Solis: Modern Descendants

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Solis: Modern Descendants Page 11

by elda lore


  As if a race across the sky wasn’t enough, the closing of day one involved a sunset dinner. We returned to the original cliff, and after a stomach-filling feast, guests wandered the grounds for places to watch the sun descend the valley. Boulders scattered here and there provided the perfect seating, and I followed Heph’s lead to a large rock providing space for four. Originally, Heph sat between Persephone and I, but then Solis found us and slipped between Heph and me.

  I wasn’t certain where the overprotective, big-brother behavior suddenly came from, but Heph had been particularly doting after our return from the landing cliff. It was almost as if he wasn’t letting me leave his side, glaring at Solis each chance he got. Clearly upset that Solis made me glide against my will, Heph was equally irritated that Solis took me up to Cliff Mortum, although I repeatedly assured him nothing happened between Solis and me.

  I was still confused about what I witnessed earlier and decided to just watch the sunset, letting the beauty of nature perform for me. With my legs crisscrossed, I leaned back on my palms. Sitting next to me, Solis sat in a similar manner, only his legs stretched forward, crossing at his ankles. I sat forward, allowing my hands to rest on either side of my thighs. While the sun began its descent, Solis’ hand inched closer and closer to mine, finally linking his pinky over mine. He gently stroked against my smallest finger as the sun turned to a vibrant ball of orange. Time seemed to stand still as the fiery core slowly slipped lower.

  “What a beautiful day,” Persephone voiced. My stare at that flaming orange didn’t wane. The color matched the ink on Solis’ arm, the rays a mixture of yellows and golds. Solis’ finger continued to stroke between mine and my thoughts flicked to images of his fingers lingering lightly between my legs, taking their time to tease my thighs, hinting at having the heat of me.

  The fire ball slipped further between mountains that looked like raised knees, and the muscles at my core clenched. Crisscrossed, my center felt exposed, mysteriously warming with the descending sun, flaming in its own way from the evening heat. The rippling orange circle hung in the sky, wobbling and wavering, like the emotions inside me: suspended fiery need and flickering flames of craving. The warmth filled me. Each infinitesimal crawl downward, I drew into me as if that heat entered me in the most primeval of ways. Solis continued to rub between my fingers, and I imagined it mimicked the prickle of passion possessed in that fiery ball as it slid lower, deeper, disappearing partially behind the raised-knee-mountains.

  My breathing shallowed, and my chest rose, and Solis caressed his stroking. The sun dipped further and sexual energy seeped slowly into me. My core throbbed, swallowing the warmth as it pleasurably pierced me. The experience was like no other. Sweat gathered over my lip and my thighs trembled, but I forced myself to remain still, drawing in the pleasure building within me. An overwhelming desire for relief from something overcame me.

  The surreal sense of conversation between the others sounded to the side of me, but I was too enraptured by the setting sun and the pulsing rhythm. When the sun finally set, absent from the sky but still sending out rays of fuchsia, lavender and gold, my channel was full to bursting, sensitive folds moist with desire, and an electricity prickled inside me. My eyes closed briefly, imagining heat to the hilt. My fist opposite Solis clenched and my center squeezed. Satisfaction was on the brink, but I needed more, so much more.

  My eyes opened when Solis linked his finger to mine, bringing my imagination to a screeching halt, but the bass beat onward between my thighs.

  “Veva, you okay?” Solis teased, his voice low and sultry, seducing, but smug. A shaky hand came to my forehead, and I swiped the thin film of perspiration from my brow.

  “Vee, you look flushed.” Persephone’s concern forced me to face her, my head moving slowly, as if I were drunk. Solis’ lids lowered. His smirk grew. He knew what happened to me, even though I couldn’t describe it. Furthermore, I didn’t feel satiated but saturated. The heat melted within me like wax dripping from a candle, but I wanted to spark. What I had was a flicker, when I wanted the flame.

  “That was better than sex,” I blurted. Heph choked on his beer as he spun to face me. Persephone stared, her brown eyes wide, but Solis, he glared. The honey color dark as molted lava. A volcano roared beneath the surface and his clenched jaw along with the removal of his pinky confirmed his irritation. He swiped his hand on his shorts and drew up a knee.

