Best Friends For Ever!

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Best Friends For Ever! Page 3

by Chloe Ryder

Stardust and Misty galloped through the tunnels, led by Zimb and with the light of the fireflies showing them where to go. Together they burst into the castle courtyard. As Stardust pulled up, Pippa gasped.

  ‘Wow!’ she exclaimed, her eyes popping at the huge crowd of Night Mares assembled in front of Divine.

  No one noticed Pippa, Stardust, Misty, Zimb and the fireflies join the back of the crowd. All eyes were on Divine, who stood on a platform of black rock as she addressed the crowd. Crowning her head was the eighth golden horseshoe, glinting in the fierce light of the Volcano.

  ‘The time has come. This Midsummer Day will go down in our history, for today marks the start of a wonderful new era for the ponies of the Volcano. We are gathered here to witness the end of the Royal Realm. Nightingale was wrong to have meddled with magic. She never should have created Chevalia and allowed ponies from the human world to come here. I will reverse her mistake. By throwing this horseshoe into the lava, our volcanic island will return to the way it was. Down with Chevalia! Long live Volcanica!’

  A loud cheer resounded from the Night Mares and they stamped their hooves with approval.

  Out of the corner of her eye Pippa saw Nightshade and Eclipse huddled together. Their eyes were huge with worry and they shook their heads in disbelief.

  ‘Only they know the truth,’ Pippa said softly. ‘If Divine destroys that horseshoe she’ll destroy the whole island.’

  Chapter 5

  The cheers rose to a crescendo, and with it the courtyard darkened. Pippa stared up. What was the dark shape that was spreading closer, like spilled ink? The Night Mares fell silent. A soft whooshing noise filled the air. It reminded Pippa of wings.

  ‘Cloud!’ she exclaimed, as the silver-grey Princess Pony led a flock of flying ponies into the courtyard.

  ‘Mum, Dad! Crystal, Cinders . . .’ Stardust’s voice was soft with wonder as the entire Royal Court flew into sight and hovered above them.

  ‘I saw you enter the Volcano,’ said Cloud. ‘I thought you’d probably need some help.’

  ‘And I think I saw you!’ Pippa exclaimed, thinking of when they stepped into the Volcano Castle and she’d noticed something in the sky.

  Cloud swooped down and rubbed her nose against first Stardust’s and then Misty’s nose. There was a loud crack and a bright flash of light as they both sprouted wings. Pippa adjusted her position on Stardust’s back around the Princess Pony’s new wings.

  ‘You dare to invade my castle?’ Divine demanded, her eyes rolling wildly. ‘What’s the meaning of this?’

  ‘We’ve come to save Chevalia, for the good of all the ponies who live here,’ Cloud replied.

  ‘Too late!’ shrieked Divine.

  She tossed her head and the golden horseshoe spun into the air. It flew over the Volcano, spinning in the wind. Then it plummeted towards the fiery pit of the Volcano.

  Pippa shouted to Stardust, ‘After it!’

  Stardust plunged down, her mane and tail flying behind her straighter than arrows. Pippa hung on tightly, gritting her teeth as the hot volcanic air washed over them. Far below she could see the molten lava glimmering red. The horseshoe spun towards it, flashing in the fiery light.

  Stardust flew even faster. Pippa could feel the pony’s muscles straining as she dived towards the molten heart of the Volcano far below. Burying her left hand in Stardust’s mane to anchor herself, she reached out for the spinning horseshoe. Her fingers brushed it but then the horseshoe spun away. Stardust flew faster still. Pippa reached out again. She was so close. Her curly hair streamed out behind her and the wind rushed in her ears. Her fingers ached as they snatched for the horseshoe and, this time, she caught it. The horseshoe tingled in her hand as magic coursed through her fingertips. It filled her with warmth, excitement and hope.

  ‘We did it!’ she shouted.

  Stardust whinnied with delight and, turning round, she soared upward. She flew over the courtyard and circled it in a lap of victory. Pippa sat tall on her back, proudly holding the horseshoe in the air for everyone to see.

  ‘Stupid fools! You’ve ruined everything,’ Divine shrieked with rage.

  ‘No,’ shouted Stardust. ‘You would have ruined everything, but now Chevalia is safe for us all to live in and enjoy again.’

