. He released my mouth and kissed my forehead. I leaned against him, feeling his unreleased power grinding into me. He lifted his leg, moving the nozzle to the tub until it flowed with ice-cold water. We both laughed as the cold water cascaded over us, cooling our desires.

  He proceeded to soap us both down, washing me all over. He took a great deal of time washing my breasts. "You must be spotless." He smiled.

  When he had thoroughly cleaned and washed me, he jumped out of the tub. I wanted him to stay and finish the job he’d started. I ached for him to make love to me. Fill me completely with his hard shaft. He wrapped the towel over his hips and waist and stood holding his hand out to me. He had water dripping from his hair down his chest. He looked like a god with his black hair now damp around his face. Chest hair so soft and just enough down his stomach showing a clear path to his manhood. Strong long legs dripping water all over my floor, all the while holding his hand out to me, smiling.

  "You’re always very helpful, aren’t you?" I smiled, a blush rushed across my face.

  I reached for his hand. He wrapped a towel carefully around me. "I can do it myself, you know."

  "You fainted on me once. I will not take a chance of you falling and hitting that beautiful head of yours." He grinned.

  He escorted me into the bedroom, both of us dripping on the floor. "Dress, we have much to talk about and you standing there naked are too great a temptation. We need to go get Trevor, make sure you’re armed. I will wait for you downstairs while you get ready. I left clothes on your dresser. They will fit." He seized a bag by the bed and left.


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