  “The sky is almost dark. We should go. Night is coming.”

  “Night is coming,” Persephone whispered beside him, and I stared at my friend in question. Her eyes remained focused on the absent sun. The sky had turned a deep navy blue.

  “Pea?” Her eyes drew to mine and she smiled sadly.

  “Night is never returning,” she mouthed to me, but I didn’t understand. She stood first and Heph followed.

  “Veva, you coming?” Heph waited, but I needed a moment. I didn’t trust myself to move. My legs quivered and my core ached. Tears burned in my eyes as well.

  “We’ll be just a minute,” Solis answered for me, and Heph huffed as he followed Persephone. Solis didn’t look at me, but continued to stare off across the valley.

  “Know what happens when you play with the sun?” The tone of his question bit. My first thought was to respond with what I’d just experienced: The sun would fill me with a warmth I’d never known. Tame the fire inside me with its own flame. Rule over me with pleasures I’d not experienced. But instead, I said: “I get burned.”

  “That’s right. Leos would roast your heart.”

  “Leos?” I wracked my brain for which brother, cousin, relative he was. Oh, right, the one with the sunshine sail. “I’m confused.”

  “Leos rules the sun.”

  “Ahhh.” I shook my head. We were back to the super powers things again. “And you rule?”

  “The whole damn sky, someday.” He huffed and stood quickly.

  “With a name like Solis, I thought you were the sun. You know, center of the universe and all,” I mocked. He lowered a hand to help me rise. My legs trembled as I stood.

  “The only sun I want to be is the center of your universe.” He dropped my hand instantly and turned away from me. I followed, with nothing more than an achy need and a sudden loss for words.


  I knew what was happening to her. The shortened breath. The intake of air. The tensing of her body. And it pissed me off that the setting sun had that effect on her. Women loved Leos. Sun worship continued even in modern times. The sky seemed inconsequential compared to the brightness of my brother, but the sky was more powerful. The heavens ruled earth. I would rule one day, and it overwhelmed me. My thoughts wandered back to earlier in the day, after I exposed my secret to Veva.

  “We should leave.” I sensed her behind me. Ridiculously, I longed for her to wrap her arms around my waist, lean into my back, and tell me she understood. But it didn’t work that way, and I’d already told her too much. Zeke seemed to approve of Veva knowing the truth, while he refused the knowledge to be shared with any of the other girls I’d been with in the past. He reinforced that the right woman would accept me for who I was. I don’t know why I told Veva. I don’t know why I let it go this far and showed her Thunder. This was the reason Zeke didn’t allow non-family to attend the week-long celebration. Certain events were exclusive to their privy, but not the race. When all the gliders morphed, carriers would transport them down the mountain and the distance back to the estate.

  I’d already pushed Thunder too hard. Rode him the additional distance to be alone with Veva and show her who I was, thinking foolishly she’d understand. Turning to face her, I didn’t make eye contact.

  “I’ll help you up,” I offered, cupping my hands as a hoist for Veva. She placed her foot in my hands, but then her hand came to my head. Her fingers combed through the messy strands and her nails scratched tenderly to my nape. I kept my head lowered, willing her to continue the delicate touch. She removed her foot fro
m my clasp and cupped my chin. I looked up at her and staring down at me were brilliant blue eyes, swirling with questions and fears. In that moment, I sensed I’d worship this woman if she ever gave into me.

  “It’s a lot to take in,” she sighed, “but thank you for sharing it with me.” I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around her waist. My head rested on her lower abdomen as she continued to stroke through my hair. My palm lay flat at the base of her back. I just wanted to freeze time, and hold her. My heart rate lowered, despite the grassy dirt biting into my knees. I pulled back and kissed her covered belly. The strangest thought came to me. What if she carried my seed in there one day? I kissed her for a second time, knowing it could never be.

  That strange desire for Veva’s comfort and understanding haunted me the remainder of the day, and clearly into the night. While our pinkies wrapped together, I wanted to surround Veva in more than one digit and I certainly didn’t want to sit by while she drank her fill of the sun. A storm brewed inside me and the clouds came quickly. By the time we returned to the estate, I needed to paint away my anger, but the sight of my cousin Triton dissipated my irritation.