  ‘She’s right,’ Nightshade and Eclipse called out. ‘The Mistress wanted the island for herself. She doesn’t care what happens to us.’

  The Royal Ponies flying overhead cheered wildly, but at first the Volcano ponies looked doubtfully between Divine and Stardust, unsure who to believe.

  ‘Nightingale created the horseshoes and Chevalia for everyone,’ said Nightshade. ‘Why would Divine want to destroy them unless it was for her own gain?’

  It was as if the Night Mares had suddenly woken up. Their faces cleared as they understood the truth and they burst into noisy cheers.

  ‘To Chevalia!’

  The applause and cheering lasted for ages. As the noise finally died away, Stardust spoke.

  ‘We haven’t succeeded yet. For Chevalia to remain the beautiful place it is we have to hang this horseshoe on the ancient Whispering Wall by sundown.’

  Queen Moonshine flew over the centre of the courtyard.

  ‘Go quickly, my foal – time is running out. Then tonight we will celebrate, first with a Royal Concert with our new friends the unicorns, then with the Midsummer Ball. Everyone is invited – you are all my guests. From this day forth the Royal Ponies and the Volcano ponies will be better friends. The island of Chevalia belongs to us all.’

  ‘Never!’ shrieked Divine. ‘I will never allow it.’

  The guards surrounded Divine but she was too quick. Leaping in the air, she threw herself at Queen Moonshine. The Queen shied back in alarm, flapping her pale gold wings, but not before Divine had rubbed noses with her. There was a brilliant flash of light and a crack rent the air as the Baroness sprouted her own wings. Whinnying in triumph, Divine flew away.

  ‘Stop her,’ shouted the guards.

  Ponies bolted in all directions, until the Queen called them to attention.

  ‘Don’t fear Divine. It’s unlikely that she’ll show her face around here again. But if she does, we’ll be ready for her. If all of us stand together we can stop her from carrying out any more evil plans.’

  Pippa leaned forward and spoke into her friend’s ear.

  ‘Stardust, we have to go.’

  ‘I know,’ said Stardust. ‘Hold on tight, Pippa.’

  The Princess Pony’s white wings flapped gracefully as she rose up and out of the Volcano and, in a straight line, headed for home.

  Chapter 6

  With the sun setting behind her, Stardust flew straight to Stableside Castle. Pippa urged her to fly faster as the sinking sun fell towards the horizon. As Stableside came into view, the sun was merely a golden sliver above the darkening sea. With a burst of energy, Stardust flew over the Castle walls and came to land in the Royal Courtyard. The moment her hooves touched the ground her wings disappeared. Pippa had to hold on tightly.

  ‘There’s not much time left,’ Stardust said as she approached the ancient Whispering Wall.

  Pippa was dimly aware of the rush of wings as the entire Royal Court returned behind them. All but Cloud landed in the courtyard – she remained above the ground, keeping her hooves tucked up beneath her.

  The last rays of the sun lit the seven golden horseshoes on the wall. The magic crackled as it renewed itself but Pippa could see the bare patch of wall where the eighth horseshoe needed to be placed.

  As Stardust came alongside the wall, Pippa stood up on her back. A smile tugged at her lips as she remembered how scared she’d been the very first time she’d stood on Stardust. That had been to rescue the first golden horseshoe. She’d never completely got rid of her fear of heights but she’d come a long way to managing it. Proudly Pippa reached up and hung the golden horseshoe back where it belonged.

  A sunray slanted towards it and, reaching down, kissed the horseshoe with its
buttermilk glow. There was a moment of complete silence, then the Whispering Wall seemed to let out an electric sizzle. Suddenly it was as if someone had lit a thousand sparklers. The horseshoes glittered brighter than the noonday sun as their energy was fully renewed.

  A huge cheer rose into the air, along with cries of ‘Chevalia for ever!’

  Pippa slid from Stardust’s back and threw her arms around her friend’s neck.

  ‘We did it,’ she sobbed. Happiness welled inside her like a mountain stream. ‘We found all the missing horseshoes. We saved Chevalia.’

  Stardust nuzzled Pippa’s hair.

  ‘Thank you, Pippa,’ she whickered. ‘And thank you for being my best friend.’