  “Solis, dude!” Triton clapped my back heartily and dragged me into a tight hug. I imagined this was part of his power, pulling people to his lair under the sea.

  “Triton, I didn’t think you’d be here.” His father was Zeke’s brother, Idon. As brothers, they interacted only slightly more often than with Hades, Sr., their third brother. Triton and Hades Jr. were stuck like me: eternally the prince, but never the king. Only the concept of ruling didn’t particularly sit well with me. It did not excite Hades, either.

  “My father wanted to visit this year. Heard there had been some trouble with Hades and wanted to discuss things with Zeke.” I looked left, hoping Persephone hadn’t heard Triton mention Hades.

  “Is that her?”


  “Your latest conquest?”

  “Don’t say that, man,” I laughed nervously.

  “Because they aren’t conquests when they come willingly?” He punched my shoulder, and I flinched at the contact. Triton was strong, although strange looking. His skin glowed a luminescent green, his hair hung in exaggerated curls, like clumped seaweed in a darker shade of green. His lips were swollen and his eyebrow pierced. He joked he could easily be hooked by that ring, but nothing was going to catch my cousin.

  “That’s Persephone.”

  Triton stopped his teasing and straightened to stare. “She’s beautiful.”

  “She is, but she’s off limits.”

  “I know.” Triton’s voice softened.


  “I saw Hades in the early spring. A river near his home swelled and I traveled to visit. I heard what happened from the maid. I’d give up land and sea for a girl as beautiful as her.”

  “Yeah, well, he didn’t have a choice.” I turned to look in Persephone’s direction and noticed Veva watching us. Near enough, she could have heard our conversation, I worried that she did. She already misinterpreted every move I made near Persephone. I didn’t want her to overhear me calling Persephone beautiful, when I thought Veva stunning.

  “Who is that?” Triton spoke loudly, and Veva’s response proved she stood close enough to hear us.

  “That is named Veva, and you are?” She stepped forward with a too-large smile. Her eyes roamed Triton. He leaned forward to kiss her knuckles, lingering to kiss all four individually, before standing and not releasing her hand. She didn’t even flinch at his less-than-ordinary color.

  “Triton, at your service, madam.”

  “You’re green.”

  “It’s my color. It looks good on me.” He paused while his eyes swam up and over the waves of Veva’s body. “It would look good on you, too, Veva.” He rolled her name over his tongue, and I hated the sound of it crossing his lips.

  “Hey,” I snapped. Triton stepped closer to her, heedless of personal space. His arm wrapped around her waist.

  “I like that name. Veva.” He growled her name a second time, and Veva chuckled in response. The coquettish sound thumped at my chest. “Besides, you said she wasn’t yours, dude.”


  “He doesn’t own me. No one does.” She glared at me and the implication she was a possession. She spun to face Triton, softening the light in her eyes and winking at him. Veva knew how to work a flirt, I had no doubt, but this was the first I’d seen her in action. She purred, and her hand came to his chest. The slightest pressure proved she wanted him to step back, but he didn’t read the signal. Triton looked over at me and back at her.

  “Well, then, Veva, you look flushed. How about a swim?”

  Oh no, he doesn’t, I thought. That slippery devil would lure her to the water and take her in the deep end. Literally.

  “She doesn’t care for the pool,” I replied for her.

  “Stop speaking about me or for me. I’m right here and, yes, I do like to swim,” she teased. “I just don’t like being thrown in. I like to control where I jump.” Her eyes narrowed at me before she batted them at Triton and he fell under her spell. The blue swirls with turquoise rims told Triton she’d have her way with him, not the other way around.

  “You can take the lead, girl. However you’d like it, I’m yours.”

  Gag. I was going to throat punch him if he didn’t release Veva. She let her hand slid down his chest before she gripped his wrist and gently tugged him forward. Triton released his hold on her and she stepped back, dragging him toward the pool’s edge by his wrist.

  “Let’s swim,” she cooed, and Triton nodded.

  “That’s my language.” He tugged off his shirt, exposing his radiant green skin and a hard-core swimmers body. Next, he slipped off his shorts, revealing swimwear that left nothing to the imagination. Veva stared. Her throat rolled and I cursed her interest in my cousin. To continue the flirtation, Veva pulled off her shirt providing those around the pool a second viewing of her lush breasts. A demi-cup bra hardly contained her. Next, she shimmied out of her skirt to reveal a matching set in light blue. Well, fuck me to Sunday. My zipper strained, but Veva had no interest in what lay beneath my shorts.

  “Veva,” Persephone warned.

  “It’s like swimming at home,” Veva replied, cutting off her friend’s concern. “Lead the way.” She swept out a dramatic hand to Triton.

  “I’m not taking the bait.” In one swoop, he encircled Veva’s waist and dove gracefully with her wrapped around him. She let out a playful cry before breaking the surface.

  “What bait?” she laughed once she sprang above the water like a water nymph.

  “I could see it in your eyes. You wanted to fool me.” She splashed water playfully at him, while only a night before she cursed me for dunking her in the pool. Granted, she had on that beautiful dress that revealed everything about her, but the moment she stepped out of the pool tonight there would be nothing to the imagination again.

  “You’re right,” she teased. “You needed to cool off.” She giggled as he captured her wrist and tugged her against him. Her name crossed my lips but no sound escaped. I couldn’t watch this display. I walked the length of the pool in great need of my cottage.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Triton called after me. “Jump in, cousin.”

  As if Fate couldn’t leave well enough alone, Mel cornered me at the pool’s end. I don’t know how she got on the grounds, as tonight was still a private affair.

  “I need to speak with you.”

  “Perfect timing,” I replied gruffly, gripping her arm and tugging her behind me. Two could play this game, I thought, as I peered over my shoulder to see Veva watching me, and noticed my cousin had disappeared underwater. The glowing green spot in the pool still gave away his position, but his identity did not need to be seen by this human. Mel was a nuisance.

  “Look, Letty needs help, Solis. You have to help her.” I continued to drag Mel away from the viewing of the pool, but not far
enough she’d see my cottage.

  “Why is this my problem, Mel?”

  “She needs you. I need you.” Mel’s clawing voice matched the sharp nails tipping up my shirt. “You seem tense tonight. I could relieve that pressure.” Her hand covered my shoulder and she shook me back and forth. The motion annoyed me, rather than soothed me, and I thought of Veva’s fingers rubbing in my hair.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “I have my ways.” Her attempt at a seductive voice ended with a tiny snort. How I ever found this girl attractive, I couldn’t remember.

  “You aren’t allowed to be here.”

  “I can if I’m your guest.”

  “We aren’t allowed extra guests until later this week, Mel.”

  “So, you’ll invite me back?” Shit. She’d trapped me.

  “I’d need to ask my father.”

  “Since when do you follow your father’s orders?” Mel’s voice turned serious. She didn’t know me on a deeper level, so it shocked me that she knew enough to realize I didn’t like to follow his word.

  “Since his father gave him a direct order to be escort to another.” The towering sound of Zeke’s voice startled Mel. She flinched before me and I closed my eyes, taking a brief second to control my racing heart, before I turned to face Zeke.

  “Melody, I’d love to walk you to the entrance.” His outstretched hand was not an open invitation but a strict command to take his offer. Her hand slipped purposefully over mine before she reached for his.

  “Solis, return to your post.” He wrapped an arm around Mel, who peered back over her shoulder. Fear didn’t fill her eyes, but hatred did. My father moved her hand to rest in the crook of his elbow, leading her to the front entrance like she was a normal guest instead of a pesky intruder. To prove I didn’t follow orders, I marched on to my cottage instead of turning back to face my playful post.

  + + +

  Sweat dripped at my hair line as I stroked aggressively. Almost there, I cursed, giving a final flick of my wrist and staring at the wetness seeping downward. My canvas mimicked the night sky. Anger, frustration, and a bout of fear resulted in a sudden rainstorm over the valley. The clap of thunder and a strike of lightning would clear the pool, and I calmed as I accepted that Veva no longer swam with Triton. New concerns took over as I pummeled and painted. My brush became the extension of my emotion. I envisioned Veva wrapped within my cousin’s strange-colored arms, and I didn’t like it. Exhaustion took hold, though, and my sweaty brow matched the spitting rain outside the cottage window. I stepped back to admire my work, and realized I didn’t care for it. Spent from the exertion, I decided I needed a shower and my bed.


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