  As the very last ray of sunlight disappeared, a warm, amber light bathed the whole island. The energised horseshoes were charging the island’s magic for another year. Stardust stood very still, drinking it in. All of a sudden, for Pippa, time froze. The courtyard became sketchy like a shadow, and through it she could see her family on the beach in the horseshoe-shaped cove. Her mother, brother and sister were stiller than statues, sitting with a picnic half laid out before them. A wave of longing swept over Pippa. She missed her family so much it hurt.

  The light disappeared, leaving Stardust and Pippa in the darkness. Time moved on again.

  ‘I love Chevalia,’ Pippa said softly, ‘but I love my own home too. It’s time I returned to my family.’

  ‘Of course,’ said Stardust. ‘You can’t leave just yet, though.’

  Pippa raised an eyebrow, making Stardust giggle.

  ‘You can’t miss the Royal Concert or the Midsummer Ball.’

  There was so little time to prepare for the concert that everyone mucked in and helped. Pippa smiled as Queen Moonshine rushed past her with a huge bunch of wild flowers for King Firestar to hang around the Royal Court.

  Just as the last garland was put in place the unicorns arrived from the Cloud Forest. They were greeted by courtiers who’d hurriedly changed into their best sashes and who ushered all the guests to the courtyard.

  The opening bars of music soared in the air and Pippa’s heart flew with it as she was carried away by the exquisite voices. Honey’s coat looked pale in the moonlight as her duet approached. She needn’t have worried. She sang beautifully, her confidence boosted by her unicorn twin and singing partner, Goldie. Afterwards Stardust whispered to Pippa that the concert was the best one Chevalia had ever held. Queen Moonshine thought so too.

  ‘Much good has come from these troubled times. The ponies and unicorns who live here on Chevalia need not fear each other any more. We will work and play together for the good of the island and all ponykind.’

  ‘What, even the Night Mares?’ called a pony who hadn’t flown to the Volcano with the Royal Family.

  ‘Especially the Volcano ponies,’ Queen Moonshine answered. ‘They’re no different from us.’

  The courtyard was full of nervous neighs but when the Volcano ponies arrived for the ball, shyly shuffling their hooves, every single pony welcomed them warmly.

  Riding on Stardust’s back as they danced with Prince Jet and Prince Storm, Pippa was bursting with happiness.

  ‘Ouch!’ Stardust squeaked, as Jet stepped on her hoof again.

  ‘Sorry.’ Jet blushed. ‘Dancing’s not really my thing.’

  ‘Look at Crystal and Trojan.’ Honey giggled, pointing to the other side of the room with a sparkly hoof.

  Crystal and Trojan, the farm pony from the Grasslands, were dancing together, nuzzling as they swayed to the music.

  ‘And there’s Blossom,’ Stardust said, her eyes wide with surprise. ‘Who’d have thought my “clumsy” friend would be so good at dancing?!’

  ‘It just shows you don’t know what you’re good at until you try different things,’ Pippa said, remembering all the new things she’d tried and achieved in the last week.

  There was a huge banquet at the ball. Pippa realised how hungry she was as she and Stardust ate from the flower-decorated troughs. Stardust enjoyed honey-dipped carrots and roasted oats while Pippa polished off a glass of lemonade and a plate of fish and chips prepared especially for her.

  Too soon the wonderful Midsummer evening was drawing to a close. As the ponies began to drift back to their stables, Princess Cloud swooped overhead.

  ‘It’s time, Pippa. I’m here to take you home.’

  Stardust’s eyes filled with tears.

  ‘I can hardly bear to let you go,’ she whinnied.

  Cloud looked at her youngest sister.

  ‘Would you like to come with us and fly your friend home?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes,’ Stardust said immediately. ‘I’d love that.’

  Cloud flew over to rub Stardust’s nose and straight away she grew a huge pair of feathery, white wings. Pippa neatly vaulted on to her back amid cries of farewell from her new friends.

  Queen Moonshine’s voice rose above them all.

  ‘Goodbye, Pippa MacDonald, friend of Chevalia. You’re always welcome here. Come back and see us soon.’

  Pippa choked back her tears.

  ‘I will,’ she said, waving. ‘Bye, Honey. Bye, Goldie. Bye, Blossom and Misty, Comet, Jet, Crystal, Storm, King Firestar, Peggy, and goodbye, Cinders.’

  With a dip of their wings, Stardust and Cloud rose into the moonlit sky and up over the glass-like sea.

  ‘Wait,’ Pippa cried, seeing two huge horse-like forms emerging from the water. ‘It’s Triton and Rosella!’

  The giant seahorses bowed their heads as Stardust hovered above them.

  ‘Pippa, lover of ponies, thank you for saving our island,’ they called.

  ‘Thank you for helping me,’ Pippa called back.

  A warm glow filled Pippa as Stardust sped away. She was glad she’d seen her seahorse friends one last time. It was with them that the entire adventure on Chevalia had started.

  Stardust and Cloud flew side by side in silence. Gradually the dark night gave way to the rosy fingers of dawn and the sky lightened, until it was bright blue in the midday sun.

  Cloud and Stardust both slowed, their huge wings straining with effort.

  ‘Can you feel it?’ asked Cloud. ‘We’ve left the magic time bubble behind. You’re nearly home, Pippa.’

  Pippa wrapped her arms around Stardust’s soft neck.

  ‘Best friend,’ she whispered, ‘I’m going to miss you.’

  ‘I’ll miss you too,’ Stardust said, her voice full of tears. ‘But remember – it’s not goodbye. We’ll meet again, I know it.’

  ‘Me too,’ said Pippa.

  They were hovering just above the sand by the horseshoe-shaped cove. Pippa hugged Stardust one last time and, as she did so, Stardust pressed something cold into Pippa’s hand.

  ‘To remember me by,’ she said softly.

  Then Pippa was sliding from Stardust’s back and she dropped on to the soft sand. The whirr of wings overhead faded and, as Pippa stared into the bright blue sky, Cloud and Stardust vanished.

  The beach was quiet apart from the soft hiss of the sea as it lapped against the shore. Pippa rubbed her eyes. Suddenly it was hard to imagine she’d been anywhere at all. Had she fallen asleep and had the most amazing dream? Her hand tightened around something solid. She unclenched her fingers and in her palm was Stardust’s sparkly pink tiara. Pippa stared at it for a few seconds then carefully slid it into her shorts. As she did so, she realised she was back in her own clothes.


  Mum was calling.

  Pippa raced up the beach. Mum was just putting up a parasol over a rug that was spread with an amazing picnic. The Midsummer Ball now seemed a lifetime ago and she was ravenously hungry. Sitting down between her sister Miranda and her brother Jack, she reached for a cheese sandwich.

  ‘This is going to be the best holiday ever,’ Pippa declared.

  Mum smiled as she handed round plastic beakers of squash.

  ‘And that’s even before I’ve told you about my final surprise.’<
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  Pippa hurriedly swallowed a mouthful of sandwich.

  ‘What surprise?’ she asked.

  ‘I know how much you like ponies –’

  ‘Love ponies,’ Pippa corrected her.

  Mum smiled. ‘Just down the lane from the holiday cottage there’s a riding school, and guess what? I’ve arranged for you to have riding lessons. Wouldn’t you love to learn to ride a pony?’

  Pippa was speechless for a moment. Then she jumped up and hugged her mum so hard that she nearly dropped her drink.

  ‘Thanks, Mum. It’s a dream come true!’

  While Chevalia was celebrating the return of the eight magical horseshoes and enjoying the festivities, this intrepid reporter interviewed Princess Stardust and Pippa MacDonald in between the Royal Concert and the Midsummer Ball.

  TI (Tulip Inkhoof): Well, you two are certainly the toast of the party. How does it feel to have saved Chevalia?

  S (Princess Stardust): It feels incredible!

  P (Pippa): It does feel great but, Stardust, let’s not forget that saving the horseshoes was a team effort. We couldn’t have done it by ourselves.

  S: You’re right, Pippa – the entire island came together to help.

  TI: Yes, and even the Night Mares are here at the Castle for the ball?

  S: You mean the Volcano ponies, don’t you? We used to call them Night Mares but that was an unfair name – we never took the time to get to know them. The Volcano ponies are the original inhabitants of Chevalia, and our very special friends.

  P: That’s very grown up of you, Stardust. I think you’ve learnt a lot this week.

  TI: My word, have you only been on Chevalia for a week, Pippa?

  P: Yes, I can’t believe it either!

  S: As soon as I saw this real, live girl on the beach that first morning, I just knew she’d come to save the island. What I didn’t know was that she’d become my best friend too!


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